Sotomayor Falsely Claims 100,000 Children in ‘Serious Condition’ from Covid

Sotomayor owes it to the American people to be more informed and more intelligent, and act like she is. It's disgraceful for a SC justice to make so many factually wrong statements.

Our God-given and Constitutionally secured rights are apparently in her stupid, STUPID hands.

It's stunning and really scary.
Supreme Court judges should not be expected to speak facts when lying to the public.


I get all my news from Sotamayor.

"We have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators," she said.

What point was she trying to make other than fear porn?

Fuck her.
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"We have more affected people today than we had a year ago."

So, anyone who thinks Biden is addressing the Covid situation more efficiently than Trump did needs to read that comment from Justice Sotomayor, and then read it again and again and again.

Biden is systematically killing America...
The US had more than 325,000 new cases among children during the week ending December 30, according to data published this week by the AAP, marking a 64% increase in new childhood cases compared to the previous week, the AAP said.
Dang, Biden has screwed the pooch on covid.
The kenyan lawn jockey owns that dumber-than-fuck messkin.

Imagine that useful idiot ever putting country (Constitution) before party.... not gonna happen.
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I have had it with this mask BULLSHIT it does not stop this virus.
She has proven it with knowingly lying and really her job is to rule on matters of the constitution.
We can expect more of the same if Biden packs the court. Just a bunch of poorly informed leftists being influenced by the liberal media lies.
To review: A "lie" is a statement that the speaker knows to be false. They are not spreading lies. They are simply woefully ignorant of the relevant facts.

It is an unpleasant fact about the Supreme Court that many justices have been near-idiots, but fortified by their clerks, who are some of the best legal minds in the "industry."

That these three - all Leftists - are so ignorant of the most reported phenomenon of the past century tells you all you really need to know. And Sotomayor is not aware that Governors have greater discretion within their States than the President has? Has she ever even glanced at the Constitution?
The US had more than 325,000 new cases among children during the week ending December 30, according to data published this week by the AAP, marking a 64% increase in new childhood cases compared to the previous week, the AAP said.
To review: A "lie" is a statement that the speaker knows to be false. They are not spreading lies. They are simply woefully ignorant of the relevant facts.

It is an unpleasant fact about the Supreme Court that many justices have been near-idiots, but fortified by their clerks, who are some of the best legal minds in the "industry."

That these three - all Leftists - are so ignorant of the most reported phenomenon of the past century tells you all you really need to know. And Sotomayor is not aware that Governors have greater discretion within their States than the President has? Has she ever even glanced at the Constitution?

She knows she is lying. She knows we know she is lying. She doesnt care.
This is how brainwashed liberals have become when you have these 3 stooges. THE SC has no business hearing this nonsense.

^^^^Obama appointee. Brains don't matter just what you look like

I thought Kagan was smarter than that. Obama appointee....FAILURE

Bryer...Clinton.same crap

They're not stupid, which means they're lying.
Thanks for your bullshit opinion

At best you could argue it helps but there is no way after all we have seen that anyone can say that someone saying they do not stop the virus is lying.

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