Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Yeah, i'm just not hearing coherent suggestions from the Trump-Haters. I mean, should he start WWIII just because their Party has been exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth?

Its more important what his “alpha male” supporters are going to want him to do?

Are you guys okay with Russia hacking the US in any way, shape or form? Are you going to let them get away with it?

Ok then, so try and focus. What do you want him to do? Present some specifics. I mean we get it, you hate Donald Trump. That's a given. But just present some specifics on what you want him to do. Pretty simple and fair question.

The only “given” is the you know nothing about my positions. I don’t “hate” Donald Trump. I think he’s several meters beyond his depth. it will be interesting to see how he will just allow this to take place while trying to maintain his “macho” image. He’ll be able to do so. Americans can’t hold their attention for a long period of time on something that doesn’t have a body count.

Its funny that the average Trump enabler keeps referring to how he’s a man of action, and “alpha male” and he’s actually going to do less than Obama did in retaliation for the hacking of the e-mails. The upshot is that Russia most likely successfully hacked RNC e-mails at the same time. It isn’t as if the DNC and those that were hacked opted for the least amount of protection from hackers. So the Russians likely have that in their back pocket as well.

So Trump will do nothing. He’ll take it right up the backside and not do anything. Because there is nothing he can do that doesn’t make him look weak. Looking strong against a military superpower is probably not an option. But it also casts a long shadow going forward. If he finds that frustrating…that Russia can hit back; he’s going to love dealing with the Chinese who own a large portion of our debt.

Welcome to the Presidency Mr. Trump. Now wow us all with your talent! It’s going to be YUGGGGGE!!!!!!
As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Yeah, i'm just not hearing coherent suggestions from the Trump-Haters. I mean, should he start WWIII just because their Party has been exposed for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth?

Its more important what his “alpha male” supporters are going to want him to do?

Are you guys okay with Russia hacking the US in any way, shape or form? Are you going to let them get away with it?

Ok then, so try and focus. What do you want him to do? Present some specifics. I mean we get it, you hate Donald Trump. That's a given. But just present some specifics on what you want him to do. Pretty simple and fair question.

Where did he say that he hated Trump?

What should Trump do?

  1. Acknowledge that Russia did try to influence our elections
  2. Task our intelligence services with creating counter measures to prevent Russia from doing any such things in future American elections.

You haven't been here very long have ya? He or she is a rabid Trump-Hater nutter. But thanks for some specifics. And is that all you want for Trump?

That is a good place to start.

Now- what do you think that Trump should do in response to Russia's attempt to interfere in our election?
  1. Thank Russia?
  2. Commend Russia?
  3. Tell everyone its okay because China is really our enemy?

It's fine to challenge intelligence agencies, but do so in private, don't ridicule in public without any evidence. We can't have a working government if our president refuses to listen to the people tasked with keeping him informed.

Trump thinks he knows everything, which is a YUGE problem for all of us. Because he might be the least-informed president we've ever inaugurated.

Yet y'all have no specific suggestions on how Trump should retaliate against Russia. Show us what y'all know. Go for it.

Hold up, seriously.

Are you REALLY not seeing the posts that are answering your question directly?

Your troll is exposed, dipshit.

Oh boy, y'all haters are lost causes. You've offered nothing specifically at all. If you want WWIII with Russia, just say it. Man, offer something though.

Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

Snowflake? There are numbers of post here that has already answered your question that tells you the reality of Trumps erratic behavior ............. but you don't like it.

But you are NOT saying anything against post #44, #54, #61 etc.......... that has nothing to do with the question you are asking. Why? Can you explain that before calling someone snowflakes?
Virtually no specific proposals on what they want from him on this. It is all about sabotaging Trump. Make no mistake about that.

Well, warmongering is illegal in many countries, you cannot openly call for a war against Russia, so you have to do this implicitly.

To stampede a nation into a war you have to create a hysteria, like it was the case with Milosevic or Saddam. You have to create a "New Hitler" to destroy a sovereign state.

