RIP middle class


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I was listening to Mark Levin the other day talk about Obamacare. He said that Obamacare is simply a highly inefficient single payer system. Insurance now has nothing at all to do with you, rather, it is simply a means of redistribution to give money to those who are poor to be subsidized on the exchanges. As those in the middle class pay higher and higher premiums, more will simply pay fines and not buy health insurance. This will prompt the fines to go higher and higher to account for the lost revenue, as premiums go even higher.

The result? The wealthy will be just fine even though they may feel the pinch, but the middle class will be destroyed. The irony here is that Obama promised never to raise taxes on the middle class, but what he did was simply create the largest taxes on them in US history.

My guess is that the DNC has written off the middle class, much like they did "white America". Now they have the uber rich progressives to support them in the corporate world and the increasing poor and illegal aliens to pick up the voting slack.

RIP Middle Class
Killing the Middle Class

December 20, 2013 by Arnold Ahler

If one takes the mainstream media seriously, Ben Bernanke’s announcement that the Federal Reserve would begin “tapering” its purchase of government bonds and mortgage securities by $10 billion dollars per month was the reason for Wall Street’s rally on Wednesday. Yet as the chart here reveals, the reaction to the Fed’s decision was a rapid and precipitous drop first, followed by a large rally, when Bernanke dropped the far more important shoe: interest rates would remain near zero for the foreseeable future. Thus, the nation remains wedded to a policy best described by Andrew Huszar, who was responsible for executing the first round of Quantitative Easing (QE) beginning in 2009. After apologizing to the entire nation, Huszar called QE ”the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time.”

And while Wall Street has flourished, Main Street remains mired in the “new normal.” It is the new normal where a staggering 75 percent of the jobs created this year have not only been part-time, but low-paying. It is the new normal where the “decline” in unemployment to 7 percent is belied by the reality that a record high 91,541,000 of Americans are no longer in the labor force as of October, and the workforce participation rate is 63 percent, the lowest its been since 1978. Some of that decline can be attributed to Baby Boomers retiring, but the participation rate of workers aged 16-54 also declined during the recession–and has yet to recover.

And that’s assuming the figure of 7 percent unemployment itself hasn’t been manipulated, apart from not counting those who are no longer looking for work. The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has initiated an investigation into a New York Post report that employment data leading into the 2012 election may have been deliberately manipulated. “Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” writes the Post’s John Crudele. ”And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee–that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”


Killing the Middle Class | FrontPage Magazine

ObamaCare: A Christmas Gift from the Poor to the Rich

December 20, 2013 by Matthew Vadum

The increasingly desperate Obama White House is encouraging Obamacare supporters to make Christmas a living hell for those Americans still not convinced that putting the federal government in charge of health care is a good idea.


To trick young, poor, healthy people into subsidizing older, sicker, wealthier people, the Obama administration wheeled out First Lady Michelle Obama, America’s flamboyant answer to the shopping-crazed kleptocrat Imelda Marcos, to sell Obamacare coverage to those who don’t want it or need it.

And to appeal to the young “hipster” community, Obama’s stormtroopers at Organizing for Action (OfA) posted an ad on Twitter showing a young bespectacled man in one-piece pajamas, sitting on a comfortable couch with a warm drink. “Wear pajamas. Drink hot chocolate. Talk about getting health insurance,” reads the accompanying ad copy.

It might be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.

But to the incorrigible, true-believing leftists of the Obama administration, everything is political and nothing is sacred. Precious family time must give way for the good of the all-important state. In a spine-tinglingly creepy scene that might have come out of totalitarian East Germany or the Soviet Union, the Obamas lectured assembled mothers on the need to indoctrinate their children into embracing the three-year-old health care law that is tearing America apart.


In his view, Americans who don’t delight in being ripped off under Obamacare are bad people who seethe with resentment. Their great sin is wanting to keep their own hard-earned money.

As all but the most dishonest pundits now admit, Obamacare is less about health care, and more about the perverse pathologies that progressives suffer from. It is about redistributing wealth by coercing some insured individuals to pay for the insurance of others. It defies the old adage that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Obamacare teaches uninsured people how to steal fish from their neighbors and to feel good about the theft by rationalizing it away. Robbery under color of law is a modern-day means of achieving that fuzzy condition known as social justice.

That’s not what the Christmas season is supposed to be about.

ObamaCare: A Christmas Gift from the Poor to the Rich | FrontPage Magazine
Republicans. Champions of the Middle Class? Is that how they see "let him die"?
The middle class has been eroding for over a decade, but now you want to blame Obama?

Well done! Well done, indeed.

And your mulatto messiah is responsible for 5 years of that and there is no reason to be optimistic that things will change before we are finally rid of his lying gutter trash ass.
The middle class has been eroding for over a decade, but now you want to blame Obama?

Well done! Well done, indeed.

And your mulatto messiah is responsible for 5 years of that and there is no reason to be optimistic that things will change before we are finally rid of his lying gutter trash ass.


