Robert Mueller Deserves a Medal

A well deserved pat on the back for Robert Mueller. May he now rest in peace. He did his job knowing that approximately half the country would hate and revile him, no matter what the investigation found, but he didn't flinch. He never changed his story, either, much to the frustration of a good part of Congress.

Well done, good and faithful servant.

This op ed is by Kathleen Parker (who used to be a Republican until the man with the squirrel living on his head became her President)​

Robert Mueller deserves a Medal of Honor

The picture that spoke far more words than former special counsel Robert Mueller uttered during last week’s hearings was taken by renowned photographer David Hume Kennerly.

The close-up of Mueller’s face was a portrait of rare depth, the sort one is more likely to find on a Leonardo da Vinci canvas with all its shadows, hollows and his soulful, nearly weeping eyes. I found myself thinking of paintings of the Agony in the Garden, showing Jesus’ upturned face as he prayed. No doubt, Mueller, too, was praying that this all would soon be over.

On Instagram, Kennerly captioned his photo: “Weary warrior.”

The tag was fitting and perfect. Mueller, a Vietnam War hero and recipient of a Bronze Star, has fought nobly throughout a life of distinguished public service. Whether defending his country on the battlefield or as director of the FBI, he has by all accounts been a man of honor, dignity and careful judgment.

After two years of draining the swamp of several of its slimiest occupants — all associates of the president of the United States — Mueller had to present himself one final time for the benefit of politicians bent on showboating at his expense. Democrats wanted to get him on record saying that he did not exonerate President Donald Trump of possible obstruction of justice, which everyone who cared already knew. This they did by reading excerpts of Mueller’s 400-plus-page report and asking him to confirm that they were correct.

Mueller kept the bulk of his responses to “yes,” “no,” “true” and “correct.” The rest largely consisted of “I refer you to the report,” “It’s outside my purview” and, best of all, “I take your question,” which apparently is a polite way of saying, “I rue the day you were born.”

Both party’s members had their agenda. Republicans wanted to get themselves on record as Trump sycophants, apparently, while also proving that they could be just as nasty as Democrats were to Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination hearings last year. You may now check your boxes and get back to phoning your donors.

It was painful to watch as Republicans yelled at Mueller, pounding the table and throwing their best tantrums, even as Mueller was clearly not at his best. Whether he was merely tired — or just sick and tired — or perhaps even giving in a bit to age, he surely deserved more of their respect.

Most egregiously obnoxious was Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. After saying that he is often accused of speaking too fast and promising to slow it down, Collins then proceeded to imitate an auctioneer, shoving as many words into a split second as is humanly possible. This was plainly deliberate and seemed intended to confuse Mueller or make him seem not fully cognizant. More than once, Mueller was forced to ask him to repeat the question. It was one of the most arrogant, self-important performances I’ve witnessed in decades of political reporting. Can we send Collins back to where he came from, please?

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, shouted so much I was afraid he might choke on his tongue. And Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, got worked up over Volume II of the report, which he said broke regulations, and yelled that Trump wasn’t above the law but somehow shouldn’t be below it either

One notices that you don’t truly know people until they have power. For a few hours last Wednesday, members of the Judiciary and Intelligence committees had power over Mueller, and several revealed themselves to be unworthy of the audience. Mueller isn’t a perfect man, but he is a gentleman. He exercised his own power during the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election by never speaking a word publicly.

In starkest contrast to Trump, who bellowed his non-exoneration, Mueller isn’t an attention-seeker. This man of few words surely had aplenty to say in the privacy of his own space with an audience of his own choosing. Or, perhaps, he had nothing more to say, having completed the job he was asked to do with his usual tenacity and humility.

This is what I saw in his face as I watched the proceedings — a humble man who has seen enough of life and kept his own counsel through most of it. A weary warrior, indeed. For his forbearance throughout his investigation — and his patience through last week’s insufferable hearings — he deserves a Medal of Honor.

Kathleen Parker is a columnist for The Washington Post. Her email address is [email protected].
This WAPO writer must have huffed a bag full of unicorn farts to come up with this fantasy. A 3rd grader could see Mueller was a figurehead who didn't even know what was in his own report. The only thing he deserves is a lawsuit for all the financial and psychological pain and suffering he inflicted on innocent Americans.
Yeah, how DARE he investigate Russian interference and any Americans who might have been involved. Goddamn it, NO ONE investigates our President! It is un-American! Mueller oughta go back where he came from!

He was tasked to investigate Russian Interference - which he did not do.
Yeah, how DARE he investigate Russian interference and any Americans who might have been involved. Goddamn it, NO ONE investigates our President! It is un-American! Mueller oughta go back where he came from!
That is a lie. He most certainly DID NOT investigate any Americans involved. You are an extreme partisan so only see politics as you wish it to be.

