Sounds Like Trump Committed Obstruction

If a bird did not have wings it would not fly.
Problem is that Trump Is President, that’s why there is an uproar, you don’t get to have the “what if” work Both ways and cover All bases.

These lawyers aren't real bright signing onto a fantasy letter that prefaces, 'If Trump was not President.....'.
In fact, they're dumber than a bump on a dog's dick.
Their unsolicited, unsubstantiated, non evidence based opinions mean zero.
Trump's nightly mantra to keep him from going crazy, er... crazier?
Nope. Facts instead of fiction and feelings.
Why should anyone here take your word over that of people who've actually done the job?
Done what job? Railroading a President? Easy to find 500 out of 50,000; pretty paltry number in reality.
There are that many living ex-federal prosecutors? Is that a fact that you can cite or is it something you pulled out of your ass, much the way Trump does on a nearly daily basis?

No the are many times that number.
Notice that they did not take a pill.
They constructed a cherry picking letter.
Like the AGW consensus crap.

If a bird did not have wings it would not fly.
Problem is that Trump Is President, that’s why there is an uproar, you don’t get to have the “what if” work Both ways and cover All bases.

These lawyers aren't real bright signing onto a fantasy letter that prefaces, 'If Trump was not President.....'.
In fact, they're dumber than a bump on a dog's dick.

Notice that it's not a poll of ALL FORMER PROSECUTORS. It's a cherry picked letter
Signed only by the ones who agree.

Childs play.

300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.

Hundreds of former persecutors are pissed at Trump for firing their useless behinds en masse when he first went to Washington to serve this country.

F 'em.
Hundreds of former persecutors are pissed at Trump for firing their useless behinds en masse when he first went to Washington to serve this country.

F 'em
Probably not.

Hundreds of former federal prosecutors say Trump committed chargeable offenses

"Among the high-profile signers are Bill Weld, a former U.S. attorney and Justice Department official in the Reagan administration who is running against Trump as a Republican; Donald Ayer, a former deputy attorney general in the George H.W. Bush Administration; John S. Martin, a former U.S. attorney and federal judge appointed to his posts by two Republican presidents; Paul Rosenzweig, who served as senior counsel to independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr; and Jeffrey Harris, who worked as the principal assistant to Rudolph W. Giuliani when he was at the Justice Department in the Reagan administration.

"It’s useful to have people step forward and tell the truth, and it’s encouraging to see some Republicans take a stand against their own president. I think this is their key point:

"'All of this conduct — trying to control and impede the investigation against the President by leveraging his authority over others — is similar to conduct we have seen charged against other public officials and people in powerful positions,' the former federal prosecutors wrote in their letter."

It's more likely not all Republicans support a psychopathic con man who found enough low information bigots to "win" the White House.
Their unsolicited, unsubstantiated, non evidence based opinions mean zero.
Their unsolicited, unsubstantiated, non evidence based opinions mean zero.
There's no shortage of evidence or professional expertise that would make those 600+ opinions meaningless to anyone who hasn't consumed the Trump kool-aid:

Over 650 former prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he weren't president

"More than 650 former federal prosecutors have signed onto a statement asserting that if the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) did not prohibit a sitting president from being indicted, President Trump would be charged with obstruction of justice.

"Why it matters: Special counsel Robert Mueller laid out extensive evidence of possible obstruction by Trump in volume 2 of his report, though he ultimately opted not to make a 'traditional prosecutorial judgment' in part because of the OLC opinion.

"Attorney General Bill Barr's decision to clear Trump of obstruction has drawn the ire of many Democrats and former prosecutors who believe he is acting as the president's personal lawyer, rather than the country's top law enforcement official.

"The statement is signed by more than 20 former U.S. attorneys and more than 100 career Justice Department officials who worked in every administration dating back to President Eisenhower."
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.

It's now over 600.
Here's a few names of the signers of the letter ridiculing the stooge, Barr, for "fully exonerating" Trump...

  • Donald Ayer, a former deputy attorney general in the George H.W. Bush administration;
  • John S. Martin, a former U.S. attorney and federal judge appointed to his posts by Republican presidents;
  • Paul Rosenzweig, who served as senior counsel to independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr;
  • Jeffrey Harris, who worked as the principal assistant to Rudolph W. Giuliani when he was at the Justice Department in the Reagan administration.
Bill Barr is FINISHED as a legitimate AG and has joined the ranks of Trump cult members.

