Schumer makes a great suggestion, what will the Repubs do?

"gee, you mean all those other Congress people dont feel and act the same way?..... "

Um, no...duh. Pubs want to cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare. Dems want to give everyone guaranteed health care and make jobs good jobs. See if you can tell the difference...:cuckoo:

...thats not what was implied was it ya Dumbass?.......the Democrats aint no different than the Republicans....they both want Power,and their jobs and to control your life....see if you can tell the difference.......:cuckoo:....see i can do that too.....
So is it a bad plan people?

For every hire you get a tax cut.

Sounds right up the republican alley.

Do you disapprove?

Yes Tax credits to "hire" someone is a shit idea. It will be abused and will only last as long as the credit lasts. Does part time count, does fireing people and re hiering count...? Does cutting peoples hours so you can hire someone else part time count? Man and I just started, I bet there will be all kinds of ways to fuck this "tax credit" up, there always is.

TM, you should write these guys right away and ask them why they hate America for doing "tax cuts" (yes it's a tax credit but you don't know the difference) when America should have 90% tax rates...

Nice to see you support “tax cuts” for companies growth btw. All it took was a Democrats, just like the wars, torture, homeland security, debt and the list goes on and on.
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It's simple...because Obama must fail

They can't have him running for re-election with unemployment dropping

But, it's going back up after a 800 billion stimulus failed.... Do we really have to spend more on tax credits to NOT get any growth? Really RW? Are you that far gone?
Nice to see you support “tax cuts” for companies growth btw. All it took was a Democrats, just like the wars, torture, homeland security, debt and the list goes on and on.

more revisionist history from Conservatives... how unsurprising.
Tax cuts won't make much difference.

The stimulus included tax cuts, too, remember?

38% of the so-called Stimulus was tax cuts.
If we're not going to flat tax and simplify the tax code away from social engineering, we may as well as subsidize things that improve this nation, instead of things that drag it down. I just don't trust leftists to not fuck a good thing up.
ressurecting failed policies from Jimmeh Carter's era will not make thing's better
Okay, obviously we seem to be talking past each other. What carter policy are you referring to?
The one in the OP. Jimmy Carter tried the same thing. It doesn't work. The only thing targetting tax cuts do is attempt to pick winners and losers, and ultimately, everybodies a loser with them. When the government creates tax incentives to behave a certain way they are social engineering...

Tax cuts won't make much difference.

The stimulus included tax cuts, too, remember?

38% of the so-called Stimulus was tax cuts.
no, it contained the faux tax cut of changing the with holding tables to give you a couple extra bucks in your check without changing rates... meaning your taxes were exactly the same but your return was smaller. As far as I know the only tax cut in the stimulous was for corporate jets and subsidies for green jobs which did nothing. Even the 300 "making work pay" credit just replaced the GWB $350 stimulous credit from the year before and was actually a $50 increase.
ressurecting failed policies from Jimmeh Carter's era will not make thing's better
Okay, obviously we seem to be talking past each other. What carter policy are you referring to?
The one in the OP. Jimmy Carter tried the same thing. It doesn't work. The only thing targetting tax cuts do is attempt to pick winners and losers, and ultimately, everybodies a loser with them. When the government creates tax incentives to behave a certain way they are social engineering...

Ahh, see I didn't see the situational part. If it was for EVERY business And not picking winners and losers, I'd be more for it. But like I said, I would be open to it as long as there were no alligators in that swamp. I'm all for encouraging business and making more money available for investment. I'm not for government having control over the economy.
Nice to see you support “tax cuts” for companies growth btw. All it took was a Democrats, just like the wars, torture, homeland security, debt and the list goes on and on.

more revisionist history from Conservatives... how unsurprising.

The new "I ain't got shit phrase." Obama and his Dems didn’t expand or keep all that I said? Maybe you can list off the Bush era repeals?
Tax cuts won't make much difference.

The stimulus included tax cuts, too, remember?

38% of the so-called Stimulus was tax cuts.

Well, "Tax credits" but you're close, kinda... well not really but I see your point... The thread is about tax credits too, and no they won't work as they have been proven not to work while costing alot to do. A Dem is pushing them so expect many liberals that normally hate "tax cuts" to call them "tax cuts" and 100% support this... Not you though editec, but that's why you're not a hack.
Tax cuts won't make much difference.

The stimulus included tax cuts, too, remember?

38% of the so-called Stimulus was tax cuts.
no, it contained the faux tax cut of changing the with holding tables to give you a couple extra bucks in your check without changing rates... meaning your taxes were exactly the same but your return was smaller. As far as I know the only tax cut in the stimulous was for corporate jets and subsidies for green jobs which did nothing. Even the 300 "making work pay" credit just replaced the GWB $350 stimulous credit from the year before and was actually a $50 increase.

Interesting, so Obama might have been the one giving these loiop holes for jet owners, the jet tax loop hole he is bitching about now... Intersting if true.

Edit: And here it is, I didn't look very hard so I don't know how accurate it is but I'll assume it's true lol.
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Liberal democrats are forever coming up with idiotic ways to make it look like they're trying to solve the unemployment problem with a quick fix. Just like cash for clunkers, and the innumerable programs to fix the housing crisis, you can't fix anything with a one time good deal. What we have here is a whole lot of lipstick but no pig.
Schumer questions GOP sincerity on job creation - CBS News

The New York Democrat said his colleagues in the Senate would be introducing a number of measures aimed at creating jobs, including one that provides tax breaks to companies that hire new workers.

"That is aimed at sort of bringing our Republican colleagues along to do something" about the struggling U.S. economy, which created just 54,000 jobs in May, Schumer said on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If they are against a business tax cut to help employment, they have always been for business tax cuts in the past, you gotta wonder, maybe they don't want the economy to grow," said Schumer, the number three Democrat in the Senate.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier on the program said policymakers in Washington "need to quit doing what we have been doing" and said massive government spending programs to aid the economy over the past few years "didn't do any good."

Schumer countered that the $830 billion spending program approved in 2009 prevented what would have been a second Great Depression.

The sparring between Democrats and Republicans over how to reduce unemployment is likely to intensify in coming weeks a statutory deadline for Congress to raise its self-imposed borrowing limit approaches.

Simple and as plain as day right facking there, hire the people you earn your business tax cut, if trickle down tax cuts would create jobs why aren't the Repubs jumping up and down all over this?

Ok, i'm gonna simplify this:

If Failo thinks it's a good idea, it's a horrible idea.

Tax cuts won't make much difference.

The stimulus included tax cuts, too, remember?

38% of the so-called Stimulus was tax cuts.
no, it contained the faux tax cut of changing the with holding tables to give you a couple extra bucks in your check without changing rates... meaning your taxes were exactly the same but your return was smaller. As far as I know the only tax cut in the stimulous was for corporate jets and subsidies for green jobs which did nothing. Even the 300 "making work pay" credit just replaced the GWB $350 stimulous credit from the year before and was actually a $50 increase.

Interesting, so Obama might have been the one giving these loiop holes for jet owners, the jet tax loop hole he is bitching about now... Intersting if true.

Edit: And here it is, I didn't look very hard so I don't know how accurate it is but I'll assume it's true lol. FLASHBACK: AP: Stimulus includes tax break to promote private jet sales | Charlie Spiering | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
It is absolutely true Obama signed the corporate jet tax credits.

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