Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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I keep telling you Black people built the pyramids. You just hate giving credit to Black people. I know it bothers you.

You keep telling me that they couldn't have been built using the tools available to them. I really don't care what color they were, I just like mocking idiots that think that it is imposible to do something that has clearly been done.

Show me were a white boy built one during the same time. I will be waiting.

Nope. Those slave laborers were all black.
You keep telling me that they couldn't have been built using the tools available to them. I really don't care what color they were, I just like mocking idiots that think that it is imposible to do something that has clearly been done.

Show me were a white boy built one during the same time. I will be waiting.

Nope. Those slave laborers were all black.

There were no slaves loser. It was a community effort. Some of you guys believe any story told to you. :lol:
Even today with the modern inventions of machinery blacks could still not build the pyramids

Even with modern machinery without Blacks white guys would still be eating each other. You should have seen that special Tank. Your ancestors were savage...and hungry.
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Oh God the loser that admitted his life was ruined due to AA.

And what was lost was billions$$$$ of dollars in wages from lost jobs, lost promotions, lost financial aid, etc, because of affirmative action that you support, so now you need to compensate all those whites whom you've been victimizing. It might take a while to figure out just how much you and your racist AA pusher pals have caused white Americans to lose, but in the meantime, you could get the reparations started by paying $200/month into a general fund to be paid to all the white victims. And that should start immediately. Anyone designated as an AA pusher/supporter shou dhave to pay, and if you don't you go to jail. Got it ?

Arent you embarrassed to admit you are a loser due to AA? You didnt know 1 white guy that would help you out? You must be first class loser of epic proportions.

Didn't know 1 white guy that would help me out ? HA HA. where did you get that from ? I know a whole US Supreme Court that is helping me out + 8 US states that have banned AA (California, Washington, Michigan, Nebraska, Arizona, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Oklahoma)

And no, of course I'm not embarrassed to say that I (and hundreds of millions of others) have lost jobs and opportunities due to AA discrimination. If anyone should be embarrassed it is YOU, and all the other supporters of this malicious racism. As for epic proportions, YES INDEED. Hundreds of millions of people victimized over a 50 year period. That means the reparations you will have to pay should be huge amounts$$$$$$$$$$, but we could start with $200/month just for now.
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LOL where are MY reparations? The Irish were once enslaved. Many people of other ethnicities were also enslaved. Time to move on people. Everyone nowadays has an equal opportunity to be what they want to be. I am not talking about the haves and have-nots, just generally people of all races in this country.

My French ancestors were enslaved by the British. They had their homes destroyed, families separated and eventually sent back to France on old junky boats, many that didn't make it...... I'm white though, so nobody gives a crap about that......I certainly haven't used it as an excuse for every problem in my life. I find that the bullshit whining of black people about slavery beyond boring...... I'm all in favor of a one way pass to any other country they want to relocate to and 50 grand to help them get settled...... It will be a lot cheaper in the long run to get rid of the biggest waste of money this country has ever had to burden itself with.
This history of the world is one people conquering another and taking their land and resources. It's not possible to compensate all historical grievances.

A government can only be just in its time.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Sure it is...when you can compensate the aggrieved.

Sadly, the time to have done that was 1866 back when we knew who the former slaves were.

Instead we allowed the South to reconstitute slavery under Jim Crow systems.

Now about the best we can do is affirmative action and even THAT we've fucked up (on purpose, I believe, incidently)
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LOL where are MY reparations? The Irish were once enslaved. Many people of other ethnicities were also enslaved. Time to move on people. Everyone nowadays has an equal opportunity to be what they want to be. I am not talking about the haves and have-nots, just generally people of all races in this country.

Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Sure it is...when you can compensate the aggrieved.

Sadly, the time to have done that was 1866 back when we knew who the former slaves were.

Instead we allowed the South to reconstitute slavery under Jim Crow systems.

Now about the best we can do is affirmative action and even THAT we've fucked up (on purpose, I believe, incidently)

The Democrat Party has kept blacks enslaved for many years...... it really bothered them when Republican Abraham Lincoln freed them. Now, blacks have grown to love the slavery that the Democrats are more than happy to keep them in. Truly amazing to watch just how stupid and uninformed people can be.
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No I don't "get it". If the reparations we are referring to is a special payment meant solely for the descendants of the black slaves in this country, how is a social program that is not exclusive solely for the aforementioned people and open to all citizens suddenly "reparations for the Blacks"? :lol:

You don't want the free money? Pay it back.

Make me or anyone else pay back anything. I will be waiting.

