Sober tone...

Watching the MSM morning news shows. The anchors are about to burst out in tears.
Why weren't they also crying when during last summer, thousands of individuals were burning and looting and rioting? When many businesspeople lost their livelihood? When those demonstrations helped to spread COVID?
The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice. They weren't trying to tear down our democracy. Trumpistas are the worst of the worst.

"The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice."

They were RIOTING, and they were trying to tear down our very foundation!!! Jesus Christ, you guys are completely fucking blind!!

The difference between your side and most of mine, is that we are disgusted with your rioters and we are disgusted with our rioters.

You fucks on the other hand only see riots when it's the right doing the damage.
Looks like the capitol riot was a false flag. I wouldn’t doubt it.

Was the Assault on the Capitol Building a False Flag?
By Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport’s
I’m not saying all the people who broke through into the Capitol today were Antifa, but their members could have led the way, stirring up anger and moving at the head of the hundreds who knocked down barriers and forced back the police.
Shortly before the break-in, C-Span was airing a senator’s rebuttal to Mitch McConnell’s speech. McConnell gave one of those smooth clichéd-filled presentations, claiming there was no evidence of fraud on a scale that would have overturned the election. His main (irrelevant) point was, the courts found no reason to rule against Biden’s victory.
The rebuttal was quite sharp, basically accusing McConnell of acting as a “ceremonial” performer. And this was only the beginning of the action today in Congressional session. Who knows what would have popped up out of the hopper, as the day wore on and the nation watched?
Vice-President Pence—castigated by Trumpers as a betrayer—actually declared he would preside over an open Joint Session of Congress and allow full speeches re vote fraud, from states in which one senator and one congressional legislator filed objections to rubber-stamping certification of the election.
But that process was sidetracked by the people breaking into the Capitol building.

Watching the MSM morning news shows. The anchors are about to burst out in tears.
Why weren't they also crying when during last summer, thousands of individuals were burning and looting and rioting? When many businesspeople lost their livelihood? When those demonstrations helped to spread COVID?
The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice. They weren't trying to tear down our democracy. Trumpistas are the worst of the worst.

"The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice."

They were RIOTING, and they were trying to tear down our very foundation!!! Jesus Christ, you guys are completely fucking blind!!

The difference between your side and most of mine, is that we are disgusted with your rioters and we are disgusted with our rioters.

You fucks on the other hand only see riots when it's the right doing the damage.
Looks like the capitol riot was a false flag. I wouldn’t doubt it.

Was the Assault on the Capitol Building a False Flag?
By Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport’s
I’m not saying all the people who broke through into the Capitol today were Antifa, but their members could have led the way, stirring up anger and moving at the head of the hundreds who knocked down barriers and forced back the police.
Shortly before the break-in, C-Span was airing a senator’s rebuttal to Mitch McConnell’s speech. McConnell gave one of those smooth clichéd-filled presentations, claiming there was no evidence of fraud on a scale that would have overturned the election. His main (irrelevant) point was, the courts found no reason to rule against Biden’s victory.
The rebuttal was quite sharp, basically accusing McConnell of acting as a “ceremonial” performer. And this was only the beginning of the action today in Congressional session. Who knows what would have popped up out of the hopper, as the day wore on and the nation watched?
Vice-President Pence—castigated by Trumpers as a betrayer—actually declared he would preside over an open Joint Session of Congress and allow full speeches re vote fraud, from states in which one senator and one congressional legislator filed objections to rubber-stamping certification of the election.
But that process was sidetracked by the people breaking into the Capitol building. see a plot..where most just see odd. You see a deliberate derailment of the process..while most see dumbasses shooting themselves in the foot.
You see Machiavellian machinations while most see clueless lemmings egged on by a loser who won't accept his loss.

It was a direct result of Trump's actions that pulled the Congress to act as one and to withdraw the majority of objections--perhaps this was Trump's really deep plan to unite the Govt.?
3-D chess indeed!
Watching the MSM morning news shows. The anchors are about to burst out in tears.
Why weren't they also crying when during last summer, thousands of individuals were burning and looting and rioting? When many businesspeople lost their livelihood? When those demonstrations helped to spread COVID?
The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice. They weren't trying to tear down our democracy. Trumpistas are the worst of the worst.

"The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice."

They were RIOTING, and they were trying to tear down our very foundation!!! Jesus Christ, you guys are completely fucking blind!!

The difference between your side and most of mine, is that we are disgusted with your rioters and we are disgusted with our rioters.

You fucks on the other hand only see riots when it's the right doing the damage.
Looks like the capitol riot was a false flag. I wouldn’t doubt it.

Was the Assault on the Capitol Building a False Flag?
By Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport’s
I’m not saying all the people who broke through into the Capitol today were Antifa, but their members could have led the way, stirring up anger and moving at the head of the hundreds who knocked down barriers and forced back the police.
Shortly before the break-in, C-Span was airing a senator’s rebuttal to Mitch McConnell’s speech. McConnell gave one of those smooth clichéd-filled presentations, claiming there was no evidence of fraud on a scale that would have overturned the election. His main (irrelevant) point was, the courts found no reason to rule against Biden’s victory.
The rebuttal was quite sharp, basically accusing McConnell of acting as a “ceremonial” performer. And this was only the beginning of the action today in Congressional session. Who knows what would have popped up out of the hopper, as the day wore on and the nation watched?
Vice-President Pence—castigated by Trumpers as a betrayer—actually declared he would preside over an open Joint Session of Congress and allow full speeches re vote fraud, from states in which one senator and one congressional legislator filed objections to rubber-stamping certification of the election.
But that process was sidetracked by the people breaking into the Capitol building. see a plot..where most just see odd. You see a deliberate derailment of the process..while most see dumbasses shooting themselves in the foot.
You see Machiavellian machinations while most see clueless lemmings egged on by a loser who won't accept his loss.

