So who really owns America's debt?

Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

any idea what you're point is?? Why not tell us??
Point was pretty clear to me. We own a majority of the national debt, it is the T bonds in our investment and retirement accounts. If Trump forced us to sell the bonds back to him at a discounted rate he is short changing Americans out of billions of not trillions of dollars. It is either a horrible horrible disasterous idea or he thinks the national debt is equivalent to a private citizens or businesses debt, in which case he is has no clue what it really is and needs an economics lesson.

Nope, the debt belongs to USA.INC....not us. Do you work for USA.INC? I don't...they were contracted to provide the 19 essential services of "gubermint"....if we allow them to stick us with the bill, we deserve to lose everything....knowledge is power. Dissolve USA.INC and confiscate the wealth that it has been hoarding by skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement in the 40's while sticking us with their business credit card bill.......
USA inc. isn't a business... It creates currency, loans currency, spends currency, and then burns it out of the economy to manage interest rates and value for the dollar. I own a good chunk of bonds in my investment accounts. They are a stable source of interest and when I withdraw from those accounts I will receive money to live off of... I appreciate the passion in your little rant but you are way off with many of your points.

Nope, I know exactly of what I, myself and everyone that is'nt in the top.01 percent have been royally scammed and in ways I doubt that you would even be able to wrap your head around. I live and breath this stuff and spend all of my free time and even some of my work day (listening to documentaries and lectures on my I-Pod) trying to become as informed as I can to pass this on to others. We have been fucked royally and sans lubrication. If people really knew the truth? They would be storming D.C with torches, pitchforks and every kind of weapon you could think of....that is why they want to disarm us. People are waking up to the scam and they are scared shitless.
I do believe there is plenty of corruption going on and agree we don't know a sliver of what's really happening. It is absolutely appropriate to fight for more transparency in our governments economic operations. As for the topic of Trump wanting to buy our national debit at a discount... That's just crazy on many levels
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Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

The only thing the American taxpayer owns is a piece of paper saying he guarantees to repay the debt to China, U.S. Banks, Foreign Banks, whoever, just not you.
Not even close. Do some more homework

Theoretically you are right. If they had to pay that money back to the American taxpayer, how would they get it? By raising taxes from the American Taxpayer? Like my neighbor owes me 100 bucks, if I want him to pay me back I have to give him 100 bucks?
New money is constantly being created by the banks and treasury department through the act of borrowing. Money that is borrowed accrues interest, the treasury controls our own currency so it will always be able to pay any bill or bond as long as their remains a value to the "dollar". Our bond ratings are still AAA last time I checked. Then there is taxation which is a regulating act... It burns money out of the economy so that over circulation or inflation doesn't destroy the dollar. It's all just a balancing act. The details and status of our economy is very complicated and is probably the most lied about thing in Washington and our media
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

USA.INC is a corporation that supplies the 19 essential "gubermint" services to slack-jawed dumb fucks like you that are clueless. It was taken into receivership by the International Monetary Fund, a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve bankers in 1950 after the Fed bankers took us into receivership in March of 1933 and they stuck us with the bill. If you hired a mowing service to come do your lawn and they went "belly up" would you be responsible for their bills? The same thing applies here. I have more than proved that your beloved "gubermint" is a for profit entity that has been reaping huge profits while passing the bill of their corporate credit card off on us. They have promised other people's property as collateral on the debt owed to China while hiding their wealth in the Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico and Switzerland. You honestly don't have a fucking clue as to what has gone on, what is going on and how it will are just an ignorant sheep waiting to be sheared and you are totally unprepared for what is going to happen.

Good people known as "white knights" working within the system are trying to put a plan in place when the shit hits the fan but stupid fucks like you don't deserve it......and if it doesn't work out? It's not gonna bother me as much as I thought it would...people like you utterly disgust me and you deserve the shit that could fall on your head. Me and mine are prepared regardless........

With your vocabulary, you must be.....oh....A TRUMP SUPPORTER! RIGHT?

Nope, I opted out of the system and re-claimed my birth certificate along with my pre-14 amendment "man of the land" sovereign status that required me to fill out forms and other hoops to jump through...but I did it. I lost all the fiat currency that I paid into the system via Social Security and what my employer paid in on my behalf but I have peace of mind. Enjoy your little reindeer games and keep believing that you are free...politics is nothing but theater to keep stupid fucks like you spinning on the treadmill while turning over three to four months of your labor to this corporate entity per see? I know more than you....infinitely more.

Start drinking heavily.....soon.
any idea what you're point is?? Why not tell us??
Point was pretty clear to me. We own a majority of the national debt, it is the T bonds in our investment and retirement accounts. If Trump forced us to sell the bonds back to him at a discounted rate he is short changing Americans out of billions of not trillions of dollars. It is either a horrible horrible disasterous idea or he thinks the national debt is equivalent to a private citizens or businesses debt, in which case he is has no clue what it really is and needs an economics lesson.

Nope, the debt belongs to USA.INC....not us. Do you work for USA.INC? I don't...they were contracted to provide the 19 essential services of "gubermint"....if we allow them to stick us with the bill, we deserve to lose everything....knowledge is power. Dissolve USA.INC and confiscate the wealth that it has been hoarding by skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement in the 40's while sticking us with their business credit card bill.......
USA inc. isn't a business... It creates currency, loans currency, spends currency, and then burns it out of the economy to manage interest rates and value for the dollar. I own a good chunk of bonds in my investment accounts. They are a stable source of interest and when I withdraw from those accounts I will receive money to live off of... I appreciate the passion in your little rant but you are way off with many of your points.

