Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

It appears that the lefts Russian ploy has failed to do it's job:n

And by 'Russian ploy' you mean listening to what our intelligence agencies have reported.

President Trump was legally elected President of the United States.
And the Intelligence Agencies of the United States are stating that Russia used hacking to try to influence our election.

The one does not change the other.

Maybe Trump should take the side of America over Putin

That would be a good start

The news about Putin being an enemy of America is "fake news".

The lying media just created a false dichotomy

And by 'lying media' you mean the media that has reported what American Intelligence Agencies have said.

No by lying media he most likely means not pointing out the same shit I've brought up (aka the Russian Ploy):

Questioning the statements of the intelligence division without substance? Are you shitting me? Look I guarantee you that Trumps people are better than me at this shit and I've destroyed the gov's first report:

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

The media ignores the reality of the above to tell you folks a story that is not really based on anything but the opinion of a /private/ company CrowdStrike - a company that was hired by the DNC no less. ~ Nope couldn't be any bias there...

It's also coming out that the FBI didn't even look at the supposedly hacked computers, they just took the investigation of CrowdStrike as their own. That is NOT a valid investigation by our government imo, what the hell are we paying them for??

Stop acting like you know something.
Questioning the statements of the intelligence division without substance? Are you shitting me? Look I guarantee you that Trumps people are better than me at this shit and I've destroyed the gov's first report:

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

I'm not going to read all of that......... You are the equivalent female version of Dalesmith............. You've been a Putin lover before Trump enter the presidential race. So it's not a surprise that you are still a Putin lover like Trump.

Trump redefined the clear and real good example of a real PUPPET. The saddest part is WE (not you) as an American we'll also be considered as a Russian Puppet. I'm very sure you've love that.

Ok, so you hate Donald Trump. But you're making the decisions now. What do you want Trump to do about 'Russian Hacking?' Another Cold War? WWIII? Offer some specifics. Thanks.

I already answered your questions.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Well, I don't hate Trump (or anyone else, for that matter), but I guess it would look like this:

1. Try to demonstrate that he understands the difference between a healthy and reasonable cynicism of America's intelligence operations and outright contempt for them.

2. Try to demonstrate that he understands that Putin is going to play every conceivable mind game with him to gain advantage, and having Trump appear to favor him over Trump's own country's government is one fabulous start.

3. Try to demonstrate that he understands the gravity of a potential meddling in our most core democratic institution by a dangerous global adversary is not something a reasonable and intelligent person would laugh off.

There. Those three simple things would be a delightful start. Then we go from there.
Last edited:
Questioning the statements of the intelligence division without substance? Are you shitting me? Look I guarantee you that Trumps people are better than me at this shit and I've destroyed the gov's first report:

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

I'm not going to read all of that......... You are the equivalent female version of Dalesmith............. You've been a Putin lover before Trump enter the presidential race. So it's not a surprise that you are still a Putin lover like Trump.

Trump redefined the clear and real good example of a real PUPPET. The saddest part is WE (not you) as an American we'll also be considered as a Russian Puppet. I'm very sure you've love that.

In other words, you have no desire to find the truth, you'll let whomever feed it to you. That's your choice.

Personally I am not willing to do so and thus I will question it. No I'm not a Putin lover, I believe in /truth/ and I'm not hampered by partisan beliefs that "puppet" me to the right or the left.

Wrong! We want Trump to put the integrity of our nation before his ego. He seems to want to ignore the charges of hacking because he thinks such charges dilute his election. Well, such charges are more serious than the Trump ego.

Are we to be subject to what's better for Donald is better anyway? His tax returns would tell us of any foreign business dealings. Are Trump's businesses more important than the administration of our nation? Trump's conflict of interests will be an ongoing concern. Not because we hate Trump, but because the President cannot also serve as his own benefactor in business.

You Trump supporters have a serious blind spot, ethics wise. If you want to be taken seriously, take this President Elect seriously.

I actually understand the first part, I do want the integrity of our nation to come before partisan bullshit and flinging shit at a foreign nation without evidence isn't upholding the bastion of justice and fairness that this country should represent. It's bad enough that we were caught spying on our allies, now we're throwing stones at the most convenient target. Like I've said, I'd be all for bringing this before a judge - and he'd throw it out of the court room because it's so flimsy.