He did not investigate the origins of the Steele dossier in the least.
How are you managing with Dale on walkabout?
Don't worry. Concerns about the Steele Dossier have been reported to the FBI, haven't they? There is an investigation, isn't there? How is that going?
A well deserved pat on the back for Robert Mueller. May he now rest in peace. He did his job knowing that approximately half the country would hate and revile him, no matter what the investigation found, but he didn't flinch. He never changed his story, either, much to the frustration of a good part of Congress.

Well done, good and faithful servant.

This op ed is by Kathleen Parker (who used to be a Republican until the man with the squirrel living on his head became her President)​

Robert Mueller deserves a Medal of Honor

The picture that spoke far more words than former special counsel Robert Mueller uttered during last week’s hearings was taken by renowned photographer David Hume Kennerly.

The close-up of Mueller’s face was a portrait of rare depth, the sort one is more likely to find on a Leonardo da Vinci canvas with all its shadows, hollows and his soulful, nearly weeping eyes. I found myself thinking of paintings of the Agony in the Garden, showing Jesus’ upturned face as he prayed. No doubt, Mueller, too, was praying that this all would soon be over.

On Instagram, Kennerly captioned his photo: “Weary warrior.”

The tag was fitting and perfect. Mueller, a Vietnam War hero and recipient of a Bronze Star, has fought nobly throughout a life of distinguished public service. Whether defending his country on the battlefield or as director of the FBI, he has by all accounts been a man of honor, dignity and careful judgment.

After two years of draining the swamp of several of its slimiest occupants — all associates of the president of the United States — Mueller had to present himself one final time for the benefit of politicians bent on showboating at his expense. Democrats wanted to get him on record saying that he did not exonerate President Donald Trump of possible obstruction of justice, which everyone who cared already knew. This they did by reading excerpts of Mueller’s 400-plus-page report and asking him to confirm that they were correct.

Mueller kept the bulk of his responses to “yes,” “no,” “true” and “correct.” The rest largely consisted of “I refer you to the report,” “It’s outside my purview” and, best of all, “I take your question,” which apparently is a polite way of saying, “I rue the day you were born.”

Both party’s members had their agenda. Republicans wanted to get themselves on record as Trump sycophants, apparently, while also proving that they could be just as nasty as Democrats were to Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination hearings last year. You may now check your boxes and get back to phoning your donors.

It was painful to watch as Republicans yelled at Mueller, pounding the table and throwing their best tantrums, even as Mueller was clearly not at his best. Whether he was merely tired — or just sick and tired — or perhaps even giving in a bit to age, he surely deserved more of their respect.

Most egregiously obnoxious was Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. After saying that he is often accused of speaking too fast and promising to slow it down, Collins then proceeded to imitate an auctioneer, shoving as many words into a split second as is humanly possible. This was plainly deliberate and seemed intended to confuse Mueller or make him seem not fully cognizant. More than once, Mueller was forced to ask him to repeat the question. It was one of the most arrogant, self-important performances I’ve witnessed in decades of political reporting. Can we send Collins back to where he came from, please?

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, shouted so much I was afraid he might choke on his tongue. And Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, got worked up over Volume II of the report, which he said broke regulations, and yelled that Trump wasn’t above the law but somehow shouldn’t be below it either

One notices that you don’t truly know people until they have power. For a few hours last Wednesday, members of the Judiciary and Intelligence committees had power over Mueller, and several revealed themselves to be unworthy of the audience. Mueller isn’t a perfect man, but he is a gentleman. He exercised his own power during the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election by never speaking a word publicly.

In starkest contrast to Trump, who bellowed his non-exoneration, Mueller isn’t an attention-seeker. This man of few words surely had aplenty to say in the privacy of his own space with an audience of his own choosing. Or, perhaps, he had nothing more to say, having completed the job he was asked to do with his usual tenacity and humility.

This is what I saw in his face as I watched the proceedings — a humble man who has seen enough of life and kept his own counsel through most of it. A weary warrior, indeed. For his forbearance throughout his investigation — and his patience through last week’s insufferable hearings — he deserves a Medal of Honor.

Kathleen Parker is a columnist for The Washington Post. Her email address is [email protected].
This WAPO writer must have huffed a bag full of unicorn farts to come up with this fantasy. A 3rd grader could see Mueller was a figurehead who didn't even know what was in his own report. The only thing he deserves is a lawsuit for all the financial and psychological pain and suffering he inflicted on innocent Americans.
Yeah, how DARE he investigate Russian interference and any Americans who might have been involved. Goddamn it, NO ONE investigates our President! It is un-American! Mueller oughta go back where he came from!