It was a direct result of Trump's actions that pulled the Congress to act as one and to withdraw the majority of objections--perhaps this was Trump's really deep plan to unite the Govt.?
3-D chess indeed!
Read the whole article I posted. The author makes a very good case. Is it true? Got me, but we know stranger things have happened.

Should Joe impose draconian measures, we’ll know.
What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?

I felt the same way I do each day after checking on the damage the left has done from the night before in the streets of Portland.

uh-huh. & how many were staging a coup, again? you know - to overthrow the gov'ment?

none? none you say?

yaaaaaa.... that's what i thought.

you're dismissed.

Watching the MSM morning news shows. The anchors are about to burst out in tears.
Why weren't they also crying when during last summer, thousands of individuals were burning and looting and rioting? When many businesspeople lost their livelihood? When those demonstrations helped to spread COVID?
The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice. They weren't trying to tear down our democracy. Trumpistas are the worst of the worst.

"The people last summer were demonstrating for social justice."

They were RIOTING, and they were trying to tear down our very foundation!!! Jesus Christ, you guys are completely fucking blind!!

The difference between your side and most of mine, is that we are disgusted with your rioters and we are disgusted with our rioters.

You fucks on the other hand only see riots when it's the right doing the damage.

SOME were rioting.

MOST were not.

& the assholes who WERE rioting, were taken care of when every fucking gov'ment law enforcement were there in vast numbers ... takin' care of biz'niz.

not in DC. not even close. show me how many of them thar little green men stopped to take selfies with those BLM marchers, then we'll talk.
What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.

What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.
Watching the MSM morning news shows. The anchors are about to burst out in tears.

They are crying because their industry is tanking and they helped kill it.

Now that the Left has total control, America is going to get Farked.
There will be TONS of new Democrat Billionaires.....but in the process.....these Billionaires will have helped China drain America of it's GDP and resources
The Bidens will become massively rich along with Pelosi and most Democrat politicians in DC.
There will be much less for the average American.
I'm betting Americas infrastructure will take a huge hit. Roads and Bridges will become like Russia's.
TONS more homeless.
Millions of bankruptcies and people losing their homes.
What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.

she's the legit VP elect & ain't nuthin' you can do about it, snowflake.

AND the tie breaker in all senate ties starting jan 20th.

ha ha

What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.

she's the legit VP elect & ain't nuthin' you can do about it, snowflake.

AND the tie breaker in all senate ties starting jan 20th.

ha ha


And yet the Ds will still do nothing for the people that’s any good, but they will enrich Wall Street and the billionaires just as the Rs have done.

Expect police state legislation very soon.
What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.

she's the legit VP elect & ain't nuthin' you can do about it, snowflake.

AND the tie breaker in all senate ties starting jan 20th.

ha ha


She cheated to get in. She is illegitimate, the votes weren't verified.
What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.

she's the legit VP elect & ain't nuthin' you can do about it, snowflake.

AND the tie breaker in all senate ties starting jan 20th.

ha ha


She cheated to get in. She is illegitimate, the votes weren't verified.


What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.

she's the legit VP elect & ain't nuthin' you can do about it, snowflake.

AND the tie breaker in all senate ties starting jan 20th.

ha ha


She cheated to get in. She is illegitimate, the votes weren't verified.


View attachment 440280

What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.

she's the legit VP elect & ain't nuthin' you can do about it, snowflake.

AND the tie breaker in all senate ties starting jan 20th.

ha ha


She cheated to get in. She is illegitimate, the votes weren't verified.


View attachment 440280

View attachment 440362

he won.

donny lost.

that's all that matters.

What do they have to be sad about ???

when you saw our nation's capital desecrated; how did that make YOU feel?
I feel worse that the democrats stole the election.

you feel worse because of all that methane you've been breathing in that bubble you live in has corroded any brain cells you had left.
Biden will forever be known as the illegitimate president, congratulations!


View attachment 438806

View attachment 438851



View attachment 439476

biden won.


oh & the (D)s have full majority.

ba-bye turtleboy.

ba-bye ms lindsey....

& every other (R) chair on every committee & sub committee there is.

neener neener &

ain't nuthin' *you* & your fellow trump humping, basket dwelling, knuckledragging, deplorable MAGATs can do 'bout it.


Actually Harris is the illegitimate president.

she's the legit VP elect & ain't nuthin' you can do about it, snowflake.

AND the tie breaker in all senate ties starting jan 20th.

ha ha


She cheated to get in. She is illegitimate, the votes weren't verified.


View attachment 440280

View attachment 440362

he won.

donny lost.

that's all that matters.

View attachment 440551

The foot of the gestapo is upon us even more as the tyranny will expand. It is already.

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