Rush Limbaugh wins children's book author of the year award

Review: 'Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims' by Rush Limbaugh - Chicago Tribune

Limbaugh, like other conservatives, seizes upon the Pilgrims' story as an example of the terrible things that can happen when people pool their resources in a collectivist manner. The author seems particularly offended by the idea of a "Common House" at Plymouth. To him, the pilgrims suffered from the evils of Common-ism (my word, not Limbaugh's) and survived only by belatedly injecting individualism and free enterprise into their settlement.

<Limbaugh is also wrong in the same way that much of American history is wrong &#8212; in deifying the founding fathers. Limbaugh declares that they "believed all people were born to be free as individuals." The founding fathers were great in many ways, but the fact is, four of the first five presidents owned slaves. If they believed all people should be free, they certainly didn't act on it.>

Almost impossible to even discuss US history without 'opinions'. Somewhat disturbed at some of the ideas Limbaugh seems to present and more concerned about those of the article's author.

Much was said when PBS or NPR produced a cartoon series on US history---many well known celebs were involved. So 'whatever floats your boat'? I watched it a few times--never noticed anything 'upsetting'. Probably miss a lot.

No--the leaders of the nation should not have owned slaves. I can only assume that in the process of creating a new nation---there was chaos. No excuse I suppose. I would want my child to think critically about politics.

Based on this, he's delivering a false view of American history, which is not only sad but dangerous.

The premise of the plot doesn't sound that appealing. jmo.

Robert Lawson wrote 'Ben and Me' and 'Mr. Revere's Horse'--something like that--a long time ago. I would probably stick with books like that. Must have been written in the 40's or earlier. Rush probably read Lawson's books. Very good for kids.

<Mr. Revere and I: Being an Account of certain Episodes in the Career of Paul Revere,Esq. as Revealed by his Horse

by Robert Lawson

3.91 of 5 stars 3.91 · rating details · 475 ratings · 40 reviews

Paul Revere didn't make his famous midnight ride alone. Meet a patriot unlike any other: Scheherazade, the mare who doesn't mind mentioning she was once the fastest and most admired horse in the King's army. But on arrival in America, "Sherry" is quickly let down by her British rider and recruited by Sam Adams to join the Sons of Liberty. Before long, she finds herself teamed with Raul Revere to play a key-if unnoticed-role in the American Revolution. Full of wit and wisdom, this beloved classic presents an unforgettable view to the birth of a nation-straight from the horse's mouth!

Explore this historical time period even further in this new edition of award-winning author Robert Lawson's classic tale, with additional bonus material, including a map of Paul Revere's ride!(less) >

The divisiveness is discouraging. I can't listen to him anymore.
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The contents of the book has been outlined above.

Yeah, he talks little about politics and expresses pride in his country. How disgusting can he get? Those poor kids should not be subjected to that kind of hate speech!
So, you've read the book and it's a hateful and political book that kids hate? Or are you just spewing your venom because you hate Limbaugh? I think it's obviously the latter, being that your entire post was a rant against Rush, without any knowledge of the contents of the book that won him the award that you just KNOW was false and based on his fans. But you're not full of hate, are you? :doubt:

The contents of the book has been outlined above. There are many, many works of literature I want to read. I don't have time to read something a right wing hack writes. I'm not intereted enough in politics to read political work from anyone, right or left. I am interested in literature for my reading: art, not politics.
Well, the thread is about the book, so why do you keep ranting about Rush, if you have no interest in it, can't resist the opportunity to express your hatred of Rush? Perhaps you're not honest enough to admit it.

Perhaps you are either not intelligent enough or too partisan to understand the point of my post. Which is it?
The contents of the book has been outlined above. There are many, many works of literature I want to read. I don't have time to read something a right wing hack writes. I'm not intereted enough in politics to read political work from anyone, right or left. I am interested in literature for my reading: art, not politics.
Well, the thread is about the book, so why do you keep ranting about Rush, if you have no interest in it, can't resist the opportunity to express your hatred of Rush? Perhaps you're not honest enough to admit it.

Perhaps you are either not intelligent enough or too partisan to understand the point of my post. Which is it?
One does not have to be that intelligent to recognize hatred as obvious as your's.
The best part about it is how much it pisses off the liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

Even though the likelihood is that most of the voting was probably done by adults? Think about it, logically if you can. The fan base for Limbaugh is not children. His fan base is adults, and he focuses on political issues. Without any push from adults, right or left wing, children are not interested in politics. They like a good story and a simple good versus evil theme, which is why Harry Potter novels are so popular.

