Schumer makes a great suggestion, what will the Repubs do?

Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

The democrat majority in the senate "would be" introducing a number of measures aimed at producing jobs? When? Where have they been for the last four years, lost in socialist land? Democrats gained the majority in the senate half way into Bush's 2nd term and with a democrat congress and a democrat president all they did was oversee the collapse of the economy and push the US deeper in debt. Now that the president is in political trouble and they lost congress last fall they decide to become capitalists? Yeah right.
Because, as we all know, raising the debt ceiling is a sign of failed leadership.

Try a different topic C.O.G. and quit trying to derail the thread. Schumer put a great suggestion out their, one that gives businesses an incentive for hiring new workers, so what's it going to be, a reasonable discussion or a duck-your-head-in-the-sand reply?

If giving a tax cut for hiring new workers if the only thing in the bill I'll say it's a good idea. I've got a feeling there is a lot more to the bill than that one clause.

Hopefully it includes a measure to penalize companies that send jobs overseas.
Its very telling they woint weight in.

They cant answer until someone on the top desides what they are supposed to think about this.

What a bunch of puppets

Taking it from the number one Borg on the site.....that rings kind of hollow.
Try a different topic C.O.G. and quit trying to derail the thread. Schumer put a great suggestion out their, one that gives businesses an incentive for hiring new workers, so what's it going to be, a reasonable discussion or a duck-your-head-in-the-sand reply?

If giving a tax cut for hiring new workers if the only thing in the bill I'll say it's a good idea. I've got a feeling there is a lot more to the bill than that one clause.

Hopefully it includes a measure to penalize companies that send jobs overseas.

They can start with General Electric and their CFL deal with China.

They've had to close down incandescent bulb factories in the US and ship production to China.

This is why GE is behind the green movement and supporting the Obama Administration.

GE Closes Last Incandescent Light Bulb Plant, Jobs Sent to China

GE has closed its last major factory making incandescent light bulbs in the United States, a victim of a 2007 law banning sale of the light bulbs by 2014. Environmental activist groups promised the restrictions would create green jobs, but workers at GE's Winchester, Virginia plant are finding the law is merely creating jobs overseas in China, says the Heartland Institute.

The 2007 law imposed energy efficiency requirements that cannot be met by traditional incandescent light bulbs.
Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), which are much more expensive than incandescent light bulbs, are the least expensive alternative.
The manufacture of CFLs, however, is labor intensive and too expensive to be done at U.S. wage rates.

What does it feel like to know you've been had????:eusa_whistle:


GE Ships Light Bulb Jobs To China So It Can Make Greener Bulbs

Mike Elk: GE Moves Green Jobs To China

GE Closes Last Incandescent Light Bulb Plant, Jobs Sent to China
Last edited:
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

The democrat majority in the senate "would be" introducing a number of measures aimed at producing jobs? When? Where have they been for the last four years, lost in socialist land? Democrats gained the majority in the senate half way into Bush's 2nd term and with a democrat congress and a democrat president all they did was oversee the collapse of the economy and push the US deeper in debt. Now that the president is in political trouble and they lost congress last fall they decide to become capitalists? Yeah right.

What job producing measures have Repubs introduced?
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

I sometimes wonder how a person like yourself, that is supposed to be intelligent, thinks that another multi-billion dollar spending program that is intended to raise taxes is going to solve the debt problems.

And cutting taxes isn't the answer right now ether.

That's the problem with folks on they left. They just don't listen.

Cutting taxes with such a huge deficit at hand isn't going to reduce the deficit, did you flunk math?
GE could retrofit its Winchester plant to produce CFLs, but GE CFLs would be 50 percent more expensive than bulbs made in China with the benefit of cheap labor. Realizing it could not compete with such a cost disadvantage, GE is closing down its Winchester factory, putting 200 workers out of a job.

H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis, says people should not be surprised by job losses caused by environmental mandates such as the ban on incandescent light bulbs.

"The claim that the unemployment caused by federal policies forcing CFL light bulbs on the public was an 'unintended consequence' would be laughable if the job losses weren't so unfortunate," says Burnett.

Sam Kazman, general counsel for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, pointed out banning incandescent light bulbs does not necessarily bring environmental benefits.

In 1987 the town of Traer, Iowa handed out 18,000 free fluorescent bulbs to its residents in a demonstration project aimed at reducing power consumption.
Residential electricity use actually rose by 8 percent, because people used more lights and kept them on longer once they realized their lighting was cheaper.

