Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Blacks file Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats

SEATTLE, WA -- On September 11, 2011, blacks from the West Coast and the East Coast joined together and signed one of the most comprehensive legal briefs ever prepared on racial discrimination, then filed their brief today, September 12th, at 9:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time in US District Court in Seattle (Case No. C11 - 1503). The plaintiffs, who refer to the defendants as “Father of Racism,” allege that as an organization, the Democratic Party has consistently refused to apologize for the role they played in slavery and Jim Crow laws and for other subsequent racist practices from 1792 to 2011. Rev. Wayne Perryman, a former Democrat himself and the lead plaintiff in this class action lawsuit, said he was inspired to file this action after seeing the recent movie The Help. The movie takes place in the region that was exclusively controlled by Democrats for more than 150 years (the South). Mrs. Frances P. Rice, the Chair of the National Black Republican Association is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit. Mrs. Rice is a resident of Sarasota, Florida and has lived in the the South most of her life.

The case cites the collective work of over 350 legal scholars and includes Congressional records, case law, research from our nation's top history professors, racist statements from Democratic elected officials, citations from the Democrat's National Platforms regarding their support of slavery, excepts of speeches from Senator Obama, individual testimonies from blacks who lived in the Jim Crow South and opinions from the NAACP.

Perryman said President Obama was named as a defendant not only because he is the official leader of the Democratic Party, but because of certain statements he made about his own party in his book, Dreams from My Father. In 2009, the President was asked to issue an apology to blacks on behalf of his party, but he refused. Unlike other reparations lawsuits, this lawsuit merely asks for a public apology but no monetary damages

Blacks file Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats -
Blacks file Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats

SEATTLE, WA -- On September 11, 2011, blacks from the West Coast and the East Coast joined together and signed one of the most comprehensive legal briefs ever prepared on racial discrimination, then filed their brief today, September 12th, at 9:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time in US District Court in Seattle (Case No. C11 - 1503). The plaintiffs, who refer to the defendants as “Father of Racism,” allege that as an organization, the Democratic Party has consistently refused to apologize for the role they played in slavery and Jim Crow laws and for other subsequent racist practices from 1792 to 2011. Rev. Wayne Perryman, a former Democrat himself and the lead plaintiff in this class action lawsuit, said he was inspired to file this action after seeing the recent movie The Help. The movie takes place in the region that was exclusively controlled by Democrats for more than 150 years (the South). Mrs. Frances P. Rice, the Chair of the National Black Republican Association is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit. Mrs. Rice is a resident of Sarasota, Florida and has lived in the the South most of her life.

The case cites the collective work of over 350 legal scholars and includes Congressional records, case law, research from our nation's top history professors, racist statements from Democratic elected officials, citations from the Democrat's National Platforms regarding their support of slavery, excepts of speeches from Senator Obama, individual testimonies from blacks who lived in the Jim Crow South and opinions from the NAACP.

Perryman said President Obama was named as a defendant not only because he is the official leader of the Democratic Party, but because of certain statements he made about his own party in his book, Dreams from My Father. In 2009, the President was asked to issue an apology to blacks on behalf of his party, but he refused. Unlike other reparations lawsuits, this lawsuit merely asks for a public apology but no monetary damages

Blacks file Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats -
Democrat apologize for their racism?

Never happen.
Blacks file Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats

SEATTLE, WA -- On September 11, 2011, blacks from the West Coast and the East Coast joined together and signed one of the most comprehensive legal briefs ever prepared on racial discrimination, then filed their brief today, September 12th, at 9:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time in US District Court in Seattle (Case No. C11 - 1503). The plaintiffs, who refer to the defendants as “Father of Racism,” allege that as an organization, the Democratic Party has consistently refused to apologize for the role they played in slavery and Jim Crow laws and for other subsequent racist practices from 1792 to 2011. Rev. Wayne Perryman, a former Democrat himself and the lead plaintiff in this class action lawsuit, said he was inspired to file this action after seeing the recent movie The Help. The movie takes place in the region that was exclusively controlled by Democrats for more than 150 years (the South). Mrs. Frances P. Rice, the Chair of the National Black Republican Association is also a plaintiff in the lawsuit. Mrs. Rice is a resident of Sarasota, Florida and has lived in the the South most of her life.

The case cites the collective work of over 350 legal scholars and includes Congressional records, case law, research from our nation's top history professors, racist statements from Democratic elected officials, citations from the Democrat's National Platforms regarding their support of slavery, excepts of speeches from Senator Obama, individual testimonies from blacks who lived in the Jim Crow South and opinions from the NAACP.

