Something Happens....MSN Says "How Can We Hurt Trump With This"

Most of the stories in the news are designed with this in mind: "How can we use this to hurt Trump?"

Biden won't take questions (neither did Obama) ...because they know this is what journalists are doing to the president.
Ask Trump to comment on any world event out there and they can use soundbites from his answer to attack him.
The latest example was when they parsed words on his comments on Epstein's girlfriend. If you have a lousy attitude about everything someone says you can twist the meaning of anything that person says. "I wish her well....".

Your post is not entirely untrue in that I agree both CNN and MSNBC have totally taken off the gloves of even pretending to be non-partisan. But there's no way to defend Trump's comments on Epstein's accomplice groomer. It was bizarre, but not really polticial.

What's there to defend? Wishing someone well isn't endorsing them, it's kind of a throw-off thing.
It's just an odd thing to wish for someone accused of what she is.

I don't wish her well.

You didn't know her, like many influential people on BOTH sides of the aisle knew her.

Last time i used "I wish you well" was the last time I spoke to my ex-wife.
Was your ex wife accused of human trafficking and raping young girls?

As usual someone like you misses the context.
The context is that Maxwell is accused of horrendous crimes and it's awfully weird to wish someone like that "well".
So wish her unwell....or wish her death.
Or neither. Just say "she will get a fair trial like anyone else regardless of her power or privilege".

This isn't that hard guys.

So now Trump has to say exactly what you think he should say, or somehow it's HORRIBLETERRIBLETRUMPISHITLERNYARNYARNYARNYAR
He could have said a million different things other than what he did and no one would have cared.


Trump talks nonstop. Most of his comments are so vague and meaningless that no one cares. When he says weird things like this, it raises eyebrows.

No, it just gives TDS nitwits like you something else to croak about like a bunch of Yentas around a coffee table.
Most of the stories in the news are designed with this in mind: "How can we use this to hurt Trump?"

Biden won't take questions (neither did Obama) ...because they know this is what journalists are doing to the president.
Ask Trump to comment on any world event out there and they can use soundbites from his answer to attack him.
The latest example was when they parsed words on his comments on Epstein's girlfriend. If you have a lousy attitude about everything someone says you can twist the meaning of anything that person says. "I wish her well....".

Your post is not entirely untrue in that I agree both CNN and MSNBC have totally taken off the gloves of even pretending to be non-partisan. But there's no way to defend Trump's comments on Epstein's accomplice groomer. It was bizarre, but not really polticial.

What's there to defend? Wishing someone well isn't endorsing them, it's kind of a throw-off thing.
It's just an odd thing to wish for someone accused of what she is.

I don't wish her well.

You didn't know her, like many influential people on BOTH sides of the aisle knew her.

Last time i used "I wish you well" was the last time I spoke to my ex-wife.
Was your ex wife accused of human trafficking and raping young girls?

As usual someone like you misses the context.
The context is that Maxwell is accused of horrendous crimes and it's awfully weird to wish someone like that "well".
So wish her unwell....or wish her death.
Or neither. Just say "she will get a fair trial like anyone else regardless of her power or privilege".

This isn't that hard guys.

So now Trump has to say exactly what you think he should say, or somehow it's HORRIBLETERRIBLETRUMPISHITLERNYARNYARNYARNYAR
He could have said a million different things other than what he did and no one would have cared.


Trump is dangling a pardon to Maxwell, just like he did for Roger Stone. He wishes a woman who participated in the rape of children "well", while demanding that Hillary Clinton, who has never been charged with a crime, be locked up.

Trump's response to the question is not just shocking, but begs the question "What does Maxwell have on Trump?".

I seriously doubt it.

Maxwell has far more contacts with Dem types than anyone he has to worry about, including himself.
Something Happens....MSN Says "How Can We Hurt Trump With This"

Isn’t this what Rightwing media did for 8 years with Obama?
What right wing media? All 2 of the outlet's? Media is 99.99% liberal propaganda. But simpleton's like you are easily manipulated.
It was a Christian thing to say.....he didn't say she wasn't guilty, he didn't say she shouldn't be you understand that?
Ha! Now he's a Christian?

Good lord.

More Christian than any liberal Democrat.
Something Happens....MSN Says "How Can We Hurt Trump With This"

Isn’t this what Rightwing media did for 8 years with Obama?
What right wing media? All 2 of the outlet's? Media is 99.99% liberal propaganda. But simpleton's like you are easily manipulated.
9-12 Glenn beck
12-3 rush limbaugh
3-6 Sean hannity
6-9 mark LEVin

That’s a solid 12 hours every day.

FoxNews, OANN, Washington Examiner, Washington Enquirer, NewsMax, Breitbart, Sinclair local stations, BlazeTV, NYPost, Wall Street Journal...

Need more?
Something Happens....MSN Says "How Can We Hurt Trump With This"

Isn’t this what Rightwing media did for 8 years with Obama?
What right wing media? All 2 of the outlet's? Media is 99.99% liberal propaganda. But simpleton's like you are easily manipulated.
9-12 Glenn beck
12-3 rush limbaugh
3-6 Sean hannity
6-9 mark LEVin

That’s a solid 12 hours every day.

FoxNews, OANN, Washington Examiner, Washington Enquirer, NewsMax, Breitbart, Sinclair local stations, BlazeTV, NYPost, Wall Street Journal...

Need more?
New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Denver Post, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, Times Picayune, Atlanta Journal Constitution,St.Louis Post Dispatch and
every local newspaper that they own. NBC News, CBS News, ABC News, MSNBC, CNN, all of Hollywood, foreign news sources BBC, The Guardian, The Independent, Daily Mirror. Russian news in America RT Network. The list goes on endlessly. Liberal media indoctrinates and is not true journalism.
Something Happens....MSN Says "How Can We Hurt Trump With This"

Isn’t this what Rightwing media did for 8 years with Obama?
What right wing media? All 2 of the outlet's? Media is 99.99% liberal propaganda. But simpleton's like you are easily manipulated.
9-12 Glenn beck
12-3 rush limbaugh
3-6 Sean hannity
6-9 mark LEVin

That’s a solid 12 hours every day.

FoxNews, OANN, Washington Examiner, Washington Enquirer, NewsMax, Breitbart, Sinclair local stations, BlazeTV, NYPost, Wall Street Journal...

Need more?
Nope because you're about out. 82% of journalist voted for Hillary in 2016.

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