Save America Impeach Biden

Americans want Biden impeached. They'll accept any reason Congress comes up with.
On the surface that doesn't seem very good. However, Americans are quickly realizing that there is no democratic principle to rely upon and that EVERYTHING is corrupt including democracy itself. Voting & elections? A joke! So, here they are a population regarded as shit by the Deep State/Military-Industrial Complex and no legal voice. What do Americans see? Promises? From who? From what? Trump looks like the only person willing and able to come to the aid of the American population and strong/powerful/influential enough to kick the bad guys in the teeth. But if Biden remains puppet on the string for 4 more years the damage to the US may be irreparable. So, even though I can see "any reason at all" less than desirable I fully support the American population that is willing to seize "any reason at all" in order to stop the madness and get someone like Trump (is there anyone else?) back to work.
Biden is only one symptom of a very sick degenerate political party.
I agree with you but you are misleading. You are expressing a "blanket" judgment on the Democratic party which by default insinuates the Republican Party is good. OK, as it stands today that's maybe a fair statement but what about tomorrow? What you should have said was, Biden is only one symptom of a very sick degenerate political system. Need I remind you of Bush Baby Junior? The fact that morons such as Bush and Biden can put their stamp of approval on the most treacherous dealings points to the system, not necessarily the party. Madness is not party-inherent.
I agree with you but you are misleading. You are expressing a "blanket" judgment on the Democratic party which by default insinuates the Republican Party is good. OK, as it stands today that's maybe a fair statement but what about tomorrow? What you should have said was, Biden is only one symptom of a very sick degenerate political system. Need I remind you of Bush Baby Junior? The fact that morons such as Bush and Biden can put their stamp of approval on the most treacherous dealings points to the system, not necessarily the party. Madness is not party-inherent.
You have to look around. The white house is so degenerate it is almost a parody of degeneracy. Drug use is open with dealers making home delivery. The president has a repulsive attraction to little girls and wanders the white house naked.

By all means remind me of Bush Jr. I remember the eagerly awaited Bush Christmas movie with Barney and Mrs. Beasley.

The Biden production is deliberately designed to be repulsive like all things Biden.

Democrats get a real kick out of poking Americans in the eye. Is there any human being that has a mouth that can open that wide? No. No. That's a cartoon.
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You have to look around.
I've been looking around lately more than ever.
The white house is so degenerate it is almost a parody of degeneracy. Drug use is open with dealers making home delivery. The president has a repulsive attraction to little girls and wanders the white house naked.
Yep. I've noticed.
By all means remind me of Bush Jr. I remember the eagerly awaited Bush Christmas movie with Barney and Mrs. Beasley.

The first time I've seen that. A nice video while Bush was murdering and torturing a million innocent men, women, and children in Irak.
The Biden production is deliberately designed to be repulsive like all things Biden.

First time I've seen that one too. Really bad. I had to force myself to watch the whole thing.
Which is backwards from what the US legal system is supposed to be
They've been convinced that they've been cheated, and so they no longer care about the rules.

They're at war, and so they no longer care about the rules.

We're beginning to approach anarchy here, and I don't think they really understand what they're supporting. Life isn't talk radio.
Don't get your panties in a bunch. The inquiry will find a reason to impeach Biden.
To weaponize the impeachment process in bad faith to attack President Biden with false, baseless claims of ‘wrongdoing’ is in fact dishonest and corrupt.

To seek to remove from office a president lawfully, constitutionally, and fairly elected reflecting the will of the people for purely partisan reasons – absent any evidence of misconduct or crime – demonstrates conservatives' desire to indeed destroy America, not save it.
What we need to do is let the uniparty put whomever they want in the ceremonial chair, that's what they do anyway. Then have a referendum to elect a special prosecutor from a list supplied by the states with no interference from the FEC. The SP would be funded from the general fund for 4 years and report to a permanent working committee with a rep from each state.

The liberal media just doesn't get it.

We need to save America. We need to find a reason to impeach Biden. America's future depends on it.

---The US House of Representatives has voted to formalise its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden---

“We need to find a reason…”

The truth … finally
To weaponize the impeachment process in bad faith to attack President Biden with false, baseless claims of ‘wrongdoing’ is in fact dishonest and corrupt.
And what's your verdict on attacking President Trump with false, baseless claims of 'wrongdoing'? Is it also 'dishonest and corrupt' or does it slide passed the eye of scrutiny on the pre-emptive "tit for tat" rule?
And what's your verdict on attacking President Trump with false, baseless claims of 'wrongdoing'? Is it also 'dishonest and corrupt' or does it slide passed the eye of scrutiny on the pre-emptive "tit for tat" rule?
False baseless claims?

He had more members of his own party in Congress vote to impeach than any other Impeached President ever
I've been looking around lately more than ever.

Yep. I've noticed.

The first time I've seen that. A nice video while Bush was murdering and torturing a million innocent men, women, and children in Irak.

First time I've seen that one too. Really bad. I had to force myself to watch the whole thing.
Are you trying to say that the Iraqui people are peaceful muslims?

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