I am not 'pissed off' by this Limbaugh award, but I find it very, very sad that rightwingers are so rampant in their desire to try to paint America as being behind the kind of thing Limbaugh represents that they would use children this way and try to warp reality. Left on their own, children prefer reading good stories that do not present any specific political slant.

Your post, sj. points out that you care more about partisan politics than children. And, that meshes with the overwhelming impression that the right gives in that they also care more about partisan politics than the good of the country.

Like the way liberals push the gay agenda on children, or how planned parenthood teachers girls as young as 6 how to masterbait with sex toys? That kind of using kids?
My understanding is, he's about to release the third book in this series.
Move over J.K. Rowling.

Rush Limbaugh wins children’s book award

NEW YORK (AP) - Rush Limbaugh has won a children’s book prize designed to be chosen by kids themselves.

But that doesn’t mean all of his voters were young people.

On Wednesday night, Limbaugh received the Children’s Choice Book Award for author of the year, defeating such superstars as Veronica Roth, Rick Riordan and “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” writer Jeff Kinney, the winner in 2012 and 2013. The conservative commentator won for “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims,” a book that landed on the best-seller lists of and other outlets despite limited mainstream coverage.

Nominees for best author are determined by how many copies their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who vote online. But executive director Robin Adelson of the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader, nonprofit organizations that co-founded the awards seven years ago, acknowledged Thursday that adults could easily vote and vote multiple times, a problem not uncommon for Internet competitions.

“Every one of our finalists gets fake votes every year,” Adelson told The Associated Press. “We like to think that’s the enthusiasm of adults who love children’s books.”

Adelson cited three ways that people can vote: a widget that can be embedded in such popular kids’ websites as Poptropica, a link on the awards website (CBC) that allows individuals to vote and a link on the awards site that allows teachers, librarians and others to submit bulk votes on behalf of their institution.

Adelson said she doubted that parents or other grown-ups were voting through Poptropica, but acknowledged the awards site was more likely to be manipulated. An individual voter can vote multiple times and does not need to provide a verifiable email address or proof of his or her age. Bulk voters are required to submit a verifiable email, but there is no guarantee that a given teacher or librarian is really expressing the wishes of others.

“We send emails and make phone calls. A lot of manual labor goes into verifying (bulk voters),” Adelson said. “Do we catch them all? Of course not.”

Finalists were announced in March, when Limbaugh touted his nomination on his radio show and on his website, Home - Rush Limbaugh - The Rush Limbaugh Show . Adelson said Limbaugh initially enjoyed a wide lead, but that voting tightened considerably in the final weeks and the outcome was “fair and close.”

“It’s not as if he received millions of votes and everybody else and received 10,” she said. “It was far, far closer.”

Adelson said total votes this year only increased modestly, from 1.1 million to 1.2 million, and added that voting has generally gone up each year. She emphasized the awards have no mission beyond encouraging kids to read.

“We’ve received some hate mail,” she said. “We’ve been accused of endorsing Rush Limbaugh and supporting Rush Limbaugh. We endorse and support children.”

Read more: Rush Limbaugh wins children's book award - Washington Times
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I imagine adults did most of the voting. Children do not care about politics, except where they have political issues foisted upon them by adults.

It was a book on American history, that the subversive teachers no longer teach...but don't let the TRUTH get in the way of your subversive rantings!
i couldn't believe how high his reviews on amazon are....

liberals heads essplode in 3....2.....1...

liberals heads exsplode in 5......... 4....... 3....2.....1..........

good one :up:

i would love to see the reactions of these libertards when the award was announced. :up:
Well, the thread is about the book, so why do you keep ranting about Rush, if you have no interest in it, can't resist the opportunity to express your hatred of Rush? Perhaps you're not honest enough to admit it.

Perhaps you are either not intelligent enough or too partisan to understand the point of my post. Which is it?
One does not have to be that intelligent to recognize hatred as obvious as your's.

But you do to recognize how to use apostrophe's...


"obvious as your is". What a maroon.
What do we call a misogynist hatemonger trying to make a buck off children?

We call him a slut, right? We call him a prostitute.

Good luck selling books to the next budding "overeducated white women", Rash. I understand "they're lined up around the block" to buy it. I want him to post videos of it online so we can watch.

I really gotta wonder what a parent who would set up their kids with this porno clerk uses as a standard for hiring a babysitter ... :rolleyes:
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Rush Limbaugh has won a children’s book prize designed to be chosen by kids themselves.

But that doesn’t mean all of his voters were young people.