He was tasked to investigate Russian Interference - which he did not do.
? Are you forgetting the intial 13 indictments that outlined their involvement in great detail?
Yeah, how DARE he investigate Russian interference and any Americans who might have been involved. Goddamn it, NO ONE investigates our President! It is un-American! Mueller oughta go back where he came from!
That is a lie. He most certainly DID NOT investigate any Americans involved. You are an extreme partisan so only see politics as you wish it to be.

He did not investigate the origins of the Steele dossier in the least.
How are you managing with Dale on walkabout?
Don't worry. Concerns about the Steele Dossier have been reported to the FBI, haven't they? There is an investigation, isn't there? How is that going?

After the lie comes the dodge.

You extreme orthodox leftists all seem to follow the same playbook.
A well deserved pat on the back for Robert Mueller. May he now rest in peace. He did his job knowing that approximately half the country would hate and revile him, no matter what the investigation found, but he didn't flinch. He never changed his story, either, much to the frustration of a good part of Congress.

Well done, good and faithful servant.

This op ed is by Kathleen Parker (who used to be a Republican until the man with the squirrel living on his head became her President)​

Robert Mueller deserves a Medal of Honor

The picture that spoke far more words than former special counsel Robert Mueller uttered during last week’s hearings was taken by renowned photographer David Hume Kennerly.

The close-up of Mueller’s face was a portrait of rare depth, the sort one is more likely to find on a Leonardo da Vinci canvas with all its shadows, hollows and his soulful, nearly weeping eyes. I found myself thinking of paintings of the Agony in the Garden, showing Jesus’ upturned face as he prayed. No doubt, Mueller, too, was praying that this all would soon be over.

On Instagram, Kennerly captioned his photo: “Weary warrior.”

The tag was fitting and perfect. Mueller, a Vietnam War hero and recipient of a Bronze Star, has fought nobly throughout a life of distinguished public service. Whether defending his country on the battlefield or as director of the FBI, he has by all accounts been a man of honor, dignity and careful judgment.

After two years of draining the swamp of several of its slimiest occupants — all associates of the president of the United States — Mueller had to present himself one final time for the benefit of politicians bent on showboating at his expense. Democrats wanted to get him on record saying that he did not exonerate President Donald Trump of possible obstruction of justice, which everyone who cared already knew. This they did by reading excerpts of Mueller’s 400-plus-page report and asking him to confirm that they were correct.

Mueller kept the bulk of his responses to “yes,” “no,” “true” and “correct.” The rest largely consisted of “I refer you to the report,” “It’s outside my purview” and, best of all, “I take your question,” which apparently is a polite way of saying, “I rue the day you were born.”

Both party’s members had their agenda. Republicans wanted to get themselves on record as Trump sycophants, apparently, while also proving that they could be just as nasty as Democrats were to Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination hearings last year. You may now check your boxes and get back to phoning your donors.

It was painful to watch as Republicans yelled at Mueller, pounding the table and throwing their best tantrums, even as Mueller was clearly not at his best. Whether he was merely tired — or just sick and tired — or perhaps even giving in a bit to age, he surely deserved more of their respect.

Most egregiously obnoxious was Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. After saying that he is often accused of speaking too fast and promising to slow it down, Collins then proceeded to imitate an auctioneer, shoving as many words into a split second as is humanly possible. This was plainly deliberate and seemed intended to confuse Mueller or make him seem not fully cognizant. More than once, Mueller was forced to ask him to repeat the question. It was one of the most arrogant, self-important performances I’ve witnessed in decades of political reporting. Can we send Collins back to where he came from, please?

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, shouted so much I was afraid he might choke on his tongue. And Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, got worked up over Volume II of the report, which he said broke regulations, and yelled that Trump wasn’t above the law but somehow shouldn’t be below it either

One notices that you don’t truly know people until they have power. For a few hours last Wednesday, members of the Judiciary and Intelligence committees had power over Mueller, and several revealed themselves to be unworthy of the audience. Mueller isn’t a perfect man, but he is a gentleman. He exercised his own power during the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election by never speaking a word publicly.

In starkest contrast to Trump, who bellowed his non-exoneration, Mueller isn’t an attention-seeker. This man of few words surely had aplenty to say in the privacy of his own space with an audience of his own choosing. Or, perhaps, he had nothing more to say, having completed the job he was asked to do with his usual tenacity and humility.

This is what I saw in his face as I watched the proceedings — a humble man who has seen enough of life and kept his own counsel through most of it. A weary warrior, indeed. For his forbearance throughout his investigation — and his patience through last week’s insufferable hearings — he deserves a Medal of Honor.

