Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

I'm still wondering why the Democrat policies of keeping blacks poor, uneducated and dependent on government is considered helping them.

A better question is why you think that's a Democratic policy.
Because I can perceive reality. Try it sometime.

Blacks don't have free will? The only people "keeping blacks poor, uneducated and dependent on government" are the individual black people themselves.
If the Republican Party is traditionally the party of African Americans, why do most of them vote Democrat, and who are you to speak for African Americans?
Who are white liberals to speak for African-Americans?

Who are white conservatives to speak for black Americans?

You've said you don't like white liberals speaking for blacks.

But you don't seem to mind it in this thread.
Because I can perceive reality. Try it sometime.

Blacks don't have free will? The only people "keeping blacks poor, uneducated and dependent on government" are the individual black people themselves.
I suppose they do, if they keep voting Democrat.

Voting or not voting has no bearing on this issue. Rap music, reality shows and the "pimping"/thug life mindset is more influential than voting.
I'm still wondering why the Democrat policies of keeping blacks poor, uneducated and dependent on government is considered helping them.

A better question is why you think that's a Democratic policy.
Because I can perceive reality.

You don't seem very good at describing the reality you supposedly perceive, though.

If any Democrat stated that it was his/her intent to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on government I missed it. When was this stated, and by whom? Seems to me that Democrats have done more than Republicans to promote opportunities for education for low-income and minority people, so there goes that one. They've also done more to promote job opportunities, so there goes that one. That leaves the dependent on government part. I guess when one party throws a lifeline while the other leaves people to drown, you could argue that the one throwing the lifeline is doing more to keep the person on a string, but frankly that argument, while valid, isn't terribly convincing.

Which is probably why blacks haven't been convinced by it.
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If any Democrat stated that it was his/her intent to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on government I missed it. When was this stated, and by whom?

Doesn't matter the intent, what matters is the results. The results speak for themselves.

Seems to me that Democrats have done more than Republicans to promote opportunities for education for low-income and minority people, so there goes that one. They've also done more to promote job opportunities, so there goes that one.

Again results.... Since this thread is on African Americans let’s stick to them in Detroit were I'm from. We have a 70% dropout rate, 75% out of wedlock birth, rate highest abortion rate of any other people. How do you explain that? big government policies have not helped blacks over all, there may be some policies here and there, but overall liberal policies have helped to destroyed the black family, made victims of them and their` so-called "civil rights leaders" have benefited financially from keeping black Americans victims
[ame=]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]John Stossel - The State Against Blacks - YouTube[/ame]
Doesn't matter the intent, what matters is the results. The results speak for themselves.

The problem with that is correctly attributing the "results." So far, I've seen nothing to demonstrate a causal connection between programs favored by Democrats and poverty. The fact that you can, if you make certain (quite dubious) assumptions, assert a plausible connection is not proof.

Obviously, most black voters disagree with you, and perhaps that's understandable. If your claim to be "the real ally of African-Americans" amounts to saying, "everything that's wrong in your life is your own fault, and we're going to address it by doing nothing to help you so you'll be forced to do it all yourself, because you always could and you're just a lazy loafer," it's predictable that that's not going to go over too well.
I'm still wondering why the Democrat policies of keeping blacks poor, uneducated and dependent on government is considered helping them.

You are wondering because it is not true. You are one of these 'Black people are not intelligent enough to know who helps them' conservatives.
I am still trying to figure out how "most blacks vote for democrats". I mean statistically speaking most blacks don't vote at all. My dad is black born and raised in South Carolina. A white girl thought he was cute when they were kids and when her father found out the KKK called my dads house and threatened to kill the whole family if my dad so much as looked at her. My dad has been and will be a republican. I have been and will be a republican. Maybe the issue here is that the loud black people are democrats.

Perhaps it is because things have changed since then.
Blacks don't have free will? The only people "keeping blacks poor, uneducated and dependent on government" are the individual black people themselves.
I suppose they do, if they keep voting Democrat.

Voting or not voting has no bearing on this issue. Rap music, reality shows and the "pimping"/thug life mindset is more influential than voting.
Really? Democrats' continual vote-buying schemes and fear-mongering have little effect?

Reality suggests otherwise.
A better question is why you think that's a Democratic policy.
Because I can perceive reality.

You don't seem very good at describing the reality you supposedly perceive, though.

If any Democrat stated that it was his/her intent to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on government I missed it. When was this stated, and by whom? Seems to me that Democrats have done more than Republicans to promote opportunities for education for low-income and minority people, so there goes that one. They've also done more to promote job opportunities, so there goes that one. That leaves the dependent on government part. I guess when one party throws a lifeline while the other leaves people to drown, you could argue that the one throwing the lifeline is doing more to keep the person on a string, but frankly that argument, while valid, isn't terribly convincing.

Which is probably why blacks haven't been convinced by it.
You really think...sorry, wrong really feel that any Democrat is going to come right out and say he intends to keep blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on government? :lol:

That's your problem. You pay too much attention to what politicians say and not enough to what they do.

And Democrat policies have kept blacks poor, uneducated, and dependent on government.

That's some of that reality stuff you seem to have trouble with.
Doesn't matter the intent, what matters is the results. The results speak for themselves.

The problem with that is correctly attributing the "results." So far, I've seen nothing to demonstrate a causal connection between programs favored by Democrats and poverty. The fact that you can, if you make certain (quite dubious) assumptions, assert a plausible connection is not proof.

Obviously, most black voters disagree with you, and perhaps that's understandable. If your claim to be "the real ally of African-Americans" amounts to saying, "everything that's wrong in your life is your own fault, and we're going to address it by doing nothing to help you so you'll be forced to do it all yourself, because you always could and you're just a lazy loafer," it's predictable that that's not going to go over too well.
Then you admit Democrats are saying, "Everything that's wrong in your life is NOT your fault, and we're going to take money away from other people and give it to you because you're not capable of improving your life on your own."

Yeah. That's real compassionate.
I'm still wondering why the Democrat policies of keeping blacks poor, uneducated and dependent on government is considered helping them.

You are wondering because it is not true. You are one of these 'Black people are not intelligent enough to know who helps them' conservatives.
No, I'm one of those "Black people are intelligent enough to succeed on their own if liberals stop 'helping' them" conservatives.

Thanks for letting me clear that up.
The problem with that is correctly attributing the "results." So far, I've seen nothing to demonstrate a causal connection between programs favored by Democrats and poverty The fact that you can, if you make certain (quite dubious) assumptions, assert a plausible connection is not proof.

[ame=]Responsibility to the Poor - YouTube[/ame]
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Does anyone have the social and economic indicators for black Americans in 1964 and 1988 and 2010?

Since the GOP has been absent since then in proactively working to improve black America, the figures will show whether the Democratic programs have helped, hindered, or not affected black America.
A video expressing people's opinions is in no sense evidence that those opinions are correct.

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