Romney calls for nation to 'get behind' Biden

Votes that came in after election day...the way it's always been...until the Democrats needed those votes to steal the election

...and if the Democrats had the Senate...they could have seated Garland. And if they had the Senate they could have told Barrett to pound sand...but they didn't.

...and most importantly...had Harry Reid not nuked the filibuster on judicial nominees...the Democrats would have had a say.
But Harry didn't want compromise...he wanted activist judges that would legislate from the bench...and it blew up in all their faces...

Oh, phooey to you and your phoney stolen election. Only true idiots believe that shit. As mentioned before, if the election was rigged, the Dems are dumb at it. No seats gained in the Senate, loses in the house and at state level.

Actually, you do make a fair point about Reid. Never thought of it like that.
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The dead do indeed speak but we hear them with our noses and wouldn't ya know, they vote "demcrat"!!!!

You are gonna learn firsthand about the election fuckery that went on, the tossing of ballots, the creation of fake ballots with no signatures, the ballot harvesting and software glitches that always erred on the side of Pedo Joe and all of this isn't even disputable thus calling the results into question. Don't you want to know if these accusations have merit? Or do you not give a fuck because 'the ends justifies the means"????? If so, just admit that cheating is justified because you hate Trump so much.....I could at least muster up a bit of respect for that admission.
Well, the plea for unity is working well, I see.

No one is asking anyone to agree with Biden. Unity as a nation just means we acknowledge we're in the same damned boat. It is ONE country and it has a purpose, to offer freedom, opportunity and a good life to all of us who live here. We all gotta get up and work in the morning, find something to eat for dinner, deal with in-laws and crabby coworkers, overdue bills, sick kids....

We all fall in love, fall out of love, lose ones we love, take pride in our children, have hope we'll do better today than yesterday. We dance, sing in the shower, slap mosquitos, tell tall tales, wash the dog, take joy in giving a gift, making the perfect pot of chili, or a nice shelf for the bathroom towels. We're all human. We can have different ideas, speak different languages, worship different Gods, but we are all just folks.

We gotta respect that. It's what we're about. That's what unity is, just not ripping each other to shreds over bullshit we read on the internet.
Suddenly we need unity???

Where the fuck were you the last four years?

Fuck unity. It's our turn to shred.
Seems to me the right's been doing plenty of shredding the past four years. I understand it was in defense of Trump and your ideas, a reaction to being lumped together and called every name in the book, unfairly at times. But having been on the receiving end, I gotta say, you won't be starting anything new. Why not call it a day and just go about your business, so long as the provocation stops, of course.
I hope you keep this type of attitude should the courts over-turn the election results of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia. Will you suggest that we all unite behind President Trump/???
As long as I still get to voice my ladylike opinion, sure, I'll live with it just like I lived with the last four. But I highly doubt President Trump would be calling on us to unite, do you?
You aren't even a part of this process Kiwi troll.
I sure as hell am not "coming together" with liberal scum here or especially with foreign liberal scum.

I would expect nothing less from a loser, Deplorable piece of shit..
Cute you think that actually think that affects me.

Don't care one way or the other if it does or not. Just speaking the truth. :smoke:
More foreign bullshit.
Why doesn't this asshole switch to the Democrat party where he belongs?
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday called for the country to "get behind" President-elect Joe Biden and said he has seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud, even as President Donald Trump has pushed for election-related lawsuits and refused to concede the election.
"I think we get behind the new president, unless for some reason that's overturned, we get behind the new president and wish him the very best," Romney, who was the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
While CNN and other networks projected Saturday that Biden will become the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris will become vice president, Trump has pushed his attorneys to pursue legal challenges that would delay formal certification of the results. And as his path to reelection narrowed, the President pushed baseless claims of voter fraud -- claims Romney cast doubt on Sunday.
"I do believe, however, that it's destructive to the cause of democracy to suggest widespread fraud or corruption. There's just no evidence of that at this stage. And I think it's important for us to recognize that the world is watching," Romney said.

Fuck both romney and biden, neither are worth the powder it'd take their brains out. No commie will ever be my president.

English please comrade

Get an adult to explain it to ya.

Well, the plea for unity is working well, I see.

No one is asking anyone to agree with Biden. Unity as a nation just means we acknowledge we're in the same damned boat. It is ONE country and it has a purpose, to offer freedom, opportunity and a good life to all of us who live here. We all gotta get up and work in the morning, find something to eat for dinner, deal with in-laws and crabby coworkers, overdue bills, sick kids....

