Zone1 Serious Question About Abortion

So what if the father really wanted to keep the baby? (Or babies if there's multiple.)

Then they should convince the mother to endure the pregnancy and all the things that go with it. Like peeing when she sneezes or tons of stretch-marks.
Peeing when she sneezes?

A lot of women complain of this after giving birth to their child.

from: Why Do I Pee When I Sneeze?
"Among women who have given childbirth, their pelvic floor muscles may not function well because of tissue or nerve damage in the delivery. So some women may unconsciously pee when they sneeze, either soon after child birth or years later."
Abortion doctors have been quoted as stating that conducting abortions starts to really bother them @when they can see fingers and toes” about 7 weeks along.
There aren't any human-like fingers or toes after a month and a half gestation.


6 Weeks Gestation - about the size of a grain of rice, often smaller.

Anyways, whether what you're saying is true or not, women should have the right to end their pregnancies early in pregnancy. No one should force them to remain pregnant.
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When you pee, can you stop?

Not really. Depends on how much liquid I drink though. The mods are going to be looking at this and thinking come on guys,... Seriously!? We went from the topic of abortion to sneezing while peeing and having contests to see if you could stop yourself from going? Babysitters! That's all we are! 🙄

Fathers' Rights and Abortion: Consent​

If a man's pregnant partner seeks to have an abortion, the father's consent isn't legally required; a woman may choose to terminate a pregnancy against the father's objections. The legal reasoning for this is twofold, based on a woman's right to privacy in her medical decisions, and the fact that the mother is more directly affected by pregnancy.

The Supreme Court has found laws requiring a spouse's consent for an abortion to be unconstitutional. In Planned Parenthood v. Danforth, the Court reasoned that a husband's refusal to consent would in effect veto a woman's choice to terminate a pregnancy. While both prospective fathers and pregnant women have an interest in the decision, when the two disagree, only one partner's position can prevail. According to the Court, since the woman actually carries the pregnancy, "the balance weighs in her favor," preventing the husband from vetoing her choice.

Speak for yourself and don’t insert your own views into anyone else’s perspective. It’s not a good look.

A human embryo is a person, a human fetus is a person, a baby is a person. Do you believe that a human embryo can turn out to be something other than human in species once birthed? Don’t throw in some sicko experiment that’s currently going on under CCP control. I’m aware of the animal/human hybrids created in different laboratories. I am asking you a very basic question- do you believe that a human embryo developing without genetic interference of some kind, do you think it will be something else besides human when it’s born?

A human embryo isn't a human person or being, it's an embryo. If I extract a living, human cell from my human body, that one cell or clump of cells is human and alive, but it's not viable unless it's attached to a human being (attached to me). The human embryo needs to be attached to a human being, namely, the woman. You can't force a woman to remain pregnant with an embryo that she's conceived within her body, just because you've determined or a group of religious folks has deemed that embryo to have the right to develop within her body. She should be afforded the right by society, and her community, to determine whether she's going to remain pregnant or not, not you or I or anyone else. You Evangelicals are a bunch of hypocrites, trying to use the government to force women to remain pregnant and give birth, while you complain about government mask mandates because no one should supposedly have the right to force you to wear a mask on your face (i.e. body). You are all stinking hypocrites.

The same goes for the use of Marijuana. You love seeing SWAT teams kicking down doors at 4 am because a husband and father is growing an "illegal" plant in his backyard, that will help him with his back pains and insomnia. Destroy the man's life because he's growing the "evil plant", and that's supposedly "pro-life" for you self-righteous, religious do-gooders.
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A human embryo isn't a human person or being, it's an embryo. If I extract a living, human cell from my human body, that one cell or clump of cells is human and alive, but it's not viable unless it's attached to a human being (attached to me). The human embryo needs to be attached to a human being, namely, the woman. You can't force a woman to remain pregnant with an embryo that she's conceived within her body, just because you've determined or a group of religious folks has deemed that embryo to have the right to develop within her body. She should be afforded the right by society, to determine whether she's going to remain pregnant or not, not you or I or anyone else but her.

Religious or not it's still killing a baby. Your own baby to make matters worse.
Not really. Depends on how much liquid I drink though. The mods are going to be looking at this and thinking come on guys,... Seriously!? We went from the topic of abortion to sneezing while peeing and having contests to see if you could stop yourself from going? Babysitters! That's all we are! 🙄

Then let's send them over the edge.

