Rightwing extremism is a much bigger problem than leftwing extremism

Sorry about those 450 acts of violence over the last 10 years. It would have been far worse if we weren't also the most restrained segment of society. I mean it's not easy being a "right-winger", with all that self-control, restraint, counting to ten and biting your lip.

Let's just agree that you shouldn't poke a sleeping lion, let's shake hands, make up, and be Best Friends Forever, mmmkay?

Hugs and kisses, bro. :11:
Honestly I think most righties that are obsessed with their guns and talk of using them are completely full of shit.
Black people rioting does not somehow make them ANTIfA or BLM. BLM, specifically, is a very specific organization. Either way those weren’t acts of terror. Most of the people who died were the black people themselves.
More lies. Idiot.
What makes them BLM exactly?
Peer pressure.Piling on.The Ferguson Effect.
Blacks have a weakness for acting out.If not than name the
last huge Riot sponsored by Whites.
Like the Riots in L.A. after Rodney King.
Tha Anti-Defamation League has assessed 450 acts of terrorism in the US over the last 10 years.

Of these 450 killings, right-wing extremists committed about 75 percent. Islamic extremists were responsible for about 20 percent, and left-wing extremists were responsible for 4 percent.

Nearly half of the murders were specifically tied to white supremacists.

The right desperately tries to attach any sort of political violence to ANTIfA to balance out or excuse all the rightwing violence, but they are talking about an organization that hardly exists in the first place lol. It’s basically just random people calling themselves ANTIFA and maybe wear black. You rarely hear about it. The whole thing doesn’t make any sense. In one conversation the rightwing talks about how much lefties are snowflakes but in another conversation they assert the left is unhinged and violent. They basically will throw any negative stereotype they can think of at lefties even though these stereotypes clearly conflict. I mean seriously, pick one.

Make no mistake: Trump rhetoric is clearly one of the most toxic.

How about those 2020 Riots.
Honestly I think most righties that are obsessed with their guns and talk of using them are completely full of shit.

Did I say anything about "guns"? There you go projecting again.

Guns are icky.
Where is the evidence that BLM is connected? See you can’t just claim this and expect me to just say okay lol

No, I expect you to do like the ADL did, and not count lefty violence as lefty violence, so you can talk shit about your enemies and justify your future escalations in the political battles, figurative and literal.
No, I expect you to do like the ADL did, and not count lefty violence as lefty violence, so you can talk shit about your enemies and justify your future escalations in the political battles, figurative and literal.
Then provide your own stats that counter mine.
Then provide your own stats that counter mine.

I think instead I will just remember that lefty mobs have been rioting and burning and killing for years all across this nation and dismiss your absurd claim.


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