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Senate Appears To Have Votes to Overturn Emergency Declaration

------------------------ I can't argue , won't argue . You may not know what you are talking about as I perceive you , Guess that you are a youngster. And its even worse if you are an Oldster . That being said I can see that YOU don't believe in Gun RIGHTS and that YOU don't understand the purpose of the 2nd Amendment Angelo .
So when the SHTF, you'll be prepped to take on anybody who comes around ? Whatever you say Huckleberry. You ever hear of Waco or Benghazi ? If your number comes up and you become a target, you're done my friend. JSOC ? That's the president's own personal army.
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well we are aware that Congressman Swalwell will nuke us before he allows us to defend ourselves. the government does have him in their purse pocket.
------------------------- my main concern is with Restrictions on Effective GUNS as 'dems' are always trying to limit Americans ' RIGHT' to effective guns , magazines and accessories that are defined by the Second Amendment . And TRUMP just did a NASTY with outlawing ' Bump Socks' but TRUMP is still far better on a whole bunch of issues than any 'dem' or 'repub' that he was running against , for MY purposes Angelo .
Well, people like Alex Jones don't help much (with his Sandy Hooks false flag craziness ) but there is a point to be made for background checks and restrictions on machine guns - civilians in the 21st century have no need for AR-15s.
------------------------ I can't argue , won't argue . You may not know what you are talking about as I perceive you , Guess that you are a youngster. And its even worse if you are an Oldster . That being said I can see that YOU don't believe in Gun RIGHTS and that YOU don't understand the purpose of the 2nd Amendment Angelo .

You don't have to argue his point. There is no point. Congress has not given any President the rights to skirt the 2nd Amendment.
Congress has given the President the right to declare National Emergencies and get the funds in any manner they desire.

You can't write an EO on something that is guaranteed by the constitution. Not and not have it overturned by the SCOTUS.
Semi automatic guns are not machine guns.

The drug cartel use AR-15 and Americans should not be banned from the same gun that those criminals use.
Makes it an equal gun fight ,which is what the left says they are all about. Equality.
No shit ...where do you suppose they got them ?

Archive - Guns, Drugs, And The Cia | Drug Wars | FRONTLINE | PBS

The cartel has had them way before that debacle, but it sure didn't help.
The cartel has used AR 15 at least since the 80's.
You don't have to argue his point. There is no point. Congress has not given any President the rights to skirt the 2nd Amendment.
Congress has given the President the right to declare National Emergencies and get the funds in any manner they desire.

You can't write an EO on something that is guaranteed by the constitution. Not and not have it overturned by the SCOTUS.
Why The NDAA Bill is Even Scarier Than You Thought

The NDAA has become the most controversial element of President Obama's foreign policy. Section 1021 of the NDAA bill of 2012 allowed for the "indefinite detention of American citizens without due process at the discretion of the President." Section 1021 has been challenged as a violation of constitutional principles and the United States Bill of Rights. The indefinite detention clause has been broadly denounced nationally and internationally. It may very well be the only thing that has true bi-partisan support. The Act was strongly opposed by the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights First, Human Rights Watch, and The Center for Constitutional Rights, the Cato Institute, Reason Magazine and The Council on American-Islamic Relations. It was criticized in editorials published in The New York Times, Al-Jazeera, and The Guardian. The ACLU said, "The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield." This year's bill contains amendments introduced in the Senate and the House to remove the indefinite detention clause. The House included sections 1031 through 1033, which affirms the right of habeas corpus and the Constitutional right of due process for American citizens. Senator Rand Paul (R–Ky.) a leading opponent of the clause pointed out, "the bill this year contained the amendment I supported which sharply limited the detention power, and eliminated it entirely for American citizens in the US."
Why do Dimms give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The money part is a lie. So list real problems.

Why do Repubs give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The "it will work" part is a proven lie. So list real reasons.

I suspect they just support Trump's whims no matter how goofy those whims are.

A Democrat Congress promised to secure the border in 1986 and it remains unsecured to this day.

