Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

That is not a fact, because this is 2011, not 1963. It was a fact, decades ago. Today, it's not.

It is a fact. Attempting to create and sustain dependency is not "championing civil rights and racial equality." Attempting to codify double standards into law is not "championing civil rights and racial equality." Taking whole segments of the US population for granted, pandering to them and characterizing them soley by such criteria as race is not "championing civil rights and racial equality."

You democrats are still way behind, just as you've always been.

What do you mean by dependency?

Millions of poor Americans, blacks included, have escaped poverty through jobs programs, education, childcare subsidies and medicaid. Republican agendas like keeping minimum wage low and blocking the right to unionize have prevented poor Americans from breaking out of poverty

What is it again that Republicans have done for blacks?

:doubt:Look at the overall condition of the Black population now, as opposed to before all these liberal programs. Are we results oriented? Or are good intentions enough for people like you? The results speak for themselves. your liberal policies have failed
It is a fact. Attempting to create and sustain dependency is not "championing civil rights and racial equality." Attempting to codify double standards into law is not "championing civil rights and racial equality." Taking whole segments of the US population for granted, pandering to them and characterizing them soley by such criteria as race is not "championing civil rights and racial equality."

You democrats are still way behind, just as you've always been.

What do you mean by dependency?

Millions of poor Americans, blacks included, have escaped poverty through jobs programs, education, childcare subsidies and medicaid. Republican agendas like keeping minimum wage low and blocking the right to unionize have prevented poor Americans from breaking out of poverty

What is it again that Republicans have done for blacks?

:doubt:Look at the overall condition of the Black population now, as opposed to before all these liberal programs. Are we results oriented? Or are good intentions enough for people like you? The results speak for themselves. your liberal policies have failed

What is the conditions of blacks today? Black middle class is growing, more blacks are doctors, lawyers, professionals. One even became President something Republicans have done to help blacks in the last 40 years
Treat them as free men and women who can think for themselves.

Democrats haven't done that.

Sure we have. It is Democrats who have provided aid to go to college, Jobs programs, pre school education....not just to blacks, but to any American struggling to escape poverty

To republicans, treating them like free men and women means ignoring them

No wonder so many Americans struggling to escape poverty would never vote Republican
Interesting fantasy. What color is the sky in your world? something Republicans have done to help blacks in the last 40 years
Treat them as free men and women who can think for themselves.

Democrats haven't done that.

That is a concept most democrats cannot understand and the rest of whom don't want to consider.

People are human beings, not voting blocs. But then, liberals have trouble with the idea of individuality to begin with. Look at the rage and hate they direct towards minorities who should believe what the left tells them to believe, but refuse to.

It's ugly.
What do you mean by dependency?

Millions of poor Americans, blacks included, have escaped poverty through jobs programs, education, childcare subsidies and medicaid. Republican agendas like keeping minimum wage low and blocking the right to unionize have prevented poor Americans from breaking out of poverty

What is it again that Republicans have done for blacks?

:doubt:Look at the overall condition of the Black population now, as opposed to before all these liberal programs. Are we results oriented? Or are good intentions enough for people like you? The results speak for themselves. your liberal policies have failed

What is the conditions of blacks today? Black middle class is growing, more blacks are doctors, lawyers, professionals. One even became President

Umm....70% out of wedlock birthrate, over 50% high school dropout rate, over 50% black teenage unemployment, and 25% overall unemployment. Highest abortion rate amongst any group of people in this country and a declining population shall I go on?
:doubt:Look at the overall condition of the Black population now, as opposed to before all these liberal programs. Are we results oriented? Or are good intentions enough for people like you? The results speak for themselves. your liberal policies have failed

What is the conditions of blacks today? Black middle class is growing, more blacks are doctors, lawyers, professionals. One even became President

Umm....70% out of wedlock birthrate, over 50% high school dropout rate, over 50% black teenage unemployment, and 25% overall unemployment. Highest abortion rate amongst any group of people in this country and a declining population shall I go on?
I can't wait to hear how these are good things for the black community. Whattya say, rightwinger?
[ame=]Thomas Sowell: The Poverty Empire - YouTube[/ame]
:doubt:Look at the overall condition of the Black population now, as opposed to before all these liberal programs. Are we results oriented? Or are good intentions enough for people like you? The results speak for themselves. your liberal policies have failed

What is the conditions of blacks today? Black middle class is growing, more blacks are doctors, lawyers, professionals. One even became President

Umm....70% out of wedlock birthrate, over 50% high school dropout rate, over 50% black teenage unemployment, and 25% overall unemployment. Highest abortion rate amongst any group of people in this country and a declining population shall I go on?

