Right has been far more fair/supportive of police; Soul search time


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

The problem is that Americans see one incident after another involving police brutality or even the outright murder of unarmed citizens. On top of that, way too many cops have a God complex. Sorry, but at this point, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them, and that isn't very far with all the donuts they eat.

Here is the other thing about this whole problem. A lot of people will say that this is just a few bad cops and that most cops are good and would not cross the line as we see over and over again. The problem is that the so called good cops never come out against those bad cops. They have their back regardless of what one of them may have done. And that is the real reason people don't trust cops anymore.

If you want to see normal regular everyday Americans begin to support and trust the police again, then police departments throughout the country need to clean up their own houses and get rid of these piece of shit criminals that they are harboring.
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

The problem is that Americans see one incident after another involving police brutality or even the outright murder of unarmed citizens. On top of that, way too many cops have a God complex. Sorry, but at this point, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them, and that isn't very far with all the donuts they eat.

Here is the other thing about this whole problem. A lot of people will say that this is just a few bad cops and that most cops are good and would not cross the line as we see over and over again. The problem is that the so called good cops never come out against those bad cops. They have their back regardless of what one of them may have done. And that is the real reason people don't trust cops anymore.

If you want to see normal regular everyday Americans begin to support and trust the police again, then police departments throughout the country need to clean up their own houses and get rid of these piece of shit criminals that they are harboring.

Wow what a left wing hateful diatribe.

"The problem is Americans see one incident after another involving police brutality or even outright murder of unarmed citizens". I'm sure you have facts to back that statement up, right?
Most police are there to serve and protect the public. A few bad apples doesn't make the whole group bad. Some have abused, but not enough to spout this chit over an isolated incident.

That is too broad a brush for me.
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

I think you may need to examine the reasons why the "right" appear to be supportive of LEO's in this case. Why would FOX news want to take the side of LEOS in this case? I suggest that their motives may not be as pure as you might hope.

The American left has, contrary to popular Libertarian opinion, been sounding the alarm regarding the militarization of police forces. Things like "stop and frisk" and other profiling activities have not served to endear LEO's to those of us who truly respect the rile of law.

I'm sure you've heard or read some nastiness coming from the left regarding police forces in general. And that guy in MO is certainly taking his fair share of criticism. But.....you'll probably regret thinking that the right is coming from a place of real support for your cause. I'm sure the next time someone with a "Don't Tread On Me" flag points an AR at a cop you'll see what I mean.
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

Support for the women and men of law enforcement who guard the walls of the city while the rest of us sleep isn't a partisan issue. I think instead, partisans are trying to make it a political issue in preparation for the 2016 Presidential elction.

"The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) reports that a total of 1,501 law-enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past ten years, an average of one death every 58 hours, or 150 per year. These include local and state police officers, federal officers, correctional officers, and military law-enforcement officers.

Fact: Last year, 100 law-enforcement officers were killed. On average, over the past decade, there have been 58,261 assaults against law enforcement each year, resulting in 15,658 injuries.

Fact: New York City has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 697 deaths. Texas has lost 1,675 officers, more than any other state.

Just this week, NLEOMF released preliminary fatality statistics from August 2013 to August 2014. Total fatalities are up 14 percent, from 63 last year to 72 this year."
A Cop Is Killed Every 58 Hours
There are tens of thousands of LEOs in this country. The idea that every one of them is an upstanding emotionally well adjusted person well trained for his job is nonsense. Yes, some of them are abusive assholes. And they usually are weeded out by their own departments. And they need to be. Except in Chicago, where they get promotions for that kind of stuff. But I digress.
It's a tough boring job for the most part. And being second guessed on tough calls is not pleasant. I am always inclinded to give the benefit of the doubt until the situation becomes clearer. And I'll ask, Did he do the right thing, knowing what he knew at that moment? Because whatever was discovered later is irrelevant. A kid flees down a dark alley, the cops follow. The kid bends over and pulls out.....
Well, what is it? Was it his cell phone or was it a gun? We'll find out but for the cop in that situation he wont know until he's made a fatal decision. That's the sort of thing I mean. Even if it turns out to have been a cell phone and the kid gets shot, the cop is entirely blameless.
A 97% white police force in a 75% black community deserves criticism.
A 97% white police force in a 75% black community deserves criticism.

Your percentages are wrong though admittedly not by much.

Plus the premise is wrong too. It's trying to assert that whites should police whites, and blacks police blacks. And that white officers can't make fair decisions about blacks and vice-versa. And presumedly a male officer can't make fair decisions about female suspects or vice-versa.

When I was in the Navy I had black superiors I had no problem accepting orders from and subordinates I gave orders to. It's completely false black, white, pink, pr polkadot can't work together, or enforce laws solely by virtue of being different ethnicities. If we allow that sentiment to become pervasive l;aw enforcement and government is done.
A 97% white police force in a 75% black community deserves criticism.

Your percentages are wrong though admittedly not by much.

Plus the premise is wrong too. It's trying to assert that whites should police whites, and blacks police blacks. And that white officers can't make fair decisions about blacks and vice-versa. And presumedly a male officer can't make fair decisions about female suspects or vice-versa.

When I was in the Navy I had black superiors I had no problem accepting orders from and subordinates I gave orders to. It's completely false black, white, pink, pr polkadot can't work together, or enforce laws solely by virtue of being different ethnicities. If we allow that sentiment to become pervasive l;aw enforcement and government is done.
Excellent point. My understanding from those who serve in the military is that competence and dedication produce respect, not skin color.
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

Bitchin' about some cops getting paid too much is far different then not supporting the police. The left wing is doing what they do, creating division and strife. What you are asking is for the left to go against their very nature, it won't happen. They see an opportunity to get the established "whitey" and that is what they are doing.

