Zone1 Serious Question About Abortion

so does a sentient being have a 'soul' ? or does that happen w/first breath?

iirc, isn't there something biblical about that?

If only I had the answer about a soul Sparky. I’ll go out on a limb here and say it starts after the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine wall. A new life created from a female egg and a male sperm, which is not the mother’s life not the father’s life but a new life created by the combination of the two.
Why oh why did I put this thread in zone 1? I'm holding myself back from cussing you out right now.
You shouldn’t…it really is a thoughtful answer. And it is true. It is an unfair playing field in terms of responsibility and in terms of rights….AND even terms of expectations.
It is part of her body.

Yes, but you already established the baby has its own body though and Claire is absolutely one hundred percent correct btw, I'm disgusted with your answers but not with you as well. I'm sorry to say they really make me sick.
Yes, but you already established the baby has its own body though and Claire is absolutely one hundred percent correct btw, I'm disgusted with your answers but not with you as well. I'm sorry to say they really make me sick.
It is part of her body since it dwells within it, and two sets of rights are involved. Each side denies the rights of the other. IMO, the thought giving a fertilized egg rights over a woman’s body is sick :dunno:
It is part of her body since it dwells within it, and two sets of rights are involved. Each side denies the rights of the other. IMO, the thought giving a fertilized egg rights over a woman’s body is sick :dunno:

Even after the baby is fully formed and has a heartbeat?
really would help Claire

i mean, all the religmo's are all over when a soul leaves the body....

Hmmm religmo.. that’s a new one but hey, with all of these rapid changes of meanings of words and different nuances of words pretty soon it’ll be inflection, if you don’t use the right inflection you will be ousted! Lol

For the record I’m a soft agnostic with conflicting beliefs in a Creator of life. It’s easy to decide most issues, cut and dry even. All that is good supports life versus all that is bad destroys life. With that said every instance should be looked at as an individual circumstance, for fairness. With abortion and aborted souls? Surely a loving God or Creator of life values all souls, born and unborn.
Even after the baby is fully formed and has a heartbeat?
I think I’ve said this before…but at the point of viability, the baby’s rights come into play. Abortion should ALWAYS be legal if the mothers health or life are in danger or the fetus has devastating birth defects.
If only I had the answer about a soul Sparky. I’ll go out on a limb here and say it starts after the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine wall. A new life created from a female egg and a male sperm, which is not the mother’s life not the father’s life but a new life created by the combination of the two.

So there are tens of millions of embryos up in heaven, huh? Including those from miscarriages
Especially since in an adoption the mother and father have to sign over their rights to their child. It doesn't make any sense to me at all. :confused-84:
Jewish law.

The child is not fully human until it is born.

Therefore the father holds no ownership over anything until birth.
I think I’ve said this before…but at the point of viability, the baby’s rights come into play. Abortion should ALWAYS be legal if the mothers health or life are in danger or the fetus has devastating birth defects.

And I'm not arguing that fact, but you said that a baby wasn't considered human until its first breath and you never clarified if that was outside the womb or not.

Jewish law.

What if you're not Jewish though?
I do believe that JohnDB also brought up this point once before. Why don't fathers ever have their right to refuse an abortion and take care of their own kid?

Probably because before the fathers get to raise the child the mother must carry it to term. Pregnancy can be a dangerous thing for some. And is always hard on the woman.
Probably because before the fathers get to raise the child the mother must carry it to term. Pregnancy can be a dangerous thing for some. And is always hard on the woman.
Women live longer than men even though they get pregnant. Father nature made women very strong that way.
Probably because before the fathers get to raise the child the mother must carry it to term. Pregnancy can be a dangerous thing for some. And is always hard on the woman.

So what if the father really wanted to keep the baby? (Or babies if there's multiple.)

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