Serious Question: What Do Trump-Haters Want Him To Do About 'Russian Hacking?'

RE: Russian motivation, actually there's any number of reasons the Russian's might have wanted anyone but Hillary - after all she was pushing for war with them and the US has had a pretty hostile approach toward them for the past decade or so. (Cold War hang on's)

However, motivation does not equal guilt.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
He should ignore it. The Russians may or may not have hacked the DNC and Podesta. We will probably never know, so let's just move on. Trump is going to be a disaster for America and we need to focus our efforts on his policies.
First off

Take your hands off your ears and stop shouting

Nya....Nya...Nya....I CAN'T HEAR YOU


Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.
Trump is living up to the prediction that he would be an erratic buffoon in a crisis.
Maybe Trump should take the side of America over Putin

That would be a good start

The news about Putin being an enemy of America is "fake news".

The lying media just created a false dichotomy.

To be a good American Trump has to hate the Russians and their elected President, Wladimir Putin?

That is silly logic.

Trump wants to make America great again, and hating Russians and Putin will not help to achieve this ambitious goal.

Trump and Putin have to become friends, that will give Trump a good chance to make America great again.
I'm not asking this question just to stir things up. I'm seriously asking the Trump-Haters what they want Trump to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' I really am willing to listen. So let's hear it...
He should ignore it. The Russians may or may not have hacked the DNC and Podesta. We will probably never know, so let's just move on. Trump is going to be a disaster for America and we need to focus our efforts on his policies.

Insane, but at least it was a direct answer. Thanks.
First off

Take your hands off your ears and stop shouting

Nya....Nya...Nya....I CAN'T HEAR YOU


Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community
Maybe Trump should take the side of America over Putin

That would be a good start

The news about Putin being an enemy of America is "fake news".

The lying media just created a false dichotomy.

To be a good American Trump has to hate the Russians and their elected President, Wladimir Putin?

That is silly logic.

Trump wants to make America great again, and hating Russians and Putin will not help to achieve this ambitious goal.

Trump and Putin have to become friends, that will give Trump a good chance to make America great again.

Trump needs to decide what side he is on...

America's or Putin
Trump is going to be a disaster for America and we need to focus our efforts on his policies.

First the wanna be oracles told us that Trump does not have any chance to be elected.

Now the same discredited oracles go on making predictions, they are predicting that Trump will be a disaster for America.

Well, America is already a disaster, this country has hit the rock bottom, there is not possibility to go down the drain any further.


Trump can only make the things better.

Is that not obvious?

Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

That all? That'll make ya happy? Ok, i'll hold ya to it.
Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community


Obama did jackshit about Ukraine and Crimea but acts real tough by kicking out some diplomats when it comes to possible Russian hacking around an election that he lost.......and that's what impresses you?
How about we extend a diplomatic hacking agreement to Russia as we did to China less than a year ago??

Nope, that wouldn't fit the agenda of the Obama administration...
Trump is living up to the prediction that he would be an erratic buffoon in a crisis.

Uh, he hasn't been sworn in yet.
Exactly, and still he is acting like an erratic buffoon and still more reason for him so shut his trash talking mouth and stop disparaging those tasked with national security, including our uniformed personnel.
intelligence and the military along with many other departments have been politicized by least in the leadership positions.....Trump needs to clean house...
Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

As opposed to what? Ranting like mental patients about that which might of happened? Sounds like Trump is the only adult in the room,

Adults are capable of waiting until they actually have any information until they declare it untrue

They are also capable of accepting bad news without going into denial

So, WWIII with Russia? What are you proposing? What do you want? A simple fair question.

Deserves a simple fair response

In retaliation for Putin's annexing of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine, NATO nations have imposed crippling sanctions on Russia. President Obama has also imposed additional sanctions in response to Russian interference in our elections.

I am proposing that Trump maintain existing sanctions until such time as Russia begins to act like a responsible member of the international community

That all? That'll make ya happy? Ok, i'll hold ya to it.

Works for me

But my over/under is 90 days until Trump lifts sanctions as a "thank-you" to Putin for getting him the Presidency
Yet y'all have no specific suggestions on how Trump should retaliate against Russia. Show us what y'all know. Go for it.

Hold up, seriously.

Are you REALLY not seeing the posts that are answering your question directly?

Your troll is exposed, dipshit.

Oh boy, y'all haters are lost causes. You've offered nothing specifically at all. If you want WWIII with Russia, just say it. Man, offer something though.

Done with you.

Reported for trolling and spamming.

Aw, poor Snowflake. Sorry, no 'Safe Space' for ya on this thread kid.

I don't need a safe space. I just need you gone.

Maybe you need to take a break with your crayons and coloring book.
First off

Take your hands off your ears and stop shouting

Nya....Nya...Nya....I CAN'T HEAR YOU


Wow, that's it? That's all you haters got? Pretty embarrassing.

Trump's response to all this has been embarrassing

Calling claims false without any substantiation, screaming ignore this....nothing to see here
Calling everyone else a liar

He is like a child getting news he does not like

Yeah we get it, you hate Donald Trump. But what do you want him to do in response to 'Russian Hacking.' Try to focus.

Initiate sanctions. Engage in covert retaliation. Expel diplomts. Send the message this shit will not go unanswered.

You know, all the things a real president, like Obama, did.

You know, you are almost, but not quite old enough to remember the cold war.

If you had, you would know that two of those things is unacceptable.

During the cold war, this shit went on all the time.

If we take the hypothetical that the Russians actually were involved, which, hasn't been proven, it could just as well have been agents in the Deep State using Russian methods in an attempt to reveal Clinton's corruption. After all, she caused their agents to be killed in Benghazi and Aleppo, that is sufficient motive for their actions. The Russians? They would have nothing to gain (substantially, and everything to lose, if caught.)

Now, if we assume it was the Russians, in the world of espionage, the appropriate response, the proportional response, is, as you wrote, covert retaliation. That has already been done, in both that terrorist act recently in Turkey, and the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.

So are we done here?

This is an irresponsible policy that is pushing Turkey into the foreign policy orbit of Russia. Not a good move by the current administration. (If they in fact have any control over any of it.)


In Turkey, U.S. Hand Is Seen in Nearly Every Crisis

The other responses that you mentioned would never have even been considered during the cold war, as they are not proportional responses. In the game of spy vs. spy, you keep to the game. If the elites decide to escalate the situation, then clearly, it wasn't the Russians, they are being used as an excuse for an ulterior motive.

I suggest you read this book. . . .


Full text of "War Is A Racket"
I remember the Cold War clearly. Sanctions worked. They're why we won. It was an economic battle, not military.

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