Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

Maybe you should ask neighboring countries of Putin why they are scared so of Putin thug. Did you ever wonder and think about that?

If you are talking about the Junta in Kiev - they do not represent the Ukraine.
Ukrainian refugees from the Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Junta, are fleeing to Russia.

So if you ask the population of the mentioned countries - they are not afraid of Russia, they flee from their countries to look for a job or a shelter in Russia.

Really? I mean Really? The only one revolting in Ukraine are the pro separatists which are Russians but the rest are Ukrainians that don't want to be associated with Putin. If you are right the rest of Ukraine could have fallen to Putin. Didn't you even think about that, So you are wrong.
Neighboring countries. Why in the world they are siding with NATO if they are not scared of Putin? Did you even think about that? So you are wrong.

Heavy US military tank brigades arrived in Germany this week to be deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to counter Russian aggressions.

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tanks in Bremerhaven in 2015. Photo: DPA
DPA/The Local
[email protected]
6 January 2017 10:41 CET+01:00
Three years ago the US withdrew their last tank from European soil. But on Friday a tank brigade will start being unloaded in Bremerhaven on its way to NATO's eastern frontier.
The arrival of three US military cargo ships at the north German port signals a step up in a military stand-off between NATO and Russia, after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

On Wednesday the cargo ship Resolve docked at Bremerhaven. By Saturday, Freedom and Endurance will have followed in its wake.

After unloading, the tanks will make their way towards Poland, mainly by train, before being deployed across eastern and central Europe in military training exercises.

The deployment is part of the US mission Atlantic Resolve, which the US states is for the sake of ensuring security and stability in the eastern regions of the NATO alliance.

“Three years ago, the last American tank left Europe; we all wanted Russia to be our partner,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of US Army Europe, told the Wall street Journal in December.

“My country is bringing tanks back… as part of our commitment to deterrence in Europe.”

The brigade will be headquartered in Poland, but used in military exercises in the Baltic states.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland all have borders with Russia and say that they feel threatened since Moscow annexed Crimea.

Oh goody, more Warmongering. More bloody quagmire wars is exactly what we need. Y'all craazy. I mean i know Hitlery lost, but y'all didn't need to lose yo minds too. :cuckoo:

No dude.......... You should tell that to your comrade Putin. The weapons deployed are for defensive purposes. NATO countries will NEVER attack Russia.

Boy, Hitlery losing really has mind-fucked y'all. Your Warmongering is loony as hell. :cuckoo:
For the most part they don't know it's just something to bitch about its far easier to just say it's all Putins fault than accept the fact they nominated a seriously flawed and weak candidate who ran a poor campaign.

That's what i've been saying. It's all about sabotaging Donald Trump. But the good thing is, most Americans realize that. This scam isn't gonna go as well for em as they thought it would. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Most Americans despise sore losers.

You are wrong kid. Very wrong......... for traitors like you that is what you think and want to believe.

Ask yourself ............ How many American civilians, veterans, active military personnels or immigrants that are against this kind of Trump behavior? I can assure you that lots of real republicans don't like this.
Why and what should it backfired to us when we are not doing anything? When Trump is the one causing ALL these stupid problems. Any backfire should be to you and Trump.
Did you even think about that kid?

Reasonable Americans understand what the Democrats are doing. It's all about sore loser sabotage. And most Americans really do dislike sore losers. The Democrats will likely pay for this at some point.

Reasonable Americans don't think and behave like you as a traitor.

We'll see. I think most reasonable Americans really dislike sore losers. I think your sore loser scam may come back to bite y'all.

We are not talking about sore loser here idiot........ We are talking about erratic childhood behavior of puppet Trump........
And traitors like you or evercurious.
It's time for all reasonable, rational, sensible, logical Americans to stop pussy footing around

and simply acknowledge, loudly, unequivocally, and unreservedly,

the absolute absurdity of Donald Trump being elected president.

and that goes especially for you, mainstream media.
Maybe you should ask neighboring countries of Putin why they are scared so of Putin thug. Did you ever wonder and think about that?

If you are talking about the Junta in Kiev - they do not represent the Ukraine.
Ukrainian refugees from the Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Junta, are fleeing to Russia.

So if you ask the population of the mentioned countries - they are not afraid of Russia, they flee from their countries to look for a job or a shelter in Russia.

