Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.

80% of all federal gov't revenue is derived from personal income taxes. The top 10% of American earners carry 70% of the tax load. The top 25% of all earners carry 86% of the load. What would satisfy you? 96%? 106%?

Oh ... and the bottom 49% of all earners pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX.
You get a free ride on the backs of everyone else.
Quit your whining and start earning.

MORE right wing garbage based on garbage. Shocking, the bottom 50% of US make about 11% of ALL US income, about the same as the top 1/10th of 1% make

Historical Amount of Revenue by Source


Historical Amount of Revenue by Source




MORE right wing noise. Since when is income tax capped after a certain amount like SS? Hint neither SS or the OTHER INSURANCE programs (Medicare) is income taxes! Yes, it IS a tax ON income!
From: 10 Tax Questions the Candidates Don t Want You to Ask - 2 What the Flat Tax Taxes

Incidentally, many, and perhaps most, Americans believe that a single, flat tax rate would be fairer than our system of progressive rates. So, you might ask, who would pay more income taxes, and who would pay less, if the only change to our income tax system were the adoption of a single, flat tax rate today that would generate as much revenue as is generated by our progressive rates? The single tax rate would have to be about 19% in a typical year.

Answer: Middle-income taxpayers would, on average, pay considerably more, and high-income taxpayers would pay considerably less. For people with taxable income in the $50,000 -$75,000, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 13%. For people with between $2 million and $10 million of taxable income, the tax rate on that income is, on average, about 26%, nothwithstanding favorable tax rates on dividends and capital gains.

So if you’re in the solid middle class, your tax rate would be about 6 percentage points higher with a flat tax rate, while very high income households would enjoy a tax rate about 6 to 7 percentage points lower. Now what do you think?

Bullshit...10% of a million is more tha 10% of 100,000 so the millionaire automatically pays more to the government than the guy making 100,000 sorry, your bullshit doesn't fly....a flat tax is the only fair way to tax people if you aren't filled with hate and envy of someone who makes more money than you...and that is at the core of the left...hate, jealousy, greed and envy...

Weird how SOOOOO many people here talk about "hate" and then show how it's REALLY done


80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated. What middle class?


the middle class gets screwed by the politicians spending 18 trillion dollars, which eats up the money that could be used to create jobs......the politicians you want to give even more money to are the ones fucking up the why do you want to give them more money.......?

you said they just give that money to the rich right, dumb fuck? so why on earth would you want to give them more tax money...our money, so they can just give it to the rich? Please...explain how that works.....


Tax cuts don't cost money. Tax cuts reduce the money coming in. If you reduce the money coming in as well as spending, it doesn't cost us a dime. If you reduce the money coming in and not reduce spending, it's the spending that costs the money--not the tax reduction.

Name the last GOP Prez to cut spending, even projected? lol

Hint Ronnie/Dubya GUTTED tax revenues AS they exploded spending!

Thanks for agreeing, you don't get more revenues by cutting taxes UNLESS the effective tax rate is near 60%
Instead of repeating right wing talking points, how about a CREDIBLE link to ANY flat tax plan that would work, and run Gov't? lol
I have done so before and did an analysis for the year 2012..........and the rate was 15% that I calculated to get a return on the system at 200 billion more than under the current system of taxation.

It was based off the IRS data for that year and the wage brackets directly from the IRS..............

It fell on deaf and dumb ears...........aka YOU...............who refuse to even consider it...........because you like the current BS system which is corrupt with fraud.

But liking fraud and abuse is expected of you.

Liar, no fukkn way you used MATH. Maybe conservative/GOP "math" but that's NOT reality!

TODAY the US gets 17%+ of GDP AND are running deficits, you saying gutting it to 15% AND giving the bottom making $50,000 or less a zero tax works? lol

Yeah...cut spending. We don't need shrimp running on treadmills or paying for stupidness to figure out why girls who are fat can't get twit.

Weird, I thought the GOP had most of Congress the past 20 years? Why didn't they cut the "waste" lol

I know, lets sign an agreement NOT to have a tax increase like 98% in Congress from GOP did right? After all, after Dubya/GOP gutted revenues to less than 15% of GDP (1950'S LEVEL) , WHILE they blew up spending with TWO UNFUNDED wars AND UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION THAT COST THIS DECADE, AS MUCH AS OBAMACARES THIS DECADE, WHICH IS 100% FUNDED!

