So Republicans, Now That "Repeal and Replace" Is All But Totally Collapsed


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
It's astonishing that Mitch McConnell is still the Senate Majority Leader considering how incredibly inept he is at the job
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Nothing was done about what needed to be done, not even the most important step of getting rid of the fine.

as expected.

the aca will be another carrot waved in the face of fiscal cons for another 20 years.
After talking like cruel, horrible people for eight years to appeal to the sadists in their base they have found that there might be a steep political cost to actually doing cruel, horrible things. This is the central reason they are paralyzed. That 8-12% of the population that are republicans for the socially acceptable sadism are just as happy to turn their horrible personalities on their own.
Nothing was done about what needed to be done, not even the most important step of getting rid of the fine.

as expected.

the aca will be another carrot waved in the face of fiscal cons for another 20 years.




To Do.


What is so hard Republicans

All you had to do was repeal Obamacare like you promised and replace it with something better

As bad as you say Obamacare is....How hard can it be?
What is so hard Republicans

All you had to do was repeal Obamacare like you promised and replace it with something better

As bad as you say Obamacare is....How hard can it be?
It's collapsing, least according to Trump and his imps.
75%+ of the people that I talked to in Kentucky that voted for Trump knew he was lying about fixing health care. They voted for him anyways because he is a Republican. That shows how people are nothing more than drones that can't think for themselves.
And like I mentioned a minute ago...

WASHINGTON — A key Republican senator says the Republican health care bill is in “jeopardy” due to comments Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made to moderate senators behind closed doors.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told reporters Monday that he has confirmed with moderate GOP senators that McConnell, R-Ky., told them the bill’s biggest Medicaid cuts would never go into effect because they are so far in the future.

GOP senator: Health care vote now ‘in jeopardy’ due to McConnell’s ‘breach of trust’
What do we do now? Do hate filled incoherent democrats really want to keep the Obamacare system that is on the verge of bankrupting middle class families and imploding under it's own weight? Do we want to keep a health care system that was passed using bribes and threats and almost nobody in the democrat party even freaking read? Do we want to keep a system that forces men to pay for things like maternity surgery. Everyone knows that Obamacare was poorly written and is doomed to failure but it seems that hard core democrats would rather keep a failed system than work with republicans to make it better.
What do we do now? Do hate filled incoherent democrats really want to keep the Obamacare system that is on the verge of bankrupting middle class families and imploding under it's own weight? Do we want to keep a health care system that was passed using bribes and threats and almost nobody in the democrat party even freaking read? Do we want to keep a system that forces men to pay for things like maternity surgery. Everyone knows that Obamacare was poorly written and is doomed to failure but it seems that hard core democrats would rather keep a failed system than work with republicans to make it better.
You don't want men to pay for maternity surgery?
75%+ of the people that I talked to in Kentucky that voted for Trump knew he was lying about fixing health care. They voted for him anyways because he is a Republican. That shows how people are nothing more than drones that can't think for themselves.

I dont blame Trump. Im sure he will sign a bill but congress has decided all the repeal show votes were meaningless.
You have the Presidency. You have the House. You have the Senate. You have almost all the governors. What more could you want?

What are you going to do now?

How are you going to repay your leaders for letting this happen?

That's all I want to know.
Ya but you doe doe birds were in long enough to pass another entitlement that will bankrupt the country
glory in your victory but when the country goes broke dont blame us cons
Too bad, they rammed the last ACA through and no one ever thought about the middle class. Now, it is dead and the burden to the middle class continues.

So now we know the Democrats had no answer except burden the middle class and now the Republicans have no answer to help out the middle class.

The trend I see is the hard working middle class is still the unheard group of this country.

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