Really? I mean Really? The only one revolting in Ukraine are the pro separatists which are Russians but the rest are Ukrainians that don't want to be associated with Putin. If you are right the rest of Ukraine could have fallen to Putin. Didn't you even think about that, So you are wrong.
Neighboring countries. Why in the world they are siding with NATO if they are not scared of Putin? Did you even think about that? So you are wrong.

Heavy US military tank brigades arrived in Germany this week to be deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to counter Russian aggressions.

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tanks in Bremerhaven in 2015. Photo: DPA
DPA/The Local
[email protected]
6 January 2017 10:41 CET+01:00
Three years ago the US withdrew their last tank from European soil. But on Friday a tank brigade will start being unloaded in Bremerhaven on its way to NATO's eastern frontier.
The arrival of three US military cargo ships at the north German port signals a step up in a military stand-off between NATO and Russia, after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

On Wednesday the cargo ship Resolve docked at Bremerhaven. By Saturday, Freedom and Endurance will have followed in its wake.

After unloading, the tanks will make their way towards Poland, mainly by train, before being deployed across eastern and central Europe in military training exercises.

The deployment is part of the US mission Atlantic Resolve, which the US states is for the sake of ensuring security and stability in the eastern regions of the NATO alliance.

“Three years ago, the last American tank left Europe; we all wanted Russia to be our partner,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of US Army Europe, told the Wall street Journal in December.

“My country is bringing tanks back… as part of our commitment to deterrence in Europe.”

The brigade will be headquartered in Poland, but used in military exercises in the Baltic states.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland all have borders with Russia and say that they feel threatened since Moscow annexed Crimea.

Oh goody, more Warmongering. More bloody quagmire wars is exactly what we need. Y'all craazy. I mean i know Hitlery lost, but y'all didn't need to lose yo minds too. :cuckoo:

No dude.......... You should tell that to your comrade Putin. The weapons deployed are for defensive purposes. NATO countries will NEVER attack Russia.

Boy, Hitlery losing really has mind-fucked y'all. Your Warmongering is loony as hell. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with Hillary or warmongering. It's the reality dude. Grow the fuck up.
Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

At least admit it happened - even if his massive ego won't accept that it influenced the election.
First off

Take your hands off your ears and stop shouting

Nya....Nya...Nya....I CAN'T HEAR YOU


Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

And then there is what our intelligence agencies are reporting:
Intelligence Report Concludes That Vladimir Putin Intervened In U.S. Election To Help Donald Trump Win | The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― Russian President Vladimir Putin directed efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election with the goal of helping President-elect Donald Trump win, the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency concluded in a report released Friday.

Moscow is responsible for cyberattacks directed at the Democratic National Committee, the authors of the report argued. Russian spies gained access to DNC networks in July 2015 and maintained access until at least June 2016, according to the report.

“Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations,” the three agencies concluded.

The highly anticipated report is the intelligence community’s strongest expression yet of the charge that Russia was behind the DNC hacks and distributed information from those hacks to the public using various channels. But the report does not provide a complete explanation of how the agencies reached that conclusion. The reason for that, intelligence officials say, is that declassified documents cannot include “specific intelligence and sources and methods.”
If you are talking about the Junta in Kiev - they do not represent the Ukraine.
Ukrainian refugees from the Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Junta, are fleeing to Russia.

So if you ask the population of the mentioned countries - they are not afraid of Russia, they flee from their countries to look for a job or a shelter in Russia.

Really? I mean Really? The only one revolting in Ukraine are the pro separatists which are Russians but the rest are Ukrainians that don't want to be associated with Putin. If you are right the rest of Ukraine could have fallen to Putin. Didn't you even think about that, So you are wrong.
Neighboring countries. Why in the world they are siding with NATO if they are not scared of Putin? Did you even think about that? So you are wrong.

Heavy US military tank brigades arrived in Germany this week to be deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to counter Russian aggressions.

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tanks in Bremerhaven in 2015. Photo: DPA
DPA/The Local
[email protected]
6 January 2017 10:41 CET+01:00
Three years ago the US withdrew their last tank from European soil. But on Friday a tank brigade will start being unloaded in Bremerhaven on its way to NATO's eastern frontier.
The arrival of three US military cargo ships at the north German port signals a step up in a military stand-off between NATO and Russia, after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

On Wednesday the cargo ship Resolve docked at Bremerhaven. By Saturday, Freedom and Endurance will have followed in its wake.

