Rick Santorum: Rape Victims Should 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation'

The only safe way to deal with a pregnancy is by abortion. That's what the left is promoting.
The only safe way to deal with a pregnancy is by abortion. That's what the left is promoting.

The great majority of people, including on the right, would laugh at that, katz.

But tell you what? Tell us under what conditions do you think an abortion should be done?

Really, be honest here.
When the mother's life is at risk, more than the usual risk of pregnancy. When the mother has cancer and is undergoing treatment and unexpectedly gets pregnant, for example.

These scenarios happen about once in a blue moon but they do happen. They've always happened, even before RvW and there was never any problem with it. EVER. The argument that we have to have legalized, assembly line abortion factories in order to "protect" the half dozen women a year who for whatever reason must abort to protect their own life is a lie.

Just as every one of your arguments on this topic is a lie.
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The only safe way to deal with a pregnancy is by abortion. That's what the left is promoting.

The great majority of people, including on the right, would laugh at that, katz.

A great majority of the people on the left spin every dam thing the right says. Sadly, you only point out the spin of the right. To be expected by a child wioth poor debating skills.

But tell you what? Tell us under what conditions do you think an abortion should be done?

Really, be honest here.

lol...did you really use the word honest? That is like a cattle breeder eating chicken

Go ahead...have me banned you freaking child.
When the mother's life is at risk, more than the usual risk of pregnancy. When the mother has cancer and is undergoing treatment and unexpectedly gets pregnant, for example.

These scenarios happen about once in a blue moon but they do happen. They've always happened, even before RvW and there was never any problem with it. EVER. The argument that we have to have legalized, assembly line abortion factories in order to "protect" the half dozen women a year who for whatever reason must abort to protect their own life is a lie.

Just as every one of your arguments on this topic is a lie.

finally, we got a straight answer: for the sake of the mother's life.

good for you, you are not a complete idiot.

I would also add for rape and for incest.

If you don't like that, tuff luck. You are in the very small minority, and you can't change it.
When the mother's life is at risk, more than the usual risk of pregnancy. When the mother has cancer and is undergoing treatment and unexpectedly gets pregnant, for example.

These scenarios happen about once in a blue moon but they do happen. They've always happened, even before RvW and there was never any problem with it. EVER. The argument that we have to have legalized, assembly line abortion factories in order to "protect" the half dozen women a year who for whatever reason must abort to protect their own life is a lie.

Just as every one of your arguments on this topic is a lie.

finally, we got a straight answer: for the sake of the mother's life.

good for you, you are not a complete idiot.

I would also add for rape and for incest.

If you don't like that, tuff luck. You are in the very small minority, and you can't change it.

In other words....

When you agree with me, you are good.

When you disagree with me, you are bad.

Kind of a narrow minded appraoch. You know....like a childs approach to things.
Yes, he's clearly out of his mind. He's the Ned Flanders of the bunch.

GHook93 said:
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STFU you red-skinned ******!


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GHook93 negged me for the above post. I was going to stop posting neggers, but I couldn't resist this one.
I don't think anyone would argue that a woman should have the right to have her baby killed after he/she is born; some people believe that there's no difference if the fetus is terminated at any time before birth. New life is new life, with all it's possibilities; the question is whether we should allow the decision to end that new life simply because birth has not taken place yet. It's not the baby's fault if the circumstances of conception, no? Some might say the only situation where the abortion should be considered is if the mother's life is in jeopardy.

Personally, I agree. I can't see a situation where I would even consider a termination... adoption, sure... but not abortion.


And it is a really big but.

I cannot make that decision for other women. It's for them to decide... and for any male to think they have even a right to an opinion on the 'rape' issue... well, frankly... no. You can have an opinion - naturally.... but whatever you say... you will never get it. It won't ever happen to you.

As I'm reading through the many posts here in this thread, I'm trying to put myself in the situation of getting pregnant through rape and how I would deal with it. I am pro-choice so if a woman wants to abort her baby, well that is something she alone has to decide. I've always told myself that I would never abort an unborn child but I don't know if I could deal with carrying the baby to term to give up for adoption. It would be a long nine month constant reminder of something I would want to forget.
You don't get to eliminate people who are "reminders".

A paralyzed dependent is often a reminder of an unpleasant event...an accident, explosion, a disease. And their families don't get to off them just because of it.

