Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

Check the %s over the last fifty years and tell me the programs did not contribute to the improvement of minorities' positions economically and socially. You could but you would be wrong. Williams is wrong. I am glad that he, Sowell, West, Thomas, et al succeeded and are happy being Republicans. But the point is that they are exceptions that prove the rule that those programs were necessary and successful for many. Check the %s.

If you think this country is giving up entitlements or reforming them a la Ryan, you are outside political and cultural reality. If you think the Tea Party movement older folks are giving up SS and medicare as they know it, you are on the outside looking in. Not going to happen.

Jake are you stupid or something? Who is suggesting people give up SS and Medicare? they need to be reformed, they are unsustainable and to say Great Society programs have been great for black Americas you are delusional. Most all they have done is create a dependency, break down the traditional family 70% of black babies are born to single mothers, our public schools are a joke, the inner city dropout rate here in Detroit is 75% get your head out of your ass man.

The stats say you are wrong. Yes, the programs need to be reformed, but they will never be recreated as voucher programs. And stop the racist screed: the issue is income $, not race. Whites have the same problem.

Working class (40%) 1980, 10.2% 2007, 40%

Under class (10%) 1980, 44.5% 2007, 70%

"The white overclass? They’re still living in the 1950s—their ratio is probably about 4 or 5 percent tops. But while the elite may continue to live in its pleasant little world for a while, that world is not going to bear much resemblance to the rest of America. And, increasingly, the rest of America isn’t going to bear much resemblance to the America we used to celebrate"

of course big government liberal policies have failed generally, although putting people in classes and attempting to cater to those classes are part of the failure, this thread was on Republicans and their traditional alliance with African Americans.You’re the one who says the democrats are so great now because they have given us all these failed policies not me
The stats confound you, kiddo.

The programs can be done far better, but the OP here remains a real fail.
The stats confound you, kiddo.

The programs can be done far better, but the OP here remains a real fail.

Nope… Not in the least, you fai,l you contradict yourself. As I said Failed big government programs have for the most part not helped anyone. Liberty and the free market is all the help most people need, it has made us the most successful country in the history of the world, and it was the aim of the democrat party to deprive black Americans that liberty for far too long, as Republicans fought for their liberty. It is currently the Democrats aim to deprive all of our liberty. Liberty is not a bad thing Jake.
As I said Failed big government programs have for the most part not helped anyone.

How do you measure this? On an individual basis there is plenty of evidence that they have helped people -- including me.

When I lost my job a couple years ago, I drew unemployment. I flailed around trying to find a new job at the worst possible time for it, and in a bad demographic situation, too (I'm a 55 year old man). I failed, as might be expected.

Then one day, while I was fruitlessly cruising Craigslist looking for sales openings, I saw the category for "writing" and thought, why not, what do I have to lose? So I found a job to apply for and did. I didn't get the job, but in the course of applying for it, I found out about an on-line networking service that facilitates freelancing. And that's what I'm doing now, writing and editing for a living.

Without unemployment, I would have been up shit creek and no mistake. So that big government liberal program sure helped me!

I think you need to explain what you mean when you say such programs haven't helped anyone, because on the face of it that's simply nonsense.
The stats confound you, kiddo.

The programs can be done far better, but the OP here remains a real fail.

Nope… Not in the least, you fai,l you contradict yourself. As I said Failed big government programs have for the most part not helped anyone. Liberty and the free market is all the help most people need, it has made us the most successful country in the history of the world, and it was the aim of the democrat party to deprive black Americans that liberty for far too long, as Republicans fought for their liberty. It is currently the Democrats aim to deprive all of our liberty. Liberty is not a bad thing Jake.

That is your opinion, one that you cannot document with facts and analysis.

Jroc Fail.
As I said Failed big government programs have for the most part not helped anyone.

How do you measure this? On an individual basis there is plenty of evidence that they have helped people -- including me.

When I lost my job a couple years ago, I drew unemployment. I flailed around trying to find a new job at the worst possible time for it, and in a bad demographic situation, too (I'm a 55 year old man). I failed, as might be expected.

Then one day, while I was fruitlessly cruising Craigslist looking for sales openings, I saw the category for "writing" and thought, why not, what do I have to lose? So I found a job to apply for and did. I didn't get the job, but in the course of applying for it, I found out about an on-line networking service that facilitates freelancing. And that's what I'm doing now, writing and editing for a living.

Without unemployment, I would have been up shit creek and no mistake. So that big government liberal program sure helped me!

I think you need to explain what you mean when you say such programs haven't helped anyone, because on the face of it that's simply nonsense.

Jroc believes in twisting facts (if any) to this philosophy. If no facts, then just yell the philosophy.
As I said Failed big government programs have for the most part not helped anyone.

How do you measure this? On an individual basis there is plenty of evidence that they have helped people -- including me.

When I lost my job a couple years ago, I drew unemployment. I flailed around trying to find a new job at the worst possible time for it, and in a bad demographic situation, too (I'm a 55 year old man). I failed, as might be expected.