You don't think that other programmers, IT security folks, and hackers all over the world know that what we're throwing at Russia is bullshit? You don't think that's going to harm our reputation?

You're lecturing me about ethics while you support going full hog against a country based on opinions and assumptions? ~snort~

Hogwash. This is my country which I fully support not foreign countries that are hostile to America. Period.

You on the other hand always been a traitor supporter of Russia loud and clear. Pleaaaze stop giving me all your excuses and your hypocritism.

What reputation are you babling about? Trump is damaging our reputation around the globe. It's an embarrassment. The whole world understand and knows what is Russia stand for around the globe. Nothing is good.
As far we are concern fuck Putin. We means........ the real Americans.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Well, I don't hate Trump (or anyone else, for that matter), but I guess it would look like this:

1. Try to demonstrate that he understands the difference between a healthy and reasonable cynicism of America's intelligence operations and outright contempt for them.

2. Try to demonstrate that he understands that Putin is going to play every conceivable mind game with him to gain advantage, and having Trump appear to favor him over Trump's own country's government is one fabulous start.

3. Try to demonstrate that he understands the gravity of a potential meddling in our most core democratic institution by a dangerous global adversary is not something a reasonable and intelligent personal would laugh off.

There. Those three simple things would be a delightful start. Then we go from there.

Well no, that was merely you being condescending and expressing hate for Trump. But we already know you hate the man. That's a given. You offered no specifics on what you want him to do. So try again. This time focus.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Well, I don't hate Trump (or anyone else, for that matter), but I guess it would look like this:

1. Try to demonstrate that he understands the difference between a healthy and reasonable cynicism of America's intelligence operations and outright contempt for them.

2. Try to demonstrate that he understands that Putin is going to play every conceivable mind game with him to gain advantage, and having Trump appear to favor him over Trump's own country's government is one fabulous start.

3. Try to demonstrate that he understands the gravity of a potential meddling in our most core democratic institution by a dangerous global adversary is not something a reasonable and intelligent personal would laugh off.

There. Those three simple things would be a delightful start. Then we go from there.

Well no, that was merely you expressing hate for Trump. We already know you hate the man. That's a given. You offered no specifics on what you want him to do. Try again. This time focus.
You really have a low tolerance for the term "hate".

What, precisely, is your definition of the term?

I was quite specific, you just didn't like the answers.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Well, I don't hate Trump (or anyone else, for that matter), but I guess it would look like this:

1. Try to demonstrate that he understands the difference between a healthy and reasonable cynicism of America's intelligence operations and outright contempt for them.

2. Try to demonstrate that he understands that Putin is going to play every conceivable mind game with him to gain advantage, and having Trump appear to favor him over Trump's own country's government is one fabulous start.

3. Try to demonstrate that he understands the gravity of a potential meddling in our most core democratic institution by a dangerous global adversary is not something a reasonable and intelligent personal would laugh off.

There. Those three simple things would be a delightful start. Then we go from there.

Well no, that was merely you expressing hate for Trump. We already know you hate the man. That's a given. You offered no specifics on what you want him to do. Try again. This time focus.
You really have a low tolerance for the term "hate".

What, precisely, is your definition of the term?

I was quite specific, you just didn't like the answers.

Come on, you were being condescending and hateful. You offered no specifics. So how do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia? Try it this time without the petty Trump-hate.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Well, I don't hate Trump (or anyone else, for that matter), but I guess it would look like this:

1. Try to demonstrate that he understands the difference between a healthy and reasonable cynicism of America's intelligence operations and outright contempt for them.

2. Try to demonstrate that he understands that Putin is going to play every conceivable mind game with him to gain advantage, and having Trump appear to favor him over Trump's own country's government is one fabulous start.

3. Try to demonstrate that he understands the gravity of a potential meddling in our most core democratic institution by a dangerous global adversary is not something a reasonable and intelligent personal would laugh off.

There. Those three simple things would be a delightful start. Then we go from there.

Well no, that was merely you expressing hate for Trump. We already know you hate the man. That's a given. You offered no specifics on what you want him to do. Try again. This time focus.
You really have a low tolerance for the term "hate".