Perryman said President Obama was named as a defendant not only because he is the official leader of the Democratic Party, but because of certain statements he made about his own party in his book, Dreams from My Father. In 2009, the President was asked to issue an apology to blacks on behalf of his party, but he refused. Unlike other reparations lawsuits, this lawsuit merely asks for a public apology but no monetary damages

Blacks file Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats -
Democrat apologize for their racism?

Never happen.

Over 100 yrs of the Democrat Party's war against African Americans should be worth something.
I will post this again. Until the OP can meet this test, it fails.

Does anyone have the social and economic indicators for black Americans in 1964 and 1988 and 2010?

Since the GOP has been absent since then in proactively working to improve black America, the figures will show whether the Democratic programs have helped, hindered, or not affected black America.

A far comparison would be from the "Great Society" on. Do you have the numbers? SNIP.

JROC, 1964 on includes the Great Society. You are the one who has to provide the numbers for the OP. If you can't, you fail.

Jroc has Fail here.

The Great Society reduced poverty by almost 30% in less than ten years. Blacks, while lagging behind in total %, have increased their share in society dramatically since 1964. Some GOP of course have cast their votes for the betterment of minorities in these programs, but the Dems have taken the led.

This lack of commitment is one reaons why minorities shy away from my Republican Party.
[ame=]Walter Williams: "Black Americans and Liberty" - YouTube[/ame]
daveman said:
No, I'm one of those "Black people are intelligent enough to succeed on their own if liberals stop 'helping' them" conservatives.

If they are, then they're also intelligent enough to succeed on their own if liberals DON'T stop helping them.
Walter Wi;lliams is an ideologue not an objective observer. He knows where his bread is buttered.

The figures of the last 47 years simply do not favor the arguments of the far right. Sorry, guys, but tis what tis.
There are really two things going on in this thread, two fallacious ideas being put forth. The first is: "Because we used to do something decades ago, you should believe that we still do even though we've changed." The second is: "Helping someone is really hurting them."

The South is a poison pill. Or I should say, the unreconstructed southern white male vote is a poison pill. When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, and a black activist asked him how he felt about going against the Southern Democrats, he replied, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God in Heaven, I'm free at last!" The implication being that the Southern white male vote was more trouble than it was worth, and kept the Democrats bound to positions that were at odds with where the party stood overall.

It works the same way for the Republicans. But arguably, it's even worse for them, because the GOP was founded as an anti-slavery, pro-civil-rights party, so in courting the vote of Southern white males, the party has sold its soul.
As a Republicn white male who lives in the Deep South, some truth exists to what you say, Dragon.

However, we who uphold the true banner of the GOP have been working diligently to isolate the "old white Southern stupidity" with some good effect (the crazies are isolated and dying off), but we are having real trouble with the pseudo-libertarian wing that has captured the Tea Party movement.
A far comparison would be from the "Great Society" on. Do you have the numbers? SNIP.

JROC, 1964 on includes the Great Society. You are the one who has to provide the numbers for the OP. If you can't, you fail.

Jroc has Fail here.

The Great Society reduced poverty by almost 30% in less than ten years. Blacks, while lagging behind in total %, have increased their share in society dramatically since 1964. Some GOP of course have cast their votes for the betterment of minorities in these programs, but the Dems have taken the led.

This lack of commitment is one reaons why minorities shy away from my Republican Party.

30% - at what $ amount?

While I do understand that it's not 'about the money', surely we are smart enough to realize that this 'great society' shit is not actually working?

We keep throwing money at 'welfare' programs instead of addressing the root causes of poverty: lack of education, drugs, irresponsible behavior. Address these instead of constantly throwing money at the poor in a blatant and manipulative 'buying' of votes.
What we need, CG, is to work together and stop insisting Hooverian "rugged individualsim' is the only way to go.
What we need, CG, is to work together and stop insisting Hooverian "rugged individualsim' is the only way to go.

I've never been a big supporter of 'rugged individualism', I've always supported personal responsibility - and compassion for those less fortunate... and, financial support for our most vulnerable. However, the fact is that this 'great society' has not helped those it was supposed to help. It is a classic example of how much damage is inflicted upon those you are seeking to help if you address only one part of the problem.

We have consistently thrown money at those in need - and we throw money at education, and drugs, and we reward irresponsible behavior. All that needs to be reviewed. We don't need more money - we need to fix what is broken.
What we need, CG, is to work together and stop insisting Hooverian "rugged individualsim' is the only way to go.