Nope, I know exactly of what I, myself and everyone that is'nt in the top.01 percent have been royally scammed and in ways I doubt that you would even be able to wrap your head around. I live and breath this stuff and spend all of my free time and even some of my work day (listening to documentaries and lectures on my I-Pod) trying to become as informed as I can to pass this on to others. We have been fucked royally and sans lubrication. If people really knew the truth? They would be storming D.C with torches, pitchforks and every kind of weapon you could think of....that is why they want to disarm us. People are waking up to the scam and they are scared shitless.
I do believe there is plenty of corruption going on and agree we don't know a sliver of what's really happening. It is absolutely appropriate to fight for more transparency in our governments operations. As for the topic of Trump wanting to buy our national debit at a discount... That's just crazy on many levels
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

The only thing the American taxpayer owns is a piece of paper saying he guarantees to repay the debt to China, U.S. Banks, Foreign Banks, whoever, just not you.
Not even close. Do some more homework

Theoretically you are right. If they had to pay that money back to the American taxpayer, how would they get it? By raising taxes from the American Taxpayer? Like my neighbor owes me 100 bucks, if I want him to pay me back I have to give him 100 bucks?
New money is constantly being created by the banks and treasury department through the act of borrowing. Money that is borrowed accrues interest, the treasury controls our own currency so it will always be able to pay any bill or bond as long as their remains a value to the "dollar". Our bond ratings are still AAA last time I checked. Then there is taxation which is a regulating act... It burns money out of the economy so that over circulation or inflation doesn't destroy the dollar. It's all just a balancing act. The details and status of our economy is very complicated and is probably the most lied about thing in Washington and our media

That piece of paper has no intrinsic value, my's just worthless paper..debt is money and money is debt and it is, for all intent and purposes nothing more than a perpetual debt machine with foreclosure and bankruptcies built right into the system with the banks holding hard assets from FRNs created out of thin air when all is said and done. It will eventually collapse in on it's self and that time is approaching quickly and the powers that be know it. It makes me sick to my stomach that people like you that scrimped and saved so that they had something to get them through retirement are going to get royally fucked. My ex has put the maximum in because her company matched her contributions and she is going to lose 50 to 80 percent in one felled swoop after busting her ass for 20 years. My hope is that the people will not accept the bullshit cure like the one that they come up with in 2008 and kick the central bankers to the curb like we should have. Buy precious metals if you can...silver is WAAAAY undervalued right now because the elites are buying up as much as they can while this fiat currency is still being accepted. I know what I am talking about. The economic system isn't as complicated as they would have you to believe......
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

USA.INC is a corporation that supplies the 19 essential "gubermint" services to slack-jawed dumb fucks like you that are clueless. It was taken into receivership by the International Monetary Fund, a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve bankers in 1950 after the Fed bankers took us into receivership in March of 1933 and they stuck us with the bill. If you hired a mowing service to come do your lawn and they went "belly up" would you be responsible for their bills? The same thing applies here. I have more than proved that your beloved "gubermint" is a for profit entity that has been reaping huge profits while passing the bill of their corporate credit card off on us. They have promised other people's property as collateral on the debt owed to China while hiding their wealth in the Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico and Switzerland. You honestly don't have a fucking clue as to what has gone on, what is going on and how it will are just an ignorant sheep waiting to be sheared and you are totally unprepared for what is going to happen.

Good people known as "white knights" working within the system are trying to put a plan in place when the shit hits the fan but stupid fucks like you don't deserve it......and if it doesn't work out? It's not gonna bother me as much as I thought it would...people like you utterly disgust me and you deserve the shit that could fall on your head. Me and mine are prepared regardless........

With your vocabulary, you must be.....oh....A TRUMP SUPPORTER! RIGHT?

Nope, I opted out of the system and re-claimed my birth certificate along with my pre-14 amendment "man of the land" sovereign status that required me to fill out forms and other hoops to jump through...but I did it. I lost all the fiat currency that I paid into the system via Social Security and what my employer paid in on my behalf but I have peace of mind. Enjoy your little reindeer games and keep believing that you are free...politics is nothing but theater to keep stupid fucks like you spinning on the treadmill while turning over three to four months of your labor to this corporate entity per see? I know more than you....infinitely more.

Start drinking heavily.....soon.

You couldn't even hope to come close to me when it comes to the knowledge that I have attained through due diligence. You are basically fucked....and there is a part of me that isn't all that upset about it. God forgive me.
Point was pretty clear to me. We own a majority of the national debt, it is the T bonds in our investment and retirement accounts. If Trump forced us to sell the bonds back to him at a discounted rate he is short changing Americans out of billions of not trillions of dollars. It is either a horrible horrible disasterous idea or he thinks the national debt is equivalent to a private citizens or businesses debt, in which case he is has no clue what it really is and needs an economics lesson.

Nope, the debt belongs to USA.INC....not us. Do you work for USA.INC? I don't...they were contracted to provide the 19 essential services of "gubermint"....if we allow them to stick us with the bill, we deserve to lose everything....knowledge is power. Dissolve USA.INC and confiscate the wealth that it has been hoarding by skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement in the 40's while sticking us with their business credit card bill.......
USA inc. isn't a business... It creates currency, loans currency, spends currency, and then burns it out of the economy to manage interest rates and value for the dollar. I own a good chunk of bonds in my investment accounts. They are a stable source of interest and when I withdraw from those accounts I will receive money to live off of... I appreciate the passion in your little rant but you are way off with many of your points.