Look up Kegel Exercises for women. It is a method for strengthening the muscles down there.
Religious or not it's still killing a baby. Your own baby to make matters worse.
That's just your religious opinion, that's not even in line with the Hebrew Bible. You have a right to decide what you do with your own embryo or fetus if you're a woman, not other people's embryos or fetuses. You pretend to care about life in the womb, while being indifferent to the needs of single mothers, in raising their children. You're champions of fetuses while being indifferent to the poverty that many children are subjected to due to your self-righteous, hypocritical politics.
I didn't even mention religion though.
Then your belief that an embryo is a full-fledged human being and person, with all of the same rights as a woman, is even more arbitrary. You can try to force women to remain pregnant and comply with your personal opinions, but thankfully, most people don't reduce a woman's life to an embryo's. A more reasonable view of abortion will eventually become law, allowing women to abort their pregnancies, at least early in the pregnancy.
All I said was that I didn't bring up religion. I didn't say I wasn't a believer, but a life is a life regardless if you use scripture or not was my point.
I do believe that JohnDB also brought up this point once before. Why don't fathers ever have their right to refuse an abortion and take care of their own kid?

Our society has a very difficult time accepting that pregnancy is a unique time in the life of a human being and a mother. We just don't deal with that well.

So because the baby grows and is housed inside the mother, she and she ALONE has the right to end the human's life. It's incomprehensible logically and morally. But again, we just don't deal well with "for nine months this life must grow inside you (but really for eight by the time you find out about it)".

The father SHOULD have a right to save his own child, but this would be what the feminists call "forced birthing". I would say that unless the woman was raped, it's not forced birthing. When you consent to sex, you also accept the risk of pregnancy. This does not seem difficult to me.
Our society has a very difficult time accepting that pregnancy is a unique time in the life of a human being and a mother. We just don't deal with that well.

So because the baby grows and is housed inside the mother, she and she ALONE has the right to end the human's life. It's incomprehensible logically and morally. But again, we just don't deal well with "for nine months this life must grow inside you (but really for eight by the time you find out about it)".

The father SHOULD have a right to save his own child, but this would be what the feminists call "forced birthing". I would say that unless the woman was raped, it's not forced birthing. When you consent to sex, you also accept the risk of pregnancy. This does not seem difficult to me.

In your perfect fantasy world, everyone would have sex only when they're ready to be parents. In this immaculate world, not only would women choose to remain pregnant and carry life in their wombs to full term for nine months, but they wouldn't lose their jobs and if they did, society would provide these women with all of the help they need to remain housed and fed. In this amazing world of yours, inhabited by saints and angels, everyone would have healthcare, and no one is impoverished. Unfortunately in the real world, people have sex even when they're not ready to be parents. Women get pregnant out of wedlock and not all of them want to remain pregnant for nine months. More, not everyone considers zygotes, embryos, or unviable fetuses as human beings with the same rights as the women who conceived them. So you can try to force women to remain pregnant, but that effort will most likely fail.


R (1).jpg

Is not equal to this:


or this:
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In your perfect fantasy world, everyone would have sex only when they're ready to be parents. In this immaculate world, not only would women choose to remain pregnant and carry life in their wombs to full term for nine months, but they wouldn't lose their jobs and if they did, society would provide these women with all of the help they need to remain housed and fed. In this amazing world of yours, inhabited by saints and angels, everyone would have healthcare, and no one is impoverished. Unfortunately in the real world, people have sex even when they're not ready to be parents. Women get pregnant out of wedlock and not all of them want to remain pregnant for nine months. More, not everyone considers zygotes, embryos, or unviable fetuses as human beings with the same rights as the women who conceived them. So you can try to force women to remain pregnant, but that effort will most likely fail.


Is not equal to this:

or this:

Extrapolating your statements to the logical are stating that quality of life is more important than life itself. (Eugenics)
Which then begs the question:
At what point does "quality of life" trump life itself?

Eugenics is devastating on any community that practices it. If you define a point then that point can and will be moved.
The communities in the world who practice such things have very different attitudes about things. People have universal Healthcare but are fearful of accessing it because the doctor of their system may decide that their "quality of life" falls below his standard and will euthanize them to put them out of their misery. Instead of the receiving proper medications those with bipolar will be allowed to commit suicide. All because their "quality of life " is considered substandard.

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