Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

Hold up, seriously.

Are you REALLY not seeing the posts that are answering your question directly?

Your troll is exposed, dipshit.

Oh boy, y'all haters are lost causes. You've offered nothing specifically at all. If you want WWIII with Russia, just say it. Man, offer something though.

Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

I don't need a safe space. I just need you gone.

Maybe you need to take a break with your crayons and coloring book.
Do you guys assemble for your daily briefing where you're told to all use these same "snow flake/safe space/participation trophy/coloring book" insults? Do you realize how easy it makes it to point out the non-thinkers among us?

But keep at it, Trump soldier! You've got your marching orders!
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
For the most part they don't know it's just something to bitch about its far easier to just say it's all Putins fault than accept the fact they nominated a seriously flawed and weak candidate who ran a poor campaign.

That's what i've been saying. It's all about sabotaging Donald Trump. But the good thing is, most Americans realize that. This scam isn't gonna go as well for em as they thought it would. I think it's gonna backfire on em. Most Americans despise sore losers.
Lol @ your "honest" question in the OP. You're a dishonest bitch.
Why do you think that only 'Trump Haters" care about the Russian attempts to hack our election?

Why is it that Trump lovers like yourself don't care that Russian tried to interfere in our election?

What do you mean with "hacking" or "interfering" the elections?.

I mean that the FBI, Homeland Security and the Director of Intelligence have reported that Russia used hacking to attempt to interfere in our election.

US Intel Chiefs Push Back on Trump and Russia Hack
It appears that the lefts Russian ploy has failed to do it's job:

Congress made the election of Donald Trump official Friday, certifying the votes of the Electoral College in a formal joint session of Congress.

Some Democratic House members attempted to object to some states Electoral College votes to protest the election results. But their objections went nowhere because they were unable to gain the support of a senator, per the rules.

Despite protests, the final vote tally was:

Donald Trump: 304 electoral votes
Hillary Clinton: 227
Colin Powell: 3
Ohio Gov. John Kasich: 1
Former Rep. Ron Paul of Texas: 1
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 1
Faith of Spotted Eagle: 1

Democrats objected 11 times, citing a variety of issues, including "Russian interference," "massive voter suppression" and the "violation of the Voting Rights Act."

Vice President Joe Biden, who sat in the chair and presided over the 41 minute-long process in the House chamber, attempted to speed through the objections. After the third objection and the third time Biden asked if a senator had signed on, Biden said, "it is over."

But a handful of Democratic House members continued to object during specific states and tried to continue their speeches even after Biden gaveled them down and said debate is not allowed. After the states were counted, three citizens in the audience gallery stood up to demonstrate.

At one point, Rep. Maxine Watters, D-Calif., stood and asked for a senator to join them. Only four Democratic senators attended the ceremony.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said she was not encouraging objections but that she would "support" them.

"I think people don't want the day to pass without registering concerns," she told reporters Friday. "In some cases, members are concerned about voter suppression, in some cases they are concerned about Russian influence on our election. There are a number of concerns. But it's not going to have an impact at the end of the day."

Every objection must be made in writing and signed by one member of the House and one senator. -- Despite objections, Congress certifies Donald Trump's election
As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

That all? That'll make ya happy? Ok, i'll hold ya to it.

Works for me

But my over/under is 90 days until Trump lifts sanctions as a "thank-you" to Putin for getting him the Presidency
until you can prove that the Russians changed the votes in the states where you had all the recounts i'm putting you into the category of idiot....
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
Disavow it and say it's unacceptable for starters.

There, was that hard?
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

That's it. The Left is only interested in punishing Russia for the Election. Nothing else. The Left believes that the act of hacking influenced the election outcome; not the content of what was discovered in the hack. Further, can the Left determine or validate the following:

- How Russia hacked the Democrats into callIng a Latino strategy "Operation Taco Bowl"?

- How did the Russians hack Donna Brazile into giving the Clinton Campaign advance access to Presidential Debate questions?

- How did the Russians hack Hillary Clinton into mass transfer of sensitive email to land on Anthony Weiner's laptop?