What, precisely, is your definition of the term?

I was quite specific, you just didn't like the answers.

Come on, you were being condescending and hateful. You offered no specifics. So how do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia? Try it this time without the petty Trump-hate.
I don't have anything in mind beyond demonstrating a serious understanding of, and appreciation for, the gravity of the situation.

If he can do that, I'd be open to any ideas he has.

There, I answered your question. Now answer mine: What, precisely, is your definition of the term "hate"?

Otherwise, I think you were lying in your OP when you said "I'm not asking this question just to stir things up.... I really am willing to listen".

This doesn't appear to be a serious thread.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Well, I don't hate Trump (or anyone else, for that matter), but I guess it would look like this:

1. Try to demonstrate that he understands the difference between a healthy and reasonable cynicism of America's intelligence operations and outright contempt for them.

2. Try to demonstrate that he understands that Putin is going to play every conceivable mind game with him to gain advantage, and having Trump appear to favor him over Trump's own country's government is one fabulous start.

3. Try to demonstrate that he understands the gravity of a potential meddling in our most core democratic institution by a dangerous global adversary is not something a reasonable and intelligent personal would laugh off.

There. Those three simple things would be a delightful start. Then we go from there.

Well no, that was merely you expressing hate for Trump. We already know you hate the man. That's a given. You offered no specifics on what you want him to do. Try again. This time focus.
You really have a low tolerance for the term "hate".

What, precisely, is your definition of the term?

I was quite specific, you just didn't like the answers.

Come on, you were being condescending and hateful. You offered no specifics. So how do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia? Try it this time without the petty Trump-hate.
I don't have anything in mind beyond demonstrating a serious understanding of, and appreciation for, the gravity of the situation.

If he can do that, I'd be open to any ideas he has.

There, I answered your question. Now answer mine: What, precisely, is your definition of the term "hate"?

Otherwise, I think you were lying in your OP when you said "I'm not asking this question just to stir things up.... I really am willing to listen".

This doesn't appear to be a serious thread.

Right, you don't 'have anything in mind.' Except for petty hate. That's exactly my point. Next?....
Well, I don't hate Trump (or anyone else, for that matter), but I guess it would look like this:

1. Try to demonstrate that he understands the difference between a healthy and reasonable cynicism of America's intelligence operations and outright contempt for them.

2. Try to demonstrate that he understands that Putin is going to play every conceivable mind game with him to gain advantage, and having Trump appear to favor him over Trump's own country's government is one fabulous start.

3. Try to demonstrate that he understands the gravity of a potential meddling in our most core democratic institution by a dangerous global adversary is not something a reasonable and intelligent personal would laugh off.

There. Those three simple things would be a delightful start. Then we go from there.

Well no, that was merely you expressing hate for Trump. We already know you hate the man. That's a given. You offered no specifics on what you want him to do. Try again. This time focus.
You really have a low tolerance for the term "hate".

What, precisely, is your definition of the term?

I was quite specific, you just didn't like the answers.

Come on, you were being condescending and hateful. You offered no specifics. So how do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia? Try it this time without the petty Trump-hate.
I don't have anything in mind beyond demonstrating a serious understanding of, and appreciation for, the gravity of the situation.

If he can do that, I'd be open to any ideas he has.

There, I answered your question. Now answer mine: What, precisely, is your definition of the term "hate"?

Otherwise, I think you were lying in your OP when you said "I'm not asking this question just to stir things up.... I really am willing to listen".

This doesn't appear to be a serious thread.

Right, you don't 'have anything in mind.' Except for petty hate. That's exactly my point. Next?....
And you avoid my direct question, again.

Okay, as I suspected.

Enjoy your thread.
Well no, that was merely you expressing hate for Trump. We already know you hate the man. That's a given. You offered no specifics on what you want him to do. Try again. This time focus.
You really have a low tolerance for the term "hate".

What, precisely, is your definition of the term?

I was quite specific, you just didn't like the answers.

Come on, you were being condescending and hateful. You offered no specifics. So how do you want Trump to retaliate against Russia? Try it this time without the petty Trump-hate.
I don't have anything in mind beyond demonstrating a serious understanding of, and appreciation for, the gravity of the situation.