Nope, I know exactly of what I, myself and everyone that is'nt in the top.01 percent have been royally scammed and in ways I doubt that you would even be able to wrap your head around. I live and breath this stuff and spend all of my free time and even some of my work day (listening to documentaries and lectures on my I-Pod) trying to become as informed as I can to pass this on to others. We have been fucked royally and sans lubrication. If people really knew the truth? They would be storming D.C with torches, pitchforks and every kind of weapon you could think of....that is why they want to disarm us. People are waking up to the scam and they are scared shitless.
I do believe there is plenty of corruption going on and agree we don't know a sliver of what's really happening. It is absolutely appropriate to fight for more transparency in our governments operations. As for the topic of Trump wanting to buy our national debit at a discount... That's just crazy on many levels
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

The only thing the American taxpayer owns is a piece of paper saying he guarantees to repay the debt to China, U.S. Banks, Foreign Banks, whoever, just not you.
Not even close. Do some more homework

Theoretically you are right. If they had to pay that money back to the American taxpayer, how would they get it? By raising taxes from the American Taxpayer? Like my neighbor owes me 100 bucks, if I want him to pay me back I have to give him 100 bucks?
New money is constantly being created by the banks and treasury department through the act of borrowing. Money that is borrowed accrues interest, the treasury controls our own currency so it will always be able to pay any bill or bond as long as their remains a value to the "dollar". Our bond ratings are still AAA last time I checked. Then there is taxation which is a regulating act... It burns money out of the economy so that over circulation or inflation doesn't destroy the dollar. It's all just a balancing act. The details and status of our economy is very complicated and is probably the most lied about thing in Washington and our media

That piece of paper has no intrinsic value, my's just worthless paper..debt is money and money is debt and it is, for all intent and purposes nothing more than a perpetual debt machine with foreclosure and bankruptcies built right into the system with the banks holding hard assets from FRNs created out of thin air when all is said and done. It will eventually collapse in on it's self and that time is approaching quickly and the powers that be know it. It makes me sick to my stomach that people like you that scrimped and saved so that they had something to get them through retirement are going to get royally fucked. My ex has put the maximum in because her company matched her contributions and she is going to lose 50 to 80 percent in one felled swoop after busting her ass for 20 years. My hope is that the people will not accept the bullshit cure like the one that they come up with in 2008 and kick the central bankers to the curb like we should have. Buy precious metals if you can...silver is WAAAAY undervalued right now because the elites are buying up as much as they can while this fiat currency is still being accepted. I know what I am talking about. The economic system isn't as complicated as they would have you to believe......
I see the value in metals and have invested a pretty big chunk in gold as well... Haven't gotten on the silver train yet but may soon. I just don't see this big crash that you speak of on the horizon... I hear the warnings but haven't seen the evidence to back it up. Mostly just fear talk to promote a fiscal agenda. The dollar is more than a piece of paper, that's like saying gold and silver are just rocks. They both have a perceived value which is dependant on demand. Our economy isn't bills and coins in a vault anymore... In today's world it's just numbers on a screen... The biggest threat to our economy in my opinion is the vacuum the .01% has on our wealth and any scenario where people stop borrowing or paying off their loans.
Nope, the debt belongs to USA.INC....not us. Do you work for USA.INC? I don't...they were contracted to provide the 19 essential services of "gubermint"....if we allow them to stick us with the bill, we deserve to lose everything....knowledge is power. Dissolve USA.INC and confiscate the wealth that it has been hoarding by skimming off the top since the Bretton Woods agreement in the 40's while sticking us with their business credit card bill.......
USA inc. isn't a business... It creates currency, loans currency, spends currency, and then burns it out of the economy to manage interest rates and value for the dollar. I own a good chunk of bonds in my investment accounts. They are a stable source of interest and when I withdraw from those accounts I will receive money to live off of... I appreciate the passion in your little rant but you are way off with many of your points.

Nope, I know exactly of what I, myself and everyone that is'nt in the top.01 percent have been royally scammed and in ways I doubt that you would even be able to wrap your head around. I live and breath this stuff and spend all of my free time and even some of my work day (listening to documentaries and lectures on my I-Pod) trying to become as informed as I can to pass this on to others. We have been fucked royally and sans lubrication. If people really knew the truth? They would be storming D.C with torches, pitchforks and every kind of weapon you could think of....that is why they want to disarm us. People are waking up to the scam and they are scared shitless.
I do believe there is plenty of corruption going on and agree we don't know a sliver of what's really happening. It is absolutely appropriate to fight for more transparency in our governments operations. As for the topic of Trump wanting to buy our national debit at a discount... That's just crazy on many levels
The only thing the American taxpayer owns is a piece of paper saying he guarantees to repay the debt to China, U.S. Banks, Foreign Banks, whoever, just not you.
Not even close. Do some more homework

Theoretically you are right. If they had to pay that money back to the American taxpayer, how would they get it? By raising taxes from the American Taxpayer? Like my neighbor owes me 100 bucks, if I want him to pay me back I have to give him 100 bucks?
New money is constantly being created by the banks and treasury department through the act of borrowing. Money that is borrowed accrues interest, the treasury controls our own currency so it will always be able to pay any bill or bond as long as their remains a value to the "dollar". Our bond ratings are still AAA last time I checked. Then there is taxation which is a regulating act... It burns money out of the economy so that over circulation or inflation doesn't destroy the dollar. It's all just a balancing act. The details and status of our economy is very complicated and is probably the most lied about thing in Washington and our media

