Sondland revises Quid Pro Quo testimony

We know what laws trump broke and we know the evidence against him is overwhelming,
Cites for both, please.
1) In Feb Congress approved aid for Ukraine. Trump withheld this aid for 7 months, then all of sudden released it 2 days after the story broke.

2) War hero Col Vindman, Ambassador Taylor, and now Trump loyalists Sondland have all said there was a Quid Pro Quo, WITH text message evidence between Sondland and other people involved to verify that. - with Sondland also now verifying it.
Vindman testified he believed Trump demanded quid pro quo for Ukrainian aid: report
US diplomat Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to Ukraine quid pro quo - CNNPolitics

3)Trump did not release the official transcript of the Ukraine call, his lawyer hid it on the NICE server that is reserved for top secret material. Trump staffers said it was unheard of to put a simple presidential call on the NICE server. ...unless you were trying to hide something.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Why would Trump be hiding a "perfect" call and war hero Col Vindman testified under oath that the transcript Trump released was not accurate, clearly Trump is hiding something. The are too many people that have come forward and said there was a Quid Pro Quo, and Sondland is the final nail in the coffin. Why are they hiding the official call transcript on the NICE server. The evidence is overwhelming.

Vidman was nothing but a lose cannon who disagreed with policy.


SO he's lying under oath under the penalty of prison just because he disagreed with policy. Not to mention that Ambassador Taylor and now Sondland have also said there was a Quid Pro Quo. If that's the best argument you can make, it is very very poor.
Trump doesn't know foreign policy from guacamole.
Cool story,, who did you vote for? Lol
I voted for Trump....
:21: :21:
Didn't happen.
:21: :21:
Yes, I know no matter what evidence we show you...
As you have not cited any sources and have not quoted any text from said sources, we don't have to worry about what -I- might do in face of any evidence you provide, because you haven't provided any
I'm not really too concerned with convincing you. If you are seeing and hearing everything coming out against Trump and you still think he's innocent well then I guess that is why the GOP are able to get up in front of cameras and say what Trump did doesn't add up to an impeachable offense. I'm not buying it. Independents aren't buying it. So Trump and Republicans are only playing to their base.

I'm sure there were people 5 days after Nixon was impeached who swore that what he did wasn't impeachable too. Do you know what the difference was? He didn't have Republicans who controlled the house defending him. They knew he had to go. And they weren't worried about Nixon supporters punishing them. I get why the GOP lies for Trump. They have to deal with you sad sacks of shit too. They have to answer to you deplorables.

What I'm hoping is that by catering to you, they are going to lose support from everyone else. And a lot of Trump supporters have died since they voted for Trump. Not a lot of young new Trump supporters to replace them.

By expanding the numbers of young people, people of color, L.G.B.T.Q. folks and progressive whites who vote, progressives can take back the White House. The Democratic Party should mount a campaign with a bold set of propositions that excite progressives and not those voters for whom racial fears can be easily exploited.

Next Nov. 3, seven million young people of color will have turned 18 since the last election. These newly eligible voters are primed for political participation after having consumed a steady diet of videos of racially motivated shootings and stories about the kidnapping of immigrant children. But their interest in politics is also thanks to the activism of groups like Black Lives Matter, the Sunrise Movement and United We Dream.

This is the generation taking action on the climate crisis, living in the #MeToo era, happily and comfortably queer. This group is larger than the six million Obama 2012 to Trump 2016 voters, and much larger than Donald Trump’s margin of victory in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

And there is much more compelling evidence that we can motivate these young people to vote than in the party’s ability to forecast the sentiment of white swing voters — who voted for America’s first black president and then threw their weight behind the most racially divisive president in modern history.
We know what laws trump broke and we know the evidence against him is overwhelming,
Cites for both, please.
1) In Feb Congress approved aid for Ukraine. Trump withheld this aid for 7 months, then all of sudden released it 2 days after the story broke.

2) War hero Col Vindman, Ambassador Taylor, and now Trump loyalists Sondland have all said there was a Quid Pro Quo, WITH text message evidence between Sondland and other people involved to verify that. - with Sondland also now verifying it.
Vindman testified he believed Trump demanded quid pro quo for Ukrainian aid: report
US diplomat Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to Ukraine quid pro quo - CNNPolitics

3)Trump did not release the official transcript of the Ukraine call, his lawyer hid it on the NICE server that is reserved for top secret material. Trump staffers said it was unheard of to put a simple presidential call on the NICE server. ...unless you were trying to hide something.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Why would Trump be hiding a "perfect" call and war hero Col Vindman testified under oath that the transcript Trump released was not accurate, clearly Trump is hiding something. The are too many people that have come forward and said there was a Quid Pro Quo, and Sondland is the final nail in the coffin. Why are they hiding the official call transcript on the NICE server. The evidence is overwhelming.