If he can do that, I'd be open to any ideas he has.

There, I answered your question. Now answer mine: What, precisely, is your definition of the term "hate"?

Otherwise, I think you were lying in your OP when you said "I'm not asking this question just to stir things up.... I really am willing to listen".

This doesn't appear to be a serious thread.

Right, you don't 'have anything in mind.' Except for petty hate. That's exactly my point. Next?....
And you avoid my direct question, again.

Okay, as I suspected.

Enjoy your thread.

You merely answered with vague condescending shite. You offered no specifics. You're too consumed with hate to focus. All i asked for, was a few specifics on how you want Trump to retaliate against Russia. But you weren't capable of doing that. So, go ahead and exit the thread. Good riddance.
Maybe you should ask neighboring countries of Putin why they are scared so of Putin thug. Did you ever wonder and think about that?

If you are talking about the Junta in Kiev - they do not represent the Ukraine.
Ukrainian refugees from the Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Junta, are fleeing to Russia.

So if you ask the population of the mentioned countries - they are not afraid of Russia, they flee from their countries to look for a job or a shelter in Russia.

Really? I mean Really? The only one revolting in Ukraine are the pro separatists which are Russians but the rest are Ukrainians that don't want to be associated with Putin. If you are right the rest of Ukraine could have fallen to Putin. Didn't you even think about that, So you are wrong.
Neighboring countries. Why in the world they are siding with NATO if they are not scared of Putin? Did you even think about that? So you are wrong.

Heavy US military tank brigades arrived in Germany this week to be deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to counter Russian aggressions.

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tanks in Bremerhaven in 2015. Photo: DPA
DPA/The Local
[email protected]
6 January 2017 10:41 CET+01:00
Three years ago the US withdrew their last tank from European soil. But on Friday a tank brigade will start being unloaded in Bremerhaven on its way to NATO's eastern frontier.
The arrival of three US military cargo ships at the north German port signals a step up in a military stand-off between NATO and Russia, after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

On Wednesday the cargo ship Resolve docked at Bremerhaven. By Saturday, Freedom and Endurance will have followed in its wake.

After unloading, the tanks will make their way towards Poland, mainly by train, before being deployed across eastern and central Europe in military training exercises.

The deployment is part of the US mission Atlantic Resolve, which the US states is for the sake of ensuring security and stability in the eastern regions of the NATO alliance.

“Three years ago, the last American tank left Europe; we all wanted Russia to be our partner,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of US Army Europe, told the Wall street Journal in December.

“My country is bringing tanks back… as part of our commitment to deterrence in Europe.”

The brigade will be headquartered in Poland, but used in military exercises in the Baltic states.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland all have borders with Russia and say that they feel threatened since Moscow annexed Crimea.
Maybe you should ask neighboring countries of Putin why they are scared so of Putin thug. Did you ever wonder and think about that?

If you are talking about the Junta in Kiev - they do not represent the Ukraine.
Ukrainian refugees from the Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Junta, are fleeing to Russia.

So if you ask the population of the mentioned countries - they are not afraid of Russia, they flee from their countries to look for a job or a shelter in Russia.

Really? I mean Really? The only one revolting in Ukraine are the pro separatists which are Russians but the rest are Ukrainians that don't want to be associated with Putin. If you are right the rest of Ukraine could have fallen to Putin. Didn't you even think about that, So you are wrong.
Neighboring countries. Why in the world they are siding with NATO if they are not scared of Putin? Did you even think about that? So you are wrong.

Heavy US military tank brigades arrived in Germany this week to be deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to counter Russian aggressions.

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tanks in Bremerhaven in 2015. Photo: DPA
DPA/The Local
[email protected]
6 January 2017 10:41 CET+01:00
Three years ago the US withdrew their last tank from European soil. But on Friday a tank brigade will start being unloaded in Bremerhaven on its way to NATO's eastern frontier.
The arrival of three US military cargo ships at the north German port signals a step up in a military stand-off between NATO and Russia, after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

On Wednesday the cargo ship Resolve docked at Bremerhaven. By Saturday, Freedom and Endurance will have followed in its wake.

