Republicans: the blame goes on.....


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
I see the republicans still haven't figured out why they lost. Instead of figuring that out they blame so and so, or claim cheating, or .... but if truth be known there is a simple reason they lost and it had much to so with the primaries. The primaries showed the republicans for who they were deep down, at their core, and it was not a pretty place. There could be no etch a sketch moment for there was too much baggage to erase. Today, still, you see them as they showed themselves during the primaries, and today Americans according to recent surveys see them too.
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I see the republicans still haven't figured out why they lost. Instead of figuring that out they blame so and so, or claim cheating, or .... but if truth be known there is a simple reason they lost and it had much to so with the primaries. The primaries showed the republicans for who they were deep down, at their core, and it was not a pretty site. There could be no etch a sketch moment for there was too much baggage to erase. Today, still, you see them as they showed themselves during the primaries, and today Americans according to recent surveys see them too.

And they’re not going to.

In fact it’s rather pointless to assume they will figure it out as they’re convinced they’re right, in the context of conservative dogma, the facts and truth be damned.

They’ve contrived the same excuse this year as in 2008: that they had the wrong messenger, where the ‘message is fine.’
They have figured out why they lost...they were not conservative ENOUGH.

The damn GOP has WAY too many RINOS who have tainted the message. They need to see the light. They need to water that conservative flower, not stomp on it!

They need to stand up and tell the party all that's needed is to become more conservative, not less.

With the right message you can get those damn 47% moochers to look in the mirror and see that they ARE moochers. I already called grandma and told her to get off her 80 year old ass, get a job and stop mooching off government.

They need to push more laws like Arizona S.B. 1070. Stop and search EVERY taco eater, not just some. Then they'll get the message...this is OUR white ass country!

And those limp wristers need to be straightened out...literally!

They can't give up now, I am really counting on them to get out their message. Liberals are counting on it, MUCH more than conservatives...

Long live Sheriff Joe Arpaio!!!
Interesting that none of those republicans who so ardently predicted a win are commenting? Could it be they never understood America. Living on the fringes of a changing society must be a lonely place.

"A surefire politics of change would necessarily involve getting people in the middle — from the 30th to the 70th percentile — to see their own economic self-interest. If they vote in their own self-interest, they’ll elect people who are likely to be more aligned with people with lower incomes as well as with them. As long as people in the middle identify more with people on the top than with those on the bottom, we are doomed. The obscene amount of money flowing into the electoral process makes things harder yet." Peter Edelman
No one could end poverty. It can't be done. Poverty is relative. You are only as poor as someone else is rich. To the poor of the world, the poor in the US are wealthy beyond comprehension. If the world were billionaires, the mere millionaires would be in poverty.

When the great philosophers of the past envisioned their own Utopias where there was no rich or poor, they all concluded that equality would require an oppression of the people so great that the people would ultimately rebel against it.

Republicans lost because they misjudged the public. They thought that there was enough people who wanted to work to elect them. That day has come and gone. We are now a nation of majority leeches who will leech until they kill the host.
No one could end poverty. It can't be done. Poverty is relative. You are only as poor as someone else is rich. To the poor of the world, the poor in the US are wealthy beyond comprehension. If the world were billionaires, the mere millionaires would be in poverty.

When the great philosophers of the past envisioned their own Utopias where there was no rich or poor, they all concluded that equality would require an oppression of the people so great that the people would ultimately rebel against it.

Republicans lost because they misjudged the public. They thought that there was enough people who wanted to work to elect them. That day has come and gone. We are now a nation of majority leeches who will leech until they kill the host.

Just because you keep repeating this doesn't mean it is going to come true. Many of the so called leeches vote for the GOP.
Super...Lolberals telling the people that they supposedly want to beat in elections how to win elections.....Again.

You clowns need a new repertoire of jokes...This one is pretty stale.

They obviously need some kind of help. In a post above the call seems to be to make the party even smaller. I guess it's the progressive in me. Just got to help the unfortunate. :D
I see the republicans still haven't figured out why they lost. Instead of figuring that out they blame so and so, or claim cheating, or .... but if truth be known there is a simple reason they lost and it had much to so with the primaries. The primaries showed the republicans for who they were deep down, at their core, and it was not a pretty place. There could be no etch a sketch moment for there was too much baggage to erase. Today, still, you see them as they showed themselves during the primaries, and today Americans according to recent surveys see them too.

I see Obama is caving to Boehner :clap2: Obama plays hardball with a wiffleball
Super...Lolberals telling the people that they supposedly want to beat in elections how to win elections.....Again.

You clowns need a new repertoire of jokes...This one is pretty stale.

They obviously need some kind of help. In a post above the call seems to be to make the party even smaller. I guess it's the progressive in me. Just got to help the unfortunate. :D
I guess it never occurred to you that the party has become smaller because they've been listening to lolberal jerks like the OP, huh?
We as a country suffer from the aftermath of the travail of liberalism, by embracing the hypothetical, over the practical, we have replaced common sense with political pandering. Utilizing the numerical advantage as result of the liberal manipulation of society, with increased dependency upon government, we have shunned the American Spirit and resolve for socialism. What plagues our society and country is the result of manipulation by a governing academic elitist class of political parasites whose very existence depends upon pandering and handouts. We no longer demonstrate the ability to face adversity and lack the willpower to succeed based upon our God given talents and hard work.

