Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Gimme dat money whitey!

Gimme dat! Gimme Dat!

OOK OOK EEEK EEK skeet skeet

White people are not the only people that pay taxes. Come to think of it that gives me an idea. Maybe a 15 year no tax period for the next 50 years. I will see what that would do.

Actually, one of your few bright ideas. I would not oppose a tax credit for "colored" people who were living in a legally segregated State at the time of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Show me were a white boy built one during the same time. I will be waiting.

I wasn't around back them but I built a pyramid when I was 4. Does that count?

No. Your lego set doesn't count.

Tell me something, what was the hardest part about building the pyramids?

No, it wasn't cutting and moving the rocks, that was easy. The hardest part of building the pyramids was feeding the workers. The only reason nothing had ever been done on that scale before that time is that we were hunter gatherers, and it was impossible to gather a workforce large enough to build something on that scale.

For some reason, probably your abysmal ignorance, you think that the fact that the pyramids were built proves that there was a technologically superior civilization, despite the fact that no reputable historian believes that.

Real historians celebrate the underlying discovery of agriculture that enabled every subsequent civilization to fourish. If you really want to attribute the pyramids to your race you should focus on the real achievement, feeding everyone.

As a side note, it took roughly 100,000 people to build the pyramids. That is the same number of people it took to build the Panama Canal, and to send a man to the moon. Up until the invention of the internet it was impossible to get more people than that involved in a project. If farming got us to the moon, imagine what we can accomplish getting millions of people to work on the same project.
Show me were a white boy built one during the same time. I will be waiting.

Nope. Those slave laborers were all black.

There were no slaves loser. It was a community effort. Some of you guys believe any story told to you. :lol:

No slaves? Community effort?

Damn, that is rich.

Then again, everyone working on the pyramids was better off than they were before they showed up at the work site in a slave hobble, they should have beem grateful.
11th Century Zimbabwe ...


11th Century England ...

11th Century France ...

10th Century Italy ...

21st Century 9th Ward New Orleans ...

Just an observation.

Too "funny"!






A medieval castle in southern Africa: Great Zimbabwe ~ Atlas of Wonders
The entire point here may be missed. There were periods when the Nile flooded and agricultural workers, most of the population, could not work. The pharaohs put people to work for food to build temples to themselves. A perfectly reasonable idea. No doubt black slaves did most of the dirty work, but surely even they could not have physically built such constructs alone. Regardless, the architects were of the ruling elite who were decidedly not sub-Saharan blacks. This is self-evident. Sub-Saharan blacks never showed the capacity. The Romans took from the Greeks and built a great empire. The Nubians and the rest of Africa never came close.

This is an insanely stupid argument.
What kind of generational damage does slavery cause? Is one of the diseases that arise from it homosexuality?

Are you trying to tell me something? I'm not gay so no thanks. Read this link.

USA/Africa Dialogue, No 503: Slavery's Legacy

I am trying to tell you to stop spouting stupid words, but you think I am arguing seriously.

Oh, I don't think you need to worry that any sane person will think that of you. Safe!!!
So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.

it was wrong, no doubt about that. But given the choice today, how many african american ancestors of slaves would choose to be repatriated to their homelands vs maintaining their lives here?

Our "homeland" is right here in America. Would you like to be "repatriated" to a land that has been raped of it's resources and good people for centuries by Europeans? This is Our country, we belong here and we aren't going anywhere. We have a long history here.

Edward A. Johnson (Edward Austin), 1860-1944. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, with a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.
Fourth-world shit to be sure. East and Central Asia and South America are racing ahead, but Sub-Saharan Africa is still light-years behind.

This is not a good thing. The CAR today is a mess, as is the southern part of the continent. Perhaps a new ënlightened" form of colonialism might not be our of order.
What are you talking about? Where did I allegedly state that I get "free money" or is that another ignorant and unfounded statement that you are making?

Come on man, you don't need to say it, we just know.

You must be projecting the state of your own condition by making an ignorant and unfounded assumption about me. I feel sorry for you. :)

You don't have to feel sorry for me, im the guy who pays for your food stamps. Its cool man. Eat up.
Come on man, you don't need to say it, we just know.

You must be projecting the state of your own condition by making an ignorant and unfounded assumption about me. I feel sorry for you. :)

You don't have to feel sorry for me, im the guy who pays for your food stamps. Its cool man. Eat up.
Yeah, don't feel bad for being a parasite. No one would want your fat ass to starve.
Come on man, you don't need to say it, we just know.

You must be projecting the state of your own condition by making an ignorant and unfounded assumption about me. I feel sorry for you. :)

You don't have to feel sorry for me, im the guy who pays for your food stamps. Its cool man. Eat up.

LOL, keep projecting your own situation on to me. I'm willing to bet that living in your fantasy makes you feel better. Come back to reality boy!
Fourth-world shit to be sure. East and Central Asia and South America are racing ahead, but Sub-Saharan Africa is still light-years behind.

This is not a good thing. The CAR today is a mess, as is the southern part of the continent. Perhaps a new ënlightened" form of colonialism might not be our of order.

An English course for you, perhaps?
21st Century ... Not Funny At All

Fourth-world shit to be sure. East and Central Asia and South America are racing ahead, but Sub-Saharan Africa is still light-years behind.

This is not a good thing. The CAR today is a mess, as is the southern part of the continent. Perhaps a new ënlightened" form of colonialism might not be our of order.

An English course for you, perhaps?
Are you an idiot?
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