And that's why we got rid of them. In fact, our top running nominees are not professional politicians at all.

What are the constituents of your party doing to improve things?

LOL, Sure Trump is going to run US like a Biz, lol

You aren't to stupid to really believe that someone like Trump or Cruz REALLY wants effective Gov't right?

Elect people (current GOPers going back to Reagan) who "don't believe ib" GOV'T THEN GET IN AND DESTROY IT FROM WITHIN, YOU ARE SHOCKED THEY ALLOW THE S&L CRISIS AND SUBPRIME CRISIS? Fund terrorists? Cut and run from terrorists? Use the Constitution as toilet paper as Reagan did? Then you get Dubya who goes on steroids to destroy US?
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
Tell me, should we limit the natural rights of specific citizens based upon nothing more than some subjective notion that it won't 'hurt them very much'?

My question to you is the same one that Dr. Carson asked the President.

Does taxation exist to harm people? If not, then why do you and the progressives want taxes that harm JUST one class of people?

Do we now allow government to provide us what rights THEY deem we should have?
Tax cuts don't cost money. Tax cuts reduce the money coming in. If you reduce the money coming in as well as spending, it doesn't cost us a dime. If you reduce the money coming in and not reduce spending, it's the spending that costs the money--not the tax reduction.

Indeed, so why not cut the spending to $0, then you could have tax rate of 0%?

There is no real purpose in taxing the rich more of their income because there simply isn't enough income among the rich to even close the Obama deficit, much less pay for anything new.

Weird, the top 1% had $1,976,738 ($1.97 TRILLION) in income in 2012, thew latest year with only $451,328 ($451 BILLION) in income taxes (an EFFECTIVE rate of 22.8%) IF we just doubled the effective rat\r the US would have another $451 billion, does that help US in revenues?

Top 5% had $3,330,944 ($3.3 TRILLION) in income and only paid $698,543 ($698 Billion) in taxes, 21.0% EFFECTIVE tax rates. What if we had another $698 billion?

BTW, this years deficit is projected to be $486 billion

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation
You're acting like people don't change behavior when the tax code changes. Double the income tax on high earners and all of a sudden their regular income disappears, along with your projected revenue increase. Have you ever wondered why Warren Buffet is out there claiming he wants a higher income tax? It's because the bulk of his income is in capital gains, which is taxed at a much lower rate. He knows very well that any income tax increase won't have much impact on him at all. The target is not stationary, and will not stand still.
'the majority of them are selfish................................."

gotta love the way left-wing losers pandering and engaging in divisive demagoguery blissfully make blanket statements on groups, the very kind they love to lecture others about and accuse of doing

idiots and hypocrites
There is no real purpose in taxing the rich more of their income because there simply isn't enough income among the rich to even close the Obama deficit, much less pay for anything new.

Weird, the top 1% had $1,976,738 ($1.97 TRILLION) in income in 2012, thew latest year with only $451,328 ($451 BILLION) in income taxes (an EFFECTIVE rate of 22.8%) IF we just doubled the effective rat\r the US would have another $451 billion, does that help US in revenues?

Top 5% had $3,330,944 ($3.3 TRILLION) in income and only paid $698,543 ($698 Billion) in taxes, 21.0% EFFECTIVE tax rates. What if we had another $698 billion?

BTW, this years deficit is projected to be $486 billion

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation
Typical communist scumbag............Take nearly half their earnings for justice, without doing any dang cuts whatsoever.................They, like in the past will offshore their money even more than now to avoid your dumb assed plans to rape them.

We spend too dang much in this country. We spend more than the GDP of any other nation in the world and if you can't think of anyway to cut it other than gutting the military then you are a complete idiot. are an idiot..............Now go ask daddy uncle sam for your Fing allowance,
Name the last GOP Prez to cut spending, even projected? lol

Hint Ronnie/Dubya GUTTED tax revenues AS they exploded spending!

