Sounds Like Trump Committed Obstruction

Could be over 1000. Doesn't mean shit. a trump cultist.

To an Obama Cultard like you, it would only take ONE former attorney to convince you Trump was Napoleon reincarnate. :lmao:
That's nice, crybaby. However, there are actual arguments that he committed obstruction in what the non-cultists call "reality", so we will discuss those here instead of the fantasies you invent to keep yourself in a constant state of toddlerish agitation.

Please don't try to lend credulity to your new twist on trying to make everyone out a baby who simply opposes your view. That is so commonly Leftard now as to be snot boring and predictable. You've long since lost any credibility here after the many times I've both pummeled your silliness not to mention your repeated running away and evasion anytime I nail you down with any direct question which you never answer. Consider it a gift that I even recognize your posts at all. It's mostly pity.
Wbat a bunch of embarrassing crybabying. Look sissy, your rants are all just pathetic little exercises in self soothing and willful ignorance, because you don't have the mental tools to address the arguments for why he committed obstruction.
Um no...there are not
Of course there are well reasoned arguments as to why he committed obstruction. But you are a freakish little cultist who is so scared of his own shadow, you won't even read them, much less do the adult intellectual work of forming any arguments against them
Um no...there are not
Of course there are well reasoned arguments as to why he committed obstruction. But you are a freakish little cultist who is so scared of his own shadow, you won't even read them, much less do the adult intellectual work of forming any arguments against them
If a group of politicians are conspiring against you with false accusations and you do all you can to stop their game, is that obstruction of Justice?
So what's your solution for a President that obstructed Justice?
For this one, protected by the senate?

Vote him out.

With the booming Trumponomics economy and record low unemployment, I don't see the Trumpster losing. Especially to any of the dim bulbs that have declared so far. People aren't going to want to lose their jobs and lose their retirements, just because they hate Donald Trump.
Um no...there are not
Of course there are well reasoned arguments as to why he committed obstruction. But you are a freakish little cultist who is so scared of his own shadow, you won't even read them, much less do the adult intellectual work of forming any arguments against them
If a group of politicians are conspiring against you with false accusations and you do all you can to stop their game, is that obstruction of Justice?

No it is not. This is why they wont take it
To a court room. They already know this

As if you read a single word..
Why would I waste my time to appease a bunch of cry baby crappers? EXONERATED
Nine out of ten dentists surveyed, recommend sugar free gum, for patients who chew gum.

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If they were at the bottom of the ocean, that would be a good start.

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So what's your solution for a President that obstructed Justice?
For this one, protected by the senate?

Vote him out.

With the booming Trumponomics economy and record low unemployment, I don't see the Trumpster losing. Especially to any of the dim bulbs that have declared so far. People aren't going to want to lose their jobs and lose their retirements, just because they hate Donald Trump.

They are going to get Mashed... They have no choice but to impeach won't gi
anywhere... It went mean anything....but there are a certain number of voters who funny funny understand wet it means. They will see it as a guilty tag.

Where’s the list of names of these Republican Former Prosecutors?

Gee.....I guess those names are not shown to Texans..... LOL

Yeah, it's hard to produce a list of BS names, but I know by now you'll believe anything...

The most telling feature of this story is the fact that it's not a poll. You know what I think? I think they took a poll and probably lost the the issue 1000 to 500....
So they took the 500 names and made a letter instead.

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Trump Fails the Betty Currie Test

Trump Fails the Betty Currie Test
Twenty years ago, I held President Clinton accountable. That’s why I joined hundreds of prosecutors to say that Trump has obstructed justice.

12:21 PM ET
Paul Rosenzweig
Senior fellow at the R Street Institute and a principal at Red Branch Consulting

But Clinton wasn't held accountable. Not for a second. Indeed he was saluted by the media, celebrated, the media even tried to circumvent the spirit of the 22nd Amendment by trying to rig the 2016 election for him with his wife as proxy.
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

Nothing fake about it.

Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy with Russia and could not conclude that Obstruction had been committed.
That's the official report and the end of the story.

That it is but the boneheaded Dems just can't accept that Mueller's report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would.

Now they are holding investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing grasping at any straw they can grab still trying to hang Trump.

What wonderful people. They are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

God bless them every one.
So far, 566 former prosecutors from both political parties have signed on to a formal letter that they believe Trump probably should be charged with felony obstruction of justice. Perhaps Mueller's report did in fact answer questions for Democrats.

You probably should have hird one of them. btw...Their opinion, on this matter, legally, has the same clout as mine.
But Clinton wasn't held accountable.
To the extent the DOJ could hold him accountable, he was. Today's DOJ is nothing but a shield for the president, in this context. Note the difference.

Apparently, you forgot a lot. He was excused because of Scottish Law, and wasn't held to account in the least. Totally exonerated in spite of DNA evidence. Pelosi et al didn't even censure him. AG Janet Reno didn't bust into Clinton's home and extract him like she did with little Elian Gonzalez. She actually didn't do shit.
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL
It sounds like....?


Obstruction of WHAT?

The legitimate, appropriate firing of traitor / classified leaker Comey, which he had the Constitutional reason to do for any reason?

For refusing to give up his Constitutional right to free speech by speaking out as a falsely accused citizen and President of the United States?

For 'obstructing' a treasonous political coup attempt?

For surviving the failed coup attempt while the real crimes and treason by Obama, his administration and the Democrats led by Trump-Hating Comey Pal Mueller was exposed?

For refusing to turn over private tax returns he is not required to do so by law to the same Democrats as having engaged in a failed pitical coup attempt for the last 3 years?

You snowflakes are f*ing insane, continuing to defend proven enemies of this nation - domestic enemies and traitors....
Trump's nightly mantra to keep him from going crazy, er... crazier?
Nope. Facts instead of fiction and feelings.
Why should anyone here take your word over that of people who've actually done the job?
Done what job? Railroading a President? Easy to find 500 out of 50,000; pretty paltry number in reality.
There are that many living ex-federal prosecutors? Is that a fact that you can cite or is it something you pulled out of your ass, much the way Trump does on a nearly daily basis?
No the are many times that number. Notice that they did not take a pill. They constructed a cherry picking letter. Like the AGW consensus crap.
Still no cite on that number, so I'm going to assume I'm right that you just pulled that number out of your ass.

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