Republicans should not bother to show up at the polls on Nov 5

I went today! Cast my vote against Wendy Davis
And the Right-Wing says they aren't waging war on women.


Did you cast your vote for Obama, or Hillary in the 2008 primary?


Ok, my brain just exploded. franco agreed with one of my posts.

Excuse me for a moment while I collect the remainder of my thoughts...

This could be a while...

I went today! Cast my vote against Wendy Davis
And the Right-Wing says they aren't waging war on women.

No, it's merely being against liberal politicians. Sex is irrelevant. The left was downright cruel to women on the right, like Palin, and let's not forget how mean the left was toward young Monica Lewinsky. Any woman in the way of their agenda is called some very derogatory names. I don't understand how people who claim to support women's rights can lower themselves to using the worst terms possible to insult women. Some of the words the left chooses to describe women are horrific and they should be ashamed.
I went today! Cast my vote against Wendy Davis
And the Right-Wing says they aren't waging war on women.

No, it's merely being against liberal politicians. Sex is irrelevant. The left was downright cruel to women on the right, like Palin, and let's not forget how mean the left was toward young Monica Lewinsky. Any woman in the way of their agenda is called some very derogatory names. I don't understand how people who claim to support women's rights can lower themselves to using the worst terms possible to insult women. Some of the words the left chooses to describe women are horrific and they should be ashamed.

Mean to her?!? I wanted to DATE her!
Look. You already have the election won. It is in the bag

Why not just stay home on Nov 5?
I hope Democrats get that message. They're slackers anyway so it would be easy.
Seeing how the election is on Nov 4 I won't be at the polls on Nov 5.

Democrats, make sure you arrive early to vote on Nov 5. Stay in line all day if you have to! And if someone tells you that voting is over, ignore that person! It's a Republican trick!

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