Kathleen Parker is a columnist for The Washington Post. Her email address is [email protected].
This WAPO writer must have huffed a bag full of unicorn farts to come up with this fantasy. A 3rd grader could see Mueller was a figurehead who didn't even know what was in his own report. The only thing he deserves is a lawsuit for all the financial and psychological pain and suffering he inflicted on innocent Americans.
Yeah, how DARE he investigate Russian interference and any Americans who might have been involved. Goddamn it, NO ONE investigates our President! It is un-American! Mueller oughta go back where he came from!

He was tasked to investigate Russian Interference - which he did not do.
? Are you forgetting the intial 13 indictments that outlined their involvement in great detail?

I am not -
If 13 people whose crime was that they didn't fill out the proper form to post on American Social Media -
Is all they have - then I'd say President Trump is probably the cleanest politician in the history of history.
Yeah, how DARE he investigate Russian interference and any Americans who might have been involved. Goddamn it, NO ONE investigates our President! It is un-American! Mueller oughta go back where he came from!
That is a lie. He most certainly DID NOT investigate any Americans involved. You are an extreme partisan so only see politics as you wish it to be.

He did not investigate the origins of the Steele dossier in the least.
How are you managing with Dale on walkabout?
Don't worry. Concerns about the Steele Dossier have been reported to the FBI, haven't they? There is an investigation, isn't there? How is that going?

Yes -
They were reported to the FBI prior to their fraudulent use before the FISA court -
Personally I believe between Horowitz, Durham and AG Barr - it will go very well.
He is more deserving of a prison cell.

you & trump believe anybody not loyal to HIM should be.

we are still a nation of laws, not men. nor one autocratic orange clown.
we are still a nation of laws, not men.
SO when Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails, busted up her "government phones" and used a private server for government needs, was she above the law? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, and this is why the rest of the country hates your stinking guts. You lying sack of excrement.

33000 personal emails that were NOT under subpoena, were deleted. Only Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena. No law was broken.

The government phones were destroyed AFTER they upgraded to new phones and transferred the information from their old phones to their new upgraded devices.

Comey testified that it was not for nefarious purposes, but to destroy any government information on their old phones that someone else could steal if they simply threw them in the trash.

This occurred for the entire 4 years she and her team, held office, when they upgraded to new phones, they transferred all data over to their new phones and then destroyed their old devices.

Using a personal private server for email did not become against the law until AFTER she used hers and it became known. A new rule was put in place to keep this from happening in the future.
A well deserved pat on the back for Robert Mueller. May he now rest in peace. He did his job knowing that approximately half the country would hate and revile him, no matter what the investigation found, but he didn't flinch. He never changed his story, either, much to the frustration of a good part of Congress.

Well done, good and faithful servant.

This op ed is by Kathleen Parker (who used to be a Republican until the man with the squirrel living on his head became her President)​

Robert Mueller deserves a Medal of Honor

The picture that spoke far more words than former special counsel Robert Mueller uttered during last week’s hearings was taken by renowned photographer David Hume Kennerly.

The close-up of Mueller’s face was a portrait of rare depth, the sort one is more likely to find on a Leonardo da Vinci canvas with all its shadows, hollows and his soulful, nearly weeping eyes. I found myself thinking of paintings of the Agony in the Garden, showing Jesus’ upturned face as he prayed. No doubt, Mueller, too, was praying that this all would soon be over.

On Instagram, Kennerly captioned his photo: “Weary warrior.”

The tag was fitting and perfect. Mueller, a Vietnam War hero and recipient of a Bronze Star, has fought nobly throughout a life of distinguished public service. Whether defending his country on the battlefield or as director of the FBI, he has by all accounts been a man of honor, dignity and careful judgment.

After two years of draining the swamp of several of its slimiest occupants — all associates of the president of the United States — Mueller had to present himself one final time for the benefit of politicians bent on showboating at his expense. Democrats wanted to get him on record saying that he did not exonerate President Donald Trump of possible obstruction of justice, which everyone who cared already knew. This they did by reading excerpts of Mueller’s 400-plus-page report and asking him to confirm that they were correct.

Mueller kept the bulk of his responses to “yes,” “no,” “true” and “correct.” The rest largely consisted of “I refer you to the report,” “It’s outside my purview” and, best of all, “I take your question,” which apparently is a polite way of saying, “I rue the day you were born.”

Both party’s members had their agenda. Republicans wanted to get themselves on record as Trump sycophants, apparently, while also proving that they could be just as nasty as Democrats were to Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination hearings last year. You may now check your boxes and get back to phoning your donors.

