REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

It's time to tone down your anger.

What a mountain of bullshit.

I've been in Seattle for the last week and a half, and every single campaign ad I see coming from the left is an outright attack on whatever conservatives are running. Instead of telling voters what they intend to do for them and how they intend to make things better for them, all the left can do is tell voters what they think is bad about their opponents. The problem with that is that they're complete failures at giving voters a reason to vote for them, and this is all driven by hate, and it's a profoundly flawed way to try to win an election.

My rule is simple: The first negative ad I see? That candidate doesn't get my vote. Period.

In the 42 years that I've been a registered voter, once have I seen a conservative draw first blood...
Why would Trump care anything about Paul Pelosi? Why would anyone?
Because he's a human being. From all accounts that I've read about him, he's a pretty nice guy. Maybe Nancy is his beard or maybe not, I don't care.

What care more about is why there is such a cover-up. Why so many widely differing stories? Where is the footage from the bodycams of the police on the scene? That alone would answer a lot of the questions swirling around.
Sampling the Boys on the Arab Street

Same with the Gayist ambassador in Benghazi. This perversion is a fad of the upper class; that's why Preppy Conservatives wouldn't touch on that explanation back then.
interesting. seen this?

A prominent figure in cryptocurrencies who claimed his ex-girlfriend was a spy and thought he might be "suicided by the CIA" was found dead one day after tweeting about an alleged "sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands."

our busy as little beavers CIA.
Are you still butt-hurt about losing the Civil War?
No. My grievance is that a number of states nearly equaling the number original colonies were forced to attempt to separate from the Federal Government because the rest of the states no longer wanted to follow the US Constitution.

I couldn’t care less about slavery, one way or another. It’s a non-issue in my mind. The Supremacy if STATE Government’s over the Federal Government is my issue.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:


And the horse you rode in on.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
The MSM is an arm of the Democratic party, which is used to rig elections against Republicans. Your anger contributes to attempts on the lives of conservative Supreme Court justices, and law enforcement officers around the country, and was responsible for a Bernie Sanders follower going to DC and shooting up Republicans. You guys call people deplorables and refer to those you don't like as MAGA Republicans. Why don't you tone down YOUR anger?
Either you are living in denial or you are bold and bragging about your ignorance.

Someone as driven, motivated, and successful as President Trump sees Nancy Pelosi's behavior as a confirmation of having totally defeated your opponent. All Nancy could do was throw a tantrum like that of a six-year-old spoiled child.

Speaker Pelosi must be ashamed of that moment to this day. Not her greatest moment!
In order for that to happen, she would have to be capable of feeling shame. She's not.
Because he's a human being. From all accounts that I've read about him, he's a pretty nice guy. Maybe Nancy is his beard or maybe not, I don't care.

What care more about is why there is such a cover-up. Why so many widely differing stories? Where is the footage from the bodycams of the police on the scene? That alone would answer a lot of the questions swirling around.
There are widely differing stories because in the beginnings of any investigation there are always widely differing stories. Then we have ordinary nut cases that see subterfuge where there is none. How many people see some meaning in Paul Pelosi sleeping in his underwear at 2:30 am?
There are widely differing stories because in the beginnings of any investigation there are always widely differing stories. Then we have ordinary nut cases that see subterfuge where there is none. How many people see some meaning in Paul Pelosi sleeping in his underwear at 2:30 am?
A lot of people sleep in their underwear or naked, even. :dunno:

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