The question that should be asked to the Left, are you really concerned about Russia hacking or are you just looking for another dog to kick because you felt entitled to a 2016 Presidential Election and lost?

Stop pretending you give a shit about Cybersecurity for US when you mocked anyone who expressed Cybersecurity concerns over Hillary storing sensitive State information on a personal server; one that was not subject to Cybersecurity standards. The Left even said; "no evidence it was hacked" ; this, which was based on hearsay and wishful thinking.

Get back to US when you want to have a conversation about Nation States hacking US infrastructure and stop using it as a proxy to simply blame for your disappointment.
It appears that the lefts Russian ploy has failed to do it's job:n

And by 'Russian ploy' you mean listening to what our intelligence agencies have reported.

President Trump was legally elected President of the United States.
And the Intelligence Agencies of the United States are stating that Russia used hacking to try to influence our election.

The one does not change the other.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
It would be nice if he stopped worshipping Putin and acknowledged that he doesn't have a mandate to wage war on the majority of Americans that abhor his proposals.

Looking for specifics. What do you want Trump to do specifically?
Stop worshipping Putin, stop threatening trade wars, keep the majority of the ACA and implement fixes the GOP has refused for years, and don't go after minority groups and women.
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

That's it. The Left is only interested in punishing Russia for the Election. Nothing else.

The Right Wing nut jobs are only interested in kissing Putin's ass- they don't give a damn that Russia tried to influence an American election.
Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

That all? That'll make ya happy? Ok, i'll hold ya to it.

Works for me

But my over/under is 90 days until Trump lifts sanctions as a "thank-you" to Putin for getting him the Presidency
until you can prove that the Russians changed the votes in the states where you had all the recounts i'm putting you into the category of idiot....

Trump is the best President Putin could buy

Until you can prove that none of the released information had any impact on the votes, we can only assume that Trump is Putin's Bitch
Trump and you Chumps need to live in reality. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time. You've been drinking piss for so many years, the cool water of the Truth tastes like poison.

Trump's ego needs to admit he got a leg up from Russia. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

Trump needs to impose more sanctions on Russia for interfering in our electoral process. I know when I say this I am asking the impossible. I know I am wasting my time.

That's it. The Left is only interested in punishing Russia for the Election. Nothing else.

The Right Wing nut jobs are only interested in kissing Putin's ass- they don't give a damn that Russia tried to influence an American election.

nobody has been kissing Putin's ass except the Obama Administration.....remember the reset button?

we on the right know he is a commie killer.....but he could be useful.....Hussein O is just having another one of his petulant fits over the election he thought he had won....
So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

That all? That'll make ya happy? Ok, i'll hold ya to it.

Works for me

But my over/under is 90 days until Trump lifts sanctions as a "thank-you" to Putin for getting him the Presidency
until you can prove that the Russians changed the votes in the states where you had all the recounts i'm putting you into the category of idiot....

Trump is the best President Putin could buy

Until you can prove that none of the released information had any impact on the votes, we can only assume that Trump is Putin's Bitch
speaking of that 'released information' would you care to itemize it?
It appears that the lefts Russian ploy has failed to do it's job:n

And by 'Russian ploy' you mean listening to what our intelligence agencies have reported.

President Trump was legally elected President of the United States.
And the Intelligence Agencies of the United States are stating that Russia used hacking to try to influence our election.

The one does not change the other.

Maybe Trump should take the side of America over Putin

That would be a good start

The news about Putin being an enemy of America is "fake news".

The lying media just created a false dichotomy

And by 'lying media' you mean the media that has reported what American Intelligence Agencies have said.

No by lying media he most likely means not pointing out the same shit I've brought up (aka the Russian Ploy):

Questioning the statements of the intelligence division without substance? Are you shitting me? Look I guarantee you that Trumps people are better than me at this shit and I've destroyed the gov's first report:

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

The media ignores the reality of the above to tell you folks a story that is not really based on anything but the opinion of a /private/ company CrowdStrike - a company that was hired by the DNC no less. ~ Nope couldn't be any bias there...