Make me pay reparations. I'll be waiting.

Until then, whine some more, bitch.
LOL where are MY reparations? The Irish were once enslaved. Many people of other ethnicities were also enslaved. Time to move on people. Everyone nowadays has an equal opportunity to be what they want to be. I am not talking about the haves and have-nots, just generally people of all races in this country.

Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Sure it is...when you can compensate the aggrieved.

Sadly, the time to have done that was 1866 back when we knew who the former slaves were.

Instead we allowed the South to reconstitute slavery under Jim Crow systems.

Now about the best we can do is affirmative action and even THAT we've fucked up (on purpose, I believe, incidently)

The Democrat Party has kept blacks enslaved for many years...... it really bothered them when Republican Abraham Lincoln freed them. Now, blacks have grown to love the slavery that the Democrats are more than happy to keep them in. Truly amazing to watch just how stupid and uninformed people can be.

How so? How are "they" allegedly enslaved by the Democrats? They have more representation and leadership in the Democrat party than they do in any other party. It's truly amusing and amazing to see how hateful, bigoted, and ignorant some people can be when they spew their bigotry towards people. Some people specialize on trying to make the minority of Black people who are not doing well, be the face of the majority of Black people who are doing well. It's an agenda that has been amongst some white people in this country since it's inception. Alexander Hamilton spoke about it here:
"I foresee that this project will have to combat much opposition from prejudice and self-interest. The contempt we have been taught to entertain for the blacks, makes us fancy many things that are founded neither in reason nor experience, and an unwillingness to part with property of so valuable a kind will furnish a thousand arguments to show the impracticability or pernicious tendency of a scheme which requires such a sacrifice."

Read this book and educate yourself on the Black Americans and their contributions to this country:
Edward A. Johnson (Edward Austin), 1860-1944. A School History of the Negro Race in America, from 1619 to 1890, with a Short Introduction as to the Origin of the Race; Also a Short Sketch of Liberia.
Even today with the modern inventions of machinery blacks could still not build the pyramids

Even with modern machinery without Blacks white guys would still be eating each other. You should have seen that special Tank. Your ancestors were savage...and hungry.


Construction of the stone buildings started in the 11th century and continued for over 300 years.[2] The ruins at Great Zimbabwe are some of the oldest and largest structures located in Southern Africa, and are the second oldest after nearby Mapungubwe in South Africa. Its most formidable edifice, commonly referred to as the Great Enclosure, has walls as high as 36 feet (11 m) extending approximately 820 feet (250 m), making it the largest ancient structure south of the Sahara Desert. David Beach believes that the city and its state, the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, flourished from 1200 to 1500,[1] although a somewhat earlier date for its demise is implied by a description transmitted in the early 1500s to João de Barros.[12] Its growth has been linked to the decline of Mapungubwe from around 1300, due to climatic change[13] or the greater availability of gold in the hinterland of Great Zimbabwe.[14] At its peak, estimates are that Great Zimbabwe had as many as 18,000 inhabitants.[15] The ruins that survive are built entirely of stone. The ruins span 1,800 acres (7.3 km2).
Great Zimbabwe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Sure it is...when you can compensate the aggrieved.

Sadly, the time to have done that was 1866 back when we knew who the former slaves were.

Instead we allowed the South to reconstitute slavery under Jim Crow systems.

Now about the best we can do is affirmative action and even THAT we've fucked up (on purpose, I believe, incidently)

Affirmative Action is on the way out. After 2014, it may no longer exist in America.
You are weak. :lol:
Those conditions were caused and are the direct result of racism, slavery, and Jim crow. Not that I think about it we need to add on some income discrepancy pay for not even being hired or paid the same wages during the Jim Crow era.

By that logic, you should LOSE income discrepancy pay by having the advantage of Affirmative Action and being hired (when whites weren't) and paid more wages, during the CURRENT era. As for the Jim Crow era, you didn't work then ? So you didn't lose anything. So you're entitled to NOTHING for that.

Now,that brings us to the subject of reparations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to be paid to all the white people, who have been members of the US workforce over the past 50 years, and discriminated against, since affirmative action has been around. These losses need to be compensated for.

They should only be paid however, by those who are responsible for the misdeeds. That means no whites or Asians should have to pay anything, since they are the ones who have been victimized. And not all blacks should pay either, since many of them don't support affirmative action. Only those people (white, black or any color) who have supported and pushed AA, should pay into this reparations fund, and ALL whites who have been in the US workforce since 1963, should receive this money.

Oh God the loser that admitted his life was ruined due to AA.

Look in the mirror.
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