Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

I agree, so why then where is the evidence of Russian's being involved in the hacking, see my above post retard, all our government has put out is "speculating"
I love the insanity that the right says is and isn't fact. always a belly laugh.
In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea...

Well, the population of Crima is happy with the reunification with Mother Russia. This region had a special autonomy within Ukraine, it was historically Russian territory. Khrushchev "sold" this peninsula to his Ukrainian Commie-Cronies, without asking the opinion of the people who were sold.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the Soviet military bases in the Crimea became Russian military bases, but the peninsula was part of the New Ukraine with a special autonomy, they used the Russian language as an official language. After the Putsch in Kiev the Junta decided to eliminate the Russian language, and that was too much for the population of Crimea, they asked for reunification with Mother Russia, and Russia agreed to the this request.

... and invasion of Ukraine.

That was an idiotic statement.
There was no Russian invasion of the Ukraine, it is retarded to make such statements.

The Russian military was already stationed on the Crimean Peninsula, there was a special treaty between the Ukraine and Russia about the military bases on the Crimean Peninsula.

What to the region of New Russia, there was no Russian military involved in this separatist movements within the Ukraine.

If Russia invaded Ukraine, they would have already expelled the Junta from Kiev, but we know that this did not happen. The Junta in Kiev was killing their own citizens in New Russia, no Russian citizens were involved in this conflict, except the volunteers.

...NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia.

These stupid sanctions were crippling the economy of EU countries, not of Russia. Russia became more autark after these sanctions, that was a good boost for many branches of Russian economy. Before the sanctions Russia bought a lot of things that are now manufactured or produced in Russia.
European factories had to close because of these sanctions.

President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

Obama is a buffoon and a warmonger.
First he sent the "fuck-the-EU-Nuland" to the Ukraine, they spend a lot of money to support the Putsch, the elected President of Ukraine was replaced due to the American interference, and now the buffoon Obama ist talking about "Russian interference" because WikiLeaks leaked the truth about the DNC and Killary to American voters?
Are American voters not entitled to know the truth?
It is the duty of the MSM to inform American voters, but if the Media is corrupt, then this does not mean that providing the truth through anonymous alternative sources is "interference".

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

You are proposing Trump to support the Establishment and the Swamp in Washington?

Trump promised to make America Great again, not to promote the crazy warmongering of globalists.

Confrontation with Russia will not be helpful in making America great again.

In fact, normal relations with Russia will be good for Europe and the USA.

Is it not insane on the one hand to be involved in conflicts on the other side of the Globe, but on the other hand to be unable to protect the own boarders from the Third World invasion?

Spoken like a true puppet

No.......Civilized nations do not invade to assert territorial claims

They negotiate peaceably with the citizens of that territory
I expect Donald Trump to put our Nation first, not his sensitive hurt ego.

He should keep his mouth shut, stop choosing the Russians side and praising Assange...

Stop belittling our intel agencies workers who put their lives on the line for us in public.
He can't help it. He's got an issue, and the more people criticize THAT, the worse it will become. As we have seen.
And there's NO way the Ukrainian's (aka the professed writers of the malware that was used in the DNC email hack) or that Guccifer 2.0 (who proclaims to be Ukrainian) could have wanted revenge by pinning this on Russia right?

I mean if we're just going to go with circumstantial evidence of motive then I submit this as a valid "evidence" that Russia didn't do it.
Um. Speculating is not "evidence", retard.

The malware fed information back to known RIS servers.

Try to learn some facts before spouting your hallucinations and calling them "evidence", mm-kay?

Oh and here's my "evidence" again since you apparently didn't see it:

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)
Trump is going to be a disaster for America and we need to focus our efforts on his policies.

First the wanna be oracles told us that Trump does not have any chance to be elected.

Now the same discredited oracles go on making predictions, they are predicting that Trump will be a disaster for America.

Well, America is already a disaster, this country has hit the rock bottom, there is not possibility to go down the drain any further.


Trump can only make the things better.

Is that not obvious?

Putting Goldman Sachs, Exxon and the neocon establishment in charge of your administration probably isn't the best way to "Make America Great Again"
"Calling claims false without any substantiation"

Does anyone else see the absolute absurdity in that statement? A person that labels unsubstantiated claims as false, with out proof? Is this the depth of the political discourse now?

Requiring opponents to prove your lies aren't true?


The CIA/NSA/FBI, et al, provided a clear outline of how the Russians hacked DNC emails and provided evidence.

Yes, if you call that bullshit, you better produce evidence as to why it's bullshit.

Think McFly, if they were the ones that did it, of course they could provide that info.
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

That's it. The Left is only interested in punishing Russia for the Election. Nothing else.

The Right Wing nut jobs are only interested in kissing Putin's ass- they don't give a damn that Russia tried to influence an American election.

Russia was the only state that tried to influence an American Election? Think again.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Disavow it and say it's unacceptable for starters.

There, was that hard?

