Some simple questions

Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

No, and STFU with that asinine and retarded nonsense.

It is true

A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state......

I have books. Word meanings cannot be changed in them with a stroke of a keyboard. Well regulated in that time meant "in proper working order", not managed by government as you insinuate wrongly.

Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Did they have their guns registered?

Yes they did
As members of a militia, they registered what firearms they owned
It was a necessity to know not only how your local militia was armed but what ammunition was needed

Can you offer some historical support for this? I am not a big fan of "because I said so"
We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.
Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?
Sure. Take 95% of guns from everyone. Forbid their sale anywhere in this country and that includes ammunition. Anyone without a special permit (which one doesn't get without VERY good reason, training and regular re-vetting) caught holding a gun is shot dead on sight.

You don't have a "right" to a murder machine. If you don't want to be attacked by criminals, move out of their neighborhood. What, do you live in Baltimore?

Um, no. Just no. This is what cowards do. I'll keep my right to bear arms, thanks.
A fair counterargument, though, is that most guns begin life with a legal sale from a dealer, so there may be ways to stop guns from entering the illegal market to begin with.

IS it a counterpoint?

If a gun gets stolen most people report it. So you know where it came from.

Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Please post the relevant text.
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

No, and STFU with that asinine and retarded nonsense.

It is true

A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state......

I have books. Word meanings cannot be changed in them with a stroke of a keyboard.

View attachment 271951
How do you well regulate a militia without knowing the firepower of that militia?
IS it a counterpoint?

If a gun gets stolen most people report it. So you know where it came from.

Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Please post the relevant text.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...
We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?
The answer to your simple MINDED question is that Nevada is right next door, and they don't ban the type of weapon the shooter used. And that is why he went there and got one. Legally.

So the gun law which could have ameliorated the shooting is a NATIONAL ban on such weapons.


A fair counterargument, though, is that most guns begin life with a legal sale from a dealer, so there may be ways to stop guns from entering the illegal market to begin with.

IS it a counterpoint?

If a gun gets stolen most people report it. So you know where it came from.

Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable

I think that's irrelevant.

You put a dent in gun crimes by enforcing the laws we already have and it's been proven that when those laws are enforced, they work

You guys keep ranting about how it is the criminal and not the gun that is responsible for killings

Yet, you have no concern about how that gun gets into the hands of a criminal

Where did I say that?

Anyone selling guns illegally is subject to the same federal laws as people who possess or obtain guns illegally.

We have laws on the books already and as I have said before when those laws are actually enforced , they work
IS it a counterpoint?

If a gun gets stolen most people report it. So you know where it came from.

Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Did they have their guns registered?
---------------------------------------------- gun registration in the USA . If the police are doing things legally and correctly there is NO gun registration in most states in the USA . SUPPOSEDLY all records and info on type of gun and the person that purchased are erased after a certain length of time . Course paperwork in the Gun Store still remains so there are records . And if I am wrong , please correct me eh .
Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Please post the relevant text.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...
The right of the PEOPLE.....
I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?
The OECD countries which have stricter gun laws than we do have much, much, much lower homicide rates than we do.

So there's the answer to your simple MINDED question.

Is that all that keeps you from murdering people, the fact it is against the law?
Law and God.


No such thing as evil then. Evolution is your thing.


I cannot say I have ever had the desire to murder anyone, so it was not the law or god that stopped me.
Never had a teen in the house I see.

two. one is now 24 and one 17. both drove me crazy but I never wanted to kill either of my kids.

We are finding out more and more about you.

And we already know about you.

Like all leftists, zero sense of humor.

Stop making jokes. You're fucking awful at it.
I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?
The OECD countries which have stricter gun laws than we do have much, much, much lower homicide rates than we do.

So there's the answer to your simple MINDED question.


and it is simplistic to think that one and only one variable is the deciding factor in an issue as complex as crime and murder in any society
Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Please post the relevant text.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...

The individual right is not tied to the militia, but why repeat myself?
A fair counterargument, though, is that most guns begin life with a legal sale from a dealer, so there may be ways to stop guns from entering the illegal market to begin with.

IS it a counterpoint?

If a gun gets stolen most people report it. So you know where it came from.

Once a gun is legally sold, it is free to go on its merry way without any record of its whereabouts

By the time it shows up in the hands of criminals, it is untraceable

I think that's irrelevant.

You put a dent in gun crimes by enforcing the laws we already have and it's been proven that when those laws are enforced, they work

You guys keep ranting about how it is the criminal and not the gun that is responsible for killings

Yet, you have no concern about how that gun gets into the hands of a criminal

Where did I say that?

Anyone selling guns illegally is subject to the same federal laws as people who possess or obtain guns illegally.

We have laws on the books already and as I have said before when those laws are actually enforced , they work
We don’t have laws requiring background checks on private sales
We need them
I think all guns should be registered, and if a gun is used in a crime and the last seller did not run the legal background checks and registration necessary for legal transfer, the seller would be equally responsible for the gun crime committed. That would put a damper on the illegal gun trade, I think.

The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Please post the relevant text.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...

The individual right is not tied to the militia, but why repeat myself?

I am responding to the claim that gun registration is unconstitutional

It is not
The second amendment encourages the registration of guns

Please post the relevant text.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...

The individual right is not tied to the militia, but why repeat myself?

I am responding to the claim that gun registration is unconstitutional

It is not

then you should have to register for all your rights before you exercise them.

If you don't register for your 4th amendment rights and get a permit the cops can walk into your house anytime they want
And when exactly do the "good guys with the guns" start to stop these sort of things from happening? I was told by my gun-worshiping friends that an armed population is a safe population.

We are the most armed nation on the planet.
Why are we not the safest?
------------------------------------------------------------ USA is safe enough while Freedom to own effective guns are still mostly preserved . 3 people where murdered in Gilroy while 320 million Americans went home to bed and then went to work the next day RDD .

The data says the USA is not "safe enough".

We have the most guns. Guns make people safe, right?

Why are we not the safest?
------------------------------------------- I don't take your contrived data seriously as there is all kinds of data floating around . USA is safe enough as people are dying right now in car and motorcycle accidents . And they die in car and vehicle accidents in greater numbers yearly than those killed by these GILROY type events . And generally speaking , guns do not make people safer . Guns make people PREPARED to protect themselves RDD .

So you don't believe data?

Just go with your gut?

Makes sense. Thanks for confirming your intelligence level.
And when exactly do the "good guys with the guns" start to stop these sort of things from happening? I was told by my gun-worshiping friends that an armed population is a safe population.

We are the most armed nation on the planet.
Why are we not the safest?

Good guys with guns ended this in less than 2 minutes.

Great, why is this not happening all across the country? Why are we not safer than any other country?
And when exactly do the "good guys with the guns" start to stop these sort of things from happening? I was told by my gun-worshiping friends that an armed population is a safe population.

We are the most armed nation on the planet.
Why are we not the safest?

Good guys with guns ended this in less than 2 minutes.

Great, why is this not happening all across the country? Why are we not safer than any other country?

because we have more freedom than most any other country and freedom comes at a price.

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