Maybe he can still manage to eventually get a job at Fox and Friends
You failed to indicate their party affiliation, which means they are Democrats. I've already shown the Jeffrey Harris is a Democrat.
By legal standards obstruction charges can only be valid for an underlying crime.
Hahaha...hilariously stupid lie you literally just made up.

Nope.... No lie.
It's a fact.

No obstruction.


you know this how ?

because you read the report ?
He read neither the report nor the article i linked. If he had, he wouldn't be saying such stupid things....


Why I signed letter saying Trump committed a crime
By Elie Honig

Updated at 3:52 AM ET, Tue May 7, 2019


When asked during his Senate testimony last week about his determination that the evidence did not support obstruction charges on any of the acts detailed by Mueller, Attorney General William Barr noted that Trump had not been charged with a separate, underlying crime for conspiring with Russia. But as Mueller explains in the report, the law permits obstruction charges even without a separate underlying crime. (Vol. 2, Page 157).
Famous examples include Martha Stewart (who was convicted of obstruction and lying to investigators but no underlying crime), the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby (who was charged and convicted for obstruction, perjury and false statements but later pardoned by Trump), and Roger Stone(whom Mueller has charged with perjury but no separate crime underlying his allegedly false testimony).
Earlier Monday, Barr's own Department of Justice announced a series of obstruction charges against a defendant who was not charged with any separate underlying crime.
Even outside the criminal realm, President Bill Clinton was impeached on obstruction and perjury charges without any separate underlying crime."
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.

Hundreds of former persecutors are pissed at Trump for firing their useless behinds en masse when he first went to Washington to serve this country.

F 'em.
Hundreds of former persecutors are pissed at Trump for firing their useless behinds en masse when he first went to Washington to serve this country.

F 'em
Probably not.

Hundreds of former federal prosecutors say Trump committed chargeable offenses

"Among the high-profile signers are Bill Weld, a former U.S. attorney and Justice Department official in the Reagan administration who is running against Trump as a Republican; Donald Ayer, a former deputy attorney general in the George H.W. Bush Administration; John S. Martin, a former U.S. attorney and federal judge appointed to his posts by two Republican presidents; Paul Rosenzweig, who served as senior counsel to independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr; and Jeffrey Harris, who worked as the principal assistant to Rudolph W. Giuliani when he was at the Justice Department in the Reagan administration.

"It’s useful to have people step forward and tell the truth, and it’s encouraging to see some Republicans take a stand against their own president. I think this is their key point:

"'All of this conduct — trying to control and impede the investigation against the President by leveraging his authority over others — is similar to conduct we have seen charged against other public officials and people in powerful positions,' the former federal prosecutors wrote in their letter."

It's more likely not all Republicans support a psychopathic con man who found enough low information bigots to "win" the White House.
Their unsolicited, unsubstantiated, non evidence based opinions mean zero.
Their unsolicited, unsubstantiated, non evidence based opinions mean zero.
There's no shortage of evidence or professional expertise that would make those 600+ opinions meaningless to anyone who hasn't consumed the Trump kool-aid:

Over 650 former prosecutors say Trump would be charged with obstruction if he weren't president

"More than 650 former federal prosecutors have signed onto a statement asserting that if the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) did not prohibit a sitting president from being indicted, President Trump would be charged with obstruction of justice.

"Why it matters: Special counsel Robert Mueller laid out extensive evidence of possible obstruction by Trump in volume 2 of his report, though he ultimately opted not to make a 'traditional prosecutorial judgment' in part because of the OLC opinion.

"Attorney General Bill Barr's decision to clear Trump of obstruction has drawn the ire of many Democrats and former prosecutors who believe he is acting as the president's personal lawyer, rather than the country's top law enforcement official.

"The statement is signed by more than 20 former U.S. attorneys and more than 100 career Justice Department officials who worked in every administration dating back to President Eisenhower."

Drone Gov't employee anti-Trump clock punchers.
You're kidding, right?
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.

It's now over 600.

Could be over 1000. Doesn't mean shit. Just one more group of Never-Trumpers still hoping to nullify an election they failed to win by hook or crook (literally).

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