So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...

Mueller was out to get Trump. Despite his best efforts, couldn't.

Why would he be out to get Trump? Where is your evidence for that assertion? He was hired to investigate the Russian interference as well as the Trump campaign. He did so, indicted several of Trump's lackeys (for crimes that the FBI was already aware of, btw), and then reported that there was not enough evidence to indict Trump himself, ending the investigation. What more do you expect? Mueller to drop down on his knees and suck Trump's cheeto? That's not how it works. I realize that's how you do things, but Mueller just did his job and went home.
leave that cheeto sucking to barr McConnell pence etc etc and kavanaugh
Mueller was out to get Trump. Despite his best efforts, couldn't.

Why would he be out to get Trump? Where is your evidence for that assertion? He was hired to investigate the Russian interference as well as the Trump campaign. He did so, indicted several of Trump's lackeys (for crimes that the FBI was already aware of, btw), and then reported that there was not enough evidence to indict Trump himself, ending the investigation. What more do you expect? Mueller to drop down on his knees and suck Trump's cheeto? That's not how it works. I realize that's how you do things, but Mueller just did his job and went home.

Why? For the same reason Jeb and Rubio and Romney were against him. Same reason Bill Kristol and his pals at the National Review were against him. Because he threatened their neocon America Last agenda.
Mueller was out to get Trump. Despite his best efforts, couldn't.

Why would he be out to get Trump? Where is your evidence for that assertion? He was hired to investigate the Russian interference as well as the Trump campaign. He did so, indicted several of Trump's lackeys (for crimes that the FBI was already aware of, btw), and then reported that there was not enough evidence to indict Trump himself, ending the investigation. What more do you expect? Mueller to drop down on his knees and suck Trump's cheeto? That's not how it works. I realize that's how you do things, but Mueller just did his job and went home.

Why? For the same reason Jeb and Rubio and Romney were against him. Same reason Bill Kristol and his pals at the National Review were against him. Because he threatened their neocon America Last agenda.

Again, no evidence. Zilch. Just wild conjecture.
So, are you right wingers ready to admit that Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).
to fn bad freak did you bellache at all the money spent chasing hillary for 17 years ?

Did I object to the money spent to finally get John Gotti convicted of tax evasion?
I don't know but now we can get trump for the same

Yeah, I have a feeling a lot of people feel stupid about how anti-Mueller they were a few weeks ago, just because the president (even though he apparently has nothing to hide) told them how they should feel.

J/K: you guys don't do introspection.
And we aren’t faulting mueller for trump stooge Barr sealing the findings. I’d seal them too if I were trump because the findings don’t totally vindicate him.

In fact I bet mueller opinion is not very flattering to trump but his opinion is irrelevant to trump and Barr.
Mueller was out to get Trump. Despite his best efforts, couldn't.

Why would he be out to get Trump? Where is your evidence for that assertion? He was hired to investigate the Russian interference as well as the Trump campaign. He did so, indicted several of Trump's lackeys (for crimes that the FBI was already aware of, btw), and then reported that there was not enough evidence to indict Trump himself, ending the investigation. What more do you expect? Mueller to drop down on his knees and suck Trump's cheeto? That's not how it works. I realize that's how you do things, but Mueller just did his job and went home.

Why? For the same reason Jeb and Rubio and Romney were against him. Same reason Bill Kristol and his pals at the National Review were against him. Because he threatened their neocon America Last agenda.

Again, no evidence. Zilch. Just wild conjecture.

Do you really expect politicians to actually say what they mean? They never do that.

The iraq war was to protect America from terrorism and to help the oppressed people of Iraq who were crying out for freedom. It's our patriotic duty to spread democracy around the world!

That was the official line. Probably wouldn't have gained popular approval if they had been honest about the true intentions.
Mueller was out to get Trump. Despite his best efforts, couldn't.

Why would he be out to get Trump? Where is your evidence for that assertion? He was hired to investigate the Russian interference as well as the Trump campaign. He did so, indicted several of Trump's lackeys (for crimes that the FBI was already aware of, btw), and then reported that there was not enough evidence to indict Trump himself, ending the investigation. What more do you expect? Mueller to drop down on his knees and suck Trump's cheeto? That's not how it works. I realize that's how you do things, but Mueller just did his job and went home.

Why? For the same reason Jeb and Rubio and Romney were against him. Same reason Bill Kristol and his pals at the National Review were against him. Because he threatened their neocon America Last agenda.

Again, no evidence. Zilch. Just wild conjecture.

Do you really expect politicians to actually say what they mean? They never do that.

The iraq war was to protect America from terrorism and to help the oppressed people of Iraq who were crying out for freedom. It's our patriotic duty to spread democracy around the world!

That was the official line. Probably wouldn't have gained popular approval if they had been honest about the true intentions.

Mueller is a politician now?

You are making a pretty strange argument. I don't think it's working.
So, are you right wingers ready to admit that Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).

What is this Alex Jones style of argument? If you want to start a thread about all that shit, go ahead. It has nothing to do with my topic.