After unloading, the tanks will make their way towards Poland, mainly by train, before being deployed across eastern and central Europe in military training exercises.

The deployment is part of the US mission Atlantic Resolve, which the US states is for the sake of ensuring security and stability in the eastern regions of the NATO alliance.

“Three years ago, the last American tank left Europe; we all wanted Russia to be our partner,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of US Army Europe, told the Wall street Journal in December.

“My country is bringing tanks back… as part of our commitment to deterrence in Europe.”

The brigade will be headquartered in Poland, but used in military exercises in the Baltic states.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland all have borders with Russia and say that they feel threatened since Moscow annexed Crimea.

Oh goody, more Warmongering. More bloody quagmire wars is exactly what we need. Y'all craazy. I mean i know Hitlery lost, but y'all didn't need to lose yo minds too. :cuckoo:

No dude.......... You should tell that to your comrade Putin. The weapons deployed are for defensive purposes. NATO countries will NEVER attack Russia.

Boy, Hitlery losing really has mind-fucked y'all. Your Warmongering is loony as hell. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with Hillary or warmongering. It's the reality dude. Grow the fuck up.
This was never a serious thread.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
For the most part they don't know it's just something to bitch about its far easier to just say it's all Putins fault than accept the fact they nominated a seriously flawed and weak candidate who ran a poor campaign.

That's what i've been saying. It's all about sabotaging Donald Trump. But the good thing is, most Americans realize that. This scam isn't gonna go as well for em as they thought it would. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Most Americans despise sore losers.

You are wrong kid. Very wrong......... for traitors like you that is what you think and want to believe.

Ask yourself ............ How many American civilians, veterans, active military personnels or immigrants that are against this kind of Trump behavior? I can assure you that lots of real republicans don't like this.
Why and what should it backfired to us when we are not doing anything? When Trump is the one causing ALL these stupid problems. Any backfire should be to you and Trump.
Did you even think about that kid?

Reasonable Americans understand what the Democrats are doing. It's all about sore loser sabotage. And most Americans really do dislike sore losers. The Democrats will likely pay for this at some point.
'reasonable Americans'? LOL.

Reasonable Americans give more credence to our intelligence agencies than Putin.
Intelligence Report Concludes That Vladimir Putin Intervened In U.S. Election To Help Donald Trump Win | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― Russian President Vladimir Putin directed efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election with the goal of helping President-elect Donald Trump win, the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency concluded in a report released Friday.

Moscow is responsible for cyberattacks directed at the Democratic National Committee, the authors of the report argued. Russian spies gained access to DNC networks in July 2015 and maintained access until at least June 2016, according to the report.

“Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations,” the three agencies concluded.

The highly anticipated report is the intelligence community’s strongest expression yet of the charge that Russia was behind the DNC hacks and distributed information from those hacks to the public using various channels. But the report does not provide a complete explanation of how the agencies reached that conclusion. The reason for that, intelligence officials say, is that declassified documents cannot include “specific intelligence and sources and methods.”
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

Increase security so it doesn't happen again. Gosh, didn't Obama already put the fear in them with sanctions and sending their people home? Or does the left want us to bomb the hell of them?

We've always dealt with countries trying to hack. We do the same. Spies are everywhere, don't ya know?

There remains no proof that Russia interfered with the election. The left isn't concerned about general spying or breaches of national security. They just want heads on a platter because corruption was exposed on the left.

I am puzzled as to why the left is upset only about leaked emails potentially causing Hillary to lose but didn't give a shit when Hillary played fast and loose with national security by having a home brew server in some guy's bathroom. That was okay and the left dismissed it as a mistake but now are only pissed because they think someone other than a DNC insider spilled the truth about Hillary.

It's only about covering their asses and sabotaging Trump.].

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?

Ok, so it did. What do you want Trump to do about it? Give some specifics.

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
Yeah, i'm just not hearing coherent suggestions from the Trump-Haters. I mean, should he start WWIII just because their Party has been exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth?

Its more important what his “alpha male” supporters are going to want him to do?

Are you guys okay with Russia hacking the US in any way, shape or form? Are you going to let them get away with it?

