Should you be 21 to purchase a firearm?

In some states the liberals want to lower the voting age to 16. If you can vote in an election, you should be able to purchase a firearm.
Can't kill 50 people in ten minutes with a vote
Voting gave us GWB and DJT - both of which, I am sure you will agree, did more damage to the US than someone with a gun.

Here I thought you were becoming rational and then you post something like this.

P.S. 18-20 year olds tend to vote for Democrats, not Republicans.
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I know this raises larger questions about the age of majority, but it seems that allowing teenagers to purchase firearms is a really bad idea.


So you can be 18 and go to war with a tank and a grenade launcher but you can't own a rifle at home? FAIL. I had two rifles when I was 10.

Allowing them to vote, now that is a bad idea.
In some states the liberals want to lower the voting age to 16. If you can vote in an election, you should be able to purchase a firearm.
Can't kill 50 people in ten minutes with a vote
Putting voting on a par with owning a gun is asinine. You can't kill anyone with a vote. You can with a car, especially if you are drunk or stoned. You can kill with a gun. I believe in sane gun ownership laws, not in equating the ownership of a gun with military service, drinking or voting. It's a volunteer military. Many people use military service as a way of learning a skill, such as electronics or mechanics. They use military service as a way of getting college tuition paid for and no money down home mortgages. Being a vet leads to many opportunities. There are myriad reasons to allow 18 year old people in the military. There are no sane reasons at all to allow them to own guns. There should be age limits, background checks, mental health screenings, skill tests and licensing before anyone of any age is allowed to purchase a gun. At the very least, we should have similar requirements needed to own and drive a car: age limits, skills testing, and licensing.
And yet, as soon as you are sworn in, you become a legitimate bearer of FULL AUTOMATIC firearms, grenades, and all other sorts of weapons. If you are acceptable to bear such arms at 18, then you should damned well be capable of bearing arms privately at 18. You can sacrifice your life at 18 for the best interests of the nation but not for your own defense? Bullshit.

Does that mean they don't have to register for selective service until they reach the new age set to purchase a gun, liquer, smokes, etc,...???

While we're at it why not raise the age to 25 or 30 years of age and make it so they can't vote until then also?



Absolutely. No voting until they reach the new minimum age for firearms purchases.
I know this raises larger questions about the age of majority, but it seems that allowing teenagers to purchase firearms is a really bad idea.


I had my first gun when I was 12, a bolt action single shot 22 with which I learned to shoot. I collected pop bottles from road sides to buy ammo for it. Before that it was a BB gun. I not only learned how to shoot, I learned gun safety and how to use it as a tool to hunt food. I earned a merit badge in the boy scouts for marksmanship. The military didn't need to teach me how to shoot because I already knew how to hit what I was aiming at. The first time I picked up an M16, I fired expert with it. I think in today's military most of the snipers still hail from the south, gun country and learned to shoot early in life.
Of course my answer is hell no.
Thank you for your service!
We don't need to raise the gun-ownership age, we need to need to teach our children traditional morals and values and get back to the Male/Female 2-parent family. We need to stop paying women to have fatherless families. Just my opinion.....go ahead and blast away.
Abolish 2nd amendment, crack down on the black market....and let's join the civilized world. Otherwise arm teachers, students, toddlers, doctors, firefighters, UFC fighters....
how are you going to collect the guns?
Oh, yeah. Guns don't kill people, people do. Tell that to the loved ones of all the Americans killed in mass shootings.
Why should ee have to state the obvious?
Your asinine rhetoric serves only one purpose: to deny the reality of the issue of mass shootings and gun violence in America today. You would not be so blasé if it were you son, daughter, wife, sister, etc., who was murdered by a nutcase who had easy access to a military style gun. Or maybe you would. Maybe you are without human decency, maybe unable to connect to the horror we are witnessing and experiencing day after day. The completely pointless waste of human life. The hundreds of completely innocent people losing their lives every day because you people feel the need to bolster you weak manhood by owning such weapons.
Thank you for demonstrating how anti-gun loons cannot present a rational, reasoned argument for the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions they seek to lay on the law abiding.
Abolish 2nd amendment, crack down on the black market....and let's join the civilized world. Otherwise arm teachers, students, toddlers, doctors, firefighters, UFC fighters....
how are you going to collect the guns?
Just like Australia did it mandatory buybacks.
And the people who refuse to sell for the price offered?
Send their ass to ISIS controlled areas.
Abolish 2nd amendment, crack down on the black market....and let's join the civilized world. Otherwise arm teachers, students, toddlers, doctors, firefighters, UFC fighters....
how are you going to collect the guns?
Just like Australia did it mandatory buybacks.
And the people who refuse to sell for the price offered?
Send their ass to ISIS controlled areas.
So.. you have no reasoned response.

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