And the Republicans answer is?

Cut all programs that help the poor and leave them on their own

Too many abortions by blacks? Cut planned parenthood, cut prenatal care, cut aid to parents with dependent children, cut childcare
daveman, no one cares what you believe or think, unless it is a Crusader or an OddOne or a bigrebnc.
Really? The stats say otherwise:

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Reality once again kicks Fakey's ass. :lol:
You guys simply don't count in the party, other than we want your votes. Watch the primary fights next year as we finally can force some of you Hard Rights out of power.

Been a long time coming, going to be worth it.
I'm not in your party. I'm not a Democrat.

The Hard Right, daveman, sitting around jerking each other off does not count as popularity here, just depravity. :lol: something Republicans have done to help blacks in the last 40 years
Treat them as free men and women who can think for themselves.

Democrats haven't done that.

Prove it. This is what I mean. You make your silly Hard Right reactionary comments without any evidence. They are free men and women, who think for themselves, and they vote against our GOP because of people like you and Unkotare and your silly ass comments.
What is the conditions of blacks today? Black middle class is growing, more blacks are doctors, lawyers, professionals. One even became President

Umm....70% out of wedlock birthrate, over 50% high school dropout rate, over 50% black teenage unemployment, and 25% overall unemployment. Highest abortion rate amongst any group of people in this country and a declining population shall I go on?

And the Republicans answer is?

Cut all programs that help the poor and leave them on their own

Too many abortions by blacks? Cut planned parenthood, cut prenatal care, cut aid to parents with dependent children, cut childcare
So you support the left's eugenics program.

You have a lot in common with Tank. At least he's open with his hatred.
daveman, no one cares what you believe or think, unless it is a Crusader or an OddOne or a bigrebnc.
Really? The stats say otherwise:

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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Reality once again kicks Fakey's ass. :lol:
You guys simply don't count in the party, other than we want your votes. Watch the primary fights next year as we finally can force some of you Hard Rights out of power.

Been a long time coming, going to be worth it.
I'm not in your party. I'm not a Democrat.

The Hard Right, daveman, sitting around jerking each other off does not count as popularity here, just depravity. :lol:
You just keep playing pretend, boy. something Republicans have done to help blacks in the last 40 years
Treat them as free men and women who can think for themselves.

Democrats haven't done that.

Prove it. This is what I mean. You make your silly Hard Right reactionary comments without any evidence. They are free men and women, who think for themselves, and they vote against our GOP because of people like you and Unkotare and your silly ass comments.
Saying blacks are free men and women who can think for themselves is a silly-ass comment?


Jake, in your blind defense of the Democratic Party, you're gone around the bend.
Saying blacks are free men and women who can think for themselves is a silly-ass comment?

In itself, no, but if so, then you have to accept that those free men and women who can think for themselves do not, in their free thinking, see the Republican Party as the defenders of their interests.

There was a time when they did. In 1932, black activists for Roosevelt had to work against the entrenched GOP preference among black voters going all the way back to the Civil War and Reconstruction. There was a flier put out by some black political group or other, I forget which, that started, "Abraham Lincoln is not a candidate in this year's election."

The thing is, when 90% or more of black voters consistently vote Democratic, it becomes a little strained for Republicans to claim that they are the ones who really represent black interests. The only argument presented here so far involves "dependence on government," which completely ignores the difficulties faced by poor people generally and poor people of color in particular in finding work that pays a living wage, particularly in this economy. Over the last thirty years, the bar to a middle-class income has been raised higher and higher so that fewer and fewer people achieve it. It's reached a point now when big companies that made fortunes marketing products to middle-class people now ignore that demographic and concentrate on the poor and the rich -- because that's increasingly what's left. While both parties are at fault to a degree, the primary blame lies with the Republicans. Black voters understand this. It's not rocket science.