On Wednesday night, Limbaugh received the Children’s Choice Book Award for author of the year, defeating such superstars as Veronica Roth, Rick Riordan and “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” writer Jeff Kinney, the winner in 2012 and 2013. The conservative commentator won for “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims,” a book that landed on the best-seller lists of and other outlets despite limited mainstream coverage.

Nominees for best author are determined by how many copies their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who vote online. But executive director Robin Adelson of the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader, nonprofit organizations that co-founded the awards seven years ago, acknowledged Thursday that adults could easily vote and vote multiple times, a problem not uncommon for Internet competitions.

“Every one of our finalists gets fake votes every year,”

Dittoheads swamp an internet vote meant for children

Who could have imagined it?
Liberal children can only be protected from reading Mr. Limbaugh's lovingly crafted work by your refusing to teach them to read.

~The Gospel of Your New Messiah's lord and financier, St. George Soros, 3:15.

Now hop to!
Liberal children can only be protected from reading Mr. Limbaugh's lovingly crafted work by your refusing to teach them to read.

~The Gospel of Your New Messiah's lord and financier, St. George Soros, 3:15.

Now hop to!


What does Slut mean?
Rush Limbaugh has won a children&#8217;s book prize designed to be chosen by kids themselves.

But that doesn&#8217;t mean all of his voters were young people.

On Wednesday night, Limbaugh received the Children&#8217;s Choice Book Award for author of the year, defeating such superstars as Veronica Roth, Rick Riordan and &#8220;Diary of a Wimpy Kid&#8221; writer Jeff Kinney, the winner in 2012 and 2013. The conservative commentator won for &#8220;Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims,&#8221; a book that landed on the best-seller lists of and other outlets despite limited mainstream coverage.

Nominees for best author are determined by how many copies their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who vote online. But executive director Robin Adelson of the Children&#8217;s Book Council and Every Child a Reader, nonprofit organizations that co-founded the awards seven years ago, acknowledged Thursday that adults could easily vote and vote multiple times, a problem not uncommon for Internet competitions.

&#8220;Every one of our finalists gets fake votes every year,&#8221;

Dittoheads swamp an internet vote meant for children

Who could have imagined it?

What do we call a vote frauder who would do such a thing?

We call him a pimp, right? They lined up around the block!

I think Amazon has been very desirous that a hate talker do well. They&#8217;re interested in hate talkers and hate talker books doing well. I think there&#8217;s a little hope invested in Limblob and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his book that he really didn&#8217;t deserve.

Who loves the irony that our most outspoken misogynist is getting splash on a website called "Amazon"? :eusa_dance:
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Liberal children can only be protected from reading Mr. Limbaugh's lovingly crafted work by your refusing to teach them to read.

~The Gospel of Your New Messiah's lord and financier, St. George Soros, 3:15.

Now hop to!


What does Slut mean?

Mommy, what are they "lined up around the block" for?

Mommy, why does he think that girl is a dog?

Mommy, what's a femmi- notsie?
Review: 'Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims' by Rush Limbaugh - Chicago Tribune

<Rush Revere is the author's alter ego, a substitute middle-school history teacher who dresses like Paul Revere and time-travels with his magical horse named Liberty.

Rush and Liberty, sometimes accompanied by two bright students, go back in time to the Pilgrims' Atlantic crossing on the Mayflower and the establishment of the Plymouth colony. Many of the book's details line up well with historical accounts.

Limbaugh's political viewpoint certainly shows up, but less than you might expect. He even defines "American exceptionalism" in a manner unlikely to offend Rachel Maddow: "It does not mean that we Americans are better than anyone else. It ... means that America is special because it is different from all other countries in history."

Limbaugh, like other conservatives, seizes upon the Pilgrims' story as an example of the terrible things that can happen when people pool their resources in a collectivist manner. The author seems particularly offended by the idea of a "Common House" at Plymouth. To him, the pilgrims suffered from the evils of Common-ism (my word, not Limbaugh's) and survived only by belatedly injecting individualism and free enterprise into their settlement.

<Limbaugh is also wrong in the same way that much of American history is wrong — in deifying the founding fathers. Limbaugh declares that they "believed all people were born to be free as individuals." The founding fathers were great in many ways, but the fact is, four of the first five presidents owned slaves. If they believed all people should be free, they certainly didn't act on it.>

Almost impossible to even discuss US history without 'opinions'. Somewhat disturbed at some of the ideas Limbaugh seems to present and more concerned about those of the article's author.

Much was said when PBS or NPR produced a cartoon series on US history---many well known celebs were involved. So 'whatever floats your boat'? I watched it a few times--never noticed anything 'upsetting'. Probably miss a lot.