After unloading, the tanks will make their way towards Poland, mainly by train, before being deployed across eastern and central Europe in military training exercises.

The deployment is part of the US mission Atlantic Resolve, which the US states is for the sake of ensuring security and stability in the eastern regions of the NATO alliance.

“Three years ago, the last American tank left Europe; we all wanted Russia to be our partner,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of US Army Europe, told the Wall street Journal in December.

“My country is bringing tanks back… as part of our commitment to deterrence in Europe.”

The brigade will be headquartered in Poland, but used in military exercises in the Baltic states.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland all have borders with Russia and say that they feel threatened since Moscow annexed Crimea.

Oh goody, more Warmongering. More bloody quagmire wars is exactly what we need. Y'all craazy. I mean i know Hitlery lost, but y'all didn't need to lose yo minds too. :cuckoo:
Ah Yes, Charwin has called me a traitor before - mostly because I don't just swallow everything that's said and because I think a war with Russia is both stupid and unnecessary...

I'm not swallowing everything either but that doesn't mean I will support and kiss Putin........That makes a big difference between you as a traitor and me as patriotic American. You on the other hand...... refused or deny everything or accept eeeeveeen way before the primaries ............. you've been a traitor.
Nobody wants war............ Maybe you should ask neighboring countries of Putin why they are scared so of Putin thug. Did you ever wonder and think about that?

You don't know jack and you've admitted you have no desire to "read" anything. it's much easier to just call me a traitor. Kiss my lilly white Alaskan ass you hack.

Poor traitor...... ALL I mean ALL your post are nothing but pure bull Crap in support of your lover Putin. That is all your propaganda is all about.

As I told you before ....... I'm heavily involved with helping injured veterans and along that line I have the honor of knowing lots of active military personnel...........
These are the people that are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of this country. But you have this president elect supporting Russia. Can you imagine how devastating that is for them? Lots of them have friends and relatives that are deployed in Europe.
You will not believe what they are saying against Trump. Some of them even voted for this asshole.
Hold up, seriously.

Are you REALLY not seeing the posts that are answering your question directly?

Your troll is exposed, dipshit.

Oh boy, y'all haters are lost causes. You've offered nothing specifically at all. If you want WWIII with Russia, just say it. Man, offer something though.

Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

Snowflake? There are numbers of post here that has already answered your question that tells you the reality of Trumps erratic behavior ............. but you don't like it.

But you are NOT saying anything against post #44, #54, #61 etc.......... that has nothing to do with the question you are asking. Why? Can you explain that before calling someone snowflakes?

Snowflake pussy. Reporting me for nothing. Typical Safe Space moron behavior. Movin on...

You are good example of a snowflake. You didn't even bother to answer your own inquiries. You are a fake.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
For the most part they don't know it's just something to bitch about its far easier to just say it's all Putins fault than accept the fact they nominated a seriously flawed and weak candidate who ran a poor campaign.

That's what i've been saying. It's all about sabotaging Donald Trump. But the good thing is, most Americans realize that. This scam isn't gonna go as well for em as they thought it would. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Most Americans despise sore losers.

You are wrong kid. Very wrong......... for traitors like you that is what you think and want to believe.

Ask yourself ............ How many American civilians, veterans, active military personnels or immigrants that are against this kind of Trump behavior? I can assure you that lots of real republicans don't like this.
Why and what should it backfired to us when we are not doing anything? When Trump is the one causing ALL these stupid problems. Any backfire should be to you and Trump.
Did you even think about that kid?

Reasonable Americans understand what the Democrats are doing. It's all about sore loser sabotage. And most Americans really do dislike sore losers. The Democrats will likely pay for this at some point.

Reasonable Americans don't think and behave like you as a traitor.
Oh boy, y'all haters are lost causes. You've offered nothing specifically at all. If you want WWIII with Russia, just say it. Man, offer something though.

Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

Snowflake? There are numbers of post here that has already answered your question that tells you the reality of Trumps erratic behavior ............. but you don't like it.

But you are NOT saying anything against post #44, #54, #61 etc.......... that has nothing to do with the question you are asking. Why? Can you explain that before calling someone snowflakes?

Snowflake pussy. Reporting me for nothing. Typical Safe Space moron behavior. Movin on...

