Shut up Romney!

Of course I did, this thread is all about criticizing Republicans for what you do all the time. That was butt obvious, Holmes
No, you just spew more generic nonsense.....just like Trump.

That's funny, that was an insult to you? Do you and your little friends argue about which one of you is Trump too? No you are, you are, you are, no you are ...
Are you kidding? There's a whole forum of Trump like mentality here. You gotta hand it to Donnie, he knows his audience, he's tapped into the mediocre IQ constituency.

True, but that's a draw. Most Republicans and most Democrats are mindless sheep who don't even know what they are actually voting for
No argument there. In fact I'm with you on the third party option. The only honest candidate in this whole election year fiasco is Sanders, but he's a socialist and not a party insider so he obviously has no chance. If the choice is Trump or Clinton I will vote third party, any third party.

Agreed. So if you're not tied to the Democrats, how did you take that not Democrat = Republican? It's not like you've never seen me before either

Donald Drumpf says the economy does better under Democrats.

So what about when Obama said he supports single payer? Or when he praised his Marxist professors. Or is that different?

I'm not Trump fan, but dates comments are irrelevant to the election. Live in today

And? I would imagine Obama supports single payer, and would probably still praise his professors.
What about those serving on the front lines?

John Kerry on the U.S. Military — The Patriot Post
John Kerry on the U.S. Military
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." --John Kerry

"American soldiers [are] going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the ñ of ñ the historical customs, religious customs." --John Kerry in 2005

"[American troops in Vietnam] personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, [blew] up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to...the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country. ... There are all kinds of atrocities and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed...." --John Kerry in his 1971 testimony before Congress
None of which does anything to answer for Trump's idiotic remarks.
It has everything to do with your selective outrage. LOL
Just goes to show how completely full of fucking horseshit Trump followers are.
You're being to sound like a popcorn fart.
Your remarks aren't even that substantial.
You're proving my point.
No, you just spew more generic nonsense.....just like Trump.

That's funny, that was an insult to you? Do you and your little friends argue about which one of you is Trump too? No you are, you are, you are, no you are ...
Are you kidding? There's a whole forum of Trump like mentality here. You gotta hand it to Donnie, he knows his audience, he's tapped into the mediocre IQ constituency.

True, but that's a draw. Most Republicans and most Democrats are mindless sheep who don't even know what they are actually voting for
No argument there. In fact I'm with you on the third party option. The only honest candidate in this whole election year fiasco is Sanders, but he's a socialist and not a party insider so he obviously has no chance. If the choice is Trump or Clinton I will vote third party, any third party.

Agreed. So if you're not tied to the Democrats, how did you take that not Democrat = Republican? It's not like you've never seen me before either
Political party identification like that is almost irrelevant now, hard to tell who believes what any more. I'd say we are witnessing the beginning of the end for the two major political parties and the corporate news media they depend on. I've never in my life seen such a disparity between the narrative being posed by the establishment and people's actual perception and opinions. Recent studies show that almost no one under 30 gets their information from cable TV news. The whole edifice is cracking and about to crumble before our eyes.
:uhoh3:What? STFU right? So is her husband.It's not an easy thing to convert to Orthodox Judaism the real way

I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?

Donald Drumpf says the economy does better under Democrats.

So what about when Obama said he supports single payer? Or when he praised his Marxist professors. Or is that different?

I'm not Trump fan, but dates comments are irrelevant to the election. Live in today

And? I would imagine Obama supports single payer, and would probably still praise his professors.

At least you admit that, most Democrats don't
I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?
Depends on the circumstance. If there's some fine looking bitches in play I might do more than just talk about it.

Donald Drumpf says the economy does better under Democrats.

So what about when Obama said he supports single payer? Or when he praised his Marxist professors. Or is that different?

I'm not Trump fan, but dates comments are irrelevant to the election. Live in today

And? I would imagine Obama supports single payer, and would probably still praise his professors.

At least you admit that, most Democrats don't

Can you admit that you were just parroting a talking point?
I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?

So that's the definition of civilized? Say whatever you want, just don't talk about someone's dick size. What dictionary is that from?
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?
Depends on the circumstance. If there's some fine looking bitches in play I might do more than just talk about it.

I say lets stop the BS and have a contest between Rubio Cruz and Drumph The longest one wins Meagan Kelly can be the judge.....she'll have the official tape

Donald Drumpf says the economy does better under Democrats.

So what about when Obama said he supports single payer? Or when he praised his Marxist professors. Or is that different?

I'm not Trump fan, but dates comments are irrelevant to the election. Live in today

And? I would imagine Obama supports single payer, and would probably still praise his professors.

At least you admit that, most Democrats don't

Can you admit that you were just parroting a talking point?

I would if I were. It's the first post you ever wrote that I've seen that wasn't zero content. It was almost zero. And you're a flaming hypocrite on consistently not holding Democrats to the same standard. But you admitted he's single taxpayer once.

If you want real credit for that though, speak up when other Democrats say he's not
I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?

They just send pics of them over the Internet.
Donald Drumpf says the economy does better under Democrats.

So what about when Obama said he supports single payer? Or when he praised his Marxist professors. Or is that different?

I'm not Trump fan, but dates comments are irrelevant to the election. Live in today

And? I would imagine Obama supports single payer, and would probably still praise his professors.

At least you admit that, most Democrats don't

Can you admit that you were just parroting a talking point?