Abortion will NOT make the aftereffects of rape go away. It will NOT reduce (and in fact generally increases likelihood of) PTSD. Abortion does not erase the memory of the event.

And babies, regardless of their origins, are not there for us to dispose of at will.
I am pro-life.

Rick Santorum's position is the most extreme of extremist positions. The result being that he hurts the pro-life movement more than he helps.
I don't think anyone would argue that a woman should have the right to have her baby killed after he/she is born; some people believe that there's no difference if the fetus is terminated at any time before birth. New life is new life, with all it's possibilities; the question is whether we should allow the decision to end that new life simply because birth has not taken place yet. It's not the baby's fault if the circumstances of conception, no? Some might say the only situation where the abortion should be considered is if the mother's life is in jeopardy.

Personally, I agree. I can't see a situation where I would even consider a termination... adoption, sure... but not abortion.


And it is a really big but.

I cannot make that decision for other women. It's for them to decide... and for any male to think they have even a right to an opinion on the 'rape' issue... well, frankly... no. You can have an opinion - naturally.... but whatever you say... you will never get it. It won't ever happen to you.

As I'm reading through the many posts here in this thread, I'm trying to put myself in the situation of getting pregnant through rape and how I would deal with it. I am pro-choice so if a woman wants to abort her baby, well that is something she alone has to decide. I've always told myself that I would never abort an unborn child but I don't know if I could deal with carrying the baby to term to give up for adoption. It would be a long nine month constant reminder of something I would want to forget.

'Cause without the pregnancy, you would have just blown off the rape, forgotten about it, and gone on with your life in that nine months?

One assumes that an intelligent woman would go to a therapist to learn how to deal with the aftermath of the rape and to heal, but for some odd reason, the pro-choice crowd can't seem to wrap their minds around the idea of ALSO having the therapist incorporate the pregnancy into the healing process.

All I can think is that there are a LOT of people out there who just default to seeing pregnancy in general as a bad thing, and pregnancy by rape as simply a much more extremely bad version of something that's already bad.
Exactly. It's the idea that pregnancy is BAD and babies are DISPOSABLE that leads to the uniquely American idea that getting an abortion will fix anything that ails you.
You don't get to eliminate people who are "reminders".

A paralyzed dependent is often a reminder of an unpleasant event...an accident, explosion, a disease. And their families don't get to off them just because of it.

Abortion will NOT make the aftereffects of rape go away. It will NOT reduce (and in fact generally increases likelihood of) PTSD. Abortion does not erase the memory of the event.

And babies, regardless of their origins, are not there for us to dispose of at will.

Hey, my ex-boyfriend is an unpleasant reminder of an unpleasant relationship. I have to see the bastard everywhere. Does that mean I can kill him so I don't have to be reminded?
I do believe that's what they're saying.

Though how that fits in with their avowed commitment to protecting rapists, child molesters and incest perps, I don't know...
When the mother's life is at risk, more than the usual risk of pregnancy. When the mother has cancer and is undergoing treatment and unexpectedly gets pregnant, for example.

These scenarios happen about once in a blue moon but they do happen. They've always happened, even before RvW and there was never any problem with it. EVER. The argument that we have to have legalized, assembly line abortion factories in order to "protect" the half dozen women a year who for whatever reason must abort to protect their own life is a lie.

Just as every one of your arguments on this topic is a lie.

finally, we got a straight answer: for the sake of the mother's life.

good for you, you are not a complete idiot.

I would also add for rape and for incest.

If you don't like that, tuff luck. You are in the very small minority, and you can't change it.

In other words....When you agree with me, you are good.When you disagree with me, you are bad.Kind of a narrow minded appraoch. You know....like a childs approach to things.

Yes, you project your backward, narrow-minded, childish approach well, koshergirl.

I am glad you agree that a mother's life comes before that of an unborn baby.

Your opinion about incest and rape as poor reasons for permitting abortion remains, imo, scattered brained and in the vast minority of Americans, so it does not matter.
This guy is out of his mind.

Plenty of Women have done just that. Had the Kid and Made a good thing out of a bad one. What's wrong with that? Why do you have to want all children of Rape to be Aborted?