For example, look at their response to this incident when the facts are hardly known and their response to Waco. What is the difference? One difference is that the president then was democrat and if anyone took responsibility it would be him so hands off. Another difference is that it was perceived that at Waco it was a situation of whites being attacked. Even though that really wasn't the case. In the Ferguson case the flames of racial divided can be fanned and that is what they are doing. Why? Why do they do such a thing? If the cop murdered the kid it is no different then if a civilian murdered the kid. The cop was not acting on police policy. He was not acting in accordance with any directive given by his superiors but that does not stop the liberal left from smearing those who are suppose to protect us.

Another example is the left's attitude towards at least 4 Americans being targeted and killed without due process. Even the ACLU filed suit but the liberal left, just looks the other way.

The right supports the police, they do not support the abuse by the police.

So now Ferguson burns. Not because of what the police have done but because they are not doing anything. Anarchy is ruling because the left wing will take any incident, innocent or not, and accuse the police of being nothing more then jack booted thugs. I feel bad for the VAST majority of those in Ferguson who rely on the protection of the police. The left wing has gotten what they want at the expense of those who are most at need.
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

^ Lying fucker says what?
A 97% white police force in a 75% black community deserves criticism.

Your percentages are wrong though admittedly not by much.

Plus the premise is wrong too. It's trying to assert that whites should police whites, and blacks police blacks. And that white officers can't make fair decisions about blacks and vice-versa. And presumedly a male officer can't make fair decisions about female suspects or vice-versa.

When I was in the Navy I had black superiors I had no problem accepting orders from and subordinates I gave orders to. It's completely false black, white, pink, pr polkadot can't work together, or enforce laws solely by virtue of being different ethnicities. If we allow that sentiment to become pervasive l;aw enforcement and government is done.

I was not intimating that they cannot make fair decisions, but with at 94% white police force in a 67% black community, (I looked this time instead of pulling them from the air...I was damn close) there is no community policing going on.

It's pretty obvious that fair decisions were not being made in Ferguson.
The police suck everywhere because they are far too protective of the authoritarian, ethically challenged dicks in their midst. They try to police us with intrusive strong arm tactics but would never ever put up with that kind of policing of their ethics which are in a sad state and getting worse.
A 97% white police force in a 75% black community deserves criticism.

Your percentages are wrong though admittedly not by much.

Plus the premise is wrong too. It's trying to assert that whites should police whites, and blacks police blacks. And that white officers can't make fair decisions about blacks and vice-versa. And presumedly a male officer can't make fair decisions about female suspects or vice-versa.

When I was in the Navy I had black superiors I had no problem accepting orders from and subordinates I gave orders to. It's completely false black, white, pink, pr polkadot can't work together, or enforce laws solely by virtue of being different ethnicities. If we allow that sentiment to become pervasive l;aw enforcement and government is done.

I was not intimating that they cannot make fair decisions, but with at 94% white police force in a 67% black community, (I looked this time instead of pulling them from the air...I was damn close) there is no community policing going on.

It's pretty obvious that fair decisions were not being made in Ferguson.

You know there is no community policing (whatever that is) how? Or did you just pull it out of your ass like your statitstics?
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

You're the biggest fucking lying cocksucker on this board, you make Starkey look like Honest Abe
Well, I have to look in the mirror, do some soul searching. Everyone knows my #1 political interest is support for police. And a couple years ago, the Republican Party, which I was strongly sided with, began to do some things that angered me. In particular, with the recession, some especially at the local level began criticizing pay, benefits, pension of cops. It pissed me off. And since then...I haven't been a Democrat, but I sided with them a lot.

This incident in Missouri has caused me to do some soul searching politically. While the GOP and right wing hasn't been cheerleading the cops, they have been FAR FAR FAR more fair. They have mostly been reserved on judgment. A wait-and-see approach for the actual cop involved. AND many have made efforts to also honor the service of all the other cops who do great work in this country.

And I have noticed. And looked in the mirror at my own stance on stuff. Because the left wing has been flat out nasty. Ugly. Nasty. Some even justifying violence against cops.

With the Bundy Ranch situation, you had some radical right wingers doing the same thing. BUT, this incident has done something. Its brought out the element of the right wing that is NOT radically anti-government. That wants spending controlled, BUT, supports police and military also. A lot of the employees of Fox News have made statements that are both fair and supportive of the 1,000,000 cops in America.

In fact, it reminds me of the right wing I used to side with. I don't know how that will play out.

BUT, I do know this: The American left wing has been nastier, uglier and more unfair to the police of this nation in the last 5 days than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it sickens me. EVERY one of the 1,000,000 cops in American who will check on-duty this week....will face MORE danger than they did last week, in part due to the nasty rhetoric spewed into the media and public by many on the left. Stoking anger and outrage....for no legitimate reason.

1 cop in Missouri, out of 1,000,000 in America.....MIGHT have committed a horrible act. MIGHT. "Innocent until proven guilty", right? But sure, lets smear the other 999,999 cops since we have a chance, and we can march dipshit Al Sharpton out there while we're at it.

Fucking disgusting.

You're the biggest fucking lying cocksucker on this board, you make Starkey look like Honest Abe

Now don't hold back :lol: ;-) ♥
A 97% white police force in a 75% black community deserves criticism.

not until you know the reason why.....what would you say if very very few blacks apply for the job?...so what is that dept supposed to do then?....paint the white guys black?....

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