That concludes my summation as to the out come of the past two elections, now where is my free, home, health care, food, cell phone......
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We as a country suffer from the aftermath of the travail of liberalism, by embracing the hypothetical, over the practical, we have replaced common sense with political pandering. Utilizing the numerical advantage as result of the liberal manipulation of society, with increased dependency upon government, we have shunned the American Spirit and resolve for socialism. What plagues our society and country is the result of manipulation by a governing academic elitist class of political parasites whose very existence depends upon pandering and handouts. We no longer demonstrate the ability to face adversity and lack the willpower to succeed based upon our God given talents and hard work.

great post, too bad i am temporarily out of rep
Super...Lolberals telling the people that they supposedly want to beat in elections how to win elections.....Again.

You clowns need a new repertoire of jokes...This one is pretty stale.

They obviously need some kind of help. In a post above the call seems to be to make the party even smaller. I guess it's the progressive in me. Just got to help the unfortunate. :D
I guess it never occurred to you that the party has become smaller because they've been listening to lolberal jerks like the OP, huh?

It's an interesting point, but I don't really see the math working out. You move towards one wing or the other and you're numbers usually get smaller, not bigger. I welcome your explanation of how that works out any different. I admit they've been listening to jerks, but not your explanation of who they are. Cutesy names aren't arguments, they're just substitutes for not having one. :lol:
Right, right, right....Campaigning like libertarians and governing like lolberals, along with things like changing the rules at the last second in order to shut down any and all dissent at the RNC, is soooooo conducive to motivating conservative types to show up and vote for you.

No, no, no....They need to become even more wishy-washy and double-dealing...Just like the lolberals they claim to oppose...Yeah, that's the ticket! :rolleyes:
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I see the republicans still haven't figured out why they lost. Instead of figuring that out they blame so and so, or claim cheating, or .... but if truth be known there is a simple reason they lost and it had much to so with the primaries. The primaries showed the republicans for who they were deep down, at their core, and it was not a pretty site. There could be no etch a sketch moment for there was too much baggage to erase. Today, still, you see them as they showed themselves during the primaries, and today Americans according to recent surveys see them too.

And they’re not going to.

In fact it’s rather pointless to assume they will figure it out as they’re convinced they’re right, in the context of conservative dogma, the facts and truth be damned.

They’ve contrived the same excuse this year as in 2008: that they had the wrong messenger, where the ‘message is fine.’
Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.
- Laurens van der Post
Right, right, right....Campaigning like libertarians and governing like lolberals, along with things like changing the rules at the last second in order to shut down any and all dissent at the RNC, is soooooo conducive to motivating conservative types to show up and vote for you.

No, no, no....They need to become even more wishy-washy and double-dealing...Just like the lolberals they claim to oppose...Yeah, that's the ticket! :rolleyes:

There aren't enough "conservative types" of the kind that you're looking for to go around. That's the problem. You can blame it on all sorts of things, but I think you need to look into a mirror and ask yourself why people are leaving in droves. The rhetoric you're looking for has certainly been there. Why aren't the people responding? Go ahead. Do more of the same. I just see the Republicans getting smaller and smaller. Why would I give such advice to the "other side"? Easy, I don't want my party to slip too far in the other direction, either.
Right, right, right....Campaigning like libertarians and governing like lolberals, along with things like changing the rules at the last second in order to shut down any and all dissent at the RNC, is soooooo conducive to motivating conservative types to show up and vote for you.

No, no, no....They need to become even more wishy-washy and double-dealing...Just like the lolberals they claim to oppose...Yeah, that's the ticket! :rolleyes:

There aren't enough "conservative types" of the kind that you're looking for to go around. That's the problem. You can blame it on all sorts of things, but I think you need to look into a mirror and ask yourself why people are leaving in droves. The rhetoric you're looking for has certainly been there. Why aren't the people responding? Go ahead. Do more of the same. I just see the Republicans getting smaller and smaller. Why would I give such advice to the "other side"? Easy, I don't want my party to slip too far in the other direction, either.
How do you know that?

Who ever polls the people who stayed home and why they did so?
Right, right, right....Campaigning like libertarians and governing like lolberals, along with things like changing the rules at the last second in order to shut down any and all dissent at the RNC, is soooooo conducive to motivating conservative types to show up and vote for you.

No, no, no....They need to become even more wishy-washy and double-dealing...Just like the lolberals they claim to oppose...Yeah, that's the ticket! :rolleyes:

There aren't enough "conservative types" of the kind that you're looking for to go around. That's the problem. You can blame it on all sorts of things, but I think you need to look into a mirror and ask yourself why people are leaving in droves. The rhetoric you're looking for has certainly been there. Why aren't the people responding? Go ahead. Do more of the same. I just see the Republicans getting smaller and smaller. Why would I give such advice to the "other side"? Easy, I don't want my party to slip too far in the other direction, either.
How do you know that?

Who ever polls the people who stayed home and why they did so?

It's my opinion and at least as good as yours. People do get polled on why they didn't vote. Not liking the candidates was the biggest hunk at just over 25%, but that's hardly a guarantee they'd have put a more conservative candidate over the top. What of those who thought Obama wasn't liberal enough?

Why 50 million Americans won’t vote Tuesday, in two charts

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