I don't know Alex Jones so I can't comment on that, but my answer has EVERYTHING to do with what you asked, sorry you don't like the questions, fuck off!

The concept behind the Mueller investigation was not all that complicated. Were there bad actors involved?

I have a copy of the Rosenstein order that created the investigation, want to read it? Too bad Mueller didn't look at the roles that Steele, Hillary, the DNC and Obama's FBI and DOJ played in their roles with the Russians, and trying to tamper with the election by eliminating Donald Trump. It's all a matter of history now, and a possible soon to be new investigation.
Mueller was out to get Trump. Despite his best efforts, couldn't.

Why would he be out to get Trump? Where is your evidence for that assertion? He was hired to investigate the Russian interference as well as the Trump campaign. He did so, indicted several of Trump's lackeys (for crimes that the FBI was already aware of, btw), and then reported that there was not enough evidence to indict Trump himself, ending the investigation. What more do you expect? Mueller to drop down on his knees and suck Trump's cheeto? That's not how it works. I realize that's how you do things, but Mueller just did his job and went home.

Why? For the same reason Jeb and Rubio and Romney were against him. Same reason Bill Kristol and his pals at the National Review were against him. Because he threatened their neocon America Last agenda.
Really? He has done everything the neocons have wanted. And he hasn’t done everything they don’t want him to do too. And he’s appointing new cons to very high places. Devos? His epa picks. Ben Carson? His bad Supreme Court pick.
So, are you right wingers ready to admit that Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).

What is this Alex Jones style of argument? If you want to start a thread about all that shit, go ahead. It has nothing to do with my topic.

I don't know Alex Jones so I can't comment on that, but my answer has EVERYTHING to do with what you asked, sorry you don't like the questions, fuck off!

The concept behind the Mueller investigation was not all that complicated. Were there bad actors involved?

I have a copy of the Rosenstein order that created the investigation, want to read it? Too bad Mueller didn't look at the roles that Steele, Hillary, the DNC and Obama's FBI and DOJ played in their roles with the Russians, and trying to tamper with the election by eliminating Donald Trump. It's all a matter of history now, and a possible soon to be new investigation.

That is not my problem. Quit trying to change the subject, FFS.
So, are you right wingers ready to admit that Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).

What is this Alex Jones style of argument? If you want to start a thread about all that shit, go ahead. It has nothing to do with my topic.

I don't know Alex Jones so I can't comment on that, but my answer has EVERYTHING to do with what you asked, sorry you don't like the questions, fuck off!

The concept behind the Mueller investigation was not all that complicated. Were there bad actors involved?

I have a copy of the Rosenstein order that created the investigation, want to read it? Too bad Mueller didn't look at the roles that Steele, Hillary, the DNC and Obama's FBI and DOJ played in their roles with the Russians, and trying to tamper with the election by eliminating Donald Trump. It's all a matter of history now, and a possible soon to be new investigation.
Actually he did. It’s all in the mueller report
So, are you right wingers ready to admit that Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).
to fn bad freak did you bellache at all the money spent chasing hillary for 17 years ?

Did I object to the money spent to finally get John Gotti convicted of tax evasion?
I don't know but now we can get trump for the same

Funny, you know that Trump evaded taxes? You can bet the IRS knows if he did and the one return STOLEN by the media criminally actually showed TRump MORE than paid his fair share. Trump is clean. Nothing to see. Move on.
Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).

What is this Alex Jones style of argument? If you want to start a thread about all that shit, go ahead. It has nothing to do with my topic.

I don't know Alex Jones so I can't comment on that, but my answer has EVERYTHING to do with what you asked, sorry you don't like the questions, fuck off!

The concept behind the Mueller investigation was not all that complicated. Were there bad actors involved?

I have a copy of the Rosenstein order that created the investigation, want to read it? Too bad Mueller didn't look at the roles that Steele, Hillary, the DNC and Obama's FBI and DOJ played in their roles with the Russians, and trying to tamper with the election by eliminating Donald Trump. It's all a matter of history now, and a possible soon to be new investigation.

That is not my problem. Quit trying to change the subject, FFS.

Change the subject? Apparently I AM the subject. Deal with it or STFU. ANSWER THE QUESTION: WHY DID MUELLERS REPORT STOP AT INVESTIGATING THE DEMOCRATS???????
So, are you right wingers ready to admit that Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).
to fn bad freak did you bellache at all the money spent chasing hillary for 17 years ?

Did I object to the money spent to finally get John Gotti convicted of tax evasion?
I don't know but now we can get trump for the same

Funny, you know that Trump evaded taxes? You can bet the IRS knows if he did and the one return STOLEN by the media criminally actually showed TRump MORE than paid his fair share. Trump is clean. Nothing to see. Move on.
Actually what he did was declared bankruptcy and he has been using the write off so every year he pays no federal taxes.
What is this Alex Jones style of argument? If you want to start a thread about all that shit, go ahead. It has nothing to do with my topic.

I don't know Alex Jones so I can't comment on that, but my answer has EVERYTHING to do with what you asked, sorry you don't like the questions, fuck off!

