So what is a republic, anyway?

If we are a republic and not a democracy, what exactly is a republic?
After all your education and the discussions and links on this Board, now all of a sudden you start to give a shit about what the terms mean?

Seriously, you’re a waste of oxygen.
If we are a republic and not a democracy, what exactly is a republic?
I think we are a little of both but from what I understand, a constitutional republic uses the constitution to ensure that the rights of the minority are not stamped on by the majority.

For example even if the majority of people wanted to ban guns, the constitution protects the minority from having those gun rights taken away.
I think we are a little of both but from what I understand, a constitutional republic uses the constitution to ensure that the rights of the minority are not stamped on by the majority.

For example even if the majority of people wanted to ban guns, the constitution protects the minority from having those gun rights taken away.
In the case of guns it is the minority that want them banned thus the Constitution protects the rights of the majority.
Googling will not tell me what you think.

Uh...But what is a republic?
As intended by the Founding Fathers, those elected and assigned to political positions were to do the work of government and make the hard decisions needed. This with checks and balances. We had a small government for a great percentage of our nation. So, it kept the corrupted at a lower percentage. Federal politicians were supposed to last several years and go on to their way of living. It did not end up that way. Federal Senators were appointed by State Legislators and not elected from the peasants. Gold and Silver backed our currency until the Federal Reserve Act which turned it into a Fiat Currency. The last two changes that I typed were "checks and balances". Not anymore. So, we elect Federal Senators who can e owned y anyone who promotes them instead of appointed by State Senators and State House members who answer to each voter at a higher percentage because it takes less votes in each area to elect them instead of electing a Federal Senator from the whole State. If we do not like who they put in, we do not vote for them when they run again. The Fiat Currency can have incredible growth. Also, incredible drops. Soon, politicians learn to use it to stay in power and the printing of it increases. Teh Fiat currency when started is usually dying because it is abused the saying goes. So, we vote people in to pay us, and other things associated with instead of running government. We go to wars so easily and are in foreign entanglements that the Founding Fathers warned against. A gold and Silver backed currency needed a vote from the Congress to go to war and they even put temporary Fiat Currencies in to pay for it before 1913. We had our wars before then. However, from the 1st world war on we are undisputed champions of any nation on earth for them. We lost control of the Fiat Currency in 1971. Several years after all of the Social Programs were legislated or expanded. Social Security was starting to expand in a huge way and taxes kept going up for everything.
I'm not touching that. If you can't be bothered to state your own opinion then don't bother at all.

Alright. Well good luck in your endeavor to learn.

As for me, I've already bothered myself to thoroughly explain it a guh zilion times already. And I'm jist not blowing the keystrokes about it any more.
As intended by the Founding Fathers, those elected and assigned to political positions were to do the work of government and make the hard decisions needed. This with checks and balances. We had a small government for a great percentage of our nation. So, it kept the corrupted at a lower percentage. Federal politicians were supposed to last several years and go on to their way of living. It did not end up that way. Federal Senators were appointed by State Legislators and not elected from the peasants. Gold and Silver backed our currency until the Federal Reserve Act which turned it into a Fiat Currency. The last two changes that I typed were "checks and balances". Not anymore. So, we elect Federal Senators who can e owned y anyone who promotes them instead of appointed by State Senators and State House members who answer to each voter at a higher percentage because it takes less votes in each area to elect them instead of electing a Federal Senator from the whole State. If we do not like who they put in, we do not vote for them when they run again. The Fiat Currency can have incredible growth. Also, incredible drops. Soon, politicians learn to use it to stay in power and the printing of it increases. Teh Fiat currency when started is usually dying because it is abused the saying goes. So, we vote people in to pay us, and other things associated with instead of running government. We go to wars so easily and are in foreign entanglements that the Founding Fathers warned against. A gold and Silver backed currency needed a vote from the Congress to go to war and they even put temporary Fiat Currencies in to pay for it before 1913. We had our wars before then. However, from the 1st world war on we are undisputed champions of any nation on earth for them. We lost control of the Fiat Currency in 1971. Several years after all of the Social Programs were legislated or expanded. Social Security was starting to expand in a huge way and taxes kept going up for everything.
Except for the rich, dupe...
If we are a republic and not a democracy, what exactly is a republic?
We are a representative democracy. I have no idea why this recently became an issue for the retards.

