Shaming Democrats ..

When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.
Brain Washed Idiots are burning and looting in this country and you try to lay blame at us.


Go join the Morons in Seattle you Freaking Idiot.
Oh so that's how we deal with the race issues. Is this where I take an AR -10 to a gun free zone and carve out a large body count?
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.
You are a legend in your own mind..............More BS from you as America Burns..............Trying to say we are at fault for the Looting and Rioting..........LOL

Got news for don't know Jack Shit.............I've shared some stories here of what happened that I saw with my own eyes............With Black against white crime and White Flight.............from neighbors of my Mother N law who WERE BLACK begging her not to go and how they wished they could leave the neighborhood..........but couldn't afford it .......Black area ........Imagine that.

Now Mr. Tribal man..........tell me about Black on Black crime in this country..........You don't want to go there for a reason.
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.
Brain Washed Idiots are burning and looting in this country and you try to lay blame at us.


Go join the Morons in Seattle you Freaking Idiot.
Oh so that's how we deal with the race issues. Is this where I take an AR -10 to a gun free zone and carve out a large body count?
I don't give a damn what you do..............So STFU.....They are burning America down so they can STFU too.

They are in a blue City doing this............Not gonna turn out well for them they try this in other areas of the country.............

You want to defend these animals.....That is your problem and not mine.
But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs

Not my job.

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable

All racism is unacceptable. I see plenty of racism in both parties.

that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

You're a fan of repairations? Wasn't expecting that...
But again, this is good in the long run. Now we know what we have. We'll get there.
You think we didn't know what we had BEFORE the Racist-in-Chief came on the scene?
I admit -- This has been worse than I expected. One of my myriad personal flaws is that I often give people too much credit.

I think I see it fully now.
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.
Brain Washed Idiots are burning and looting in this country and you try to lay blame at us.


Go join the Morons in Seattle you Freaking Idiot.

I don't see anyone blaming any protests, rioting or looting on Cult45.
The snowflakes make up their paranoia as they go.

Think of it as a cartoon.
But again, this is good in the long run. Now we know what we have. We'll get there.
You think we didn't know what we had BEFORE the Racist-in-Chief came on the scene?
I admit -- This has been worse than I expected. One of my myriad personal flaws is that I often give people too much credit.

I think I see it fully now.
You couldn't pour pee out of boots with the instructions written on the heels..........

Now which side is burning and mainly cities run by BLUE DNC................

And then they go look what the other party did here...........LMAO............

You guys OWN THIS........You run the cities and the police there....and here you are pointing at us.......

Nice try.........doesn't work here .........maybe on your brain washed idiots doing this.......Yawn
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.
You are a legend in your own mind..............More BS from you as America Burns..............Trying to say we are at fault for the Looting and Rioting..........LOL

Got news for don't know Jack Shit.............I've shared some stories here of what happened that I saw with my own eyes............With Black against white crime and White Flight.............from neighbors of my Mother N law who WERE BLACK begging her not to go and how they wished they could leave the neighborhood..........but couldn't afford it .......Black area ........Imagine that.

Now Mr. Tribal man..........tell me about Black on Black crime in this country..........You don't want to go there for a reason.
I've had many squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here regarding their habitual lowering of standards and the predictable outcomes.

As compared to cowards like you, who don't have the balls to hold their own side accountable.

Man up for a change.
When it comes to race, Trumpsters are trained to focus on the past and ignore the blazingly obvious present.

That's how they "address" the race issue. Follow the talk radio route.

And they somehow think people are buying it.
Brain Washed Idiots are burning and looting in this country and you try to lay blame at us.


Go join the Morons in Seattle you Freaking Idiot.

I don't see anyone blaming any protests, rioting or looting on Cult45.
The snowflakes make up their paranoia as they go.

Think of it as a cartoon.

Oh, I do. :04:
Why did Democrats support the Jim Crow laws, lynching and promote their racism with their Ku Klux Klan?

I think all Democrats owe all of us reparations.. pay up you racist bums..

If you had an education, you would know that racism was primarily regional.

Both Republicans & Democrasts in the South were racist.

Look atr the vote on the C ivil Rights Ac t of 1964.

Both Republicans & Democrats from the South voted no.

Both Republicans & Democrats outside the South voted yes.

So shove your "OMG OMG Democrats" up your ignorant ass.

Real Dave, you are full of bullshit, lies and excuses for your beloved and historically racist pro-slavery and oppressive Democratic Party.

Just because Black leadership sold out to the Democratic Party in the 60's doesn't erase the Democratic Party history no matter how far you bend over and take it in the butt for the Democrat Party.
I'm simply glad I never see this shtick in real life. The ignorant racists here are the standard stereotypical cartoon character mold.
I have a slightly unfair advantage.

Both my wife and I are of mixed race, and therefore so are our beautiful daughters. None of us "look" like our Hispanic/Latino sides -- we all just have a kind of exotic appearance, I guess. When people find out about our ethnicity, they often say, "I always WONDERED what you were!" :laugh:

Anyway, this kind of "ethnic anonymity" means that we're OFTEN privy to conversations by whites who feel free to just let 'er rip on race. And we've all heard and seen some pretty horrific shit. More than a few times. And definitely by Trumpsters. Right there, right in front of us, clear as day.