It was painful to watch as Republicans yelled at Mueller, pounding the table and throwing their best tantrums, even as Mueller was clearly not at his best. Whether he was merely tired — or just sick and tired — or perhaps even giving in a bit to age, he surely deserved more of their respect.

Most egregiously obnoxious was Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. After saying that he is often accused of speaking too fast and promising to slow it down, Collins then proceeded to imitate an auctioneer, shoving as many words into a split second as is humanly possible. This was plainly deliberate and seemed intended to confuse Mueller or make him seem not fully cognizant. More than once, Mueller was forced to ask him to repeat the question. It was one of the most arrogant, self-important performances I’ve witnessed in decades of political reporting. Can we send Collins back to where he came from, please?

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, shouted so much I was afraid he might choke on his tongue. And Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, got worked up over Volume II of the report, which he said broke regulations, and yelled that Trump wasn’t above the law but somehow shouldn’t be below it either

One notices that you don’t truly know people until they have power. For a few hours last Wednesday, members of the Judiciary and Intelligence committees had power over Mueller, and several revealed themselves to be unworthy of the audience. Mueller isn’t a perfect man, but he is a gentleman. He exercised his own power during the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election by never speaking a word publicly.

In starkest contrast to Trump, who bellowed his non-exoneration, Mueller isn’t an attention-seeker. This man of few words surely had aplenty to say in the privacy of his own space with an audience of his own choosing. Or, perhaps, he had nothing more to say, having completed the job he was asked to do with his usual tenacity and humility.

This is what I saw in his face as I watched the proceedings — a humble man who has seen enough of life and kept his own counsel through most of it. A weary warrior, indeed. For his forbearance throughout his investigation — and his patience through last week’s insufferable hearings — he deserves a Medal of Honor.

Kathleen Parker is a columnist for The Washington Post. Her email address is [email protected].
This WAPO writer must have huffed a bag full of unicorn farts to come up with this fantasy. A 3rd grader could see Mueller was a figurehead who didn't even know what was in his own report. The only thing he deserves is a lawsuit for all the financial and psychological pain and suffering he inflicted on innocent Americans.
Yeah, how DARE he investigate Russian interference and any Americans who might have been involved. Goddamn it, NO ONE investigates our President! It is un-American! Mueller oughta go back where he came from!

He was tasked to investigate Russian Interference - which he did not do.
? Are you forgetting the intial 13 indictments that outlined their involvement in great detail?

I am not -
If 13 people whose crime was that they didn't fill out the proper form to post on American Social Media -
Is all they have - then I'd say President Trump is probably the cleanest politician in the history of history.
That is NOT what those indictments outlined.
He knew Trump was innocent from the start. If he is a "faithful servant" it's a servant of traitors who attempted a political coup.
He is more deserving of a prison cell.

you & trump believe anybody not loyal to HIM should be.

we are still a nation of laws, not men. nor one autocratic orange clown.
we are still a nation of laws, not men.
SO when Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails, busted up her "government phones" and used a private server for government needs, was she above the law? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, and this is why the rest of the country hates your stinking guts. You lying sack of excrement.

33000 personal emails that were NOT under subpoena, were deleted. Only Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena. No law was broken.

The government phones were destroyed AFTER they upgraded to new phones and transferred the information from their old phones to their new upgraded devices.

Comey testified that it was not for nefarious purposes, but to destroy any government information on their old phones that someone else could steal if they simply threw them in the trash.

This occurred for the entire 4 years she and her team, held office, when they upgraded to new phones, they transferred all data over to their new phones and then destroyed their old devices.

Using a personal private server for email did not become against the law until AFTER she used hers and it became known. A new rule was put in place to keep this from happening in the future.
Why Hillary Clinton Deleted 33,000 Emails
Clinton said her team "went through a thorough process" to identify work-related emails, and she said he had "absolute confidence that everything that could be in any way connected to work is now in the possession of the State Department."

However, after a year-long investigation, the FBI recovered more than 17,000 emails that had been deleted or otherwise not turned over to the State Department, and many of them were work-related, the FBI has said.
So is the FBI lying or Hillary Clinton lying?
He is more deserving of a prison cell.

you & trump believe anybody not loyal to HIM should be.

we are still a nation of laws, not men. nor one autocratic orange clown.
we are still a nation of laws, not men.
SO when Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails, busted up her "government phones" and used a private server for government needs, was she above the law? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, and this is why the rest of the country hates your stinking guts. You lying sack of excrement.

33000 personal emails that were NOT under subpoena, were deleted. Only Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena. No law was broken.

The government phones were destroyed AFTER they upgraded to new phones and transferred the information from their old phones to their new upgraded devices.

Comey testified that it was not for nefarious purposes, but to destroy any government information on their old phones that someone else could steal if they simply threw them in the trash.