The right had complete control for the first 2 years of Trump's presidency. Why didn't you do anything at all to fix that? Didn't really care?
I dont understand that either

Like Rick Scott said: "This thing is broken".

Going from being a FL Governor to Federal Senator. The state gov't works pretty good (at the legislation level), but I'm askeered at the volume of bills they have at the ready when all that's really necessary is a budget. Could swear I heard like..600 bills ready. No, we don't need 600 new laws. I hope DeSantis has that VETO stamp ready and a bucket of ink.

Not budget? VETO!

Senator Rick Scott: Washington is broken
------------------------- my main concern is with Restrictions on Effective GUNS as 'dems' are always trying to limit Americans ' RIGHT' to effective guns , magazines and accessories that are defined by the Second Amendment . And TRUMP just did a NASTY with outlawing ' Bump Socks' but TRUMP is still far better on a whole bunch of issues than any 'dem' or 'repub' that he was running against , for MY purposes Angelo .
Well, people like Alex Jones don't help much (with his Sandy Hooks false flag craziness ) but there is a point to be made for background checks and restrictions on machine guns - civilians in the 21st century have no need for AR-15s.
------------------------ I can't argue , won't argue . You may not know what you are talking about as I perceive you , Guess that you are a youngster. And its even worse if you are an Oldster . That being said I can see that YOU don't believe in Gun RIGHTS and that YOU don't understand the purpose of the 2nd Amendment Angelo .

You don't have to argue his point. There is no point. Congress has not given any President the rights to skirt the 2nd Amendment.
Congress has given the President the right to declare National Emergencies and get the funds in any manner they desire.

You can't write an EO on something that is guaranteed by the constitution. Not and not have it overturned by the SCOTUS.

I totally agree with you.
Congress is having a fit over a bill that was passed in 1976 on EO power, called the National Emergencies Act

It was argued before it was passed in 1976 that it gave Presidents to much power.
Fix it congress, but neither party will do it.
Stop blaming Trump for using it for his purposes, just like all other Presidents have done under it.
Repeal the National Emergencies Act, congress.
A few purple state Republicans are gambling they will not lose as many votes from Republicans as the will gain from Democrats and independents. We'll see. Support for the fence is very strong among Republican voters.

A few years ago, “staying the course” in Iraq was important. Where is that now?
A few years ago, family values were strong? Where is that now?
A few years ago, deficit reduction and balanced budgets were important? Where is that now?
Staying the course in Iraq was always important, but Obama fucked up and got hundreds of thousands of people killed and millions made homeless refugees.

Family values continues to be important but with Democrats pandering for votes by advocating killing babies who are born alive, clearly the word family has little meaning for you people.

Deficit reduction and balanced budgets continue to be important but clearly we will not achieve either by cutting spending alone, and that's why President Trump is so focused on growing the economy faster and renegotiating bad trade agreements, so that our economy will grow fast enough to balance our expenditures, all of which the Democrats oppose.

Security on all our borders remains just as important as it always, but the Democrats have abandoned all values and issues other than opposing the President. The only other values the Democrats seem to have are socialism and anti semitism.

So Republican concern over “important” issues is determined by Democratic Party actions?

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Of course, just the opposite is true, Democrats have no values other than opposing the President, so Donald Trump decides what is important to Democrats. This is very clear from the fact that Democrats wanted the border fence right up until the President said he wanted it.


So if those things were important why are you supporting a blob who doesn’t think they are?

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First, I didn't support Hillary, and second, she'll think anything that she believes will bring in the votes and money. As we have seen, she supported the border fence at the same time she opposed it; she wrote about needing a village to raise a child, but she supports killing children who are born alive if they are inconvenient; she supported the war in Iraq before she opposed the war in Iraq. Just tell her what she needs to believe to get your vote and she'll believe it.
A few years ago, “staying the course” in Iraq was important. Where is that now?
A few years ago, family values were strong? Where is that now?
A few years ago, deficit reduction and balanced budgets were important? Where is that now?
Staying the course in Iraq was always important, but Obama fucked up and got hundreds of thousands of people killed and millions made homeless refugees.