Source: Kenneth Artz, "GE Closes Last Incandescent Light Bulb Plant, Jobs Sent to China," Heartland Institute, October 4, 2010.

Good intentions with lousy results.

Typical results from Progressives.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

I sometimes wonder how a person like yourself, that is supposed to be intelligent, thinks that another multi-billion dollar spending program that is intended to raise taxes is going to solve the debt problems.

And cutting taxes isn't the answer right now ether.

That's the problem with folks on they left. They just don't listen.

Cutting taxes with such a huge deficit at hand isn't going to reduce the deficit, did you flunk math?

Learn how to read.

When did I say we should cut taxes?
If giving a tax cut for hiring new workers if the only thing in the bill I'll say it's a good idea. I've got a feeling there is a lot more to the bill than that one clause.

Hopefully it includes a measure to penalize companies that send jobs overseas.

They can start with General Electric and their CFB deal with China.

They've had to close down incandescent bulb factories in the US and ship production to China.

This is why GE is behind the green movement and supporting the Obama Administration.

GE Closes Last Incandescent Light Bulb Plant, Jobs Sent to China

GE has closed its last major factory making incandescent light bulbs in the United States, a victim of a 2007 law banning sale of the light bulbs by 2014. Environmental activist groups promised the restrictions would create green jobs, but workers at GE's Winchester, Virginia plant are finding the law is merely creating jobs overseas in China, says the Heartland Institute.

The 2007 law imposed energy efficiency requirements that cannot be met by traditional incandescent light bulbs.
Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), which are much more expensive than incandescent light bulbs, are the least expensive alternative.
The manufacture of CFLs, however, is labor intensive and too expensive to be done at U.S. wage rates.

What does it feel like to know you've been had????:eusa_whistle:


GE Ships Light Bulb Jobs To China So It Can Make Greener Bulbs

Mike Elk: GE Moves Green Jobs To China

GE Closes Last Incandescent Light Bulb Plant, Jobs Sent to China

To know we've been had? You can't be serious. Do you really think that because GE owns MSNBC and contributed to Obama's campaign that we don't think of them as a huge conglomerate and part of the problem? You're an idiot.

Amazingly enough... GE supported GOP candidates in 2008 too... Senate in 2008 they gave $801950 to Republican candidates and $476950 to Democrats to be exact. BTW... McCaind got money from GE too.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

The new lefty voodoo economics. What a cuts for hiring people!!! What a scam..........:D:D

"business tax cuts".......a total bastardization of the concept, not to mention its worded to spoof the hopelessly duped. Very clever though.......
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Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

The democrat majority in the senate "would be" introducing a number of measures aimed at producing jobs? When? Where have they been for the last four years, lost in socialist land? Democrats gained the majority in the senate half way into Bush's 2nd term and with a democrat congress and a democrat president all they did was oversee the collapse of the economy and push the US deeper in debt. Now that the president is in political trouble and they lost congress last fall they decide to become capitalists? Yeah right.

What job producing measures have Repubs introduced?

Nothing the left won't render useless with their inane criticisms and misrepresentations.

The biggest roadblock in the way of job growth is the EPA and an Administration that keeps everyone on edge.

Nobody in their right mind hires people when they don't know how much it's going to cost them in new taxes and regulatory fees.
Aw word on high must have finnaly come in on it.

Spew hate on ANYTHING anyone in the Dem party suggests.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

So is it a bad plan people?

For every hire you get a tax cut.

Sounds right up the republican alley.

Do you disapprove?

You can't put the cart before the horse. Typical ass-backwards Liberal mentality.
Schumer's a fuck up. Open the state to hydraulic fracturing then stand back and watch the jobs, royalties, and tax revenues roll in.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

The new lefty voodoo economics. What a cuts for hiring people!!! What a scam..........:D:D

"business tax cuts".......a total bastardization of the concept, not to mention its worded to spoof the hopelessly duped. Very clever though.......

Its not lefty voodoo economics, its ssays plainly that the businesses will only get the tax cuts when they hire as opposed to the "give me the money and I'll do it-NOT" approach from Republiturds.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

The new lefty voodoo economics. What a cuts for hiring people!!! What a scam..........:D:D

"business tax cuts".......a total bastardization of the concept, not to mention its worded to spoof the hopelessly duped. Very clever though.......

Its not lefty voodoo economics, its ssays plainly that the businesses will only get the tax cuts when they hire as opposed to the "give me the money and I'll do it-NOT" approach from Republiturds.

How is not confiscating tax $$ giving money?

Oh wait, the Marxists feel they are entitled to 100% of your money off the top. Silly me.

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