That piece of paper has no intrinsic value, my's just worthless paper..debt is money and money is debt and it is, for all intent and purposes nothing more than a perpetual debt machine with foreclosure and bankruptcies built right into the system with the banks holding hard assets from FRNs created out of thin air when all is said and done. It will eventually collapse in on it's self and that time is approaching quickly and the powers that be know it. It makes me sick to my stomach that people like you that scrimped and saved so that they had something to get them through retirement are going to get royally fucked. My ex has put the maximum in because her company matched her contributions and she is going to lose 50 to 80 percent in one felled swoop after busting her ass for 20 years. My hope is that the people will not accept the bullshit cure like the one that they come up with in 2008 and kick the central bankers to the curb like we should have. Buy precious metals if you can...silver is WAAAAY undervalued right now because the elites are buying up as much as they can while this fiat currency is still being accepted. I know what I am talking about. The economic system isn't as complicated as they would have you to believe......
I see the value in metals and have invested a pretty big chunk in gold as well... Haven't gotten on the silver train yet but may soon. I just don't see this big crash that you speak of on the horizon... I hear the warnings but haven't seen the evidence to back it up. Mostly just fear talk to promote a fiscal agenda. The dollar is more than a piece of paper, that's like saying gold and silver are just rocks. They both have a perceived value which is dependant on demand. Our economy isn't bills and coins in a vault anymore... In today's world it's just numbers on a screen... The biggest threat to our economy in my opinion is the vacuum the .01% has on our wealth and any scenario where people stop borrowing or paying off their loans.

Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
USA inc. isn't a business... It creates currency, loans currency, spends currency, and then burns it out of the economy to manage interest rates and value for the dollar. I own a good chunk of bonds in my investment accounts. They are a stable source of interest and when I withdraw from those accounts I will receive money to live off of... I appreciate the passion in your little rant but you are way off with many of your points.

Nope, I know exactly of what I, myself and everyone that is'nt in the top.01 percent have been royally scammed and in ways I doubt that you would even be able to wrap your head around. I live and breath this stuff and spend all of my free time and even some of my work day (listening to documentaries and lectures on my I-Pod) trying to become as informed as I can to pass this on to others. We have been fucked royally and sans lubrication. If people really knew the truth? They would be storming D.C with torches, pitchforks and every kind of weapon you could think of....that is why they want to disarm us. People are waking up to the scam and they are scared shitless.
I do believe there is plenty of corruption going on and agree we don't know a sliver of what's really happening. It is absolutely appropriate to fight for more transparency in our governments operations. As for the topic of Trump wanting to buy our national debit at a discount... That's just crazy on many levels
Not even close. Do some more homework

Theoretically you are right. If they had to pay that money back to the American taxpayer, how would they get it? By raising taxes from the American Taxpayer? Like my neighbor owes me 100 bucks, if I want him to pay me back I have to give him 100 bucks?
New money is constantly being created by the banks and treasury department through the act of borrowing. Money that is borrowed accrues interest, the treasury controls our own currency so it will always be able to pay any bill or bond as long as their remains a value to the "dollar". Our bond ratings are still AAA last time I checked. Then there is taxation which is a regulating act... It burns money out of the economy so that over circulation or inflation doesn't destroy the dollar. It's all just a balancing act. The details and status of our economy is very complicated and is probably the most lied about thing in Washington and our media

That piece of paper has no intrinsic value, my's just worthless paper..debt is money and money is debt and it is, for all intent and purposes nothing more than a perpetual debt machine with foreclosure and bankruptcies built right into the system with the banks holding hard assets from FRNs created out of thin air when all is said and done. It will eventually collapse in on it's self and that time is approaching quickly and the powers that be know it. It makes me sick to my stomach that people like you that scrimped and saved so that they had something to get them through retirement are going to get royally fucked. My ex has put the maximum in because her company matched her contributions and she is going to lose 50 to 80 percent in one felled swoop after busting her ass for 20 years. My hope is that the people will not accept the bullshit cure like the one that they come up with in 2008 and kick the central bankers to the curb like we should have. Buy precious metals if you can...silver is WAAAAY undervalued right now because the elites are buying up as much as they can while this fiat currency is still being accepted. I know what I am talking about. The economic system isn't as complicated as they would have you to believe......
I see the value in metals and have invested a pretty big chunk in gold as well... Haven't gotten on the silver train yet but may soon. I just don't see this big crash that you speak of on the horizon... I hear the warnings but haven't seen the evidence to back it up. Mostly just fear talk to promote a fiscal agenda. The dollar is more than a piece of paper, that's like saying gold and silver are just rocks. They both have a perceived value which is dependant on demand. Our economy isn't bills and coins in a vault anymore... In today's world it's just numbers on a screen... The biggest threat to our economy in my opinion is the vacuum the .01% has on our wealth and any scenario where people stop borrowing or paying off their loans.

Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
Yeah I got coins... As for China, I don't think they are close to or ever will take over the worlds reserve currency, they have way to much distrust and manipulation going on in their system to take that over. It's going to remain the dollar until a "Bitcoin" type currency takes over as a one world currency... We are a long ways away from that.
Nope, I know exactly of what I, myself and everyone that is'nt in the top.01 percent have been royally scammed and in ways I doubt that you would even be able to wrap your head around. I live and breath this stuff and spend all of my free time and even some of my work day (listening to documentaries and lectures on my I-Pod) trying to become as informed as I can to pass this on to others. We have been fucked royally and sans lubrication. If people really knew the truth? They would be storming D.C with torches, pitchforks and every kind of weapon you could think of....that is why they want to disarm us. People are waking up to the scam and they are scared shitless.
I do believe there is plenty of corruption going on and agree we don't know a sliver of what's really happening. It is absolutely appropriate to fight for more transparency in our governments operations. As for the topic of Trump wanting to buy our national debit at a discount... That's just crazy on many levels
Theoretically you are right. If they had to pay that money back to the American taxpayer, how would they get it? By raising taxes from the American Taxpayer? Like my neighbor owes me 100 bucks, if I want him to pay me back I have to give him 100 bucks?
New money is constantly being created by the banks and treasury department through the act of borrowing. Money that is borrowed accrues interest, the treasury controls our own currency so it will always be able to pay any bill or bond as long as their remains a value to the "dollar". Our bond ratings are still AAA last time I checked. Then there is taxation which is a regulating act... It burns money out of the economy so that over circulation or inflation doesn't destroy the dollar. It's all just a balancing act. The details and status of our economy is very complicated and is probably the most lied about thing in Washington and our media

