Sessions Kicked To The Curb

The do nothing AG has submitted his resignation. Great news!
At the President's request. Obstruction of justice attempt #2.
How do you figure that?
He needs to get to Rosenstein. Sessions was in the way. Now he's not.
Exactly, but you have it backwards. Rosenstein is the obstructionist. Refusing to hand over documents IS obstruction of justice and he needs to be held accountable.
Time for that spineless loser to go.

Time for Mueller to put up or shut up too.

Magoo did a tremendous job as AG, now its time to bring in someone different. Maybe if Judge Jeanine gets fired by Fox for appearing at the Trump rally in the Cape, she could do a fantastic job in the position.
The do nothing AG has submitted his resignation. Great news!
At the President's request. Obstruction of justice attempt #2.
How do you figure that?
He needs to get to Rosenstein. Sessions was in the way. Now he's not.
Exactly, but you have it backwards. Rosenstein is the obstructionist. Refusing to hand over documents IS obstruction of justice and he needs to be held accountable.
Sessions and Rosenstein BOTH tried following the actual law and remaining professional despite the President's strong wish that the FBI act as his personal security police. We'll see what lapdog he puts in Sessions' place. Lindsay Graham sucked up really well at the Kavanaugh hearing. We'll see what happens.
Sessions and Rosenstein BOTH tried following the actual law and remaining professional despite the President's strong wish that the FBI act as his personal security police.
That's bullshit. You call ignoring federal crimes and withholding evidence of federal crimes "remaining professional"?
Somebody must be shitting in her Depends now.

Time for that spineless loser to go.

Time for Mueller to put up or shut up too.

WOW! I thought Donald "only hired the best people"?????

So let's add Uncle Jeffy to the
lonnnnnnng list of losers that Trump has hired in the last 2 years..



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