Senator Al Franken!!!

OMG. You're kidding, right?:eusa_eh:

Nope. He's a good man who will work for all Americans, not just the rich.

He's been demonized by the right. Did you see the link I provided? In 2005 right wingers were demonizing him along with Michael Moore because these guys speak the truth. The truth is the enemy of the right. And how do they attack the truth? They attack the person's character.

That's easy to do with Franken. But the fact is, Norm Coleman, the guy who Al ran against, voted with Tom Delay and George bush on all the bad legislation that ruined our economy. That includes but is not limited to the Iraq war.

He's a satirist. Very clever. A lot smarter than you. And intellectually honest. The GOP needs to start being intellectually honest with the American people because most of us want to see their actions match their words. You only care that they sound good during the election. You don't give a damn what they do in office. If you did, you wouldn't be defending them still.
No shit. Last I heard he didn't have a chance.

He must be from Chicago...

Provide proof. We showed you how and who stole the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Show us. Did he throw out votes? Did he end the recount too soon? Did he purge voters from the rolls?

No, it was the encumbant that tried to steal this one, and he lost on the recount.

Bush would have lost the Florida and Ohio recount. That's why Gore v Bush happened. You don't even know what that is I bet. You must be as dumb as Palin. She only knew Roe V Wade. :lol:
Sealy, I don't know much about Franken other than he's going to replace Coleman in the Senate. Michael Moore on the other hand...... Where do I begin? Michael Moore has done radio interviews in this area for 25 years, starting on WJR, then moving to the old WXYT, and later on, 97.1 FM. IMHO, Micheal Moore couldn't tell shit from shinola. He's a one trick pony, all he talks about is how sad it is that some people don't make as much money as others. He doesn't seem to understand why that is. He's not a bad filmaker, but I wouldn't point to him as a great political satirist and strategist.

Franken was born in New York, the son of Phoebe G. (née Kunst), a homemaker and real estate agent, and Joseph P. Franken, a printing salesman. He attended Harvard College and it's unknown whether his student loans were repaid. Franken married Franni Bryson. He went on to be a lurid writer for Saturday Night Live. Lorne Michels, the SNL producer, called Franken the best fart and scat writer he ever had.He had vast appeal to the sexual fetish crowd with his diaper routines.
Playboy article

In the column, titled “Porn-O-Rama!”, Franken describes visiting a fictional sex institute where he participates in sex acts with machines and humans. Franken writes of sitting in a virtual sex machine and choosing his preferred setting, then describes and evaluates the act. Later, he investigates other parts of the fictional institute and participates in other sexual acts that he describes. His degrading of white gentile females has everyone hopping.

In the same article, Franken jokes about his 12-year-old son researching a report on bestiality and using the Internet “to download some effective visual aids.” He makes up fake statistics comparing Playboy readers with readers of Hustler magazine.

He was almost imprisoned on some income tax issues.

:lol: Not only is he a sick fucking pervert, but he's an illegitimate bastard on top of it! Phoebe Kunts! LMAO!!!
Horrible choice.He's too much of a die hard democrat that he could never fault clinton even though the evidence is there that he is as much to blame for 9/11 as Bush is.
So what we have here is a metaphor which says that 'if you don't out cheat us... You LOSE!"

Which again friends, is why you should not feel guilty when in the looming civil war, your asked to find these worthless fucks where ever they're hiding and gut them like so many fish... to severe any sense of a right on their part to destroy your nation... They're a cultural virus which has no bottom, no end to thier debauchery... They're worthless, sub-humans... wait for them to start it and steel yourself for the battle, determined to end it in finality... to the last leftist individualwithout regard to age, sex or race...

I'm with ya!:clap2:
Geezuz i love this fucking forum.......this is healthy disscussion......over in PF they edited out the word POOP.....I LOVE IT.....:lol:

oops sorry.....did not mean to digress the topic.....carry on..... that the place I just got banned from?:lol:
He's a satirist. Very clever. A lot smarter than you. And intellectually honest. The GOP needs to start being intellectually honest with the American people because most of us want to see their actions match their words. You only care that they sound good during the election. You don't give a damn what they do in office. If you did, you wouldn't be defending them still.