This worked with Yugoslavia and Iraq, but this did not work with Iran and Syria, and the Globalists blame Putin for that.

The project of Globalists came to a halt, Killary was supposed to start WWIII, they have to remove Putin to create a "Brave New World" without boarders and national identities, in which the population is replaceable.

Well, they could not push Killary into the office of POTUS, so they hope now that Trump will do the job that was assigned to Killary.

Wise observation. There's no doubt the NWO Globalist Elites want revenge on Trump. Just listen to what NWO psychos like George Soros have been saying about him. They are out for blood. This whole 'Russian Hacking' meme is only about sabotaging Trump. I guess we'll see where it all goes. Stay tuned.

And my 'Russian Hacking meme' you mean pointing out what the American intelligence Agencies have said

Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain argued that "every American should be alarmed by Russia's attacks on our nation.

"There is no national security interest more vital to the United States of America than the ability to hold free and fair elections without foreign interference," McCain said. "That is why Congress must set partisanship aside, follow the facts, and work together to devise comprehensive solutions to deter, defend against, and, when necessary, respond to foreign cyberattacks."

John McCain is a corrupt old Establishment hack. I wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him. Every time i see the senile old fart, he's ranting & raving about starting another war somewhere. The dude's nuts. He's exactly what's wrong with our Government. He should have been gone a long time ago.
Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain argued ...

Oh, no, McCain is an American patriot?
His father was a traitor, and he is a traitor, too.
And he is talking about "alleged" things, dude.

And by traitor- you mean that they were both combat veterans who fought for the United States.

You right wing nut jobs do hate veterans- especially combat veterans.
Virtually no specific proposals on what they want from him on this. It is all about sabotaging Trump. Make no mistake about that.

Well, warmongering is illegal in many countries, you cannot openly call for a war against Russia, so you have to do this implicitly.

To stampede a nation into a war you have to create a hysteria, like it was the case with Milosevic or Saddam. You have to create a "New Hitler" to destroy a sovereign state.

This worked with Yugoslavia and Iraq, but this did not work with Iran and Syria, and the Globalists blame Putin for that.

The project of Globalists came to a halt, Killary was supposed to start WWIII, they have to remove Putin to create a "Brave New World" without boarders and national identities, in which the population is replaceable.

Well, they could not push Killary into the office of POTUS, so they hope now that Trump will do the job that was assigned to Killary.

Wise observation. There's no doubt the NWO Globalist Elites want revenge on Trump. Just listen to what NWO psychos like George Soros have been saying about him. They are out for blood. This whole 'Russian Hacking' meme is only about sabotaging Trump. I guess we'll see where it all goes. Stay tuned.

And my 'Russian Hacking meme' you mean pointing out what the American intelligence Agencies have said

Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain argued that "every American should be alarmed by Russia's attacks on our nation.

"There is no national security interest more vital to the United States of America than the ability to hold free and fair elections without foreign interference," McCain said. "That is why Congress must set partisanship aside, follow the facts, and work together to devise comprehensive solutions to deter, defend against, and, when necessary, respond to foreign cyberattacks."

John McCain is a corrupt old Establishment hack. I wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him. Every time i see the senile old fart, he's ranting & raving about starting another war somewhere. The dude's nuts. He's exactly what's wrong with our Government. He should have been gone a long time ago.

How dare the people of Arizona keep electing him!

How dare McCain care about Russia trying to hack our election!
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

Increase security so it doesn't happen again. Gosh, didn't Obama already put the fear in them with sanctions and sending their people home? Or does the left want us to bomb the hell of them?

We've always dealt with countries trying to hack. We do the same. Spies are everywhere, don't ya know?

There remains no proof that Russia interfered with the election. The left isn't concerned about general spying or breaches of national security. They just want heads on a platter because corruption was exposed on the left.

I am puzzled as to why the left is upset only about leaked emails potentially causing Hillary to lose but didn't give a shit when Hillary played fast and loose with national security by having a home brew server in some guy's bathroom. That was okay and the left dismissed it as a mistake but now are only pissed because they think someone other than a DNC insider spilled the truth about Hillary.