I would if I were. It's the first post you ever wrote that I've seen that wasn't zero content. It was almost zero. And you're a flaming hypocrite on consistently not holding Democrats to the same standard. But you admitted he's single taxpayer once.

If you want real credit for that though, speak up when other Democrats say he's not

Single taxpayer? WTF are you blabbering about?

You said single payer, in your original post. Single payer is national health insurance.
Clinton never received 50% of the vote genius..Perot gave Clinton the elections he won
You shouldn't be sarcastically calling anyone "genius" when you don't have the first clue what you're talking about.

From the conservative 'The American Spectator':

The Bushioisie Is Wrong: Ross Perot Didn’t ‘Cost’ G.H.W. Bush the White House in 1992

Republicans should stop deluding themselves — Perot took votes primarily from Clinton.

and if you want the numbers...
So what about when Obama said he supports single payer? Or when he praised his Marxist professors. Or is that different?

I'm not Trump fan, but dates comments are irrelevant to the election. Live in today

And? I would imagine Obama supports single payer, and would probably still praise his professors.

At least you admit that, most Democrats don't

Can you admit that you were just parroting a talking point?

I would if I were. It's the first post you ever wrote that I've seen that wasn't zero content. It was almost zero. And you're a flaming hypocrite on consistently not holding Democrats to the same standard. But you admitted he's single taxpayer once.

If you want real credit for that though, speak up when other Democrats say he's not

Single taxpayer? WTF are you blabbering about?

You said single payer, in your original post. Single payer is national health insurance.

Back to your zero content standard. OMG, I got you in a TYPO! Bam!
And? I would imagine Obama supports single payer, and would probably still praise his professors.

At least you admit that, most Democrats don't

Can you admit that you were just parroting a talking point?

I would if I were. It's the first post you ever wrote that I've seen that wasn't zero content. It was almost zero. And you're a flaming hypocrite on consistently not holding Democrats to the same standard. But you admitted he's single taxpayer once.

If you want real credit for that though, speak up when other Democrats say he's not

Single taxpayer? WTF are you blabbering about?

You said single payer, in your original post. Single payer is national health insurance.

Back to your zero content standard. OMG, I got you in a TYPO! Bam!

I wasn't sure if you knew the difference. I hate to break the news, but your comments on me being a hypocrite, and Obama's professors are Marxists, are zero content comments.
The Republicans have had two presidential elections where the establishment selected the candidate. Time for a change.
What a bunch of crap! Voters had plenty of conservative options in 2008 and 2012: Santorum, Gingrich, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, Huckaminajad, Ron Paul...

ALL of them were more "severely conservative" than Willard Mitt Romney.
At least you admit that, most Democrats don't

Can you admit that you were just parroting a talking point?

I would if I were. It's the first post you ever wrote that I've seen that wasn't zero content. It was almost zero. And you're a flaming hypocrite on consistently not holding Democrats to the same standard. But you admitted he's single taxpayer once.

If you want real credit for that though, speak up when other Democrats say he's not

Single taxpayer? WTF are you blabbering about?

You said single payer, in your original post. Single payer is national health insurance.

Back to your zero content standard. OMG, I got you in a TYPO! Bam!

I wasn't sure if you knew the difference. I hate to break the news, but your comments on me being a hypocrite, and Obama's professors are Marxists, are zero content comments.

It wasn't about content, it was about hypocrisy. You went to dated quotes, they aren't relevant. My point was that what Obama has said in the past wasn't relevant either. So you actually just supported me, you didn't contradict me.

That Obama is a Marxist today is relevant, but 30 year old quotes still aren't relevant to that. What he's said in recent history is relevant. My views have evolved a lot in the last 30 years. I am far more against using the military overseas, I supported Gulf War I at the time, now I don't think we should have done it, at least not the way we did. I'm now pro-choice, I was pro-life. I'm now against the death penalty, I was for it then. Some views evolve, some don't. That Obamas didn't is only relevant as he continues to advocate Marxism and single payer today
Can you admit that you were just parroting a talking point?

I would if I were. It's the first post you ever wrote that I've seen that wasn't zero content. It was almost zero. And you're a flaming hypocrite on consistently not holding Democrats to the same standard. But you admitted he's single taxpayer once.

If you want real credit for that though, speak up when other Democrats say he's not

Single taxpayer? WTF are you blabbering about?

You said single payer, in your original post. Single payer is national health insurance.

Back to your zero content standard. OMG, I got you in a TYPO! Bam!

I wasn't sure if you knew the difference. I hate to break the news, but your comments on me being a hypocrite, and Obama's professors are Marxists, are zero content comments.

It wasn't about content, it was about hypocrisy. You went to dated quotes, they aren't relevant. My point was that what Obama has said in the past wasn't relevant either. So you actually just supported me, you didn't contradict me.

That Obama is a Marxist today is relevant, but 30 year old quotes still aren't relevant to that. What he's said in recent history is relevant. My views have evolved a lot in the last 30 years. I am far more against using the military overseas, I supported Gulf War I at the time, now I don't think we should have done it, at least not the way we did. I'm now pro-choice, I was pro-life. I'm now against the death penalty, I was for it then. Some views evolve, some don't. That Obamas didn't is only relevant as he continues to advocate Marxism and single payer today

LOL! These comments by Drumpf are not 30 years old. He was praising Obama in 2009.

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