The reason that black people vote Democratic is simple, and it's the same reason they used to vote Republican a long time ago: precisely BECAUSE they're free men and women who think for themselves, and are not persuaded by bogus arguments that making things harder for them is somehow in their favor.
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Ok, 'dragon' is clearly a stupid, irrational, partisan hack trying in vain to deny history and alter reality to fit his simplistic, partisan 'argument.' You have been proven wrong again and again at evey turn and you just persist with your block-headed "it has to be 'cause I say so!" nonsense. You are officially not worth the trouble. Try again if you ever manage to get that brain cell to divide a few times.
Ok, 'dragon' is clearly a stupid, irrational, partisan hack trying in vain to deny history and alter reality to fit his simplistic, partisan 'argument.' You have been proven wrong again and again at evey turn and you just persist with your block-headed "it has to be 'cause I say so!" nonsense. You are officially not worth the trouble. Try again if you ever manage to get that brain cell to divide a few times.

I don't see you refuting anything he said. Why don't you give it a try?
Ok, 'dragon' is clearly a stupid, irrational, partisan hack trying in vain to deny history and alter reality to fit his simplistic, partisan 'argument.' You have been proven wrong again and again at evey turn and you just persist with your block-headed "it has to be 'cause I say so!" nonsense. You are officially not worth the trouble. Try again if you ever manage to get that brain cell to divide a few times.

I don't see you refuting anything he said. Why don't you give it a try?

I've asked him, and others who respond to my posts with ad-homs suggestive of mouth foaming, repeatedly to do that, so far without much success. I think what's happening here is that they don't really know how to respond to what I'm saying, and so crap like the above is really all they can do without agreeing with me.

It's also interesting that this is about the fourth or fifth time now that Unkotare has said "you are officially not worth the trouble" or words to that effect, yet he keeps on troubling for some reason . . .

What I said in the last post is that 1) blacks tend to vote heavily Democratic in U.S. national elections (true or false?); 2) over the last 30 years, it's become harder and harder to achieve a middle-class income, so that fewer and fewer accomplish it (true or false?); black voters have minds of their own and can decide whom to vote for (true or false?).

To say that self-evident statements like these have been "proven false over and over" is, frankly, a sign of desperation, as in fact is the entire resort to ad hominem on the part of people like Unkotare. It shows that they are unable to rebut what I'm saying with logic or evidence. It makes them mad, and that shows, too.
Treat them as free men and women who can think for themselves.

Democrats haven't done that.

Prove it. This is what I mean. You make your silly Hard Right reactionary comments without any evidence. They are free men and women, who think for themselves, and they vote against our GOP because of people like you and Unkotare and your silly ass comments.
Saying blacks are free men and women who can think for themselves is a silly-ass comment?


Jake, in your blind defense of the Democratic Party, you're gone around the bend.

Trying to fix a problem with our Republican Party is not a "blind defense of the Democratic Party." The silly ass comment was about your and Unkotare's comments.

You need to read, kid.

You silly reactionary wack so bad want to be a Republican. No.
Ok, 'dragon' is clearly a stupid, irrational, partisan hack trying in vain to deny history and alter reality to fit his simplistic, partisan 'argument.' You have been proven wrong again and again at evey turn and you just persist with your block-headed "it has to be 'cause I say so!" nonsense. You are officially not worth the trouble. Try again if you ever manage to get that brain cell to divide a few times.

I don't see you refuting anything he said. Why don't you give it a try?

I've asked him, and others who respond to my posts with ad-homs suggestive of mouth foaming, repeatedly to do that, so far without much success. I think what's happening here is that they don't really know how to respond to what I'm saying, and so crap like the above is really all they can do without agreeing with me.

It's also interesting that this is about the fourth or fifth time now that Unkotare has said "you are officially not worth the trouble" or words to that effect, yet he keeps on troubling for some reason . . .

What I said in the last post is that 1) blacks tend to vote heavily Democratic in U.S. national elections (true or false?); 2) over the last 30 years, it's become harder and harder to achieve a middle-class income, so that fewer and fewer accomplish it (true or false?); black voters have minds of their own and can decide whom to vote for (true or false?).

To say that self-evident statements like these have been "proven false over and over" is, frankly, a sign of desperation, as in fact is the entire resort to ad hominem on the part of people like Unkotare. It shows that they are unable to rebut what I'm saying with logic or evidence. It makes them mad, and that shows, too.

They are very desperate, the Far Hard Right wacks like Unkotare, Jroc, JRK, daveman and the rest. They can't argue the points on this, so they simply keep frothing.

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