It's only about covering their asses and sabotaging Trump. Wikileaks exposed the Democratic Party for being one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. They needed scapegoats. So, enter Trump and Putin. It is a scam. But i think Trump will come out of it stronger. Most Americans really do dislike sore losers. The Democrats will likely pay for this.
Questioning the statements of the intelligence division without substance? Are you shitting me? Look I guarantee you that Trumps people are better than me at this shit and I've destroyed the gov's first report:

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

I'm not going to read all of that......... You are the equivalent female version of Dalesmith............. You've been a Putin lover before Trump enter the presidential race. So it's not a surprise that you are still a Putin lover like Trump.

Trump redefined the clear and real good example of a real PUPPET. The saddest part is WE (not you) as an American we'll also be considered as a Russian Puppet. I'm very sure you've love that.

In other words, you have no desire to find the truth, you'll let whomever feed it to you. .....

You don't think that other programmers, IT security folks, and hackers all over the world know that what we're throwing at Russia is bullshit? You don't think that's going to harm our reputation?

Speaking of now desire to find the truth.

Your devoted intent to not look into Russia's hacking is pretty obvious
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

Increase security so it doesn't happen again. Gosh, didn't Obama already put the fear in them with sanctions and sending their people home? Or does the left want us to bomb the hell of them?

We've always dealt with countries trying to hack. We do the same. Spies are everywhere, don't ya know?

There remains no proof that Russia interfered with the election. The left isn't concerned about general spying or breaches of national security. They just want heads on a platter because corruption was exposed on the left.

I am puzzled as to why the left is upset only about leaked emails potentially causing Hillary to lose but didn't give a shit when Hillary played fast and loose with national security by having a home brew server in some guy's bathroom. That was okay and the left dismissed it as a mistake but now are only pissed because they think someone other than a DNC insider spilled the truth about Hillary.

It's only about covering their asses and sabotaging Trump.].

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
Yet y'all have no specific suggestions on how Trump should retaliate against Russia. Show us what y'all know. Go for it.

Hold up, seriously.

Are you REALLY not seeing the posts that are answering your question directly?

Your troll is exposed, dipshit.

Oh boy, y'all haters are lost causes. You've offered nothing specifically at all. If you want WWIII with Russia, just say it. Man, offer something though.

Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

Snowflake? There are numbers of post here that has already answered your question that tells you the reality of Trumps erratic behavior ............. but you don't like it.

But you are NOT saying anything against post #44, #54, #61 etc.......... that has nothing to do with the question you are asking. Why? Can you explain that before calling someone snowflakes?

Snowflake pussy. Reporting me for nothing. Typical Safe Space moron behavior. Movin on...
Virtually no specific proposals on what they want from him on this. It is all about sabotaging Trump. Make no mistake about that.

Well, warmongering is illegal in many countries, you cannot openly call for a war against Russia, so you have to do this implicitly.

To stampede a nation into a war you have to create a hysteria, like it was the case with Milosevic or Saddam. You have to create a "New Hitler" to destroy a sovereign state.

This worked with Yugoslavia and Iraq, but this did not work with Iran and Syria, and the Globalists blame Putin for that.

The project of Globalists came to a halt, Killary was supposed to start WWIII, they have to remove Putin to create a "Brave New World" without boarders and national identities, in which the population is replaceable.

Well, they could not push Killary into the office of POTUS, so they hope now that Trump will do the job that was assigned to Killary.

Wise observation. There's no doubt the NWO Globalist Elites want revenge on Trump. Just listen to what NWO psychos like George Soros have been saying about him. They are out for blood. This whole 'Russian Hacking' meme is only about sabotaging Trump. I guess we'll see where it all goes. Stay tuned.

And my 'Russian Hacking meme' you mean pointing out what the American intelligence Agencies have said

Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain argued that "every American should be alarmed by Russia's attacks on our nation.