Family values continues to be important but with Democrats pandering for votes by advocating killing babies who are born alive, clearly the word family has little meaning for you people.

Deficit reduction and balanced budgets continue to be important but clearly we will not achieve either by cutting spending alone, and that's why President Trump is so focused on growing the economy faster and renegotiating bad trade agreements, so that our economy will grow fast enough to balance our expenditures, all of which the Democrats oppose.

Security on all our borders remains just as important as it always, but the Democrats have abandoned all values and issues other than opposing the President. The only other values the Democrats seem to have are socialism and anti semitism.

So Republican concern over “important” issues is determined by Democratic Party actions?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course, just the opposite is true, Democrats have no values other than opposing the President, so Donald Trump decides what is important to Democrats. This is very clear from the fact that Democrats wanted the border fence right up until the President said he wanted it.


So if those things were important why are you supporting a blob who doesn’t think they are?

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First, I didn't support Hillary, and second, she'll think anything that she believes will bring in the votes and money. As we have seen, she supported the border fence at the same time she opposed it; she wrote about needing a village to raise a child, but she supports killing children who are born alive if they are inconvenient; she supported the war in Iraq before she opposed the war in Iraq. Just tell her what she needs to believe to get your vote and she'll believe it.

Let me re-phrase it since you’re (hopefully) playing stupid.

You said:

staying the course in iraq is important
family values are important
deficit reduction is important

Trump (aka the blob) rejects all 3.
Why do you support him?

Staying the course in Iraq was always important, but Obama fucked up and got hundreds of thousands of people killed and millions made homeless refugees.

Family values continues to be important but with Democrats pandering for votes by advocating killing babies who are born alive, clearly the word family has little meaning for you people.

Deficit reduction and balanced budgets continue to be important but clearly we will not achieve either by cutting spending alone, and that's why President Trump is so focused on growing the economy faster and renegotiating bad trade agreements, so that our economy will grow fast enough to balance our expenditures, all of which the Democrats oppose.

Security on all our borders remains just as important as it always, but the Democrats have abandoned all values and issues other than opposing the President. The only other values the Democrats seem to have are socialism and anti semitism.

So Republican concern over “important” issues is determined by Democratic Party actions?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course, just the opposite is true, Democrats have no values other than opposing the President, so Donald Trump decides what is important to Democrats. This is very clear from the fact that Democrats wanted the border fence right up until the President said he wanted it.


So if those things were important why are you supporting a blob who doesn’t think they are?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First, I didn't support Hillary, and second, she'll think anything that she believes will bring in the votes and money. As we have seen, she supported the border fence at the same time she opposed it; she wrote about needing a village to raise a child, but she supports killing children who are born alive if they are inconvenient; she supported the war in Iraq before she opposed the war in Iraq. Just tell her what she needs to believe to get your vote and she'll believe it.

Let me re-phrase it since you’re (hopefully) playing stupid.

You said:

staying the course in iraq is important
family values are important
deficit reduction is important

Trump (aka the blob) rejects all 3.
Why do you support him?

Of course he hasn't rejected them. By fighting against people like you who want to kill babies after they are born alive, he is fighting for families; by focusing on growing the economy faster, he is fighting deficits; and he just announced he is staying the course in Iraq.

Give it up, Candy, these days the Democrats who have any values at all are baby killing, anti semitic socialists.
The military construction fund isn't a slush fund that can be tapped on a presidential whim. It was funded for specific military construction projects, and can not be redirected without some military reason to do so. We are not under attack, and there is no military reason to build a wall.
------------------------- i think that we have USA Military on the Border right now Bulldog .

Yes we do, and it's not because the military has a purpose there.
----------------------------------------- and thats your OPINION . But fact remains that USA Military is on the USA Southern Border serving a Militay purpose Bulldog .

