Rick Scott: militant American left wing has become the enemy within: not only do they control DC, the media & Hollywood, they now control our military

People are seeing Republicans in their crazed state. Rick Scott is now saying that Republicans might not take control of the Senate. That is why voters are rejecting Republicans.
Above I was talking about Democrat's being the one's who have seriously abused their power.
Actually, not at all.
Letting people keep more of their earnings is the exact opposite of marxist wealth redistribution.
Your education is suspect, kid.
Think before emoting.
Horseshit. If they pay less than your average working slob, they are getting subsidized.
What is a specific policy, law, rule, or whatever that you're concerned about.
The latest bill that just passed.

87,000 new IRS agents. Tell me that isn't a standing army.

Democrats plan to use that sooner rather than later, too.
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i agree. these are the most narrow minded people in the history of our country...they're ignorant of world history and American history. what they're proposing is not just wrong: it's evil, and the results are evil

Rick Scott's a pretty sharp dude! He's pretty awesome, actually.
The latest bill that just passed.

87,000 new IRS agents. Tell me that isn't a standing army.

Democrats plan to use that sooner rather than later, too.

Oh, I get it -- you believe everything you see on Hannity. Here's another source that explains what the IRS funding is for.

Oh, I get it -- you believe everything you see on Hannity. Here's another source that explains what the IRS funding is for.

You've probably done mostly dishonest work over the course of your life, shitbag.
Thank you for affirming you've never done any work, ever. In what way do you contribute to society? Not ever having done any work, what makes you think ary a motherfucker should listen to your opinion, leechboy? Yes, you're a leech on society.
Thank you for affirming you've never done any work, ever. In what way do you contribute to society?

You're right. All I do is sit on my ass and collect welfare. I contribute to society by making you pay more for my lifestyle on your dime. It's awesome. While you cut down those trees and make that log cabin, I'm sittin on my ass drinkin some Wild Turkey, and I make sure you get me the best vintage, too.

Now get back to work, slave.
Politics, she gambled and lost. Like I said nobody is trying to burn her life down. To you Hillary was unfairly targeted and Rump is guilty of everything your side has accused him of. That tells me all I need to know about you.
Why is this about me? I certainly don't care if the GOP likes their firing squads to be circular.
Why is this about me? I certainly don't care if the GOP likes their firing squads to be circular.

You're a partisan hypocrite, nothing more.
To you Hillary was unfairly targeted and Rump is guilty of everything your side has accused him of. That tells me all I need to know about you.
You're a partisan hypocrite, nothing more.
Unlike you?

To you Hillary was unfairly targeted and Rump is guilty of everything your side has accused him of. That tells me all I need to know about you.
You seem to know quite a bit about my feelings towards Hillary and Trump but the conversation was about Cheney. Someone who you are happy to throw under the bus despite her conservative credentials. Not a very big tent your cult has erected.
Doesn't have to be just politics. Her ideology, culture, character etc can drive her politics of destruction..
I agree. You called her a RINO, what was it about her ideology, culture, character, etc., that led you to that conclusion? I hope you were not just parroting what others have said.
I agree. You called her a RINO, what was it about her ideology, culture, character, etc., that led you to that conclusion? I hope you were not just parroting what others have said.
When she attacked Trump who was representing the American voter's quite well, then she became a rhino.
When she attacked Trump who was representing the American voter's quite well, then she became a rhino.
Just what I thought, integrity, competence, values are no longer of interest to the GOP, only loyalty matters. The GOP is now a cult.

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