That piece of paper has no intrinsic value, my's just worthless paper..debt is money and money is debt and it is, for all intent and purposes nothing more than a perpetual debt machine with foreclosure and bankruptcies built right into the system with the banks holding hard assets from FRNs created out of thin air when all is said and done. It will eventually collapse in on it's self and that time is approaching quickly and the powers that be know it. It makes me sick to my stomach that people like you that scrimped and saved so that they had something to get them through retirement are going to get royally fucked. My ex has put the maximum in because her company matched her contributions and she is going to lose 50 to 80 percent in one felled swoop after busting her ass for 20 years. My hope is that the people will not accept the bullshit cure like the one that they come up with in 2008 and kick the central bankers to the curb like we should have. Buy precious metals if you can...silver is WAAAAY undervalued right now because the elites are buying up as much as they can while this fiat currency is still being accepted. I know what I am talking about. The economic system isn't as complicated as they would have you to believe......
I see the value in metals and have invested a pretty big chunk in gold as well... Haven't gotten on the silver train yet but may soon. I just don't see this big crash that you speak of on the horizon... I hear the warnings but haven't seen the evidence to back it up. Mostly just fear talk to promote a fiscal agenda. The dollar is more than a piece of paper, that's like saying gold and silver are just rocks. They both have a perceived value which is dependant on demand. Our economy isn't bills and coins in a vault anymore... In today's world it's just numbers on a screen... The biggest threat to our economy in my opinion is the vacuum the .01% has on our wealth and any scenario where people stop borrowing or paying off their loans.

Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
Yeah I got coins... As for China, I don't think they are close to or ever will take over the worlds reserve currency, they have way to much distrust and manipulation going on in their system to take that over. It's going to remain the dollar until a "Bitcoin" type currency takes over as a one world currency... We are a long ways away from that.

I am glad that you have covered your ass...but I believe the collapse is coming this year....we can have a hearty laugh at my expense if it doesn't and I will accept it with good grace...but I don't see us hanging on much longer. Please have at least two weeks worth of food and water tucked away...just makes good sense anyway.
I do believe there is plenty of corruption going on and agree we don't know a sliver of what's really happening. It is absolutely appropriate to fight for more transparency in our governments operations. As for the topic of Trump wanting to buy our national debit at a discount... That's just crazy on many levels
New money is constantly being created by the banks and treasury department through the act of borrowing. Money that is borrowed accrues interest, the treasury controls our own currency so it will always be able to pay any bill or bond as long as their remains a value to the "dollar". Our bond ratings are still AAA last time I checked. Then there is taxation which is a regulating act... It burns money out of the economy so that over circulation or inflation doesn't destroy the dollar. It's all just a balancing act. The details and status of our economy is very complicated and is probably the most lied about thing in Washington and our media

That piece of paper has no intrinsic value, my's just worthless paper..debt is money and money is debt and it is, for all intent and purposes nothing more than a perpetual debt machine with foreclosure and bankruptcies built right into the system with the banks holding hard assets from FRNs created out of thin air when all is said and done. It will eventually collapse in on it's self and that time is approaching quickly and the powers that be know it. It makes me sick to my stomach that people like you that scrimped and saved so that they had something to get them through retirement are going to get royally fucked. My ex has put the maximum in because her company matched her contributions and she is going to lose 50 to 80 percent in one felled swoop after busting her ass for 20 years. My hope is that the people will not accept the bullshit cure like the one that they come up with in 2008 and kick the central bankers to the curb like we should have. Buy precious metals if you can...silver is WAAAAY undervalued right now because the elites are buying up as much as they can while this fiat currency is still being accepted. I know what I am talking about. The economic system isn't as complicated as they would have you to believe......
I see the value in metals and have invested a pretty big chunk in gold as well... Haven't gotten on the silver train yet but may soon. I just don't see this big crash that you speak of on the horizon... I hear the warnings but haven't seen the evidence to back it up. Mostly just fear talk to promote a fiscal agenda. The dollar is more than a piece of paper, that's like saying gold and silver are just rocks. They both have a perceived value which is dependant on demand. Our economy isn't bills and coins in a vault anymore... In today's world it's just numbers on a screen... The biggest threat to our economy in my opinion is the vacuum the .01% has on our wealth and any scenario where people stop borrowing or paying off their loans.

Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
Yeah I got coins... As for China, I don't think they are close to or ever will take over the worlds reserve currency, they have way to much distrust and manipulation going on in their system to take that over. It's going to remain the dollar until a "Bitcoin" type currency takes over as a one world currency... We are a long ways away from that.