You are good example of a snowflake. You didn't even bother to answer your own inquiries. You are a fake.

The question was for you rabid Trump-Haters. Try to pay attention.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
For the most part they don't know it's just something to bitch about its far easier to just say it's all Putins fault than accept the fact they nominated a seriously flawed and weak candidate who ran a poor campaign.

That's what i've been saying. It's all about sabotaging Donald Trump. But the good thing is, most Americans realize that. This scam isn't gonna go as well for em as they thought it would. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Most Americans despise sore losers.

You are wrong kid. Very wrong......... for traitors like you that is what you think and want to believe.

Ask yourself ............ How many American civilians, veterans, active military personnels or immigrants that are against this kind of Trump behavior? I can assure you that lots of real republicans don't like this.
Why and what should it backfired to us when we are not doing anything? When Trump is the one causing ALL these stupid problems. Any backfire should be to you and Trump.
Did you even think about that kid?

Reasonable Americans understand what the Democrats are doing. It's all about sore loser sabotage. And most Americans really do dislike sore losers. The Democrats will likely pay for this at some point.

Reasonable Americans don't think and behave like you as a traitor.

We'll see. I think most reasonable Americans really dislike sore losers. I think your sore loser scam may come back to bite y'all.
Maybe you should ask neighboring countries of Putin why they are scared so of Putin thug. Did you ever wonder and think about that?

If you are talking about the Junta in Kiev - they do not represent the Ukraine.
Ukrainian refugees from the Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Junta, are fleeing to Russia.

So if you ask the population of the mentioned countries - they are not afraid of Russia, they flee from their countries to look for a job or a shelter in Russia.

Really? I mean Really? The only one revolting in Ukraine are the pro separatists which are Russians but the rest are Ukrainians that don't want to be associated with Putin. If you are right the rest of Ukraine could have fallen to Putin. Didn't you even think about that, So you are wrong.
Neighboring countries. Why in the world they are siding with NATO if they are not scared of Putin? Did you even think about that? So you are wrong.

Heavy US military tank brigades arrived in Germany this week to be deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to counter Russian aggressions.

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tanks in Bremerhaven in 2015. Photo: DPA
DPA/The Local
[email protected]
6 January 2017 10:41 CET+01:00
Three years ago the US withdrew their last tank from European soil. But on Friday a tank brigade will start being unloaded in Bremerhaven on its way to NATO's eastern frontier.
The arrival of three US military cargo ships at the north German port signals a step up in a military stand-off between NATO and Russia, after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

On Wednesday the cargo ship Resolve docked at Bremerhaven. By Saturday, Freedom and Endurance will have followed in its wake.

After unloading, the tanks will make their way towards Poland, mainly by train, before being deployed across eastern and central Europe in military training exercises.

The deployment is part of the US mission Atlantic Resolve, which the US states is for the sake of ensuring security and stability in the eastern regions of the NATO alliance.

“Three years ago, the last American tank left Europe; we all wanted Russia to be our partner,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of US Army Europe, told the Wall street Journal in December.

“My country is bringing tanks back… as part of our commitment to deterrence in Europe.”

The brigade will be headquartered in Poland, but used in military exercises in the Baltic states.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland all have borders with Russia and say that they feel threatened since Moscow annexed Crimea.

Oh goody, more Warmongering. More bloody quagmire wars is exactly what we need. Y'all craazy. I mean i know Hitlery lost, but y'all didn't need to lose yo minds too. :cuckoo:

No dude.......... You should tell that to your comrade Putin. The weapons deployed are for defensive purposes. NATO countries will NEVER attack Russia.
Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

Snowflake? There are numbers of post here that has already answered your question that tells you the reality of Trumps erratic behavior ............. but you don't like it.

But you are NOT saying anything against post #44, #54, #61 etc.......... that has nothing to do with the question you are asking. Why? Can you explain that before calling someone snowflakes?

Snowflake pussy. Reporting me for nothing. Typical Safe Space moron behavior. Movin on...

You are good example of a snowflake. You didn't even bother to answer your own inquiries. You are a fake.

The question was for you rabid Trump-Haters. Try to pay attention.

We already answered your question ...... But too bad you didn't like it.

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