Should Obama have publicly announced that the FBI was investigating the Trump Campaign?

simple question... did Trump and Flynn lie about communications with the Russians?

Simple question, was there anything that came out of the millions of dollars and years spent on investigating Trump and the Russia conspiracy?

Studying the curvature of earth would have yielded us with more insight. Yet you are still going along with the nonsense.
Hold up. If you’re going to completely ignore my question to ask one of me then why in the world would you expect me to answer? Rewind and answer my question and then I’ll happily answer yours.
Since this is my thread- why won't you answer my original question?
Should President Obama have publicly announced before the election that the FBI was investigating the Trump Campaign for Collusion with the Russians.?
Apologies... no I think Obama did the right thing by Going to McConnell to ask for a joint announcement.

Thanks- appreciate the answer- I am genuinely curious- why do you think that?
I think if Obama would have come out and announced the investigation or leaked it, it would have been viewed as him trying to influence the election and we never would have heard the end of it. Not saying anything ran a risk of electing a corrupt president so going to the Senate was the right move. Mitch made a political calculation that worked. Whether it was the right ethical decision can be debated
Of course you do. Obama was Presidenting while black in the White House.
I said so ya blooming idiot so of course I do. after being tried for treason though, just like you should be.

Not surprised that you are ever so excited at the idea of lynching Americans.

You know behind the anonymity of your screen name.
Not surprised that you defend criminals. If you are an American you are a disgrace.

LOL- as the one defending our corrupt commander in chief.......and calling for Americans to be lynched- I consider it an honor to be called a disgrace by you.
It's probably the nicest thing that could be said about your traitor hide.

LOL poor little snowflake.
So what about Donald Trump secretly pressuring the Ukrainian government to publicly announce an investigation of Joe Biden?

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