I am glad that you have covered your ass...but I believe the collapse is coming this year....we can have a hearty laugh at my expense if it doesn't and I will accept it with good grace...but I don't see us hanging on much longer. Please have at least two weeks worth of food and water tucked away...just makes good sense anyway.
Yes let's please hope you are wrong. What is your theory based on? Can you share details?
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

USA.INC is a corporation that supplies the 19 essential "gubermint" services to slack-jawed dumb fucks like you that are clueless. It was taken into receivership by the International Monetary Fund, a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve bankers in 1950 after the Fed bankers took us into receivership in March of 1933 and they stuck us with the bill. If you hired a mowing service to come do your lawn and they went "belly up" would you be responsible for their bills? The same thing applies here. I have more than proved that your beloved "gubermint" is a for profit entity that has been reaping huge profits while passing the bill of their corporate credit card off on us. They have promised other people's property as collateral on the debt owed to China while hiding their wealth in the Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico and Switzerland. You honestly don't have a fucking clue as to what has gone on, what is going on and how it will are just an ignorant sheep waiting to be sheared and you are totally unprepared for what is going to happen.

Good people known as "white knights" working within the system are trying to put a plan in place when the shit hits the fan but stupid fucks like you don't deserve it......and if it doesn't work out? It's not gonna bother me as much as I thought it would...people like you utterly disgust me and you deserve the shit that could fall on your head. Me and mine are prepared regardless........

With your vocabulary, you must be.....oh....A TRUMP SUPPORTER! RIGHT?

Nope, I opted out of the system and re-claimed my birth certificate along with my pre-14 amendment "man of the land" sovereign status that required me to fill out forms and other hoops to jump through...but I did it. I lost all the fiat currency that I paid into the system via Social Security and what my employer paid in on my behalf but I have peace of mind. Enjoy your little reindeer games and keep believing that you are free...politics is nothing but theater to keep stupid fucks like you spinning on the treadmill while turning over three to four months of your labor to this corporate entity per see? I know more than you....infinitely more.

Start drinking heavily.....soon.

You couldn't even hope to come close to me when it comes to the knowledge that I have attained through due diligence. You are basically fucked....and there is a part of me that isn't all that upset about it. God forgive me.

You should be Donnie's campaign manager. You both are egotistical, narcissistic, fascist...
USA.INC is a corporation that supplies the 19 essential "gubermint" services to slack-jawed dumb fucks like you that are clueless. It was taken into receivership by the International Monetary Fund, a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve bankers in 1950 after the Fed bankers took us into receivership in March of 1933 and they stuck us with the bill. If you hired a mowing service to come do your lawn and they went "belly up" would you be responsible for their bills? The same thing applies here. I have more than proved that your beloved "gubermint" is a for profit entity that has been reaping huge profits while passing the bill of their corporate credit card off on us. They have promised other people's property as collateral on the debt owed to China while hiding their wealth in the Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico and Switzerland. You honestly don't have a fucking clue as to what has gone on, what is going on and how it will are just an ignorant sheep waiting to be sheared and you are totally unprepared for what is going to happen.

Good people known as "white knights" working within the system are trying to put a plan in place when the shit hits the fan but stupid fucks like you don't deserve it......and if it doesn't work out? It's not gonna bother me as much as I thought it would...people like you utterly disgust me and you deserve the shit that could fall on your head. Me and mine are prepared regardless........

With your vocabulary, you must be.....oh....A TRUMP SUPPORTER! RIGHT?

Nope, I opted out of the system and re-claimed my birth certificate along with my pre-14 amendment "man of the land" sovereign status that required me to fill out forms and other hoops to jump through...but I did it. I lost all the fiat currency that I paid into the system via Social Security and what my employer paid in on my behalf but I have peace of mind. Enjoy your little reindeer games and keep believing that you are free...politics is nothing but theater to keep stupid fucks like you spinning on the treadmill while turning over three to four months of your labor to this corporate entity per see? I know more than you....infinitely more.

Start drinking heavily.....soon.

You couldn't even hope to come close to me when it comes to the knowledge that I have attained through due diligence. You are basically fucked....and there is a part of me that isn't all that upset about it. God forgive me.

You should be Donnie's campaign manager. You both are egotistical, narcissistic, fascist...

Nope, I am none of those three things but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am infinitely more informed than you.
That piece of paper has no intrinsic value, my's just worthless paper..debt is money and money is debt and it is, for all intent and purposes nothing more than a perpetual debt machine with foreclosure and bankruptcies built right into the system with the banks holding hard assets from FRNs created out of thin air when all is said and done. It will eventually collapse in on it's self and that time is approaching quickly and the powers that be know it. It makes me sick to my stomach that people like you that scrimped and saved so that they had something to get them through retirement are going to get royally fucked. My ex has put the maximum in because her company matched her contributions and she is going to lose 50 to 80 percent in one felled swoop after busting her ass for 20 years. My hope is that the people will not accept the bullshit cure like the one that they come up with in 2008 and kick the central bankers to the curb like we should have. Buy precious metals if you can...silver is WAAAAY undervalued right now because the elites are buying up as much as they can while this fiat currency is still being accepted. I know what I am talking about. The economic system isn't as complicated as they would have you to believe......
I see the value in metals and have invested a pretty big chunk in gold as well... Haven't gotten on the silver train yet but may soon. I just don't see this big crash that you speak of on the horizon... I hear the warnings but haven't seen the evidence to back it up. Mostly just fear talk to promote a fiscal agenda. The dollar is more than a piece of paper, that's like saying gold and silver are just rocks. They both have a perceived value which is dependant on demand. Our economy isn't bills and coins in a vault anymore... In today's world it's just numbers on a screen... The biggest threat to our economy in my opinion is the vacuum the .01% has on our wealth and any scenario where people stop borrowing or paying off their loans.

Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
Yeah I got coins... As for China, I don't think they are close to or ever will take over the worlds reserve currency, they have way to much distrust and manipulation going on in their system to take that over. It's going to remain the dollar until a "Bitcoin" type currency takes over as a one world currency... We are a long ways away from that.

I am glad that you have covered your ass...but I believe the collapse is coming this year....we can have a hearty laugh at my expense if it doesn't and I will accept it with good grace...but I don't see us hanging on much longer. Please have at least two weeks worth of food and water tucked away...just makes good sense anyway.
Yes let's please hope you are wrong. What is your theory based on? Can you share details?

USA.INC is buried under a mountain of debt and the fiat "dollar is considered a toxic asset now because the printing press can just keep whipping out more worthless fiat currency to pay for goods from other countries because they had to acquire dollars in order to buy oil from OPEC which was a deal made by Nixon after the dollar went off the gold standard...we have been raped, pillaged and plundered. If you knew the things that I do and had the realization that I do, you would be just as pissed and bitter as I am if not more so.
I see the value in metals and have invested a pretty big chunk in gold as well... Haven't gotten on the silver train yet but may soon. I just don't see this big crash that you speak of on the horizon... I hear the warnings but haven't seen the evidence to back it up. Mostly just fear talk to promote a fiscal agenda. The dollar is more than a piece of paper, that's like saying gold and silver are just rocks. They both have a perceived value which is dependant on demand. Our economy isn't bills and coins in a vault anymore... In today's world it's just numbers on a screen... The biggest threat to our economy in my opinion is the vacuum the .01% has on our wealth and any scenario where people stop borrowing or paying off their loans.

Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
Yeah I got coins... As for China, I don't think they are close to or ever will take over the worlds reserve currency, they have way to much distrust and manipulation going on in their system to take that over. It's going to remain the dollar until a "Bitcoin" type currency takes over as a one world currency... We are a long ways away from that.

I am glad that you have covered your ass...but I believe the collapse is coming this year....we can have a hearty laugh at my expense if it doesn't and I will accept it with good grace...but I don't see us hanging on much longer. Please have at least two weeks worth of food and water tucked away...just makes good sense anyway.
Yes let's please hope you are wrong. What is your theory based on? Can you share details?

USA.INC is buried under a mountain of debt and the fiat "dollar is considered a toxic asset now because the printing press can just keep whipping out more worthless fiat currency to pay for goods from other countries because they had to acquire dollars in order to buy oil from OPEC which was a deal made by Nixon after the dollar went off the gold standard...we have been raped, pillaged and plundered. If you knew the things that I do and had the realization that I do, you would be just as pissed and bitter as I am if not more so.
I'm always interested in learning more about economic projections. Can you post some links or resources so I can look into the details? Are there any economists out there that support your claims?
Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
Yeah I got coins... As for China, I don't think they are close to or ever will take over the worlds reserve currency, they have way to much distrust and manipulation going on in their system to take that over. It's going to remain the dollar until a "Bitcoin" type currency takes over as a one world currency... We are a long ways away from that.

I am glad that you have covered your ass...but I believe the collapse is coming this year....we can have a hearty laugh at my expense if it doesn't and I will accept it with good grace...but I don't see us hanging on much longer. Please have at least two weeks worth of food and water tucked away...just makes good sense anyway.
Yes let's please hope you are wrong. What is your theory based on? Can you share details?

USA.INC is buried under a mountain of debt and the fiat "dollar is considered a toxic asset now because the printing press can just keep whipping out more worthless fiat currency to pay for goods from other countries because they had to acquire dollars in order to buy oil from OPEC which was a deal made by Nixon after the dollar went off the gold standard...we have been raped, pillaged and plundered. If you knew the things that I do and had the realization that I do, you would be just as pissed and bitter as I am if not more so.
I'm always interested in learning more about economic projections. Can you post some links or resources so I can look into the details? Are there any economists out there that support your claims?

Peter Schiff is a good one....and Jim Willie is another...they are apolitical and they know their stuff........
Man, I hope that it is gold that you have in hand and that you are not just holding gold certificates because from what I have heard, investment companies are selling certificates for gold that they don't have on hand. Protect far as the dollar goes, the rest of the world is tired of USA.INC abusing it's privilege of being the world's reserve currency and they are going with the gold back yuan of's just a matter of time before all those fiat dollars start returning home and the inflation is going to be horrendous. There is some tough sledding ahead of us and those that are not prepared are going to be FUBAR' me on this. I say this and I warn people because I care....nothing more or less.
Yeah I got coins... As for China, I don't think they are close to or ever will take over the worlds reserve currency, they have way to much distrust and manipulation going on in their system to take that over. It's going to remain the dollar until a "Bitcoin" type currency takes over as a one world currency... We are a long ways away from that.

I am glad that you have covered your ass...but I believe the collapse is coming this year....we can have a hearty laugh at my expense if it doesn't and I will accept it with good grace...but I don't see us hanging on much longer. Please have at least two weeks worth of food and water tucked away...just makes good sense anyway.
Yes let's please hope you are wrong. What is your theory based on? Can you share details?

USA.INC is buried under a mountain of debt and the fiat "dollar is considered a toxic asset now because the printing press can just keep whipping out more worthless fiat currency to pay for goods from other countries because they had to acquire dollars in order to buy oil from OPEC which was a deal made by Nixon after the dollar went off the gold standard...we have been raped, pillaged and plundered. If you knew the things that I do and had the realization that I do, you would be just as pissed and bitter as I am if not more so.
I'm always interested in learning more about economic projections. Can you post some links or resources so I can look into the details? Are there any economists out there that support your claims?
Who owns the National Debt is an interesting question. And subject to all sorts of CONSPIRACY THEORIES. A concise and honest write up was done recently by Fact Check.Org. Here is what they had to say:
Q: Who are the holders of U.S. debt?