Then one day, while I was fruitlessly cruising Craigslist looking for sales openings, I saw the category for "writing" and thought, why not, what do I have to lose? So I found a job to apply for and did. I didn't get the job, but in the course of applying for it, I found out about an on-line networking service that facilitates freelancing. And that's what I'm doing now, writing and editing for a living.

Without unemployment, I would have been up shit creek and no mistake. So that big government liberal program sure helped me!

I think you need to explain what you mean when you say such programs haven't helped anyone, because on the face of it that's simply nonsense.

of course but when we look at the big picture we are spiraling towards bankruptcy and that will not help anyone, and I don't put unemployment in with the same category as the res,t as long as it's not a 2yr deal, but I think we're getting a little off topic here
As I said Failed big government programs have for the most part not helped anyone.

How do you measure this? On an individual basis there is plenty of evidence that they have helped people -- including me.

When I lost my job a couple years ago, I drew unemployment. I flailed around trying to find a new job at the worst possible time for it, and in a bad demographic situation, too (I'm a 55 year old man). I failed, as might be expected.

Then one day, while I was fruitlessly cruising Craigslist looking for sales openings, I saw the category for "writing" and thought, why not, what do I have to lose? So I found a job to apply for and did. I didn't get the job, but in the course of applying for it, I found out about an on-line networking service that facilitates freelancing. And that's what I'm doing now, writing and editing for a living.

Without unemployment, I would have been up shit creek and no mistake. So that big government liberal program sure helped me!

I think you need to explain what you mean when you say such programs haven't helped anyone, because on the face of it that's simply nonsense.

Jroc believes in twisting facts (if any) to this philosophy. If no facts, then just yell the philosophy.


[ame=]1300 White Republicans Lynched by the KKK.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
of course but when we look at the big picture we are spiraling towards bankruptcy

First, no organization that controls its own currency can ever be bankrupt.

Second, if you want to cut federal expenditures aid to the poor and unemployed is a drop in the ocean, compared to either the mammoth "defense" budget and the irresponsible Bush tax cuts. I'll believe anyone seriously means to balance the budget when they discuss rectifying those two things.

and I don't put unemployment in with the same category as the res,t as long as it's not a 2yr deal, but I think we're getting a little off topic here

No, we're not. Unemployment is in the same category as the rest by any reasonable standard, and I DID draw it for a year and a half, although not two years. The only distinction when it's not extended is that the funds are all state rather than federal. It's still a program to help people who are in trouble, as I was, with government assistance. That puts it in the same general category as food stamps or TANF.

The reason we're not off-topic is that we're discussing why the Republicans no longer receive the black vote. The reason is that Republicans are ungenerous towards the poor and black people are disproportionately poor. Also, Republicans have soft-pedaled their former commitment to racial equality and learned to flirt with subtle racism in order to get the southern white vote. It's very true, as you pointed out, that it was the GOP who were the champions of civil rights and racial equality from the party's founding in the 1850s until the late 1960s. But it's been quite a while since the late '60s, and that old truth is true no longer.

As I said, this thread comes down to two fallacious arguments. One of those is, "Look at what we used to be, and ignore what we've become." The other is, "Helping someone keeps them from supporting themselves." The reality is that a lack of opportunity is what keeps people from supporting themselves. Without the help, they'd be worse off, not better.
How do you measure this? On an individual basis there is plenty of evidence that they have helped people -- including me.

When I lost my job a couple years ago, I drew unemployment. I flailed around trying to find a new job at the worst possible time for it, and in a bad demographic situation, too (I'm a 55 year old man). I failed, as might be expected.

Then one day, while I was fruitlessly cruising Craigslist looking for sales openings, I saw the category for "writing" and thought, why not, what do I have to lose? So I found a job to apply for and did. I didn't get the job, but in the course of applying for it, I found out about an on-line networking service that facilitates freelancing. And that's what I'm doing now, writing and editing for a living.

Without unemployment, I would have been up shit creek and no mistake. So that big government liberal program sure helped me!

I think you need to explain what you mean when you say such programs haven't helped anyone, because on the face of it that's simply nonsense.

Jroc believes in twisting facts (if any) to this philosophy. If no facts, then just yell the philosophy.

Facts. [ame=]1300 White Republicans Lynched by the KKK.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

1868? What about 1968, Jroc? The % of southern GOP congressmen and senators voting against Civil Rights and Voting Rights in 1964 and 1965 was higher than southern Dem voting against them.

Context, factual, and honest.

Try it.
Jroc believes in twisting facts (if any) to this philosophy. If no facts, then just yell the philosophy.

Facts. [ame=]1300 White Republicans Lynched by the KKK.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

1868? What about 1968, Jroc? The % of southern GOP congressmen and senators voting against Civil Rights and Voting Rights in 1964 and 1965 was higher than southern Dem voting against them.

Context, factual, and honest.

Try it.