Thanks for agreeing, you don't get more revenues by cutting taxes UNLESS the effective tax rate is near 60%
At least some of them understand that spending must be cut.
Florida s Jeb Bush vows to cut spending Washington lobbying - US News

Sure, is that before or after he cuts taxes (revenues)? I'll believe when I see a REAL conservative (Goldwater/Ike type). He also promises peace and prosperity right?
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
Tell me, should we limit the natural rights of specific citizens based upon nothing more than some subjective notion that it won't 'hurt them very much'?

My question to you is the same one that Dr. Carson asked the President.

Does taxation exist to harm people? If not, then why do you and the progressives want taxes that harm JUST one class of people?

Do we now allow government to provide us what rights THEY deem we should have?

Says the Klown who wants US to look like a monarchy, with the "job creators" as the Kings/Queens!

Hint, since the US's founding, the US taxed the rich progressively!!!

At what time was it considered patriotic to not expect Gov't to be funded? At what point is it the greedy, wealthy bastards who ship jobs offshore to make a few more dollars, need not be expected to pay for living in the SOCIETY we created?

The Rich Haven’t Always Hated Taxes
Once upon a time, the wealthy elite took pride in the fact that they paid higher rates than other Americans

...In fact, when the income tax was first regularly put into place in 1913, the well-off were the only ones required to pay it.

...In 1909, Republican president Teddy Roosevelt argued in favor of income and inheritance taxes, as they would promote, “equality of opportunity.” The programs required a constitutional amendment, and by 1913, 88% of states agreed that it was time to tax the income of its citizens. But not all its citizens — instead the income tax burden fell solely on couples who made over $4,000 (in today’s terms, around $88,000). If you made less, you paid nothing. And the more you made, the more you paid.

..When John D. Rockefeller Sr. died in 1937, the estate tax was nearly 70%, yet complaints from his family would not be publicly heard. Two years earlier his son earned more than $5 million; this gave him the distinction of being the only person in America’s highest tax bracket (at a rate of 63%). No editorials were written by John Jr. to suggest class warfare, or that the rich were being unfairly singled out.

The Rich Haven t Always Hated Taxes
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
Tell me, should we limit the natural rights of specific citizens based upon nothing more than some subjective notion that it won't 'hurt them very much'?

My question to you is the same one that Dr. Carson asked the President.

Does taxation exist to harm people? If not, then why do you and the progressives want taxes that harm JUST one class of people?

Do we now allow government to provide us what rights THEY deem we should have?

Says the Klown who wants US to look like a monarchy, with the "job creators" as the Kings/Queens!

Hint, since the US's founding, the US taxed the rich progressively!!!

At what time was it considered patriotic to not expect Gov't to be funded? At what point is it the greedy, wealthy bastards who ship jobs offshore to make a few more dollars, need not be expected to pay for living in the SOCIETY we created?

The Rich Haven’t Always Hated Taxes
Once upon a time, the wealthy elite took pride in the fact that they paid higher rates than other Americans

...In fact, when the income tax was first regularly put into place in 1913, the well-off were the only ones required to pay it.

...In 1909, Republican president Teddy Roosevelt argued in favor of income and inheritance taxes, as they would promote, “equality of opportunity.” The programs required a constitutional amendment, and by 1913, 88% of states agreed that it was time to tax the income of its citizens. But not all its citizens — instead the income tax burden fell solely on couples who made over $4,000 (in today’s terms, around $88,000). If you made less, you paid nothing. And the more you made, the more you paid.

..When John D. Rockefeller Sr. died in 1937, the estate tax was nearly 70%, yet complaints from his family would not be publicly heard. Two years earlier his son earned more than $5 million; this gave him the distinction of being the only person in America’s highest tax bracket (at a rate of 63%). No editorials were written by John Jr. to suggest class warfare, or that the rich were being unfairly singled out.

The Rich Haven t Always Hated Taxes
You clearly are confused. Not surprised really. You seem to live that way.
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
Tell me, should we limit the natural rights of specific citizens based upon nothing more than some subjective notion that it won't 'hurt them very much'?

My question to you is the same one that Dr. Carson asked the President.

Does taxation exist to harm people? If not, then why do you and the progressives want taxes that harm JUST one class of people?