Ok then, so try and focus. What do you want him to do? Present some specifics. I mean we get it, you hate Donald Trump. That's a given. But just present some specifics on what you want him to do. Pretty simple and fair question.

Where did he say that he hated Trump?

What should Trump do?

  1. Acknowledge that Russia did try to influence our elections
  2. Task our intelligence services with creating counter measures to prevent Russia from doing any such things in future American elections.

You haven't been here very long have ya? He or she is a rabid Trump-Hater nutter. But thanks for some specifics. And is that all you want for Trump?

That is a good place to start.

Now- what do you think that Trump should do in response to Russia's attempt to interfere in our election?
  1. Thank Russia?
  2. Commend Russia?
  3. Tell everyone its okay because China is really our enemy?

Still waiting for what you think Trump should do in response to Russia attacking the United States.

So far you have been long on insulting anyone who disagrees with Trump, and short on any demonstration of interest in defending the United States.
Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

Snowflake? There are numbers of post here that has already answered your question that tells you the reality of Trumps erratic behavior ............. but you don't like it.

But you are NOT saying anything against post #44, #54, #61 etc.......... that has nothing to do with the question you are asking. Why? Can you explain that before calling someone snowflakes?

Snowflake pussy. Reporting me for nothing. Typical Safe Space moron behavior. Movin on...

You are good example of a snowflake. You didn't even bother to answer your own inquiries. You are a fake.

The question was for you rabid Trump-Haters. Try to pay attention.

Okay- so you weren't asking questions of anyone in this thread.
Really? I mean Really? The only one revolting in Ukraine are the pro separatists which are Russians but the rest are Ukrainians that don't want to be associated with Putin. If you are right the rest of Ukraine could have fallen to Putin. Didn't you even think about that, So you are wrong.
Neighboring countries. Why in the world they are siding with NATO if they are not scared of Putin? Did you even think about that? So you are wrong.

Heavy US military tank brigades arrived in Germany this week to be deployed in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to counter Russian aggressions.

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment

US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tank brigade arrives in Germany for eastern deployment
US tanks in Bremerhaven in 2015. Photo: DPA
DPA/The Local
[email protected]
6 January 2017 10:41 CET+01:00
Three years ago the US withdrew their last tank from European soil. But on Friday a tank brigade will start being unloaded in Bremerhaven on its way to NATO's eastern frontier.
The arrival of three US military cargo ships at the north German port signals a step up in a military stand-off between NATO and Russia, after Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

On Wednesday the cargo ship Resolve docked at Bremerhaven. By Saturday, Freedom and Endurance will have followed in its wake.

After unloading, the tanks will make their way towards Poland, mainly by train, before being deployed across eastern and central Europe in military training exercises.

The deployment is part of the US mission Atlantic Resolve, which the US states is for the sake of ensuring security and stability in the eastern regions of the NATO alliance.

“Three years ago, the last American tank left Europe; we all wanted Russia to be our partner,” Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of US Army Europe, told the Wall street Journal in December.

“My country is bringing tanks back… as part of our commitment to deterrence in Europe.”

The brigade will be headquartered in Poland, but used in military exercises in the Baltic states.

Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland all have borders with Russia and say that they feel threatened since Moscow annexed Crimea.

Oh goody, more Warmongering. More bloody quagmire wars is exactly what we need. Y'all craazy. I mean i know Hitlery lost, but y'all didn't need to lose yo minds too. :cuckoo:

No dude.......... You should tell that to your comrade Putin. The weapons deployed are for defensive purposes. NATO countries will NEVER attack Russia.

Boy, Hitlery losing really has mind-fucked y'all. Your Warmongering is loony as hell. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with Hillary or warmongering. It's the reality dude. Grow the fuck up.
This was never a serious thread.

No, you're not serious. You couldn't provide any specific retaliation measures you would like to see Trump impose on Russia. You only spewed condescending vague nonsense.

Like i said, we know you hate Trump. That's a given. But you should still be able to answer the question. It's a simple fair question. Care to try again? Focus this time.
Its more important what his “alpha male” supporters are going to want him to do?

Are you guys okay with Russia hacking the US in any way, shape or form? Are you going to let them get away with it?

Ok then, so try and focus. What do you want him to do? Present some specifics. I mean we get it, you hate Donald Trump. That's a given. But just present some specifics on what you want him to do. Pretty simple and fair question.