Can you back up this assertion?
The middle class has been eroding for over a decade, but now you want to blame Obama?

Well done! Well done, indeed.

And your mulatto messiah is responsible for 5 years of that and there is no reason to be optimistic that things will change before we are finally rid of his lying gutter trash ass.


Can you back up this assertion?

Oh. :) You silly, silly man; don't be daft.

Of COURSE s/h/it can't back up that assertion.

Income GDP for the middle class has been in constant decline since the 70's -


The "scope" of the middle class does not shrink - there is no such thing as a shrinking "middle." However, quality of life for ALL people has changed substantually over this time ... why? A lot of reasons -

Wall Street is out of control.
Higher education puts our kids into debt.
It’s hard to improve your station in life if you’re in prison.
Our tax structures favor the rich.
The wealthy dominate politics and the media.

Is there one cause of the middle-class collapse that rises above all others?

Yes. The International Labor organization produced a remarkable study, (Global Wage Report 2012-13) that sorts out the causes of why wages have remained stagnant while elite incomes have soared. The report compares key causal explanations like declining bargaining power of unions, porous social safety nets, globalization, new technologies and financialization.

Guess which one had the biggest impact on the growing split between the one percent and the 99 percent?

Income GDP for the middle class has been in constant decline since the 70's -


The "scope" of the middle class does not shrink - there is no such thing as a shrinking "middle." However, quality of life for ALL people has changed substantually over this time ... why? A lot of reasons -

Wall Street is out of control.
Higher education puts our kids into debt.
It’s hard to improve your station in life if you’re in prison.
Our tax structures favor the rich.
The wealthy dominate politics and the media.

Is there one cause of the middle-class collapse that rises above all others?

Yes. The International Labor organization produced a remarkable study, (Global Wage Report 2012-13) that sorts out the causes of why wages have remained stagnant while elite incomes have soared. The report compares key causal explanations like declining bargaining power of unions, porous social safety nets, globalization, new technologies and financialization.

Guess which one had the biggest impact on the growing split between the one percent and the 99 percent?


Republicans think this change just happened by accident. And that Jesus was born on Dec 25.
I was listening to Mark Levin the other day talk about Obamacare. He said that Obamacare is simply a highly inefficient single payer system. Insurance now has nothing at all to do with you, rather, it is simply a means of redistribution to give money to those who are poor to be subsidized on the exchanges. As those in the middle class pay higher and higher premiums, more will simply pay fines and not buy health insurance. This will prompt the fines to go higher and higher to account for the lost revenue, as premiums go even higher.

The result? The wealthy will be just fine even though they may feel the pinch, but the middle class will be destroyed. The irony here is that Obama promised never to raise taxes on the middle class, but what he did was simply create the largest taxes on them in US history.

My guess is that the DNC has written off the middle class, much like they did "white America". Now they have the uber rich progressives to support them in the corporate world and the increasing poor and illegal aliens to pick up the voting slack.

RIP Middle Class

The middle class was doomed a long time before ACA and few politicians have ever really done a damned thing to help. We have been hemorrhaging good steady jobs for decades, wages have been flat for decades and the go to group to raise revenue has always been the middle class who do not regularly hire lobbyists to make policy for their benefit.
Income GDP for the middle class has been in constant decline since the 70's -


The "scope" of the middle class does not shrink - there is no such thing as a shrinking "middle." However, quality of life for ALL people has changed substantually over this time ... why? A lot of reasons -

Wall Street is out of control.
Higher education puts our kids into debt.
It’s hard to improve your station in life if you’re in prison.
Our tax structures favor the rich.
The wealthy dominate politics and the media.

Is there one cause of the middle-class collapse that rises above all others?

Yes. The International Labor organization produced a remarkable study, (Global Wage Report 2012-13) that sorts out the causes of why wages have remained stagnant while elite incomes have soared. The report compares key causal explanations like declining bargaining power of unions, porous social safety nets, globalization, new technologies and financialization.

Guess which one had the biggest impact on the growing split between the one percent and the 99 percent?


Republicans think this change just happened by accident. And that Jesus was born on Dec 25.

Actually, they believe it was because of secret Democratic policies that come from our hidden government that's the "real" power in the US.

Poor people who work hard enough can become rich. Middle class people can to. Either get wealthy, or shut up. Im tired of my tax dollars supporting you all.

Middle class families drag more on the tax system than the poor, with all their demands for schools and services.
The middle class has been eroding for over a decade, but now you want to blame Obama?

Well done! Well done, indeed.

Actually it's been going on much longer than a decade.The average income for a non-supervisory/non agriculture worker (the working middle class) had better wages in Real Dollars in 1978 than they do now. The Middle Class has been in a flat wage rut for over 30 years and watched their expendable income disappear.
It's been this way in the 1980's. Look at chart for household incomes in Real Dollars, one would think household incomes would be much higher now, based on the fact that in the late 70's-early 80's there weren't multi-millions of two income homes like there are now. Yet the graph sure looks flat for the Middle Class.


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