Vidman was nothing but a lose cannon who disagreed with policy.


SO he's lying under oath under the penalty of prison just because he disagreed with policy. Not to mention that Ambassador Taylor and now Sondland have also said there was a Quid Pro Quo. If that's the best argument you can make, it is very very poor.

We know Sondland lied under oath. FOR TRUMP. And when he realized he was going to get caught, he retracted and changed his testimony.
Cool story,, who did you vote for? Lol
I voted for Trump....
:21: :21:
Didn't happen.
:21: :21:
Yes, I know no matter what evidence we show you...
As you have not cited any sources and have not quoted any text from said sources, we don't have to worry about what -I- might do in face of any evidence you provide, because you haven't provided any
I'm not really too concerned with convincing you. If you are seeing and hearing everything coming out against Trump and you still think he's innocent well then I guess that is why the GOP are able to get up in front of cameras and say what Trump did doesn't add up to an impeachable offense. I'm not buying it. Independents aren't buying it. So Trump and Republicans are only playing to their base.

I'm sure there were people 5 days after Nixon was impeached who swore that what he did wasn't impeachable too. Do you know what the difference was? He didn't have Republicans who controlled the house defending him. They knew he had to go. And they weren't worried about Nixon supporters punishing them. I get why the GOP lies for Trump. They have to deal with you sad sacks of shit too. They have to answer to you deplorables.

What I'm hoping is that by catering to you, they are going to lose support from everyone else. And a lot of Trump supporters have died since they voted for Trump. Not a lot of young new Trump supporters to replace them.

By expanding the numbers of young people, people of color, L.G.B.T.Q. folks and progressive whites who vote, progressives can take back the White House. The Democratic Party should mount a campaign with a bold set of propositions that excite progressives and not those voters for whom racial fears can be easily exploited.

Next Nov. 3, seven million young people of color will have turned 18 since the last election. These newly eligible voters are primed for political participation after having consumed a steady diet of videos of racially motivated shootings and stories about the kidnapping of immigrant children. But their interest in politics is also thanks to the activism of groups like Black Lives Matter, the Sunrise Movement and United We Dream.

This is the generation taking action on the climate crisis, living in the #MeToo era, happily and comfortably queer. This group is larger than the six million Obama 2012 to Trump 2016 voters, and much larger than Donald Trump’s margin of victory in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

And there is much more compelling evidence that we can motivate these young people to vote than in the party’s ability to forecast the sentiment of white swing voters — who voted for America’s first black president and then threw their weight behind the most racially divisive president in modern history.
Well said. If these morons will believe Pizzagate, then they will believe anything Trump or FOxnews, or ALex Jones, or the fake Russian bots tell them.

M14 has not provided any evidence to explain any of the corroborated Quid Pro Quo evidence.
We know what laws trump broke and we know the evidence against him is overwhelming,
Cites for both, please.
1) In Feb Congress approved aid for Ukraine. Trump withheld this aid for 7 months, then all of sudden released it 2 days after the story broke.

2) War hero Col Vindman, Ambassador Taylor, and now Trump loyalists Sondland have all said there was a Quid Pro Quo, WITH text message evidence between Sondland and other people involved to verify that. - with Sondland also now verifying it.
Vindman testified he believed Trump demanded quid pro quo for Ukrainian aid: report
US diplomat Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to Ukraine quid pro quo - CNNPolitics

3)Trump did not release the official transcript of the Ukraine call, his lawyer hid it on the NICE server that is reserved for top secret material. Trump staffers said it was unheard of to put a simple presidential call on the NICE server. ...unless you were trying to hide something.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Why would Trump be hiding a "perfect" call and war hero Col Vindman testified under oath that the transcript Trump released was not accurate, clearly Trump is hiding something. The are too many people that have come forward and said there was a Quid Pro Quo, and Sondland is the final nail in the coffin. Why are they hiding the official call transcript on the NICE server. The evidence is overwhelming.

Vidman was nothing but a lose cannon who disagreed with policy.


SO he's lying under oath under the penalty of prison just because he disagreed with policy. Not to mention that Ambassador Taylor and now Sondland have also said there was a Quid Pro Quo. If that's the best argument you can make, it is very very poor.

