REPUBLICANS: please tone down the anger

It's nice to dream. They'll just point at the Democrats. "They do it too", which makes me wonder why they're so proud to be so similar to those they hate.

They are at war. This is likely just getting started.

They're at war, we're not. Reminiscent of 9/11.
Didn't your buddies declare that everyone who doesn't vote D is a racist, fascist, domestic terrorist worse than Hitler? This isn't a case of 'they do it too.' Republicans don't want the government and the press to attack democrat voters. We don't hate them, we just think they are a little slow, and immature. It takes a while to shed the collectivist propaganda. You're buddies however want people who disagree with them imprisoned or worse. Before you talk about nuance or not being on a side, I must point out that you not only engage in racist posts against white people, you now create threads condemning religion. That makes you a perfect democrat.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
Lol, fag, pedo.... It's all you can think about. Lol, talk about a one trick pony. Hilarious 😂 Well at least here is one post that did not involve homosexuality.. I guess my pointing out how much you think about such things hit a cord. Lol. So now it's pedo. Likely a much worst thing to have on your mind all the time. At any rate stay retarded it is amusing.
My God! The word is "chord", dumbass! You are an illiterate liberal piece of shit!
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
Just as soon as the democrats take responsibility for the immaturity that they have demonstrated since inauguration day 2017. Deal?
I was shocked at equipment costs. But I'm happy for them, they have a good life and I've noticed, they're still married to their high school sweethearts

I'm fascinated by big scale farming and watch a lot of YouTube vids on the subject.
My three favorites are Millennial Farmer,Larson Farms and Cole the Corn Star. It's insane how much money they make!
Cole the Corn Star just had a million dollar Bin sight setup so they dont have to use the co op which will save them a shitload in the long run. And thats relatively cheap compared to some bin sights.
These people own three semis three combines with corn heads and very expensive grain carts. Not to mention the huge barns to keep them in.
These barns are clean enough to eat off the floors.
It be great growing up in a family like that.
Dear Republicans - I know you're not happy with the fact that Biden and the Democrats are in power and
doing things against your agenda, but there are a few things you're going to have to accept:

* The 2020 election was not rigged

* The mainstream media is not conspiring against you

* Violence and threats of violence will not help your cause

It's time to tone down your anger. Your party will no doubt make some gains in this election, as
the minority party traditionally does in a midterm election. All of your talk about a revolution,
attacks on mosques, synagogues and minorities is only hurting your chances in upcoming elections.
Do yourselves a favor and let the process work. It's worked reasonably well for nearly 250 years. :bye1:
As soon as you tone down the dumbassery.

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