A: The biggest are the Social Security trust funds (16 percent), the Federal Reserve banks (12 percent), China (8 percent), Japan (7 percent) and mutual funds including money-market funds (6 percent).



I keep hearing about the debt ceiling and the U.S. borrowing more. Who are the holders of U.S. debt? Meaning who, exactly does a country of our size borrow money from? Thanks.


Our primary source is Table OFS-2 in the September issue of the Treasury Bulletin, which can be found under the heading “Ownership of Federal Securities.” For additional details, we’ve also drawn on reports of the Federal Reserve System and other U.S. Treasury documents.

As of the end of March 2013 — the most recent period for which the Bulletin provides a breakdown — total federal debt stood at $16.8 trillion. It has since grown to nearly $17.2 trillion, but the share of debt held by various lenders cannot have shifted by much.

The largest portion of the total debt — about 40 percent — was held by federal government accounts plus the Federal Reserve banks. Since 2009, the Federal Reserve banks have been sharply increasing their holdings of Treasury securities to stimulate the economy, and as of March 31, they held just under $2 trillion of the national debt, or about 12 percent. Thefederal government accounts include the two Social Security trust funds, which together hold 16 percent of the total federal debt. Other federal government accounts include the federal civil service retirement and disability fund (5 percent of total debt), the military retirement fund (3 percent), the Medicare hospital insurance fund (1 percent), and several other smaller funds.

Another 34 percent of total federal debt is owed to foreigners, including China (which owned nearly $1.3 trillion of the total debt, or about 8 percent), closely followed by Japan, which owned $1.1 trillion, or 7 percent. Previously, Japan had been the top foreign owner of U.S. debt, but China surpassed Japan in September 2008. Other major foreign lenders are various Caribbean banking centers including the Cayman Islands (2 percent altogether), various oil-exporting nations including Saudi Arabia (2 percent altogether) and Brazil (2 percent).

The remainder of the total federal debt is spread among mostly private, domestic investors, including 6 percent owned through mutual funds, such as money-market funds. Another 3 percent is owned by state and local governments. The remaining 17 percent is spread among banks and other depository institutions (2 percent), owners of U.S. savings bonds (1 percent), private pension funds (3 percent), state and local pension funds (1 percent), and insurance companies (2 percent), with the remaining 9 percent held by various “individuals, Government-sponsored enterprises, brokers and dealers, bank personal trusts and estates, corporate and non-corporate businesses, and other investors,” according to the Treasury.

— Brooks Jackson

TABLE OFS-2.—Estimated Ownership of U.S. Treasury Securities.” U.S. Treasury Bulletin. Sep 2013.

The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It.” U.S. Treasury website. Accessed 19 Nov 2013.

Federal Reserve Banks Combined Quarterly Financial Report, March 31, 2013.” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 31 May 2013.

“Note 3. Intragovernmental Debt Holdings, Monthly Schedules of Federal Debt.” U.S. Treasury, Bureau of the Public Debt. 31 March 2013.

Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities.” U.S. Treasury. Undated document accessed 19 Nov 2013.
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

any idea what you're point is?? Why not tell us??
Point was pretty clear to me. We own a majority of the national debt, it is the T bonds in our investment and retirement accounts. If Trump forced us to sell the bonds back to him at a discounted rate he is short changing Americans out of billions of not trillions of dollars. It is either a horrible horrible disasterous idea or he thinks the national debt is equivalent to a private citizens or businesses debt, in which case he is has no clue what it really is and needs an economics lesson.
Don't leave out Social Security. Billions have been borrowed from SS.
There's nothing to "borrow" from social security. It's a pay as you go system.
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

any idea what you're point is?? Why not tell us??
Point was pretty clear to me. We own a majority of the national debt, it is the T bonds in our investment and retirement accounts. If Trump forced us to sell the bonds back to him at a discounted rate he is short changing Americans out of billions of not trillions of dollars. It is either a horrible horrible disasterous idea or he thinks the national debt is equivalent to a private citizens or businesses debt, in which case he is has no clue what it really is and needs an economics lesson.
Don't leave out Social Security. Billions have been borrowed from SS.
There's nothing to "borrow" from social security. It's a pay as you go system.
Doesn't SS have a trust fund? What does SS do with its surplus funds? I thought Congress borrowed from SS over the years too, and much of the debt was to the SS trust fund.
Who owns America's debt?

WOW! So we owe the vast amount of America's debt! NOT CHINA!

So Donald's "renegotiating" the debt is very, very stupid.

any idea what you're point is?? Why not tell us??
Point was pretty clear to me. We own a majority of the national debt, it is the T bonds in our investment and retirement accounts. If Trump forced us to sell the bonds back to him at a discounted rate he is short changing Americans out of billions of not trillions of dollars. It is either a horrible horrible disasterous idea or he thinks the national debt is equivalent to a private citizens or businesses debt, in which case he is has no clue what it really is and needs an economics lesson.
Don't leave out Social Security. Billions have been borrowed from SS.
There's nothing to "borrow" from social security. It's a pay as you go system.
Doesn't SS have a trust fund? What does SS do with its surplus funds? I thought Congress borrowed from SS over the years too, and much of the debt was to the SS trust fund.
Think of the trust fund as a promise to pay money. It doesn't have any actual money. It's like me saying "In 50 years, I will take $1000 to pay for X." Now, the government is a currency issuer and can never run out of dollars, so it can't go insolvent either.
Saying congress "borrowed" is politicians blatantly lying about it.

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