I've never been a big supporter of 'rugged individualism', I've always supported personal responsibility - and compassion for those less fortunate... and, financial support for our most vulnerable. However, the fact is that this 'great society' has not helped those it was supposed to help. It is a classic example of how much damage is inflicted upon those you are seeking to help if you address only one part of the problem.

We have consistently thrown money at those in need - and we throw money at education, and drugs, and we reward irresponsible behavior. All that needs to be reviewed. We don't need more money - we need to fix what is broken.

Your interp of the GS and its effects are off mark. But I agree that tremendous reform is necessary in our programs to turn recipients into solid working taxpayers. This is going to take some effort and a consensus by both parties.
What we need, CG, is to work together and stop insisting Hooverian "rugged individualsim' is the only way to go.

I've never been a big supporter of 'rugged individualism', I've always supported personal responsibility - and compassion for those less fortunate... and, financial support for our most vulnerable. However, the fact is that this 'great society' has not helped those it was supposed to help. It is a classic example of how much damage is inflicted upon those you are seeking to help if you address only one part of the problem.

We have consistently thrown money at those in need - and we throw money at education, and drugs, and we reward irresponsible behavior. All that needs to be reviewed. We don't need more money - we need to fix what is broken.

Your interp of the GS and its effects are off mark. But I agree that tremendous reform is necessary in our programs to turn recipients into solid working taxpayers. This is going to take some effort and a consensus by both parties.

You keep saying these programs are a success, you are wrong try addressing the points Walter Williams makes directly instead of simply criticizing the person
I've never been a big supporter of 'rugged individualism', I've always supported personal responsibility - and compassion for those less fortunate... and, financial support for our most vulnerable. However, the fact is that this 'great society' has not helped those it was supposed to help. It is a classic example of how much damage is inflicted upon those you are seeking to help if you address only one part of the problem.

We have consistently thrown money at those in need - and we throw money at education, and drugs, and we reward irresponsible behavior. All that needs to be reviewed. We don't need more money - we need to fix what is broken.

Your interp of the GS and its effects are off mark. But I agree that tremendous reform is necessary in our programs to turn recipients into solid working taxpayers. This is going to take some effort and a consensus by both parties.

You keep saying these programs are a success, you are wrong try addressing the points Walter Williams makes directly instead of simply criticizing the person

Check the %s over the last fifty years and tell me the programs did not contribute to the improvement of minorities' positions economically and socially. You could but you would be wrong. Williams is wrong. I am glad that he, Sowell, West, Thomas, et al succeeded and are happy being Republicans. But the point is that they are exceptions that prove the rule that those programs were necessary and successful for many. Check the %s.

If you think this country is giving up entitlements or reforming them a la Ryan, you are outside political and cultural reality. If you think the Tea Party movement older folks are giving up SS and medicare as they know it, you are on the outside looking in. Not going to happen.
Your interp of the GS and its effects are off mark. But I agree that tremendous reform is necessary in our programs to turn recipients into solid working taxpayers. This is going to take some effort and a consensus by both parties.

You keep saying these programs are a success, you are wrong try addressing the points Walter Williams makes directly instead of simply criticizing the person

Check the %s over the last fifty years and tell me the programs did not contribute to the improvement of minorities' positions economically and socially. You could but you would be wrong. Williams is wrong. I am glad that he, Sowell, West, Thomas, et al succeeded and are happy being Republicans. But the point is that they are exceptions that prove the rule that those programs were necessary and successful for many. Check the %s.

If you think this country is giving up entitlements or reforming them a la Ryan, you are outside political and cultural reality. If you think the Tea Party movement older folks are giving up SS and medicare as they know it, you are on the outside looking in. Not going to happen.

Jake are you stupid or something? Who is suggesting people give up SS and Medicare? they need to be reformed, they are unsustainable and to say Great Society programs have been great for black Americas you are delusional. Most all they have done is create a dependency, break down the traditional family 70% of black babies are born to single mothers, our public schools are a joke, the inner city dropout rate here in Detroit is 75% get your head out of your ass man.
Just How “Great” was the Great Society?

The Great Society was the panacea for poverty, right? And it especially helped blacks, who had been held back by years of racism, didn’t it? For those who think that the government is the most efficient dispensary of public welfare, the answer is yes. But the historical facts and figures disagree markedly, and it’s hard to paint this disparity as sheer coincidence. Those facts indicate that the plight of blacks had been improving up until the passage of the Great Society program, but that in the forty-some-odd years since, blacks’ economic, social, familial, and educational situations have gotten much worse.