Liberty's Kids

The Theme Song is performed by: Aaron Carter and Kayla I see a land with liberty for all Next thing I know the truth will rise and fall That's just the way it goes A word now to the wise The world was made to change Each day is a surprize I'm looking at life with my own eyes I'm searching for a hero to idolize Feeling the pain as innocence dies I'm looking at life through my own eyes I'll take my heart into battle Give that freedom bell a raddle Get my independence signed Declare for it on the dotted line Let Philadelphia freedom ring and patriotic voices sing Red, White and Blue Never give up You represent America! I'm hoping and praying for a brighter day I listen to my heart and I obey How can I see it any other way? I'm looking at life through my own eyes

No--the leaders of the nation should not have owned slaves. I can only assume that in the process of creating a new nation---there was chaos. No excuse I suppose. I would want my child to think critically about politics.

Based on this, he's delivering a false view of American history, which is not only sad but dangerous.

That is true, nowhere can you find real evidence of a time-traveling horse in America.
The contents of the book has been outlined above.

Yeah, he talks little about politics and expresses pride in his country. How disgusting can he get? Those poor kids should not be subjected to that kind of hate speech!

Isn't it interesting how liberals will always go out of their way to take a shot at American history whenever they can.
The best part about it is how much it pisses off the liberals. :lol::lol::lol:

Even though the likelihood is that most of the voting was probably done by adults? Think about it, logically if you can. The fan base for Limbaugh is not children. His fan base is adults, and he focuses on political issues. Without any push from adults, right or left wing, children are not interested in politics. They like a good story and a simple good versus evil theme, which is why Harry Potter novels are so popular.

I am not 'pissed off' by this Limbaugh award, but I find it very, very sad that rightwingers are so rampant in their desire to try to paint America as being behind the kind of thing Limbaugh represents that they would use children this way and try to warp reality. Left on their own, children prefer reading good stories that do not present any specific political slant.

Your post, sj. points out that you care more about partisan politics than children. And, that meshes with the overwhelming impression that the right gives in that they also care more about partisan politics than the good of the country.

Like the way liberals push the gay agenda on children, or how planned parenthood teachers girls as young as 6 how to masterbait with sex toys? That kind of using kids?

For cryin' out loud...there's no "gay agenda"...just a request to accept gays as human beings with the same constitutional and social needs and rights as the rest of us...
As far as the 6 y.o. "Sex Toy" thing...its a nasty fiction and u know it...and just the kind of hateful prurient nonsense ur uberlord Limbaugh of "she's a whore because she supports birth control" fame.. would make up.
And u want to sic this sick hound on ur they grow up to be as hateful , dishonest and intolerant as Rush? Or maybe u identify w him and want to pass his unAmerican and divisive "values" on?...

Sent from my iPhone using
But why does Rush hide out on a radio station listened to by mostly people that agree with him? To convert others, he needs to go more public. Maybe appear on a few college campuses. Television talk shows. Engage in extemporaneous debate with the opposition with out having the ability to cut the opposition off when the debate starts to go against him. I'd like to see Rush vs. Thom Hartmann. T.V. or radio, that would be interesting.
That's a very ironic statement coming from you. I believe that the vehement and vicious television and radio people like Limbaugh are mainly at fault for the extreme partisan politics in today's America. Nothing like this was in existence before such people began to be media sensations.

I don't hate Limbaugh because I don't personalize it and because politics is not the center of my life by any means. What does disturb me is the vitriolic and partisan atmosphere that infuses American politics and social issues nowadays. It is destroying America. I don't know who said it, but it goes something like America will destroy itself from within; it will not be destroyed by outside entities. The American people themselves are far more of a threat to the country than Al-Qaeda terrorists, or any kind of terrorist.

People like Limbaugh are responsible for much of the extreme divisiveness in America today. The fact that a book or series of books he wrote, focusing on politics, has been voted by internet readers as most popular simply indicates that people are using political views to slant reality. I know children and I know what they like to read: children are not interested in politics. This 'award' is a false award based on adults who are fans of Limbaugh. It is not based on what children love. Children love stories like Harry Potter. That is the reality.

The lying cheat actually boasts about being responsible for the partisan divide in this great country, and he is quite proud of himself.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: * I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this.* I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide.* It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
You wouldn't be taking that out of context, would you, ed? Just wondering why you didn't post the rest of it.
I would never stoop to your MessiahRushie's level.

BTW, it has always been a claim of his!

November 19, 2007
RUSH: we in talk radio have this thing called polarization. It's not required that everybody love us.

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