We know Sondland lied under oath. FOR TRUMP. And when he realized he was going to get caught, he retracted and changed his testimony.

Pretty much.

I have yet to see any Trumper explain any of this with facts, links, or any valid logic.
What does this prove?
You can't figure it out, this isn't rocket science. Obviously you didn't read any of the links
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..
Trump withholding the aid corroborates the story of the 3 witnesses, AND the text messages between Sondland and other Trump aids/ambassadors/Ukrainians. Trump withheld the aid because he wanted Zelensky to announce an investigation into his political rival.
Quote. The. Text.
It proves that Trump is hiding the official transcript of the Ukraine call because it has incriminating evidence in it
Fallacy: non seq
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between putting the transcript on a "top secret" server and that transcript having incriminating evidence.
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..

Hello I put it right there can you read? You are trying to be smart and clever, but you look stupid...

Quote. The. Text.

"I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said.
You need to read the articles, everything is right there, don't respond until you do. You look even stupider now.

Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between putting the transcript on a "top secret" server and that transcript having incriminating evidence.

Col Vindman, a man with credibility, has stated that the official call was different. Trump aid said it was unheard of to put these calls on the NICE server, why would they put it on the server? The most logical conclusion is that it contains incriminating evidence that Trump wants hidden, why not just release the official transcript then and disprove this? Why put this transcript on the NICE Server, which Trump aids said was unheard of?

You need to disprove my points, with links and quotes. You have done nothing and provided nothing to disprove anything I said, your failure to do so only strengthens the evidence.

So when did Ukraine release the anti-corruption statement?

Cites for both, please.
1) In Feb Congress approved aid for Ukraine. Trump withheld this aid for 7 months, then all of sudden released it 2 days after the story broke.

2) War hero Col Vindman, Ambassador Taylor, and now Trump loyalists Sondland have all said there was a Quid Pro Quo, WITH text message evidence between Sondland and other people involved to verify that. - with Sondland also now verifying it.
Vindman testified he believed Trump demanded quid pro quo for Ukrainian aid: report
US diplomat Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to Ukraine quid pro quo - CNNPolitics

3)Trump did not release the official transcript of the Ukraine call, his lawyer hid it on the NICE server that is reserved for top secret material. Trump staffers said it was unheard of to put a simple presidential call on the NICE server. ...unless you were trying to hide something.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Why would Trump be hiding a "perfect" call and war hero Col Vindman testified under oath that the transcript Trump released was not accurate, clearly Trump is hiding something. The are too many people that have come forward and said there was a Quid Pro Quo, and Sondland is the final nail in the coffin. Why are they hiding the official call transcript on the NICE server. The evidence is overwhelming.

Vidman was nothing but a lose cannon who disagreed with policy.


SO he's lying under oath under the penalty of prison just because he disagreed with policy. Not to mention that Ambassador Taylor and now Sondland have also said there was a Quid Pro Quo. If that's the best argument you can make, it is very very poor.

We know Sondland lied under oath. FOR TRUMP. And when he realized he was going to get caught, he retracted and changed his testimony.

Pretty much.

I have yet to see any Trumper explain any of this with facts, links, or any valid logic.

Democrats and logic doesn’t mix
What does this prove?
You can't figure it out, this isn't rocket science. Obviously you didn't read any of the links
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..
Trump withholding the aid corroborates the story of the 3 witnesses, AND the text messages between Sondland and other Trump aids/ambassadors/Ukrainians. Trump withheld the aid because he wanted Zelensky to announce an investigation into his political rival.
Quote. The. Text.
It proves that Trump is hiding the official transcript of the Ukraine call because it has incriminating evidence in it
Fallacy: non seq
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between putting the transcript on a "top secret" server and that transcript having incriminating evidence.
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..

Hello I put it right there can you read? You are trying to be smart and clever, but you look stupid...
You clearly do not understand that the delay you claim, in and of itself, is not proof of anything.
"I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said.
Lets look at the whole thing:
Yes. Lets.
11-4 addendum, Paragraph 4, lines 4-8.


I did not, and do not know.... I presumed.

And then, page 105 line 17 through page 106 line 23, specifically 106 lines 5-10:



"I want nothing. No quid pro quo."
Sondland Transcript | Classified Information | Ukraine

I know you are -trying- to be smart and clever - but you can't .