House of Representatives:

Democrats for: 152
Democrats against: 96
Republicans for: 138
Republicans against: 34


Democrats for: 46
Democrats against: 21
Republicans for: 27
Republicans against: 6

The Congressional Quarterly of June 26, 1964 recorded that in the
Senate, only 69 percent of Democrats (46 for, 21 against) voted for
the Civil Rights Act as compared to 82 percent of Republicans (27 for,
6 against). All southern Democratic senators voted against the act.
[...] In the House of Representatives, 61 percent of Democrats (152
for, 96 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act; 92 of the 103
Southern Democrats voted against it. Among Republicans, 80 percent
(138 for, 34 against) voted for it."

"Republicans..The real allies of African Americans"

Google Answers: Voting record for the Civil Rights Act
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Gotta be fair with the numbers, Jroc, and with the geography. Sen Dems in the South voted 1 -21 for it, Sen Pubs in the South vote 0-1, House Dems 7-87 and House Pubs 0-10. We are see a pattern emerge. In the West and the North, Dems 145-9 in favor and Pubs 138-24.

Thus, (1) we know that Kennedy then Johnson took the lead with Hubert Humphrey driving the Congress House and Senate forward, with some solid help from northern Pub leadership, and (2) the Dems on this issue deserve the greater share with some solid applause for the Pubs.

I am ashamed of my party since 1968 on matters of racial equality in this country.

Republican House Member Misrepresents History On Civil Rights Legislation | The Moderate Voice
Gotta be fair with the numbers, Jroc, and with the geography. Sen Dems in the South voted 1 -21 for it, Sen Pubs in the South vote 0-1, House Dems 7-87 and House Pubs 0-10. We are see a pattern emerge. In the West and the North, Dems 145-9 in favor and Pubs 138-24.

Thus, (1) we know that Kennedy then Johnson took the lead with Hubert Humphrey driving the Congress House and Senate forward, with some solid help from northern Pub leadership, and (2) the Dems on this issue deserve the greater share with some solid applause for the Pubs.

I am ashamed of my party since 1968 on matters of racial equality in this country.

Republican House Member Misrepresents History On Civil Rights Legislation | The Moderate Voice

"Republicans..The real allies of African Americans

I think the democrat party should pay reparations to African Americans. Absolutely, they should be ashamed of their history and admit what they did.:evil:
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Newt still repeats the code and yet some believe the apologists. And so it goes....

"You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a by-product of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” Lee Atwater, Republican strategist, 1981, describing the Southern Strategy
It is funny to me how liberal Democrats tend to ignore their own history all together than turn to bullshit fabrication of Republicans as an excuse to ignore the atrocities they perpetrated on Africans Americans for 100yrs :cuckoo:

Richard Nixon kicked off his historic comeback in 1966 with a column on the South (by this writer) that declared we would build our Republican Party on a foundation of states rights, human rights, small government and a strong national defense, and leave it to the “party of Maddox, Mahoney and Wallace to squeeze the last ounces of political juice out of the rotting fruit of racial injustice.”

In that ’66 campaign, Nixon – who had been thanked personally by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957 – endorsed all Republicans, except members of the John Birch Society.

In 1968, Nixon chose Spiro Agnew for vice president. Why? Agnew had routed George (“Your home is your castle!”) Mahoney for governor of Maryland but had also criticized civil-rights leaders who failed to condemn the riots that erupted after the assassination of King. The Agnew of 1968 was both pro-civil rights and pro-law and order.

When the ’68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.

Between 1969 and 1974, Nixon – who believed that blacks had gotten a raw deal in America and wanted to extend a helping hand:

* raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent;

* doubled the budget for black colleges;

* appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions
than any president, including LBJ;

* adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks
in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and

* invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business
Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses
from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business
loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits
in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent;

* raised the share of Southern schools that were
desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been
since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation
has taken place in the South.”
The Neocons and Nixon’s Southern Strategy » Patrick J. Buchanan - Official Website
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I think the democrat party should pay reparations to African Americans. Absolutely, they should be ashamed of their history and admit what they did.:evil:

I think neither the dem nor the pub should pay such a liberal fandango.

The dems have made up for their history on race and we GOP are trying to throw ours away.
Democrats already did pay reparations for their history of racism. That's what the Civil Rights Act was: penance.

Republicans, on the other hand, since 1968 have been paying reparations to the slave owners they once deprived of their property.
Democrats already did pay reparations for their history of racism. That's what the Civil Rights Act was: penance.

Republicans, on the other hand, since 1968 have been paying reparations to the slave owners they once deprived of their property.
You really believe that stupid shit?

Don't drink the bong water, kid.
Democrats already did pay reparations for their history of racism. That's what the Civil Rights Act was: penance.

Republicans, on the other hand, since 1968 have been paying reparations to the slave owners they once deprived of their property.
You really believe that stupid shit?

In the sense of either party being actually motivated by remorse, no. It was just an appropriate reply to other stupid shit.

That that was the effect, yes. There's no denying that the Democrats had a history of racism and that the CRA amounted to making up for it whether that was their intent or not. And there's also no denying that since the late '60s, the parties have swapped places on the issues of civil rights and racial equality.
Many Republicans are trying to work with the Dems.

Many Dems, of course, have turned a just cause into a Special Interests Group to their own political advantage.

The matter of fact is that all Americans regardless of party should be fighting for civil rights every day.

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