Russia kinda-sorta invades Ukraine

Announcing a downsize and actual downsize are two different things. What also has to be assessed os the reason for the downsize. Putin is no fool Obama will be out Putin has to worry about the next president. I do not think this was much of a factor.

I think the reason for the downsize has been assessed, Connery.
What is going on now will be history by the time Obama leaves office.

Putin does not strike me and a person who simply accepts today's possibilities as tomorrows realities. The military is evolving as technology evolves. I would not count the US out based on Obama.

Russia has been salivating over the Ukraine for a while now. I have known a few people from there. And if I recall correctly, this isn't the first invasion by a long shot. What's different now is that Russia, the mother of modern China, has a valuable ally.

The new Ukrainian government said Friday it had been invaded by Russia and appealed for the United States and United Kingdom to protect it, as guaranteed under a 1994 agreement.

The move came after a series of armed takeovers and provocations in the Crimea region that began on Thursday with the seizure of the regional parliament building and continued on Friday:

Ukraine pleads for help after Russian 'invasion' - The Globe and Mail

I wonder how many Americans would be willing to help the Ukraine after so many years in the middle east.
Who would stop them?

Obama COULD have sent a message as far back as 2008 that would have sent Putin a strong message and prevented this invasion.

Hell, even Sarah Palin knew THAT!

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

Palin on Ukraine: I told you so ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
To his credit... Putin did wait until Obama's second term...

[ame=]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]
I feel sorry for the people in Ukraine who want their country to have freedom,democracy, free market economy they appear to pretty much be fucked.

It's even MORE sad to realize the sheep and slugs in America who are literally eager to give their sovereignty and freedom over to a usurper like Obama when those poor folks are dying for freedom.

America's liberals are just so ducking fumb.

Obabble would prefer this to be a European problem also...

It is a European problem. Wars in Europe are never good.

We may not see alot of direct effects but there will be lots of indirect ones.

Regardless, Putin is a monster.
I feel sorry for the people in Ukraine who want their country to have freedom,democracy, free market economy they appear to pretty much be fucked.

We can pray for them and maybe we will find some other things to do too.

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