This occurred for the entire 4 years she and her team, held office, when they upgraded to new phones, they transferred all data over to their new phones and then destroyed their old devices.

Using a personal private server for email did not become against the law until AFTER she used hers and it became known. A new rule was put in place to keep this from happening in the future.
Also do you think it is wrong for a government employee to destroy government phones? Talk about obstruction, but you typical of liberals look the other way, thus proving that some people are above the law, and why the rest of the US hates your lying stinking guts.
Mueller seemed like a smart guy at first. The investigation must have aged him because he looked like a doddering confused old man who didn't have a clue abut the investigation during the hearing. The best guess is that he was used by traitors who attempted a political coup. He spent about 20 million when he should have known that there was never any evidence to support collusion. The ironic thing is that democrats depended on a "dossier" created by a foreign agent who may have colluded with the Russians. Democrats didn't give a damn about Mueller. They ruined his legacy and reputation in a feeble effort to jump start the coup. If it hadn't been for the lazy callus MSM that pretended the investigation was authentic Mueller and the team would have been laughed out of Washington.
A well deserved pat on the back for Robert Mueller. May he now rest in peace. He did his job knowing that approximately half the country would hate and revile him, no matter what the investigation found, but he didn't flinch. He never changed his story, either, much to the frustration of a good part of Congress.

Well done, good and faithful servant.

This op ed is by Kathleen Parker (who used to be a Republican until the man with the squirrel living on his head became her President)​

Robert Mueller deserves a Medal of Honor

The picture that spoke far more words than former special counsel Robert Mueller uttered during last week’s hearings was taken by renowned photographer David Hume Kennerly.

The close-up of Mueller’s face was a portrait of rare depth, the sort one is more likely to find on a Leonardo da Vinci canvas with all its shadows, hollows and his soulful, nearly weeping eyes. I found myself thinking of paintings of the Agony in the Garden, showing Jesus’ upturned face as he prayed. No doubt, Mueller, too, was praying that this all would soon be over.

On Instagram, Kennerly captioned his photo: “Weary warrior.”

The tag was fitting and perfect. Mueller, a Vietnam War hero and recipient of a Bronze Star, has fought nobly throughout a life of distinguished public service. Whether defending his country on the battlefield or as director of the FBI, he has by all accounts been a man of honor, dignity and careful judgment.

After two years of draining the swamp of several of its slimiest occupants — all associates of the president of the United States — Mueller had to present himself one final time for the benefit of politicians bent on showboating at his expense. Democrats wanted to get him on record saying that he did not exonerate President Donald Trump of possible obstruction of justice, which everyone who cared already knew. This they did by reading excerpts of Mueller’s 400-plus-page report and asking him to confirm that they were correct.

Mueller kept the bulk of his responses to “yes,” “no,” “true” and “correct.” The rest largely consisted of “I refer you to the report,” “It’s outside my purview” and, best of all, “I take your question,” which apparently is a polite way of saying, “I rue the day you were born.”

Both party’s members had their agenda. Republicans wanted to get themselves on record as Trump sycophants, apparently, while also proving that they could be just as nasty as Democrats were to Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court nomination hearings last year. You may now check your boxes and get back to phoning your donors.

It was painful to watch as Republicans yelled at Mueller, pounding the table and throwing their best tantrums, even as Mueller was clearly not at his best. Whether he was merely tired — or just sick and tired — or perhaps even giving in a bit to age, he surely deserved more of their respect.

Most egregiously obnoxious was Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. After saying that he is often accused of speaking too fast and promising to slow it down, Collins then proceeded to imitate an auctioneer, shoving as many words into a split second as is humanly possible. This was plainly deliberate and seemed intended to confuse Mueller or make him seem not fully cognizant. More than once, Mueller was forced to ask him to repeat the question. It was one of the most arrogant, self-important performances I’ve witnessed in decades of political reporting. Can we send Collins back to where he came from, please?

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, shouted so much I was afraid he might choke on his tongue. And Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, got worked up over Volume II of the report, which he said broke regulations, and yelled that Trump wasn’t above the law but somehow shouldn’t be below it either

One notices that you don’t truly know people until they have power. For a few hours last Wednesday, members of the Judiciary and Intelligence committees had power over Mueller, and several revealed themselves to be unworthy of the audience. Mueller isn’t a perfect man, but he is a gentleman. He exercised his own power during the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election by never speaking a word publicly.

In starkest contrast to Trump, who bellowed his non-exoneration, Mueller isn’t an attention-seeker. This man of few words surely had aplenty to say in the privacy of his own space with an audience of his own choosing. Or, perhaps, he had nothing more to say, having completed the job he was asked to do with his usual tenacity and humility.