Col Vindman, a man with credibility, has stated that the official call was different. Trump aid said it was unheard of to put these calls on the NICE server, why would they put it on the server? The most logical conclusion....
That's not a conclusion of any kind - that's an unsupportable supposition that you choose to make because you like it.
You need to disprove my points, with links and quotes.
NOOOooo... YOU need to prove your points with links and quotes.
Last edited:
What does this prove?
You can't figure it out, this isn't rocket science. Obviously you didn't read any of the links
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..
Trump withholding the aid corroborates the story of the 3 witnesses, AND the text messages between Sondland and other Trump aids/ambassadors/Ukrainians. Trump withheld the aid because he wanted Zelensky to announce an investigation into his political rival.
Quote. The. Text.
It proves that Trump is hiding the official transcript of the Ukraine call because it has incriminating evidence in it
Fallacy: non seq
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between putting the transcript on a "top secret" server and that transcript having incriminating evidence.
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..

Hello I put it right there can you read? You are trying to be smart and clever, but you look stupid...

Quote. The. Text.

"I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said.
You need to read the articles, everything is right there, don't respond until you do. You look even stupider now.

Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between putting the transcript on a "top secret" server and that transcript having incriminating evidence.

Col Vindman, a man with credibility, has stated that the official call was different. Trump aid said it was unheard of to put these calls on the NICE server, why would they put it on the server? The most logical conclusion is that it contains incriminating evidence that Trump wants hidden, why not just release the official transcript then and disprove this? Why put this transcript on the NICE Server, which Trump aids said was unheard of?

You need to disprove my points, with links and quotes. You have done nothing and provided nothing to disprove anything I said, your failure to do so only strengthens the evidence.

So when did Ukraine release the anti-corruption statement?

They did not, and that is why the Ukraine aid was not released... until the Whistleblower complaint was made, which is highly highly suspicious. Vindman Sondland and Taylor have all verified this.
We know what laws trump broke and we know the evidence against him is overwhelming,
Cites for both, please.
1) In Feb Congress approved aid for Ukraine. Trump withheld this aid for 7 months, then all of sudden released it 2 days after the story broke.

2) War hero Col Vindman, Ambassador Taylor, and now Trump loyalists Sondland have all said there was a Quid Pro Quo, WITH text message evidence between Sondland and other people involved to verify that. - with Sondland also now verifying it.
Vindman testified he believed Trump demanded quid pro quo for Ukrainian aid: report
US diplomat Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to Ukraine quid pro quo - CNNPolitics

3)Trump did not release the official transcript of the Ukraine call, his lawyer hid it on the NICE server that is reserved for top secret material. Trump staffers said it was unheard of to put a simple presidential call on the NICE server. ...unless you were trying to hide something.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Why would Trump be hiding a "perfect" call and war hero Col Vindman testified under oath that the transcript Trump released was not accurate, clearly Trump is hiding something. The are too many people that have come forward and said there was a Quid Pro Quo, and Sondland is the final nail in the coffin. Why are they hiding the official call transcript on the NICE server. The evidence is overwhelming.

Vidman was nothing but a lose cannon who disagreed with policy.


SO he's lying under oath under the penalty of prison just because he disagreed with policy. Not to mention that Ambassador Taylor and now Sondland have also said there was a Quid Pro Quo. If that's the best argument you can make, it is very very poor.

Where did I say he was lying? Exaggerating maybe. Plus he got way out of his lane by directly contacting Ukraine officials and probably discussed a classified call with people without a need to know. That could be a violation of the espionage act. Why else would shitt not allow him to answer who he discussed the call with?

Cool story,, who did you vote for? Lol
I voted for Trump....
:21: :21:
Didn't happen.
:21: :21:
Yes, I know no matter what evidence we show you...
As you have not cited any sources and have not quoted any text from said sources, we don't have to worry about what -I- might do in face of any evidence you provide, because you haven't provided any
I'm not really too concerned with convincing you.
Given the fact you cannot cite sources and provide quotes, you should be VERY concerned with how and why you convinced yourself.
What does this prove?
You can't figure it out, this isn't rocket science. Obviously you didn't read any of the links
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..
Trump withholding the aid corroborates the story of the 3 witnesses, AND the text messages between Sondland and other Trump aids/ambassadors/Ukrainians. Trump withheld the aid because he wanted Zelensky to announce an investigation into his political rival.
Quote. The. Text.
It proves that Trump is hiding the official transcript of the Ukraine call because it has incriminating evidence in it
Fallacy: non seq
Please demonstrate the necessary relationship between putting the transcript on a "top secret" server and that transcript having incriminating evidence.
So... you cannot tell me what is proven by the delay you claim..

Hello I put it right there can you read? You are trying to be smart and clever, but you look stupid...
You clearly do not understand that the delay you claim, in and of itself, is not proof of anything.
"I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said.
Lets look at the whole thing:
Yes. Lets.