It's also coming out that the FBI didn't even look at the supposedly hacked computers, they just took the investigation of CrowdStrike as their own. That is NOT a valid investigation by our government imo, what the hell are we paying them for??
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In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea...

Well, the population of Crima is happy with the reunification with Mother Russia. This region had a special autonomy within Ukraine, it was historically Russian territory. Khrushchev "sold" this peninsula to his Ukrainian Commie-Cronies, without asking the opinion of the people who were sold.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the Soviet military bases in the Crimea became Russian military bases, but the peninsula was part of the New Ukraine with a special autonomy, they used the Russian language as an official language. After the Putsch in Kiev the Junta decided to eliminate the Russian language, and that was too much for the population of Crimea, they asked for reunification with Mother Russia, and Russia agreed to the this request.

... and invasion of Ukraine.

That was an idiotic statement.
There was no Russian invasion of the Ukraine, it is retarded to make such statements.

The Russian military was already stationed on the Crimean Peninsula, there was a special treaty between the Ukraine and Russia about the military bases on the Crimean Peninsula.

What to the region of New Russia, there was no Russian military involved in this separatist movements within the Ukraine.

If Russia invaded Ukraine, they would have already expelled the Junta from Kiev, but we know that this did not happen. The Junta in Kiev was killing their own citizens in New Russia, no Russian citizens were involved in this conflict, except the volunteers.

...NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia.

These stupid sanctions were crippling the economy of EU countries, not of Russia. Russia became more self sufficient after these sanctions, that was a good boost for many branches of Russian economy.

Before the sanctions Russia bought a lot of things that are now manufactured or produced in Russia.

European factories had to close because of these sanctions.

President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

Obama is a buffoon and a warmonger.
First he sent the "fuck-the-EU-Nuland" to the Ukraine, they spent a lot of taxpayer's money to support the Putsch.

The elected President of Ukraine was replaced due to the American interference, and now the buffoon Obama ist talking about "Russian interference" because WikiLeaks leaked the truth about the DNC and Killary to American voters?

Are American voters not entitled to know the truth?
It is the duty of the MSM to inform American voters, but if the Media is corrupt, then this does not mean that providing the truth through anonymous alternative sources is "interference".

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

You are proposing Trump to support the Establishment and the Swamp in Washington?

Trump promised to make America Great again, not to promote the crazy warmongering of globalists.

Confrontation with Russia will not be helpful in making America great again.

In fact, normal relations with Russia will be good for Europe and the USA.

Is it not insane on the one hand to be involved in conflicts on the other side of the Globe, but on the other hand not to be able to protect the own boarders from the Third World invasion?
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And there's NO way the Ukrainian's (aka the professed writers of the malware that was used in the DNC email hack) or that Guccifer 2.0 (who proclaims to be Ukrainian) could have wanted revenge by pinning this on Russia right?

See: Lone wolf claims responsibility for DNC hack, dumps purported Trump smear file

I mean if we're just going to go with circumstantial evidence of motive then I submit this as a valid "evidence" that Russia didn't do it.
And there's NO way the Ukrainian's (aka the professed writers of the malware that was used in the DNC email hack) or that Guccifer 2.0 (who proclaims to be Ukrainian) could have wanted revenge by pinning this on Russia right?

I mean if we're just going to go with circumstantial evidence of motive then I submit this as a valid "evidence" that Russia didn't do it.
Um. Speculating is not "evidence", retard.

The malware fed information back to known RIS servers.

Try to learn some facts before spouting your hallucinations and calling them "evidence", mm-kay?
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
It doesn't work that way , what this country has to do is find out what part and how much of the hacking that was done by this psychopath, what part he played in it. That would be a complete investigation by a letter agency. And if found out it has to be made clear that small Hands is willing to fuck the constitution to get what he wants. And all legal responses that are available should be dropped on his ass. I think a long jail sentence would be my choice. The hate party ,as fast as they give up their fake Christian conscience about him will say it doesn't matter because their new god spelled with a small g, is not capable of doing anything wrong.

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