Service is more than an idea. It is action. Real service gets benificent results, not just the hope of them. Based on results, the Great Society has been an abysmal failure.

The Facts: The Great Society was Severely Detrimental to Blacks
Jonah Goldberg reminds us that

…one tragic consequence of [Great Society] strategy was that the government used child poverty to crush individualism and pride among inner-city blacks. …when Congress mandated food stamps, welfare “recruiters”…went into the cities to convince poor people to enroll. the end of the day, their welfare state–based though it may have been on love, concern, and niceness–resulted in more damage to the black family… Today black childern are less likely to be raised by two parents than they were during the era of slavery.

Liberal Fascism, pp. 346, 347

Prior to the advent of the Great Society, black families were much better off. Poverty was on the decline, and crime was at a low level, but not for long. Goldberg writes

Crime soared because of the Great Society and the attitudes of which it partook. In the decade after the Great Society, the murder rate effectively doubled. Black-on-black crime soared in particular. Riots exploded… [A]s Thomas Sowell has cataloged, the biggest drop in black poverty took place during the two decades before the Great Society.

Liberal Fascism, pp. 269-270

Additional negative results of the Great Society’s expansion of the welfare state are detailed in A Patriot’s History of the United States. For example:

[Aid to Families with Dependent Children's--AFDC] no-father policy…left inner-city black boys with no male role models. After a few years [in] one of “the projects”…a young man could literally look in any direction and not see an intact black family. Stepping up as role models, the gang leaders…inducted thousands of impressionable young males into drug running, gun battles, and often death. No amount of jobs programs would fill the void produced by the Great Society’s perverted incentives that presumed as unnecessary the role of the father.

A Patriot’s History of the United States, pp. 689

The New Deal originated the AFDC program. Until the Great Society, however, AFDC had the exclusive purpose of providing for widows–previously married women who had lost the breadwinner in their homes.

In the 1960s, however, Johnson and Congress quietly changed AFDC qualifications to include any household where there was no male family head present, a shift that made virtually any divorced or single mother of low income eligible for taxpayer money. The incentives of the program made it financially more lucrative not to be married than to be married.

Seen in the numbers, the changes from the previous decade were shocking. In 1950, 88 percent of white families and 78 percent of black families consisted of a husband and wife in a traditional marriage. These numbers had not changed since the Great Depression…

A Patriot’s History of the United States, pp. 688

But as the Great Society came to fruition, the black family began a steep decline. Within 12 years, the percentage of traditional black families dropped nearly 20 percent in relation to population. Schweikart and Allen write that

This was nothing less than a prescription for the utter destruction of traditional black families, and had it been proposed by the Imperial Wizard of the KKK…such a program would have met with a quick and well-deserved fate. But embraced by liberal intellectuals and politicians, the war on poverty…was the policy equivalent of smallpox on inner-city black families…

A Patriot’s History of the United States, pp. 68
Just How “Great” was the Great Society? « Simple Utah Mormon Politics
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You keep saying these programs are a success, you are wrong try addressing the points Walter Williams makes directly instead of simply criticizing the person

Check the %s over the last fifty years and tell me the programs did not contribute to the improvement of minorities' positions economically and socially. You could but you would be wrong. Williams is wrong. I am glad that he, Sowell, West, Thomas, et al succeeded and are happy being Republicans. But the point is that they are exceptions that prove the rule that those programs were necessary and successful for many. Check the %s.

If you think this country is giving up entitlements or reforming them a la Ryan, you are outside political and cultural reality. If you think the Tea Party movement older folks are giving up SS and medicare as they know it, you are on the outside looking in. Not going to happen.

Jake are you stupid or something? Who is suggesting people give up SS and Medicare? they need to be reformed, they are unsustainable and to say Great Society programs have been great for black Americas you are delusional. Most all they have done is create a dependency, break down the traditional family 70% of black babies are born to single mothers, our public schools are a joke, the inner city dropout rate here in Detroit is 75% get your head out of your ass man.

The stats say you are wrong. Yes, the programs need to be reformed, but they will never be recreated as voucher programs. And stop the racist screed: the issue is income $, not race. Whites have the same problem.

Working class (40%) 1980, 10.2% 2007, 40%

Under class (10%) 1980, 44.5% 2007, 70%

"The white overclass? They’re still living in the 1950s—their ratio is probably about 4 or 5 percent tops. But while the elite may continue to live in its pleasant little world for a while, that world is not going to bear much resemblance to the rest of America. And, increasingly, the rest of America isn’t going to bear much resemblance to the America we used to celebrate"
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