Paragraph 4, lines 4-8.
I did not, and do not know.... I presumed.

And then, page 105 line 17 through page 106 line 23, specifically 106 lines 5-10:



Col Vindman, a man with credibility, has stated that the official call was different. Trump aid said it was unheard of to put these calls on the NICE server, why would they put it on the server? The most logical conclusion....
That's not a conclusion of any kind - that's an unsupportable supposition that you choose to make because you like it.
You need to disprove my points, with links and quotes.
NOOOooo... YOU need to prove your points with links and quotes.[/QUOTE]


Clearly you didn't see the news yesterday. Sondland said he "suddenly remembered" that the aid was held up because of the Quid Pro Quo... It is presumed that he was worried about going to prison for perjury so he told the truth. So your entire transcript is outdated and inaccurate.

I have provided numerous links with numerous quotes, you have provided nothing. You have done nothing to disprove anything I said, and you have done nothing to supply a logical explanation as to why Trump held up the aid for 7 months only to release it when the scandal broke, AND why Trump is hiding the official transcript on the NICE server. You have done nothing to disprove the testimony of the 3 witnesses, and have proved no real facts or evidence of any kind.

You believe anything Foxnews tells you so you will never accept the facts of this case. You have not provided anything that would discredit anything that I have said, meanwhile I have provided substantial links and evidence to fully corroborate and support all the incriminating evidence THAT YOU STILL CAN'T EXPLAIN....

Pretty much you suck at this and have gotten smoked. Come correct with some facts son, then we can talk...
We know Sondland lied under oath. FOR TRUMP. And when he realized he was going to get caught, he retracted and changed his testimony.
You cannot cite sources and provide quotes to this effect.
His own words, he said he suddenly remembered there was a Quid Pro Quo to avoid being charged with perjury...

You try to act like there isn;t rock solid evidence here, you have provided nothing to discredit any of this.
Democrats promise to open the hearings next week but until then the left wing posters should begin their rants with "according to selected testimony leaked to the media".
Cites for both, please.
1) In Feb Congress approved aid for Ukraine. Trump withheld this aid for 7 months, then all of sudden released it 2 days after the story broke.

2) War hero Col Vindman, Ambassador Taylor, and now Trump loyalists Sondland have all said there was a Quid Pro Quo, WITH text message evidence between Sondland and other people involved to verify that. - with Sondland also now verifying it.
Vindman testified he believed Trump demanded quid pro quo for Ukrainian aid: report
US diplomat Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to Ukraine quid pro quo - CNNPolitics

3)Trump did not release the official transcript of the Ukraine call, his lawyer hid it on the NICE server that is reserved for top secret material. Trump staffers said it was unheard of to put a simple presidential call on the NICE server. ...unless you were trying to hide something.
Vindman says White House omitted Trump's reference to Biden tapes in transcript of Zelensky call - CNNPolitics

Why would Trump be hiding a "perfect" call and war hero Col Vindman testified under oath that the transcript Trump released was not accurate, clearly Trump is hiding something. The are too many people that have come forward and said there was a Quid Pro Quo, and Sondland is the final nail in the coffin. Why are they hiding the official call transcript on the NICE server. The evidence is overwhelming.

Vidman was nothing but a lose cannon who disagreed with policy.


SO he's lying under oath under the penalty of prison just because he disagreed with policy. Not to mention that Ambassador Taylor and now Sondland have also said there was a Quid Pro Quo. If that's the best argument you can make, it is very very poor.

We know Sondland lied under oath. FOR TRUMP. And when he realized he was going to get caught, he retracted and changed his testimony.

Pretty much.

I have yet to see any Trumper explain any of this with facts, links, or any valid logic.

They can't explain any of this. In the end their going to say what he did was wrong but not impeachable.

Remember when Trump inappropriately tried to get Comey to drop an investigation on Michael Flynn?

Ryan on Trump's meetings with Comey: 'He's just new to this'
House Speaker Paul Ryan sought Thursday to explain President Donald Trump's asking then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, saying he was new at the job and did not understand protocols.

"Of course there needs to be a degree of independence between (the Justice Department), FBI and the White House, and a line of communications established," Ryan said during his news conference, which occurred at the same time as Comey was testifying across Capitol Hill before the Senate intelligence committee..
"The President's new at this. He's new to government. So, he probably wasn't steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He's just new to this."

That was over 2 years ago. Trump is not new to this anymore. I think we all know he knows what he's doing.

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