Where did he say that he hated Trump?

What should Trump do?

  1. Acknowledge that Russia did try to influence our elections
  2. Task our intelligence services with creating counter measures to prevent Russia from doing any such things in future American elections.

You haven't been here very long have ya? He or she is a rabid Trump-Hater nutter. But thanks for some specifics. And is that all you want for Trump?

That is a good place to start.

Now- what do you think that Trump should do in response to Russia's attempt to interfere in our election?
  1. Thank Russia?
  2. Commend Russia?
  3. Tell everyone its okay because China is really our enemy?

Still waiting for what you think Trump should do in response to Russia attacking the United States.

So far you have been long on insulting anyone who disagrees with Trump, and short on any demonstration of interest in defending the United States.

The question was for you Trump-Haters. You're the ones Warmongering against Russia.
Oh goody, more Warmongering. More bloody quagmire wars is exactly what we need. Y'all craazy. I mean i know Hitlery lost, but y'all didn't need to lose yo minds too. :cuckoo:

No dude.......... You should tell that to your comrade Putin. The weapons deployed are for defensive purposes. NATO countries will NEVER attack Russia.

Boy, Hitlery losing really has mind-fucked y'all. Your Warmongering is loony as hell. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with Hillary or warmongering. It's the reality dude. Grow the fuck up.
This was never a serious thread.

No, you're not serious. You couldn't provide any specific retaliation measures you would like to see Trump impose on Russia. You only spewed condescending vague nonsense. Like i said, we know you hate Trump. That's a given. But you should still be able to answer the question. It's a simple fair question. Care to try again? Focus this time.
There's no way to communicate with people like you. You don't even know what "hate" means.

I believed your OP and responded. My bad. I thought you were serious.
No dude.......... You should tell that to your comrade Putin. The weapons deployed are for defensive purposes. NATO countries will NEVER attack Russia.

Boy, Hitlery losing really has mind-fucked y'all. Your Warmongering is loony as hell. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with Hillary or warmongering. It's the reality dude. Grow the fuck up.
This was never a serious thread.

No, you're not serious. You couldn't provide any specific retaliation measures you would like to see Trump impose on Russia. You only spewed condescending vague nonsense. Like i said, we know you hate Trump. That's a given. But you should still be able to answer the question. It's a simple fair question. Care to try again? Focus this time.
There's no way to communicate with people like you. You don't even know what "hate" means.

I believed your OP and responded. My bad. I thought you were serious.

You still here? You can exit anytime.
Anyone else catch Trump today playing the 'I won lots of counties' card today?

I swear, this man is just as fucking stupid as the RWnuts on USMB. Proven.
Boy, Hitlery losing really has mind-fucked y'all. Your Warmongering is loony as hell. :cuckoo:

This has nothing to do with Hillary or warmongering. It's the reality dude. Grow the fuck up.
This was never a serious thread.

No, you're not serious. You couldn't provide any specific retaliation measures you would like to see Trump impose on Russia. You only spewed condescending vague nonsense. Like i said, we know you hate Trump. That's a given. But you should still be able to answer the question. It's a simple fair question. Care to try again? Focus this time.
There's no way to communicate with people like you. You don't even know what "hate" means.

I believed your OP and responded. My bad. I thought you were serious.

You still here? You can exit anytime.


waaaaa, leave poor Dirtchute alone!
Anyone else catch Trump today playing the 'I won lots of counties' card today?

I swear, this man is just as fucking stupid as the RWnuts on USMB. Proven.

Very off-topic numbnuts. God, you Snowflakes are so damn stupid. Uh, why do i even try?
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.
It isn't absolutely essential that Trump's ego admit he got a leg up from Russia. That is the sticking point, and he can do everything else he needs to do without admitting that minor point. He can't change the ego stuff, but it can be worked around

We all know , as he told us all, the election is and will be rigged and well it was.
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.
It isn't absolutely essential that Trump's ego admit he got a leg up from Russia. That is the sticking point, and he can do everything else he needs to do without admitting that minor point. He can't change the ego stuff, but it can be worked around

We all know , as he told us all, the election is and will be rigged and well it was.

Ha, all you Hillary wingnuts accused him of being 'Un-American' for possibly questioning Election results. Y'all still feel that's Un-American?

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