The concept behind the Mueller investigation was not all that complicated. Were there bad actors involved?

I have a copy of the Rosenstein order that created the investigation, want to read it? Too bad Mueller didn't look at the roles that Steele, Hillary, the DNC and Obama's FBI and DOJ played in their roles with the Russians, and trying to tamper with the election by eliminating Donald Trump. It's all a matter of history now, and a possible soon to be new investigation.

That is not my problem. Quit trying to change the subject, FFS.

Change the subject? Apparently I AM the subject. Deal with it or STFU.

What the fuck are you on about now? Do you have anything to add to the conversation or are you just here to distract and obfuscate? Since I haven't been sucked into your rabbit hole of make believe and am responding with a few sentences only, you must realize you've failed in your trolling by now.
Repubs hated Mueller because he was hired for Trump Russia collusion and he started handing out indictments that were nowhere close to his entire reason for existence in this investigation. It was then obvious it was a witch hunt and that he had far overstepped his bounds.
So, are you right wingers ready to admit that Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

Sure. Absolutely. Just as soon as you show me which part of his investigation where he looked at aspects of Russian involvement that involved the Steele Dossier, Hillary, the DNC and Obama, not to mention Barry's use of the IRS to thwart Romney organizations and voters for the 2012 election! This was after all an investigation into Russia and election tampering, right? If it stopped right at Trump's doorstep, then sorry, it was more about Trump than it was getting at the truth, because in the end, Mueller got NEITHER Trump NOR the Russians (and the other parties skate clean).

How many millions spent? and ZERO accomplished (other than a few pockets lined with cash).
to fn bad freak did you bellache at all the money spent chasing hillary for 17 years ?

Did I object to the money spent to finally get John Gotti convicted of tax evasion?
I don't know but now we can get trump for the same

Funny, you know that Trump evaded taxes? You can bet the IRS knows if he did and the one return STOLEN by the media criminally actually showed TRump MORE than paid his fair share. Trump is clean. Nothing to see. Move on.
one of every 25 people making a million or more a year gets audited
Repubs hated Mueller because he was hired for Trump Russia collusion and he started handing out indictments that were nowhere close to his entire reason for existence in this investigation. It was then obvious it was a witch hunt and that he had far overstepped his bounds.

That is how these things work. Remember Ken Starr? That's just the name of the game. Manafort would have gone down regardless of the investigation. The FBI was already on his ass.
I don't know Alex Jones so I can't comment on that, but my answer has EVERYTHING to do with what you asked, sorry you don't like the questions, fuck off!

The concept behind the Mueller investigation was not all that complicated. Were there bad actors involved?

I have a copy of the Rosenstein order that created the investigation, want to read it? Too bad Mueller didn't look at the roles that Steele, Hillary, the DNC and Obama's FBI and DOJ played in their roles with the Russians, and trying to tamper with the election by eliminating Donald Trump. It's all a matter of history now, and a possible soon to be new investigation.

That is not my problem. Quit trying to change the subject, FFS.

Change the subject? Apparently I AM the subject. Deal with it or STFU.

What the fuck are you on about now? Do you have anything to add to the conversation or are you just here to distract and obfuscate? Since I haven't been sucked into your rabbit hole of make believe and am responding with a few sentences only, you must realize you've failed in your trolling by now.

ANSWER YOUR OWN QUESTION: You asked if RWs were ready to admit Mueller wasn't out to get Trump? And my answer is NO. His investigation CENTERED on Trump and avoided the real russian players, the DEMOCRATS like the plague. Just because Mueller couldn't pin anything on Trump only proves Trump was squeaky clean.


CLOSE, DEEP DEEP ANAL CAVITY INVESTIGATION. Including breaking into the Clintons home at 3AM with armed federal SWAT to confiscate all their computers and records.

But then we know that insiders would tip them off in advance and Hillary and Willy would be shredding and burning records like there aint no tomorrow. Just like how she made 33,000 government emails disappear that were sent out to Obama and a ton of other people.
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The concept behind the Mueller investigation was not all that complicated. Were there bad actors involved?

I have a copy of the Rosenstein order that created the investigation, want to read it? Too bad Mueller didn't look at the roles that Steele, Hillary, the DNC and Obama's FBI and DOJ played in their roles with the Russians, and trying to tamper with the election by eliminating Donald Trump. It's all a matter of history now, and a possible soon to be new investigation.

That is not my problem. Quit trying to change the subject, FFS.

Change the subject? Apparently I AM the subject. Deal with it or STFU.

What the fuck are you on about now? Do you have anything to add to the conversation or are you just here to distract and obfuscate? Since I haven't been sucked into your rabbit hole of make believe and am responding with a few sentences only, you must realize you've failed in your trolling by now.

ANSWER YOUR OWN QUESTION: You asked if RWs were ready to admit Mueller wasn't out to get Trump? And my answer is NO. His investigation CENTERED on Trump and avoided the real russian players, the DEMOCRATS like the plague. Just because Mueller couldn't pin anything on Trump only proves Trump was squeaky clean.


You dumbass; how is he going to indict Russians who are in RUSSIA?

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