This is what I saw in his face as I watched the proceedings — a humble man who has seen enough of life and kept his own counsel through most of it. A weary warrior, indeed. For his forbearance throughout his investigation — and his patience through last week’s insufferable hearings — he deserves a Medal of Honor.

Kathleen Parker is a columnist for The Washington Post. Her email address is [email protected].

I had to check online and social media to see if he passed away. "Rest in Peace" and "Well done good and faithful servant"...these are both things said of people who have passed. Yeeeesh
Well it’s safe to say he’s partially passed.
He is more deserving of a prison cell.

you & trump believe anybody not loyal to HIM should be.

we are still a nation of laws, not men. nor one autocratic orange clown.
we are still a nation of laws, not men.
SO when Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails, busted up her "government phones" and used a private server for government needs, was she above the law? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, and this is why the rest of the country hates your stinking guts. You lying sack of excrement.

33000 personal emails that were NOT under subpoena, were deleted. Only Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena. No law was broken.

The government phones were destroyed AFTER they upgraded to new phones and transferred the information from their old phones to their new upgraded devices.

Comey testified that it was not for nefarious purposes, but to destroy any government information on their old phones that someone else could steal if they simply threw them in the trash.

This occurred for the entire 4 years she and her team, held office, when they upgraded to new phones, they transferred all data over to their new phones and then destroyed their old devices.

Using a personal private server for email did not become against the law until AFTER she used hers and it became known. A new rule was put in place to keep this from happening in the future.
Also do you think it is wrong for a government employee to destroy government phones? Talk about obstruction, but you typical of liberals look the other way, thus proving that some people are above the law, and why the rest of the US hates your lying stinking guts.
I think they were taking short cuts left and right, or just did not know their protocol on how to handle them... they would have been destroyed by the gvt office you turn them in to... and occasionally that office is able to re-purpose phones used by regular employees never cleared for classified...

but because they destroyed the devices themselves, that office never got a chance to see if they could be, and the gvt did not get to put them on a disposition list of ''destroyed'' or ''repurposed''.

It's not that I am cutting them a break for nefarious illegal activities, they made mistakes and did not follow protocols on some things that they should have done... I certainly do not blame Hillary for things her staff should have known and should have taken care of for her and themselves.... she had something like 40,000 plus employees in the State Dept and a hundred and some diplomatic agencies to visit around the world. Her assistant and deputy secretary of States and other higher up managers and seasoned state dept employees should have known better.

Regardless, the acts were not criminal or crooked acts .
He is more deserving of a prison cell.

you & trump believe anybody not loyal to HIM should be.

we are still a nation of laws, not men. nor one autocratic orange clown.
we are still a nation of laws, not men.
SO when Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails, busted up her "government phones" and used a private server for government needs, was she above the law? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, and this is why the rest of the country hates your stinking guts. You lying sack of excrement.

33000 personal emails that were NOT under subpoena, were deleted. Only Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena. No law was broken.

The government phones were destroyed AFTER they upgraded to new phones and transferred the information from their old phones to their new upgraded devices.

Comey testified that it was not for nefarious purposes, but to destroy any government information on their old phones that someone else could steal if they simply threw them in the trash.

This occurred for the entire 4 years she and her team, held office, when they upgraded to new phones, they transferred all data over to their new phones and then destroyed their old devices.

Using a personal private server for email did not become against the law until AFTER she used hers and it became known. A new rule was put in place to keep this from happening in the future.
Also do you think it is wrong for a government employee to destroy government phones? Talk about obstruction, but you typical of liberals look the other way, thus proving that some people are above the law, and why the rest of the US hates your lying stinking guts.
I think they were taking short cuts left and right, or just did not know their protocol on how to handle them... they would have been destroyed by the gvt office you turn them in to... and occasionally that office is able to re-purpose phones used by regular employees never cleared for classified...

but because they destroyed the devices themselves, that office never got a chance to see if they could be, and the gvt did not get to put them on a disposition list of ''destroyed'' or ''repurposed''.

It's not that I am cutting them a break for nefarious illegal activities, they made mistakes and did not follow protocols on some things that they should have done... I certainly do not blame Hillary for things her staff should have known and should have taken care of for her and themselves.... she had something like 40,000 plus employees in the State Dept and a hundred and some diplomatic agencies to visit around the world. Her assistant and deputy secretary of States and other higher up managers and seasoned state dept employees should have known better.

Regardless, the acts were not criminal or crooked acts .