What is wrong about what he said? it is still her Child. Just because some asshole rapped her does not mean half the DNA that made the kid wasn't hers. It does not mean if she has the kid she wont love it. Some might not, Some might. Woman should make the Decision on a case by case Basis. But I see no problem with encouraging woman to think about Keeping the kid, and trying to find something good that come out of something so bad. Like a Child to love and cherish.

While I totally get what you're saying... the simple fact is that it is an outrage to force a woman in that situation to have the child. It's fine and dandy in theory... but it's real life to some women. I would hope that they would have the courage to have the child and put it up for adoption... but never in a million years would I dare look that woman in the eye and say 'you MUST have this kid'. And I am seriously pro life. To me, there would be no decision... but I am not other women and they have the right to choose differently. That's part of being a conservative.

Then, you are so not pro-life. If you allow the decision to be made by the mother or the woman that is pregnant. You forfeit your right to be pro-life.
You will not agree but that is the fact.
If the government will pass some law that they make the decision the 3rd party has no say in the situation.
Therefore, you are pro-choice.
All of those that would change the circumstance and protect their own and allow the choice to be made by the woman, if they be in their family, are liars. They are not pro-life.
Personally, I agree. I can't see a situation where I would even consider a termination... adoption, sure... but not abortion.


And it is a really big but.

I cannot make that decision for other women. It's for them to decide... and for any male to think they have even a right to an opinion on the 'rape' issue... well, frankly... no. You can have an opinion - naturally.... but whatever you say... you will never get it. It won't ever happen to you.

As I'm reading through the many posts here in this thread, I'm trying to put myself in the situation of getting pregnant through rape and how I would deal with it. I am pro-choice so if a woman wants to abort her baby, well that is something she alone has to decide. I've always told myself that I would never abort an unborn child but I don't know if I could deal with carrying the baby to term to give up for adoption. It would be a long nine month constant reminder of something I would want to forget.

'Cause without the pregnancy, you would have just blown off the rape, forgotten about it, and gone on with your life in that nine months?

One assumes that an intelligent woman would go to a therapist to learn how to deal with the aftermath of the rape and to heal, but for some odd reason, the pro-choice crowd can't seem to wrap their minds around the idea of ALSO having the therapist incorporate the pregnancy into the healing process.

All I can think is that there are a LOT of people out there who just default to seeing pregnancy in general as a bad thing, and pregnancy by rape as simply a much more extremely bad version of something that's already bad.

Uhm ... no.
My point which I guess didn't get across clear enough, is that a rape victim needs to deal with the emotional aftermath which in itself is difficult enough, but to then throw the full-term pregnancy on top of it would be that daily reminder of something the woman is trying to forget.

I've been pregnant twice and have given birth to a beautiful son each time. Pregnancy is a wonderful thing and if it wasn't for the fact that I don't want to raise another child, I would love to be pregnant all over again. But ... by a rapist? Hell no!
Plenty of Women have done just that. Had the Kid and Made a good thing out of a bad one. What's wrong with that? Why do you have to want all children of Rape to be Aborted?

What is wrong about what he said? it is still her Child. Just because some asshole rapped her does not mean half the DNA that made the kid wasn't hers. It does not mean if she has the kid she wont love it. Some might not, Some might. Woman should make the Decision on a case by case Basis. But I see no problem with encouraging woman to think about Keeping the kid, and trying to find something good that come out of something so bad. Like a Child to love and cherish.

While I totally get what you're saying... the simple fact is that it is an outrage to force a woman in that situation to have the child. It's fine and dandy in theory... but it's real life to some women. I would hope that they would have the courage to have the child and put it up for adoption... but never in a million years would I dare look that woman in the eye and say 'you MUST have this kid'. And I am seriously pro life. To me, there would be no decision... but I am not other women and they have the right to choose differently. That's part of being a conservative.

Then, you are so not pro-life. If you allow the decision to be made by the mother or the woman that is pregnant. You forfeit your right to be pro-life.
You will not agree but that is the fact.
If the government will pass some law that they make the decision the 3rd party has no say in the situation.
Therefore, you are pro-choice.
All of those that would change the circumstance and protect their own and allow the choice to be made by the woman, if they be in their family, are liars. They are not pro-life.

Kosher girl is pro-life

She just not a Hard-line pro-life supporter. Kind of like on the moderate pro-life side of the (Choice/life) spectrum. She is the kind of person that makes it difficult to ban abortion right out!

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