We all fall in love, fall out of love, lose ones we love, take pride in our children, have hope we'll do better today than yesterday. We dance, sing in the shower, slap mosquitos, tell tall tales, wash the dog, take joy in giving a gift, making the perfect pot of chili, or a nice shelf for the bathroom towels. We're all human. We can have different ideas, speak different languages, worship different Gods, but we are all just folks.

We gotta respect that. It's what we're about. That's what unity is, just not ripping each other to shreds over bullshit we read on the internet.
Suddenly we need unity???

Where the fuck were you the last four years?

Fuck unity. It's our turn to shred.
Seems to me the right's been doing plenty of shredding the past four years. I understand it was in defense of Trump and your ideas, a reaction to being lumped together and called every name in the book, unfairly at times. But having been on the receiving end, I gotta say, you won't be starting anything new. Why not call it a day and just go about your business, so long as the provocation stops, of course.
I hope you keep this type of attitude should the courts over-turn the election results of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia. Will you suggest that we all unite behind President Trump/???
As long as I still get to voice my ladylike opinion, sure, I'll live with it just like I lived with the last four. But I highly doubt President Trump would be calling on us to unite, do you?
You really piss me off sometimes because regardless of how much I bust on you? You never return "fire"....get with the program!

As far as your comment goes, Trump never intended to "divide" but he (like myself) have no use for cultural marxism. He doesn't believe that this nation could ever thrive again under the U.N socialist model that is ran by the banking oligarchs/ robber barons that made us "surety against the debt" when USA.INC was bankrupted in 1933 and remains in a perpetual state of even to this day when it is our labor that moves their paper fiat currency that has no intrinsic value.
Well, the plea for unity is working well, I see.

No one is asking anyone to agree with Biden. Unity as a nation just means we acknowledge we're in the same damned boat. It is ONE country and it has a purpose, to offer freedom, opportunity and a good life to all of us who live here. We all gotta get up and work in the morning, find something to eat for dinner, deal with in-laws and crabby coworkers, overdue bills, sick kids....

We all fall in love, fall out of love, lose ones we love, take pride in our children, have hope we'll do better today than yesterday. We dance, sing in the shower, slap mosquitos, tell tall tales, wash the dog, take joy in giving a gift, making the perfect pot of chili, or a nice shelf for the bathroom towels. We're all human. We can have different ideas, speak different languages, worship different Gods, but we are all just folks.

We gotta respect that. It's what we're about. That's what unity is, just not ripping each other to shreds over bullshit we read on the internet.

Perhaps you fucking commie should have thought about that the last 4+ years. You'll get just as much cooperation as you gave. Maybe we should start shutting down you commie cities or just not ship food to you, see what you think of flyover country then.


Well, the plea for unity is working well, I see.

No one is asking anyone to agree with Biden. Unity as a nation just means we acknowledge we're in the same damned boat. It is ONE country and it has a purpose, to offer freedom, opportunity and a good life to all of us who live here. We all gotta get up and work in the morning, find something to eat for dinner, deal with in-laws and crabby coworkers, overdue bills, sick kids....

We all fall in love, fall out of love, lose ones we love, take pride in our children, have hope we'll do better today than yesterday. We dance, sing in the shower, slap mosquitos, tell tall tales, wash the dog, take joy in giving a gift, making the perfect pot of chili, or a nice shelf for the bathroom towels. We're all human. We can have different ideas, speak different languages, worship different Gods, but we are all just folks.

We gotta respect that. It's what we're about. That's what unity is, just not ripping each other to shreds over bullshit we read on the internet.
Suddenly we need unity???

Where the fuck were you the last four years?

Fuck unity. It's our turn to shred.
Seems to me the right's been doing plenty of shredding the past four years. I understand it was in defense of Trump and your ideas, a reaction to being lumped together and called every name in the book, unfairly at times. But having been on the receiving end, I gotta say, you won't be starting anything new. Why not call it a day and just go about your business, so long as the provocation stops, of course.
I hope you keep this type of attitude should the courts over-turn the election results of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia. Will you suggest that we all unite behind President Trump/???
As long as I still get to voice my ladylike opinion, sure, I'll live with it just like I lived with the last four. But I highly doubt President Trump would be calling on us to unite, do you?
You really piss me off sometimes because regardless of how much I bust on you? You never return "fire"....get with the program!

