Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

You are flustered, aren't you, mdn2000? You said I supported Zinn, and when challenged, you shifted your argument. You did this several items, and lied on three others. You are a walking Alinskie/Limbaugh/Zinn, mdn2000, with minor players throw in. You are fun to watch play the fool.

Mdn2000 strategies

1. scream any charges that have no basis in fact - the more outrageous the better (a la Alinski)
2. no attempt to offer reliable sources
3. ignore being called out on your lies (a la Limbaugh)
4. make the same statements over and over and over the same argument over and over again (a la Olbermann)
5. When caught on, start posting over and over again stuff that means nothing
You are Board schizophrenic.

mdn2000 has "proved yourself a troll, a fool, and not a Republican".

Ha, ha, Jake, your last word is your first word, Jake, you screamed out charges before I said a thing, no attempt at a reliable source, sorry, I posted Howard Zinn's words. Name a better source when discussing Zinn, than Zinn.

Ignore, I addressed each point you made, as clearly seen.

Make the same statement over and over, as you are doing, as you have done.

Jake, you support Howard Zinn, attack Rush Limbaugh, and I constantly mistake Jake as being a Marxist. How is that Jake, your a Republican yet I can honestly state that is bullshit.

I gave you the last word, I thought you would show that you would close as a professional, did you not post a link on how to debate, I guess you did not read it, of course, that is not the case, you are nothing more than a hack, how about another private message where you can tell me the rules according to Jake.
Your immediate post above underlines what I posted before. "You are flustered, aren't you, mdn2000? You said I supported Zinn, and when challenged, you shifted your argument. You did this several items, and lied on three others. You are a walking Alinskie/Limbaugh/Zinn, mdn2000, with minor players throw in. You are fun to watch play the fool.

Mdn2000 strategies

1. scream any charges that have no basis in fact - the more outrageous the better (a la Alinski)
2. no attempt to offer reliable sources
3. ignore being called out on your lies (a la Limbaugh)
4. make the same statements over and over and over the same argument over and over again (a la Olbermann)
5. When caught on, start posting over and over again stuff that means nothing
You are Board schizophrenic.

mdn2000 has "proved yourself a troll, a fool, and not a Republican"."

Now just pause for a moment. Can you imagine for a second if it was 2003 and George Bush was president. Imagine the New York Times reporting “Black Unemployment Up 25.2% Since Bush Became President.”

The NAACP, Annenberg Foundation, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, ADL, Jessie Jackson, and the rest of the race hustlers and parasite organizations would be howling to the high heavens “Bush is a racist” and “Bush hates black people.” Every paper in the country would run a version of the above headline.

Today when blacks are devastated by Obamanomics there is not a peep out of the nation’s news outlets. As long as the news media agrees with the politics of the president devastating unemployment is fine with them. It’s not the news media jobs that are being lost.

And where are the black leaders screaming about how the black man is bearing the brunt of Obamanomics? All we get is Maxine Waters telling Obama to make more stops in black communities on his next bus tour and then reverting back to calling white people racist. It all comas back to white people being racist to black leaders. Like a lab experiment where the subjects have access to a button that injects them with cocaine, they keep pushing and pushing that race button. They simply do not understand that while they may get a short term high, in the long run that button will kill them.

» Black Unemployment Up 25.2% Since Obama Became President

Now just pause for a moment. Can you imagine for a second if it was 2003 and George Bush was president. Imagine the New York Times reporting “Black Unemployment Up 25.2% Since Bush Became President.”

The NAACP, Annenberg Foundation, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, ADL, Jessie Jackson, and the rest of the race hustlers and parasite organizations would be howling to the high heavens “Bush is a racist” and “Bush hates black people.” Every paper in the country would run a version of the above headline.

Today when blacks are devastated by Obamanomics there is not a peep out of the nation’s news outlets. As long as the news media agrees with the politics of the president devastating unemployment is fine with them. It’s not the news media jobs that are being lost.

And where are the black leaders screaming about how the black man is bearing the brunt of Obamanomics? All we get is Maxine Waters telling Obama to make more stops in black communities on his next bus tour and then reverting back to calling white people racist. It all comas back to white people being racist to black leaders. Like a lab experiment where the subjects have access to a button that injects them with cocaine, they keep pushing and pushing that race button. They simply do not understand that while they may get a short term high, in the long run that button will kill them.

» Black Unemployment Up 25.2% Since Obama Became President
Black unemployment during a Republican Administration is evil. Black unemployment during a Democratic Administration is just collateral damage.
oh yeah, we hate them so much we are fighting tooth and nail to get them a better education, because well, we hate them. yup makes sense to me....:eusa_whistle:
Why don't blacks believe that republicans are their "real allies"?

Because they have been brainwashed by their so-called leaders who make a lot of money off the suffering of their own people, it's a business with them. And don't go off the liberal plantation or they'll be an "uncle tom”
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You are confusing the term 'lynching' with the battles and raids by both sides during Reconstruction. Go study the period from 1865 to 1876. What you want to call lynchings were not in the traditional sense of the word. Get a copy of Kevin M. Schultz's Hist Vol II from 1865, and read chapter 16 very carefully, or any other text books of the last twenty years that deals with Reconstruction. Your video show is not history.

Yeah ...ok the history didn't stop at 1865, and I seem to remember you not understanding the 3/5th clause in the Constitution, yet you presume to tell me what I don't know? Please.

I presume nothing. You are wrong, period. You use term "Lynching" incorrectly, you do not understand the 3/5th clause, and I will always properly correct your nonsense. And daveman's as well.
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Which is why the treat the nations first black president with so much respect.
Lincoln was not a republican during his second term, because of the rabid republicans and their extremist attitudes.
Lincoln was always a liberal Whig of his time, believing in the power of the national government to act in the interst of the country. He would have clearly seen the perfidy of the Democratic and Republican senators and representatives in Congress blocking civil rights in the 1950s and the 1960s as the worst of states' right and local home rule. He would have applauded the Civil Rights work by Kennedy and Johnson, and the dem leaders in the Senate and the House.
Republicans believe in tough love for blacks. Removing all social programs, education and jobs programs will make you stronger

Some friend
That's all good history .. MEANINGLESS today.

Fast forward to today and the Republican Party is a shadow of its former self. No connection whatsoever.

Your pro-BORN-life stance has no bearing on the topic.

Try this one on for size ...


Which party do you think all those black elected officials belong to?


That's the Congressional Black Caucus in 1973

Republicans will never have that many black members of Congress.

Today's Republican Party is an all-white party that has no interest in the African-American struggle.

That's not a secret.

So what does that mean? can you refute any of my points? are you concerned about the genicide of black babies? what has the democrat party done for black Americans?

In case you didn't notice, I've already addressed long past history and clearly demonstrated that republicans have no interest in African-Americans.

Address that there were more democratic African-Americans in Congress in 1973 than republicans have ever had since Reconstruction.

How many do you have in congress now? Two .. hadn't had ONE since 2003 when JC Watts walked out the door.

As far as I'm concerned, this argument is quite over.

Just because black politicans and black voters pledge their allegiance to the democrats doesn't mean democrats are good for blacks.

As far as i'm concerned democrats are they enemy to not just blacks, but all groups, even if the groups or democrats themselves don't realize it.

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