US troops to stay at Mexico border 9 more months. Seriously.
Armed forces can put up wire on fencing, give US border staff rides on helicopters, and help them surveil the territory. But troops can’t interact with, let alone detain, any people trying to enter America.

The US military is barred from using its capabilities directly to enforce US domestic laws — including immigration laws — unless Congress specifically authorizes it to do so. This measure, known as “posse comitatus,” is why US troops can only support US border agents, but not take direct action themselves.
------------------------------ and i an mllions of others disagree that USA Military shouldn't be able to work deterring invading third worlders Bulldog . Maybe eventually things will change Bulldog .

There is no invasion. Words mean things. That one means something other than what you seem to think.
Why do Dimms give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The money part is a lie. So list real problems.

Why do Repubs give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The "it will work" part is a proven lie. So list real reasons.

I suspect they just support Trump's whims no matter how goofy those whims are.
Walls will slow them down. Kind of like a door lock at your house.

The money can be better spent other ways. We both know the only reason the right is pushing for that silly wall is because of Trump's dumb campaign promise. That promise is already broken anyway. Mexico isn't going to pay for any wall.
Its better than amnesty and shit.
I don't support the wall, i want to actually fix the system. Nevertheless, the arguments against the wall are stupid.

The arguments for the wall are ignorant.
Why do Dimms give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The money part is a lie. So list real problems.

Why do Repubs give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The "it will work" part is a proven lie. So list real reasons.

I suspect they just support Trump's whims no matter how goofy those whims are.
Walls will slow them down. Kind of like a door lock at your house.

The money can be better spent other ways. We both know the only reason the right is pushing for that silly wall is because of Trump's dumb campaign promise. That promise is already broken anyway. Mexico isn't going to pay for any wall.
Its better than amnesty and shit.
I don't support the wall, i want to actually fix the system. Nevertheless, the arguments against the wall are stupid.

The arguments for the wall are ignorant.
Chuck Schumer didn't think so when he presented Senate bill S. 744 to the Senate, which would have provided billions of dollars for hundreds of miles of border fence, and the other Democrats in the Senate didn't think when they all voted for it and Hillary didn't think so when she said she wished that bill had passed the House in her book, Hard Choices.
Why do Dimms give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The money part is a lie. So list real problems.

Why do Repubs give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The "it will work" part is a proven lie. So list real reasons.

I suspect they just support Trump's whims no matter how goofy those whims are.

The Border Patrol says it will work, Dickbreath.
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Why do Dimms give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The money part is a lie. So list real problems.

Why do the cultists give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically? The [Mexico will pay for it] part is a lie.

I can answer that, but I'm not a "cultist", I'm an American. Because wayyy back in 1986 when Ronald Reagan was president, the Democratic Congress he had, promised to secure the border if he granted amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens. He granted amnesty to those 3 million illegal aliens, but Congress never secured the border. Democrats: Secure the border, or you're fucking lying pieces of shit! :blowup:

There is no invasion. Words mean things. That one means something other than what you seem to think.
20K illegal aliens invading your country is an invasion. You want 20k illegals in your very subdivision, fucktard? No? I didn't think so.
Why do Dimms give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The money part is a lie. So list real problems.

Why do Repubs give a shit if there is a physical barrier on the US southern border? Specifically?

The "it will work" part is a proven lie. So list real reasons.

I suspect they just support Trump's whims no matter how goofy those whims are.
Walls will slow them down. Kind of like a door lock at your house.

The money can be better spent other ways. We both know the only reason the right is pushing for that silly wall is because of Trump's dumb campaign promise. That promise is already broken anyway. Mexico isn't going to pay for any wall.
Its better than amnesty and shit.
I don't support the wall, i want to actually fix the system. Nevertheless, the arguments against the wall are stupid.

The arguments for the wall are ignorant.
A lot of them are but it would slow it down. You know, the whole purpose of walls.
If we fixed the system, we wouldnt have to worry about them staying past their time, or crossing illegally.
The arguments against walls are stupid though.
Rational people understand that.

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