They destroyed government property outside of guidelines and destroyed evidence in the process (knowingly doing so) and this is not criminal or crooked? In what world?
One person who learned the most about the Mueller report during the Mueller hearings was Mueller himself.
you & trump believe anybody not loyal to HIM should be.

we are still a nation of laws, not men. nor one autocratic orange clown.
we are still a nation of laws, not men.
SO when Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails, busted up her "government phones" and used a private server for government needs, was she above the law? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, and this is why the rest of the country hates your stinking guts. You lying sack of excrement.

33000 personal emails that were NOT under subpoena, were deleted. Only Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena. No law was broken.

The government phones were destroyed AFTER they upgraded to new phones and transferred the information from their old phones to their new upgraded devices.

Comey testified that it was not for nefarious purposes, but to destroy any government information on their old phones that someone else could steal if they simply threw them in the trash.

This occurred for the entire 4 years she and her team, held office, when they upgraded to new phones, they transferred all data over to their new phones and then destroyed their old devices.

Using a personal private server for email did not become against the law until AFTER she used hers and it became known. A new rule was put in place to keep this from happening in the future.
Also do you think it is wrong for a government employee to destroy government phones? Talk about obstruction, but you typical of liberals look the other way, thus proving that some people are above the law, and why the rest of the US hates your lying stinking guts.
I think they were taking short cuts left and right, or just did not know their protocol on how to handle them... they would have been destroyed by the gvt office you turn them in to... and occasionally that office is able to re-purpose phones used by regular employees never cleared for classified...

but because they destroyed the devices themselves, that office never got a chance to see if they could be, and the gvt did not get to put them on a disposition list of ''destroyed'' or ''repurposed''.

It's not that I am cutting them a break for nefarious illegal activities, they made mistakes and did not follow protocols on some things that they should have done... I certainly do not blame Hillary for things her staff should have known and should have taken care of for her and themselves.... she had something like 40,000 plus employees in the State Dept and a hundred and some diplomatic agencies to visit around the world. Her assistant and deputy secretary of States and other higher up managers and seasoned state dept employees should have known better.

Regardless, the acts were not criminal or crooked acts .

They destroyed government property outside of guidelines and destroyed evidence in the process (knowingly doing so) and this is not criminal or crooked? In what world?
Evidence of what Lantern? They transferred their data from their old devices to their new updated devices...
Was their minds in the right place when they destroyed them, so no non gvt person or spy could steal any of their gvt information when trashed?


ya'll are getting bent out of shape for a nothing burger imo... it deserves a slap on the hand, a reprimand, but not prison, for goodness sake...
SO when Hitlery deleted 33,000 emails, busted up her "government phones" and used a private server for government needs, was she above the law? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, and this is why the rest of the country hates your stinking guts. You lying sack of excrement.

33000 personal emails that were NOT under subpoena, were deleted. Only Benghazi and Libya emails were under subpoena. No law was broken.

The government phones were destroyed AFTER they upgraded to new phones and transferred the information from their old phones to their new upgraded devices.

Comey testified that it was not for nefarious purposes, but to destroy any government information on their old phones that someone else could steal if they simply threw them in the trash.

This occurred for the entire 4 years she and her team, held office, when they upgraded to new phones, they transferred all data over to their new phones and then destroyed their old devices.

Using a personal private server for email did not become against the law until AFTER she used hers and it became known. A new rule was put in place to keep this from happening in the future.
Also do you think it is wrong for a government employee to destroy government phones? Talk about obstruction, but you typical of liberals look the other way, thus proving that some people are above the law, and why the rest of the US hates your lying stinking guts.
I think they were taking short cuts left and right, or just did not know their protocol on how to handle them... they would have been destroyed by the gvt office you turn them in to... and occasionally that office is able to re-purpose phones used by regular employees never cleared for classified...

but because they destroyed the devices themselves, that office never got a chance to see if they could be, and the gvt did not get to put them on a disposition list of ''destroyed'' or ''repurposed''.

It's not that I am cutting them a break for nefarious illegal activities, they made mistakes and did not follow protocols on some things that they should have done... I certainly do not blame Hillary for things her staff should have known and should have taken care of for her and themselves.... she had something like 40,000 plus employees in the State Dept and a hundred and some diplomatic agencies to visit around the world. Her assistant and deputy secretary of States and other higher up managers and seasoned state dept employees should have known better.

Regardless, the acts were not criminal or crooked acts .

They destroyed government property outside of guidelines and destroyed evidence in the process (knowingly doing so) and this is not criminal or crooked? In what world?
Evidence of what Lantern? They transferred their data from their old devices to their new updated devices...
Was their minds in the right place when they destroyed them, so no non gvt person or spy could steal any of their gvt information when trashed?


ya'll are getting bent out of shape for a nothing burger imo... it deserves a slap on the hand, a reprimand, but not prison, for goodness sake...
So you do believe that some people should be above the law?

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