That it? Ok, i'll hold y'all to that.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
He should ignore it. The Russians may or may not have hacked the DNC and Podesta. We will probably never know, so let's just move on. Trump is going to be a disaster for America and we need to focus our efforts on his policies.

Insane, but at least it was a direct answer. Thanks.
The Hacking Haiku

"Shoot the messenger!"
Dems' truth incarcerated
Vlad pulls off jailbreak
For the micro minds that say there was no hacking. Small hands says that Russia they did hack Democratic election.
Putting Goldman Sachs, Exxon and the neocon establishment in charge of your administration probably isn't the best way to "Make America Great Again"

Keep your enemies close to you...
They will be fired!
I've heard the "keep your enemies" close argument before. Anything is possible but we'll see what really happens within the next few months
As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

That all? That'll make ya happy? Ok, i'll hold ya to it.

Works for me

But my over/under is 90 days until Trump lifts sanctions as a "thank-you" to Putin for getting him the Presidency
Hug the Bear

Ninety days to get job-creating trade with Russia? Try ninety minutes.
They want the election to be invalidated so Trump is no longer president as best I can tell.

AKA they want Trump to step down.
Wrong! We want Trump to put the integrity of our nation before his ego. He seems to want to ignore the charges of hacking because he thinks such charges dilute his election. Well, such charges are more serious than the Trump ego.

Are we to be subject to what's better for Donald is better anyway? His tax returns would tell us of any foreign business dealings. Are Trump's businesses more important than the administration of our nation? Trump's conflict of interests will be an ongoing concern. Not because we hate Trump, but because the President cannot also serve as his own benefactor in business.

You Trump supporters have a serious blind spot, ethics wise. If you want to be taken seriously, take this President Elect seriously.
No.......Civilized nations do not invade to assert territorial claims.

What invasions are you talking about?
Russian military did not invade Crimean Peninsula, it was already there, there was a special treatment with the old Ukraine, the Ukraine that was killed by the Junta.

What to the "New Russia", there are no Russian troops on this territory, it is retarded to talk about the "Russian invasion of Ukraine". Anybody who has the basic knowledge of this conflict knows these basic things.

They negotiate peaceably with the citizens of that territory

That was another retarded statement.
The population of the Crimean Peninsula negotiated with Russia and asked for reunification, the Russian Duma accepted this request.

The population of the New Russia also asked for reunification with Russia, but the Russian Duma REJECTED this request.
Putin was called a traitor because of that.

So there was a negotiation with the people who lived on the mentioned territory.

What negotiation would you prefer?
A negotiation with the Junta in Kiev?

BTW, what about Zionist invasion and occupation of Palestinian land?

Obama did not veto the last decision of UNO to apply the international law in Palestine, and the hypocrites who constantly talk about the "international law" called him a traitor for that.


It seems that you apply international law very selectively.

Israel can occupy and annex Palestinian land, but Russia has to ask the Junta in Kiev, not the population that lives on a given territory that asked for reunification.
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I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
It would be nice if he stopped worshipping Putin and acknowledged that he doesn't have a mandate to wage war on the majority of Americans that abhor his proposals.

Looking for specifics. What do you want Trump to do specifically?
Stop worshipping Putin, stop threatening trade wars, keep the majority of the ACA and implement fixes the GOP has refused for years, and don't go after minority groups and women.

Pretty off-topic. We get that you hate Trump. Could have done without your hate-rant. Try to focus.
A hostile foreign power interfered in our election. Fact.

You are either okay with that, making you a traitor, or you aren't. We see who the traitors are. They are so shameless, they are jumping up and down to be recognized. Like the person who started this topic.

Reagan is spinning in his grave.


I would like to see not only DNC Emails but also the extent of:
  • Misinformation spread
  • Fake News
  • Trump's Teams involvement if any (one of his Campaign managers had very heavy Russian ties.)
  • Other attacks and attempted attacks, including the attack on the DOD
  • Political analysis of the Russians effect (from a professional, not a altright USMB member)
Knowing this type of information we can determine the level of the crime, the benefactor of the crime and the level they benefited...
Then we are left in a situation to be able to handle the outcome...

Russia should be punished that is seemingly without doubt...

Not to do that is to say to the world the USA is very weak and they will sell out there country to the enemy for power...
So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

That all? That'll make ya happy? Ok, i'll hold ya to it.

Works for me

But my over/under is 90 days until Trump lifts sanctions as a "thank-you" to Putin for getting him the Presidency
until you can prove that the Russians changed the votes in the states where you had all the recounts i'm putting you into the category of idiot....

Trump is the best President Putin could buy

Until you can prove that none of the released information had any impact on the votes, we can only assume that Trump is Putin's Bitch

God, you're sick. :cuckoo:
Russia was the only state that tried to influence an American Election? Think again.

If any state can really influence the American election, then this state is called ISRAEL.

Prominent professors wrote books about the Israel Lobby, that involves USA in crazy wars for Israel.

The talking heads in the MSM say that Israel ist the best friend of the USA.

People who believe that should google for

The Lavon Affair
The Jonathan Jay Pollard Affiar
The USS Liberty incident/cover up

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