Here are Alexander Hamilton's notes on the ratification of the Constitution:

I. A republic a word used in various senses.
Has been applied to aristocracies and monarchies.
1. To Rome under the Kings.
2. To Sparta though a Senate for life.
3. To Carthage though the same.
4. To United Netherlands, though Stadholder, Hereditary nobles:
5. To Poland though aristocracy and monarchy
6. To Great Britain though Monarchy &c
II. Again great confusion about the words. Democracy, Aristocracy, Monarch.
I. Democracy defined by some Rousseau &c
A government exercised by the collective body of the People
2 Delegation of their power has been made the criterion of Aristocracy
II. Aristocracy has been used to designate governments.
1. Where an independent few possessed sovereignty.
2. Where the representatives of the people possessed it.
III. Monarchy, where sovereignty in the hands of a single man
General idea—Independent in his situation. in any other sense would apply to State of New York
III. Democracy in my sense, where the whole power of the government in the people
I. Whether exercised by themselves, or
2. By their representatives chosen by them either mediately or immediately and legally accountable to them.

.Aristocracy where whole sovereignty is permanently in the hands of a few for life or hereditary
V.Monarchy where the whole sovereignty is in the hands of one man for life or hereditary.
VI.Mixed government when these three principles unite.
B.Consequence, the proposed government a representative democracy.

As you can plainly see, Hamilton outlined the different kinds of Republics. Monarchical, Aristocratic, and Democratic.

The US was choosing the Representative Democratic model.

Read Trump's Jan. 6 Speech

We're gathered together in the heart of our nation's capital for one very, very basic and simple reason: To save our democracy.

Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down, we're going to walk down.

Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear.

It's all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy, and the American people are finally standing up and saying no. This crowd is, again, a testament to it.
As intended by the Founding Fathers, those elected and assigned to political positions were to do the work of government and make the hard decisions needed. This with checks and balances. We had a small government for a great percentage of our nation. So, it kept the corrupted at a lower percentage. Federal politicians were supposed to last several years and go on to their way of living. It did not end up that way. Federal Senators were appointed by State Legislators and not elected from the peasants. Gold and Silver backed our currency until the Federal Reserve Act which turned it into a Fiat Currency. The last two changes that I typed were "checks and balances". Not anymore. So, we elect Federal Senators who can e owned y anyone who promotes them instead of appointed by State Senators and State House members who answer to each voter at a higher percentage because it takes less votes in each area to elect them instead of electing a Federal Senator from the whole State. If we do not like who they put in, we do not vote for them when they run again. The Fiat Currency can have incredible growth. Also, incredible drops. Soon, politicians learn to use it to stay in power and the printing of it increases. Teh Fiat currency when started is usually dying because it is abused the saying goes. So, we vote people in to pay us, and other things associated with instead of running government. We go to wars so easily and are in foreign entanglements that the Founding Fathers warned against. A gold and Silver backed currency needed a vote from the Congress to go to war and they even put temporary Fiat Currencies in to pay for it before 1913. We had our wars before then. However, from the 1st world war on we are undisputed champions of any nation on earth for them. We lost control of the Fiat Currency in 1971. Several years after all of the Social Programs were legislated or expanded. Social Security was starting to expand in a huge way and taxes kept going up for everything.

You still didn't answer the question.
have you tried googling it??

simply put a democracy is two wolves and a sheep arguing about whats for dinner,,
a constitutional republic is the sheep contesting the vote,,

a republic protects the minority from the majority,,
A Republic Is One Wolf Being a Decider for Thousands of His Sheep

The only minority protected in a republic is the 1%, which itself protects all the other enemies of the majority.
that is one form of "democracy," of course.

in the roman republic that "voting class" was a hereditary class of equestrians, which really sounds more like an aristocracy doesn't it?

and sure, the athenian democracy could become a little restive if you send the fleet off to syracuse to be utterly sunk. i'd hardly call that "mob rule" after centuries of prosperity.
A Democracy and Hereditary Wealth Cannot Co-Exist

Athens's suicidal war with Sparta was created by Athenian patricians, whose unearned wealth bought the ability to brainwash the plebeians through Sophism.

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