Do we now allow government to provide us what rights THEY deem we should have?

Says the Klown who wants US to look like a monarchy, with the "job creators" as the Kings/Queens!

Hint, since the US's founding, the US taxed the rich progressively!!!

At what time was it considered patriotic to not expect Gov't to be funded? At what point is it the greedy, wealthy bastards who ship jobs offshore to make a few more dollars, need not be expected to pay for living in the SOCIETY we created?

The Rich Haven’t Always Hated Taxes
Once upon a time, the wealthy elite took pride in the fact that they paid higher rates than other Americans

...In fact, when the income tax was first regularly put into place in 1913, the well-off were the only ones required to pay it.

...In 1909, Republican president Teddy Roosevelt argued in favor of income and inheritance taxes, as they would promote, “equality of opportunity.” The programs required a constitutional amendment, and by 1913, 88% of states agreed that it was time to tax the income of its citizens. But not all its citizens — instead the income tax burden fell solely on couples who made over $4,000 (in today’s terms, around $88,000). If you made less, you paid nothing. And the more you made, the more you paid.

..When John D. Rockefeller Sr. died in 1937, the estate tax was nearly 70%, yet complaints from his family would not be publicly heard. Two years earlier his son earned more than $5 million; this gave him the distinction of being the only person in America’s highest tax bracket (at a rate of 63%). No editorials were written by John Jr. to suggest class warfare, or that the rich were being unfairly singled out.

The Rich Haven t Always Hated Taxes


dont you love the way the "forward" crowd constantly looks backward?

and what's up with the long-winded dissertations?

copy and paste much?
cant think for yourself?
why dont you just give more of your own money to the government leftard?

what's stopping you?
There is no real purpose in taxing the rich more of their income because there simply isn't enough income among the rich to even close the Obama deficit, much less pay for anything new.

Weird, the top 1% had $1,976,738 ($1.97 TRILLION) in income in 2012, thew latest year with only $451,328 ($451 BILLION) in income taxes (an EFFECTIVE rate of 22.8%) IF we just doubled the effective rat\r the US would have another $451 billion, does that help US in revenues?

Top 5% had $3,330,944 ($3.3 TRILLION) in income and only paid $698,543 ($698 Billion) in taxes, 21.0% EFFECTIVE tax rates. What if we had another $698 billion?

BTW, this years deficit is projected to be $486 billion

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation
You're acting like people don't change behavior when the tax code changes. Double the income tax on high earners and all of a sudden their regular income disappears, along with your projected revenue increase. Have you ever wondered why Warren Buffet is out there claiming he wants a higher income tax? It's because the bulk of his income is in capital gains, which is taxed at a much lower rate. He knows very well that any income tax increase won't have much impact on him at all. The target is not stationary, and will not stand still.

Without false premises, distortions and LIES, what would the right wingers EVER have?

RIGHT, Buffet called for just an increase in INCOME taxes right? Fukking liar. He said the rich, who by and large get their incomes from wealth (over 50% of capital gains and taxes in the US go to only 1/10th of 1% of US!) SHOULD BE PAYING MORE TAXES! Just like they historically did. It's called EFFECTIVE tax rates!

Let me guess, the rich will put their money in the mattresses right? lol

Buffet is a special kind of hypocrite for even proposing that. he's in his own bracket of rich

idiots and hypocrites
'the majority of them are selfish................................."

gotta love the way left-wing losers pandering and engaging in divisive demagoguery blissfully make blanket statements on groups, the very kind they love to lecture others about and accuse of doing

idiots and hypocrites

Good projection there Bubs, you a Rushblo follower or Insannitty?
'the majority of them are selfish................................."

gotta love the way left-wing losers pandering and engaging in divisive demagoguery blissfully make blanket statements on groups, the very kind they love to lecture others about and accuse of doing

idiots and hypocrites

Good projection there Bubs, you a Rushblo follower or Insannitty?


more idiotic talkin points

try again
Gee listening and reading the posts of these left-wing nutjobs you'd thinnk there are no gazillionaire left-wingers out there, having given all their wealth to the less fortunate

i guess they are waiting for others to make the first move.................

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