So when these Trumpist liars and cowards claim that nothing like that exists, or when they try to downplay or dismiss or minimize it, I'm happy to expose them for what they are.

Liars and cowards.
You are a legend in your own mind..............More BS from you as America Burns..............Trying to say we are at fault for the Looting and Rioting..........LOL

Got news for don't know Jack Shit.............I've shared some stories here of what happened that I saw with my own eyes............With Black against white crime and White Flight.............from neighbors of my Mother N law who WERE BLACK begging her not to go and how they wished they could leave the neighborhood..........but couldn't afford it .......Black area ........Imagine that.

Now Mr. Tribal man..........tell me about Black on Black crime in this country..........You don't want to go there for a reason.
I've had many squabbles with the Regressive Lefties here regarding their habitual lowering of standards and the predictable outcomes.

As compared to cowards like you, who don't have the balls to hold their own side accountable.

Man up for a change.
Up have never accepted my show the proof of our side behaving like a bunch of animals burning down the country............I could give you examples of Liberal violence all day long................

You don't take that challenge because I'd wipe the floor with you............and you know it and finally you are forced to admit it and then your own so called side turns on you........

Kinda funny to watch..............You bait threads waiting for a gotcha moment like the stinking Fake news today.............waiting for a quote to get you IGNORE the bigger picture...

But again, this is good in the long run. Now we know what we have. We'll get there.
You think we didn't know what we had BEFORE the Racist-in-Chief came on the scene?
I admit -- This has been worse than I expected. One of my myriad personal flaws is that I often give people too much credit.

I think I see it fully now.
You couldn't pour pee out of boots with the instructions written on the heels..........

Now which side is burning and mainly cities run by BLUE DNC................

And then they go look what the other party did here...........LMAO............

You guys OWN THIS........You run the cities and the police there....and here you are pointing at us.......

Nice try.........doesn't work here .........maybe on your brain washed idiots doing this.......Yawn

WHO are you addressing? The clouds? Bdeet, bdeet, That's All Folks!

It has become almost too easy to turn the Trumpsters into bawling drama queens.

They're so sensitive now. It's not even fun.
Only drama in this country is a bunch of animals burning and looting the country..........over a single death where the officer is being tried for murder.............

Excuse to STEAL and burn is all this is.........and it is done every election cycle by the DNC and their BS Media.............after doing it so long............a lot of People don't give a damn about it anymore.

That's me.............I DON'T GIVE A DAMN.............I think all the riots need to be put down harshly sooner rather than later..........Because they BECAME CRIMINALS and not protesters when they burn the places to the ground and Steal.

My Sympathy meter is still on 0.
But again, this is good in the long run. Now we know what we have. We'll get there.
You think we didn't know what we had BEFORE the Racist-in-Chief came on the scene?
I admit -- This has been worse than I expected. One of my myriad personal flaws is that I often give people too much credit.

I think I see it fully now.
You couldn't pour pee out of boots with the instructions written on the heels..........

Now which side is burning and mainly cities run by BLUE DNC................

And then they go look what the other party did here...........LMAO............

You guys OWN THIS........You run the cities and the police there....and here you are pointing at us.......

Nice try.........doesn't work here .........maybe on your brain washed idiots doing this.......Yawn

WHO are you addressing? The clouds? Bdeet, bdeet, That's All Folks!

View attachment 352242
If you don't like the post iggy me or whatever you do ..........I don't care.........nor do I care about the Rioters and Looters burning down America or their PRAVDA agents in the MSM throwing gas on the fire.
But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs

Not my job.

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable

All racism is unacceptable. I see plenty of racism in both parties.

that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

You're a fan of repairations? Wasn't expecting that...

Funny .. Democrats always like to share the blame and shame when they're exposed with the reality of their constant and historical failures, it's called cowardice and lack of integrity.
But now you explain to us how it is that the core groups of the democrat party are actually real racists, in actions and beliefs

Not my job.

Tell me now that you find the democrat party racist and you find it unacceptable

All racism is unacceptable. I see plenty of racism in both parties.

that due to its actual racist history and racist actions, that it now needs to be dissolved and its assets given to the descendants of the people members of the democrat party owned as slaves.......

You're a fan of repairations? Wasn't expecting that...

Funny .. Democrats always like to share the blame and shame when they're exposed with the reality of their constant and historical failures, it's called cowardice and lack of integrity.

Funny .. Republicans always like to share the blame and shame when they're exposed with the reality of their constant and historical failures, it's called cowardice and lack of integrity. Works both ways.
It has become almost too easy to turn the Trumpsters into bawling drama queens.

They're so sensitive now. It's not even fun.

Me.. I'm having fun, no guilt, no lies, no drama and yes drama queens are the consistent obfuscation members such as yourself.
It has become almost too easy to turn the Trumpsters into bawling drama queens.

They're so sensitive now. It's not even fun.

Me.. I'm having fun, no guilt, no lies, no drama and yes drama queens are the consistent obfuscation members such as yourself.
I believe you. I believe this is what you are. So we're good.

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