I'm sorry, but do I know you? Because you sure as hell don't know me, and I'm not defending shit. The GOP went to hell a long time ago when they decided to become butt buddies with the leftists.:doubt:
Provide proof. We showed you how and who stole the 2000 and 2004 elections.

Show us. Did he throw out votes? Did he end the recount too soon? Did he purge voters from the rolls?

No, it was the encumbant that tried to steal this one, and he lost on the recount.

Bush would have lost the Florida and Ohio recount. That's why Gore v Bush happened. You don't even know what that is I bet. You must be as dumb as Palin. She only knew Roe V Wade. :lol:

Please, stop sounding like a fucking idiot. If they'd quit throwing out the absentee military votes, none of these socialist assholes would get anywhere.
Sealy, I don't know much about Franken other than he's going to replace Coleman in the Senate. Michael Moore on the other hand...... Where do I begin? Michael Moore has done radio interviews in this area for 25 years, starting on WJR, then moving to the old WXYT, and later on, 97.1 FM. IMHO, Micheal Moore couldn't tell shit from shinola. He's a one trick pony, all he talks about is how sad it is that some people don't make as much money as others. He doesn't seem to understand why that is. He's not a bad filmaker, but I wouldn't point to him as a great political satirist and strategist.

He's not a bad film maker if you're into a bunch of lies and propaganda.
You conservatives have had your way for 8 years.

The flush has already started. Now the liberals need to stop it and the rest of the hemoraghing that your little buddie bush has created.

Your side hands off a broken economy and blames the left.

What a bunch of bullshit spin.:eusa_liar:
Sealy, I don't know much about Franken other than he's going to replace Coleman in the Senate. Michael Moore on the other hand...... Where do I begin? Michael Moore has done radio interviews in this area for 25 years, starting on WJR, then moving to the old WXYT, and later on, 97.1 FM. IMHO, Micheal Moore couldn't tell shit from shinola. He's a one trick pony, all he talks about is how sad it is that some people don't make as much money as others. He doesn't seem to understand why that is. He's not a bad filmaker, but I wouldn't point to him as a great political satirist and strategist.

He too has been demonized by the right.

Look at every one of his movies. For the most part, they are exposing real problems. Look at his first movie. THE DEATH OF THE AMERICAN AUTO INDUSTRY!!! OMG, what better example of his genius. How long ago was that filmed? Roger and Me? And look what's happening today. Honda and Toyota killing the American car companies. BULLSHIT! Every country protects certain industries that are vital to their economies. What industry would that be if not auto manufacturing?

That movie about healthcare, spot on.

What other movies has he done? I'm not a huge fan because his movies depress me. But don't hate the messanger.

And the right wingers attack him for one or two mistakes. Point is, 90% of what he's saying is true.

Just like they did to Dan Rather. Attack attack attack, to make you forget that indeed Bush did dodge the draft. Now the story is about Rather. The GOP are genious. Everything that has happened has gone according to plan for them. The robber barons are back! And in the end, they got us for $750 billion dollars. We are fools!!! Still most of us don't even realize yet what happened. And now they want to lower wages even more by killing the unions. Screw that. Sure the unions have problems, but things would be fine if the GOP didn't cause the global meltdown.

Only the GOP profitted from the last 8 years. Until last year, they didn't even admit there was a problem.

To ever let the GOP rule again would be a huge mistake.
Horrible choice.He's too much of a die hard democrat that he could never fault clinton even though the evidence is there that he is as much to blame for 9/11 as Bush is.

I think the Clinton's are just DEM good old boys. They maybe cater to different groups, like phones and tobacco where the GOP cater to defense/war spending.

No, I get it now that Clinton went along with Newt on a lot of things, like NAFTA and deregulations.

Clinton was a great president, if you are not a conspiracy theorist, which I am.

Hey, I have my Freedom to Fascism cd back. I loaned it out and never got it back, so the guy burned me a new one. Great cd if you haven't seen it. UTUBE it.

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