"There is no national security interest more vital to the United States of America than the ability to hold free and fair elections without foreign interference," McCain said. "That is why Congress must set partisanship aside, follow the facts, and work together to devise comprehensive solutions to deter, defend against, and, when necessary, respond to foreign cyberattacks."

John McCain is a corrupt old Establishment hack. I wouldn't trust him as far as i could throw him. Every time i see the senile old fart, he's ranting & raving about starting another war somewhere. The dude's nuts. He's exactly what's wrong with our Government. He should have been gone a long time ago.

How dare the people of Arizona keep electing him!

How dare McCain care about Russia trying to hack our election!

McCain's a senile old fool. Shame on all those who voted for him.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...

Increase security so it doesn't happen again. Gosh, didn't Obama already put the fear in them with sanctions and sending their people home? Or does the left want us to bomb the hell of them?

We've always dealt with countries trying to hack. We do the same. Spies are everywhere, don't ya know?

There remains no proof that Russia interfered with the election. The left isn't concerned about general spying or breaches of national security. They just want heads on a platter because corruption was exposed on the left.

I am puzzled as to why the left is upset only about leaked emails potentially causing Hillary to lose but didn't give a shit when Hillary played fast and loose with national security by having a home brew server in some guy's bathroom. That was okay and the left dismissed it as a mistake but now are only pissed because they think someone other than a DNC insider spilled the truth about Hillary.

It's only about covering their asses and sabotaging Trump.].

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?

Ok, so it did. What do you want Trump to do about it? Give some specifics.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
For the most part they don't know it's just something to bitch about its far easier to just say it's all Putins fault than accept the fact they nominated a seriously flawed and weak candidate who ran a poor campaign.

That's what i've been saying. It's all about sabotaging Donald Trump. But the good thing is, most Americans realize that. This scam isn't gonna go as well for em as they thought it would. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Most Americans despise sore losers.

You are wrong kid. Very wrong......... for traitors like you that is what you think and want to believe.

Ask yourself ............ How many American civilians, veterans, active military personnels or immigrants that are against this kind of Trump behavior? I can assure you that lots of real republicans don't like this.
Why and what should it backfired to us when we are not doing anything? When Trump is the one causing ALL these stupid problems. Any backfire should be to you and Trump.
Did you even think about that kid?
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
For the most part they don't know it's just something to bitch about its far easier to just say it's all Putins fault than accept the fact they nominated a seriously flawed and weak candidate who ran a poor campaign.

That's what i've been saying. It's all about sabotaging Donald Trump. But the good thing is, most Americans realize that. This scam isn't gonna go as well for em as they thought it would. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Most Americans despise sore losers.

You are wrong kid. Very wrong......... for traitors like you that is what you think and want to believe.

Ask yourself ............ How many American civilians, veterans, active military personnels or immigrants that are against this kind of Trump behavior? I can assure you that lots of real republicans don't like this.
Why and what should it backfired to us when we are not doing anything? When Trump is the one causing ALL these stupid problems. Any backfire should be to you and Trump.
Did you even think about that kid?

Reasonable Americans understand what the Democrats are doing. It's all about sore loser sabotage. And most Americans really do dislike sore losers. The Democrats will likely pay for this at some point.
Don’t know if anyone brought it up yet but if I’m Julian Assange..I’m having someone taste my meals for me from now on. He’s the classic loose end that needs to be taken care of if you’re Russia and you furnished hacked e-mails to them to be dispersed.

He’s the new Oswald.
It appears that the lefts Russian ploy has failed to do it's job:

Congress made the election of Donald Trump official Friday, certifying the votes of the Electoral College in a formal joint session of URL]

What in the world are you trying to stir about? Election is over get over it. This has nothing to do with the topic.
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

That's it. The Left is only interested in punishing Russia for the Election. Nothing else.

The Right Wing nut jobs are only interested in kissing Putin's ass- they don't give a damn that Russia tried to influence an American election.

nobody has been kissing Putin's ass except the Obama Administration.....remember the reset button?
Can you give us an example where Obama is kissing Putin ass?
The whole world knows that Trump is kissing Putin ass and a puppet.

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