As far as your comment goes, Trump never intended to "divide" but he (like myself) have no use for cultural marxism. He doesn't believe that this nation could ever thrive again under the U.N socialist model that is ran by the banking oligarchs/ robber barons that made us "surety against the debt" when USA.INC was bankrupted in 1933 and remains in a perpetual state of even to this day when it is our labor that moves their paper fiat currency that has no intrinsic value.
Well, you sure know how to shut me up. I hate economics.
Well, the plea for unity is working well, I see.

No one is asking anyone to agree with Biden. Unity as a nation just means we acknowledge we're in the same damned boat. It is ONE country and it has a purpose, to offer freedom, opportunity and a good life to all of us who live here. We all gotta get up and work in the morning, find something to eat for dinner, deal with in-laws and crabby coworkers, overdue bills, sick kids....

We all fall in love, fall out of love, lose ones we love, take pride in our children, have hope we'll do better today than yesterday. We dance, sing in the shower, slap mosquitos, tell tall tales, wash the dog, take joy in giving a gift, making the perfect pot of chili, or a nice shelf for the bathroom towels. We're all human. We can have different ideas, speak different languages, worship different Gods, but we are all just folks.

We gotta respect that. It's what we're about. That's what unity is, just not ripping each other to shreds over bullshit we read on the internet.

Perhaps you fucking commie should have thought about that the last 4+ years. You'll get just as much cooperation as you gave. Maybe we should start shutting down you commie cities or just not ship food to you, see what you think of flyover country then.


I love flyover country. I'm a country girl.
Perhaps you fucking commie should have thought about that the last 4+ years. You'll get just as much cooperation as you gave. Maybe we should start shutting down you commie cities or just not ship food to you, see what you think of flyover country then.

You mean like the cooperation you jack-booting fascists gave Obama in the preceding 8 years?

Oh, as an FYI, the red states like NY and Cali put a lot more into the Federal budget than states like Kentucky. NY is a net giver of tax dollars, Kentucky is a net taker. So good luck shutting down your food supply.
Why doesn't this asshole switch to the Democrat party where he belongs?
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday called for the country to "get behind" President-elect Joe Biden and said he has seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud, even as President Donald Trump has pushed for election-related lawsuits and refused to concede the election.
"I think we get behind the new president, unless for some reason that's overturned, we get behind the new president and wish him the very best," Romney, who was the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
While CNN and other networks projected Saturday that Biden will become the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris will become vice president, Trump has pushed his attorneys to pursue legal challenges that would delay formal certification of the results. And as his path to reelection narrowed, the President pushed baseless claims of voter fraud -- claims Romney cast doubt on Sunday.
"I do believe, however, that it's destructive to the cause of democracy to suggest widespread fraud or corruption. There's just no evidence of that at this stage. And I think it's important for us to recognize that the world is watching," Romney said.
Does mittens EVER get tired of sucking Schumer's cock?
Obviously we need an investigation into voter fraud equal to the Mueller probe.

Wonderful...finally we agree.

Sure. For BOTH parties.
Fair enough. On the day the special prosecutor gives their report to Congress, I'll stop calling Biden illegitimate.

Don't hold your will be at least 2022 when Republicans take the house for the investigations to start in earnest.
Fair enough. On the day the special prosecutor gives their report to Congress, I'll stop calling Biden illegitimate.
Don't hold your will be at least 2022 when Republicans take the house for the investigations to start in earnest.
I prefer "Chicom" Biden
Why doesn't this asshole switch to the Democrat party where he belongs?
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney on Sunday called for the country to "get behind" President-elect Joe Biden and said he has seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud, even as President Donald Trump has pushed for election-related lawsuits and refused to concede the election.
"I think we get behind the new president, unless for some reason that's overturned, we get behind the new president and wish him the very best," Romney, who was the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
While CNN and other networks projected Saturday that Biden will become the 46th President of the United States and Kamala Harris will become vice president, Trump has pushed his attorneys to pursue legal challenges that would delay formal certification of the results. And as his path to reelection narrowed, the President pushed baseless claims of voter fraud -- claims Romney cast doubt on Sunday.
"I do believe, however, that it's destructive to the cause of democracy to suggest widespread fraud or corruption. There's just no evidence of that at this stage. And I think it's important for us to recognize that the world is watching," Romney said.

If Mr. Romney is such an advocate of the Biden Platform, he really should just switch parties.

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